Paying close attention to the Save_Us promo last night, it appears that Jericho's going to show up on RAW next Monday. I could be wrong, but the words 'NEXT MONDAY' did appear. :P
The Lumberjack Match ended how it should've ended - with a mass brawl. ^_^ And Jeff Hardy has established in his own way that he's hating how MVP handles being his bro's tag partner. A good way to end the show.
Mickie James definitely had my attention last night. ^_^ And if she didn't have yours, well then, you fail at being straight.
just kidding
Poor Maria gets to wrestle for once, and she gets pwned by Beth Phoenix.....only to have her boyfriend show up - and not give a rat's ass about her. Luckily, Lawler pwned him TWICE. ^_^ Like JBL said about himself, he may be retired, but he's not dead. :P A highlight of the night. Too bad that the little SS flashback with the midgets & clowns may've soured the moment for him, lol.
The Batista/Taker tag match went well, with both of them sending messages to each other using Cade & Murdoch as sacrifical lambs. Lucky for them, it wasn't a title match....
The other tag match went well, too, with double-619s & Swantons aplenty.
All in all, the night went well. I could've done w/o the pointless Snitsky promo, though.
At 11/12/07 06:00 PM, The-Redangleprince wrote:
At 11/12/07 12:38 PM, Assi9 wrote:
A.k.a. Vito. Once again, he'll DEFINITELY have something to say about THAT on Thursday. If he doesn't, I'll be shocked.
Bzzzt. Vito and Johnny Stamboli are two completely different persons.
Wait, then when the hell did Vito come in with Nunzio? Or did the FBI disband already by then? Sometimes I get lost on Creative's storylines......
Last night was another solid TNA PPV showing. Watching it, I think they could have done better in some spots/matches, but overall it was an enjoyable show. Of course, for me, the highlights of the night were Dutt vs Lethal and the angle that followed their match, and the Storm/Young segments. Every other match was par for the course, and I gotta say it was great to see Kaz get the big win, even though I knew it'd lead to a squashing on iMPACT! rather than a PPV bout as it should be. The threads are slowly begining to come loose for Christians Coalition it seems, but I'm intrerested in seeing how far they take that.
Glad to hear that Christian got pwned on his own turf. ^_^
Booker seemed really excited to be there, and he fed off the crowd really well. Though I didn't get the booking which led him to be knocked out for the last 3 minutes or so of the match. That seemed really stupid to me.
Oh, I'm sure he was excited to be there; he didn't have to do any 'King' crap anymore & he could just be HIMSELF - just how it should be.
At 11/12/07 11:16 PM, The-Redangleprince wrote:
Hmph, you should at least cut Snitsky.
I could care less either way, unless they actually decide to give him a push.
Personally, I'd let the Womens Division go and keep the girls around only as valets. WWE doesn't DO womens wrestling, they do women flopping around in the ring. Do that and let the talented ones go to TNA.
TNA's doing a pretty good job at giving the Divas a run for their money now that they have a women's division of their own, even if they take a somewhat different approach (focusing more on actual talent than looks, although there are quite a few lookers there, too).
At 11/13/07 04:01 AM, The-Redangleprince wrote:
At 11/13/07 01:20 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
That's why Kennedy should not come to RAW, now he is getting buried alive on the bottom of the main event food chain.
Kennedy had the chance to be a big player, but he blew it. Kennedy has to pay his dues again if he wants to work his way back up.
Wait, how'd he screw up? I apparently forgot.
At 11/13/07 07:35 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:
I've been hearing rumors that Carlito has asked for his release from his contract. This might explain why he wasn't on Raw this week. I hope it isn't true, but if it is I can't blame the guy. He has been in a lull for the longest time.
He's been jobbing for how long now? I can't blame him, either.
At 11/13/07 12:06 PM, pepeatumi wrote:
Not only that, but there were a couple of shows here over the weekend, they were SD shows but since it was in Puerto Rico, Carlito was added to the card... He jobbed in every match he was in. Not only that, but most of his merchadise has been put on a clearance sale.
Wow, he's getting screwed over far worse than I thought. >_< DEFINITELY NOT COOL.
With that, he should definitely spit apples on his contract, then in Vince's face, and walk the fuck out.