I know I was supposed to post yesterday, but my neighbor was unavailable. As for tonight, my comp time's almost up, so I've had tonight's RAW taped - after just getting done watching last week's RAW. There's definitely more I want to comment on, but it'll have to wait a while.
You know, I'll give Cena credit; he's even starting to like the 'YOU SUCK!' chants he gets from the other half of the audience. :P
Also, my neighbor didn't get to taping ECW, but I did get to see Punk's cracking Chavo over the noggin with a mariachi guitar during the recap, though. You know, even though that whole 'wrestler in disguise ambushes other wrestler' thing has been done to death, that was still funny. :P
At 1/18/08 12:21 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote:
There's a pretty interesting article about Tommy Dreamer on WWE.com. He talks about being underutilised, and challenges them to give him one last title shot:
Good for him; it sorta' explains why we haven't heard from him in a while. However, I think it might also have to do with his wearing a Paul Heyman costume at the Halloween match; I bet Stephanie forced him out for a while.
At 1/20/08 12:40 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 1/19/08 07:12 AM, The-Redangleprince wrote:
It defies logic that a "I'm your father" segment could have been so entertaining. James Mitchell made, what promised to be dull and predictable, enjoyable. He was that good.
Jim Mitchell is awesome, one of the best talkers and storytellers in the business today. Somebody give that man a TV Show and I would so watch it. Love that crazy padre.
Agreed; you took the words right out of my mouth & beat me to it.
At 1/20/08 02:32 AM, The-Redangleprince wrote:
One more thing I wanna say about this....damn, doesn't Tomko show us each and every time hes on tv anymore that he deserves everything hes gotten and more? Who knew he'd grow so much. I'm excited and hopeful for him. He could easily be a top contender soon.
Also agreed. He's at least being pushed in the right direction by the management now.
At 1/22/08 01:14 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote:
At 1/22/08 08:20 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:
lol banana man!
What in the fuck!? That is priceless.
At 1/22/08 08:34 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote:
Apparently Tommy Dreamer has been added to the Royal Rumble because of that landslide poll on WWE.com.
Obviously he is going to win. Right?
That was Dreamer in that recap? They showed him so fast that I thought it was Roddy Piper....Dreamer apparently shaved, then.
At 1/22/08 09:04 PM, UberKuri wrote:
Lol, hear the "What?"s while Regal was talking?
Heh, the stuttering only made it worse on him.... :P
At 1/23/08 11:51 AM, pepeatumi wrote:
- According to Bobby Lashley's official website, www.BobbyLashleyOnline.com, the former ECW Champion has parted ways with WWE.
Well, he said that 'doors will open'
*sound of TNA's doors opening*
Sad part is that in a couple of years another roided-up dude with an amateur background will show up and get the same push.
Probably. Oh well. But it's not like Lashley was that bad.
At 1/24/08 06:14 AM, The-Redangleprince wrote:
Also on ECW this week we saw the debut of Kofi Kingston. Watching him, I can see he has a lot of potential, he just needs to settle down and get into his grove out there on tv. I guess making his debut gave him butterflies since most of his stuff didnt look as smooth as he probably wanted it to. I'm interested where they'll take him from here.
At least it sounds like he didn't do too bad.
I just finished watching Raw and, I wanna make notes of a couple things.
Like how friggin awesome the Jeff Hardy promo/angle at the end was. The is a person who is creatively responsible for this, and they should be damned proud of it. Hardy delivered in a big way too, as what he was saying really felt like it was coming from him and not from a script. Going out into the crowd and shaking the fans hands instead of Ortons was genius.
Ah, so that's what happened; nice way to do it, not to mention fresh rather than the usual 'shake -then-beat-senseless' thing that often happens. This was a more disrespectful (to Orton) way of doing it.
At 1/24/08 07:22 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:
Here is an article on Ron Killings: http://www.wrestlezone.com/article.php?a rticleid=203154853
Aw man, they gave him that crappy name again.
Meh, as long as they use him correctly - god forbid - then the name isn't a big deal to me.
At 1/24/08 09:07 PM, UberKuri wrote:
At 1/24/08 06:44 PM, sixonenine wrote:
After that "mini rumble" Finlay kept refferring to a deal, which Vince kept telling Finlay to be quiet about.
Whats with that??
The deal is that in return for protecting Horny, Finlay gets a surgery which makes him 7"6' so he can defeat Khali.
I mean, duuuh.
Lol, hahaha. :P Still, I'm curious about that, too.
At 1/26/08 11:44 AM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote:
At 1/26/08 10:54 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:
Add in that Finley bloodied up Khali and you have a great show.
I dunno why, but I think Finlay totally destroying Khali was my favourite ever moment involving Khali. I was marking out proper.
Heh, it was great. ^_^ I don't think I've ever seen anyone take it to the large man like that than Finlay.
At 1/26/08 10:13 PM, MegaGold wrote:
I'm going to miss the Royal Rumble this year, the sad thing is this is my passion, I LOVE the Royal Rumble. My hopes are that it's Batista and HHH at the end, and Batista just barely wins it like last time.
Lord, I haven't seen you here in quite a while. Hiya. :P
At 1/26/08 11:54 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
So here's an interesting twist, Dave Lagana has been let go, and Dusty Rhodes is now in charge of ECW? Will it improve the show? Dunno. If anything it should give us a clear answer on whether we can blame the shittiness entirely on WWE or if Lagana was playing a big role in that.
That sounds like a good thing either way; The American Dream can't do any worse than the previous.