- According to Bobby Lashley's official website, www.BobbyLashleyOnline.com, the former ECW Champion has parted ways with WWE. Lashley commented, "Circumstances, which are out of my control left me no decision but to leave the WWE. I can't go into details of this now but like I said before, sometimes people will hate you personally and try to destroy you, which has happened here. Evil has prevailed. However like I said before, if you continue your struggle, doors will open around these people. You have not seen the last of me, so please don't stop your support. Add Bobby Lashley to the list of RECENTLY RELEASED!"
- Lashley has recently teased doing MMA through his site, stating: "I am not sure what I will be doing the next few months. I said I am in fighting shape because if I am not wrestling, I will be fighting. Wrestling is my passion but sometimes things are out of your control. The time off I've had was well needed and was not in vain. I had surgery in August, which was pretty serious. I had to have 5 connectors put in my shoulder to repair my torn labrum. I was slated to be out for 6 months but I think that diagnosis was for an average person. I'm ready for action and I have been for some time now. Whatever action that may be, I will be ready."
- WWE has not officially announced a release through their website, but word made it around the locker room at last night's tapings and most feel WWE will address this by week's end.
Credit: PWInsider.com
Hmmm.. A guy with the initials BL with an amateur background in wrestling gets a huge push upon his debut and then turns his back on WWE, and thinks about doing MMA. Where have I seen this before?
Sad part is that in a couple of years another roided-up dude with an amateur background will show up and get the same push.