Alright, that's IT! I have been drinking (always a popular sign with some here, some being Outlaw, which is good, cause if your gonna get drunk, post in a club, your best person to have endorse that is the leader man), and I've been getting tired of this issue so I'm gonna comment:
Get the hell off John Cena's ass!!
Am I a John Cena fan? No, I wouldn't say I am, the man ain't my cup of tea. Not as a character, not as a wrestler, but I RESPECT him. You know why? Because he tries his ass off out there, even when he knows a crowd will hate him he still tries to give the best performance he can. Considering you have former world champions out there now who go into a building they know will hate them, and then go in the back and bitch how they never want to work in front of that audience again, and John Cena will go to the same building, work, get booed, and just go "whatever man" you have to respect that. Not to mention, hey! Cena has had some pretty freakin good matches this year. A lot of the stuff people bitch about with Cena isn't even really Cena's fault. Long title reign? Not Cena, that's creative kids. I've never heard word one about John Cena going in the back and saying "That belt needs to be on me for 18239042903 months cause I'm awesome!", the company decided he was the guy to do that with. Honestly? It kind of worked out because No Mercy saw a bit of a buyrate spike when folks knew there'd be a new champ (oh, and I'm easily willing to concede Jericho's possible appearance may have helped huge there too). Long title reigns are a staple of wrestling and that idea of short term champs is very very new, and pioneered by the Attitude era.
In the end, my point is there's things to not like about John Cena, it's true of anybody. But I don't think he deserves the outright hate and scorn heap upon him still by many here and elsewhere. Cut the guy a bit of a break in 08 kids. He earned it.
On that note, any hopes or things you want to see in 08?