At 1/19/08 07:12 AM, The-Redangleprince wrote:
Not gonna happen Pw.
Agreed, like WCW, this company has really missed the boat on Regal.
First off, I gotta ask why is everything so friggin rushed in TNA? They did it with Kurt and Joe, and now they're doing it with ODB and Kong. Kong has JUST won the championship and already shes hooking up against the only other legit contender.
Because it's Vince Russo and he books everything at 30,000 MPH because that's what the Crash TV format is. Wrestling stopped at 1999 for Vince Russo it seems. The guy is a hack and needs to be gone.
Also, whats up with AJ being the aggressor in the 3-Way? Shouldn't the storylines dictate him being more of a cowardly heel, getting beat in the beginning, have an offensive flurry in the middle, and competitive at the end instead of being competitive and aggressive all through the match?
*Vince Russo voice* can I be honest with you Red? See, the fans today don't care about what you call "consistency" or "logic". They just want to see people I like have really cool matches, cause I like that AJ Styles, and that's why I'm pushing him so hard as Kurt Angle's man bitch. But see, now the internet can't say I'm burying him cause I made him seem aggressive and nasty without any real explanation!
And also, wasn't that rare Spiral Tap wasted? I mean, it was the right kind of match to use it in, but he didnt play it up or anything and neither did the announcers. The fans didnt seem to care either...what a waste...
Wow, that's amazing in a company where the announcers are constantly yelling about everything and claiming that any spot which is even remotely cool is the "biggest thing ever".
It defies logic that a "I'm your father" segment could have been so entertaining. James Mitchell made, what promised to be dull and predictable, enjoyable. He was that good.
Jim Mitchell is awesome, one of the best talkers and storytellers in the business today. Somebody give that man a TV Show and I would so watch it. Love that crazy padre.
There's no mystery though Red as to why this company faulters. The problem is simply that this is something that was, and still is, something that Jeff Jarrett runs as a playground for people who can't get into the WWE. Vince Russo is there because he's Jarretts pal, Kurt is there problems or not because he's a name. You have a company that is floundering because while you have a management structure at the very top that wants it to work, but the people running creative and what not are giving their friends jobs and spots of importance, and they just don't draw. They don't change things up either because it just seems like all sides are ok with treading water, and until Dixie Carter puts more pressure on Jarrett to begin making decisions more oriented towards growing the company, or makes more goals that are enforced top to bottom towards growing the company, I don't really see things changing.
Man, whatever. I taped Global iMPACT! Kurt Angle vs Yuij Nagata better be worth it.
I really enjoyed the match, I had heard good things, so I checked it out and found it to be very entertaining, the whole production was nicely done.