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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-07 21:34:44

At 11/7/07 02:15 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote:
At 11/7/07 01:27 PM, PantyWipe wrote: Apologies for the double post, just wanted to show you guys The save us T-Shirt they're selling on WWE.com

The number 19 also festures prominently in the last two Save_Us videos. It seems to me that Jericho will return on the Raw after Survivor Series.

Do you really think thats who it's going to be??

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-07 22:11:35

At 11/7/07 02:18 PM, ElementalSoldier wrote: I got tickets to Wrestle mania is any one else going.

I am not going, but I may order the PPV. After all, Cena will not be around.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-08 00:35:51

At 11/7/07 09:34 PM, sixonenine wrote: Do you really think thats who it's going to be??

Yes, because even Jericho is saying it's him now, because the internet found out and that's what's been holding it up thus far. I had heard it was 75% sure he would debut on the 19th, now I'd have to say that number has jumped significantly.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-08 12:44:17

In news that will send SHOCKWAVES throughout the entire Pro Wrestling business...

WWE has come to terms on the release of SmackDown Superstar Chris Masters.


My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-08 15:45:48

At 11/8/07 12:44 PM, pepeatumi wrote: In news that will send SHOCKWAVES throughout the entire Pro Wrestling business...

WWE has come to terms on the release of SmackDown Superstar Chris Masters.

Well, Chris masters getting the ax seemed more imminent than the return of Jericho, so I cant say that this surprises me at all. I dont think the guy deserved to be fired, as steroids and wrestling go hand in hand.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-08 16:46:25

At 11/8/07 03:45 PM, PantyWipe wrote: Well, Chris masters getting the ax seemed more imminent than the return of Jericho, so I cant say that this surprises me at all. I dont think the guy deserved to be fired, as steroids and wrestling go hand in hand.

Knew it, saw that. Masters is a pathetic juice boy who cannot wrestle. For once, I am happy for someone's mishap.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-08 16:48:25

At 11/8/07 03:45 PM, PantyWipe wrote:
WWE has come to terms on the release of SmackDown Superstar Chris Masters.

Wasn't he in the main event level when Kurt was feuding with Cena back in early 2006? lol!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-08 16:55:02

At 11/8/07 04:46 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
At 11/8/07 03:45 PM, PantyWipe wrote: Well, Chris masters getting the ax seemed more imminent than the return of Jericho, so I cant say that this surprises me at all. I dont think the guy deserved to be fired, as steroids and wrestling go hand in hand.
Knew it, saw that. Masters is a pathetic juice boy who cannot wrestle. For once, I am happy for someone's mishap.

I just cant believe that they are actually firing the juicers now, which have always been the backbone of pro wrestling. To me firing someone for steroids in pro wrestling is like firing someone for marijuana in the hip hop industry. EVERYONE'S DOING IT! I mean hell, lets face facts here. I can almost GUARANTEE you that Triple H doesnt have to submit to testing, and if he does, Im sure they found a way out of it for him (He prolly hands the docs a cup with Stephs pee in it lol) but seriously, they will find a way out of it for their top guys. I love Triple H to death, but if you told me he wasnt on the roids, Id die of a shock induced heart attack.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-08 18:28:05

At 11/8/07 04:48 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Wasn't he in the main event level when Kurt was feuding with Cena back in early 2006? lol!

Yup. He was actually one of the last guys pinned in the Elimination Chamber at New Year's Revolution 06. Thing is, Masters hadn't improved all that much, if any since then. Add that and his multiple suspensions and there was no reason to keep him around.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-08 20:19:06

Some guys can't make it in this business, Chris Masters was one. I hope he has a good life far far away from it. It's as simple as that, some people have no aptitude to do something as a career path, and therefore shouldn't be doing that. Chris Masters in pro wrestling is an example of that.

So I'll be very sad when TNA picks him up.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-08 20:34:34

At 11/3/07 12:21 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 11/2/07 10:03 PM, CW555 wrote: i mean look at this guy, hes a giant. and he has gotta be the best wrestler there is.
Are you from India by any chance? Perhaps related to the guy? Because that's the only way I could see anyone being able to say what you said and mean it. That guy is garbage.

dude ur an asshole

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-08 20:57:46

So Masters got fired huh? No surprise there. Should have happened a lot sooner really.

Chavo has been gone for a while.. When is he coming back?

Who do you think will get fired next?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-09 02:58:38

At 11/8/07 06:28 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Yup. He was actually one of the last guys pinned in the Elimination Chamber at New Year's Revolution 06. Thing is, Masters hadn't improved all that much, if any since then. Add that and his multiple suspensions and there was no reasoYean to keep him around.

Yea, he was the second last guy to be eliminated, and it took a low blow by Carlito to seal the deal. It has been a downfall for Masters since. Sure everyone in pro wrestling uses drugs, but it is Master's own fault that he would be CAUGHT every single time.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-09 05:05:50



rolling on the floor laughing my ass off in hysteria.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-09 08:20:24

Yeah, what are the chances of HHH putting Kennedy over?

I do think the stipulation for the WWE title is interesting. HBK can't super kick, and Orton can't get DQ'ed and keep his title.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-09 08:36:09

At 11/8/07 08:19 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
So I'll be very sad when TNA picks him up.

don't some/all of the "wash-ups" go to TNA??

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-09 19:10:42

At 11/9/07 08:20 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Yeah, what are the chances of HHH putting Kennedy over?

I do think the stipulation for the WWE title is interesting. HBK can't super kick, and Orton can't get DQ'ed and keep his title.

Kennedy has a snowball in hell's chance to go over HHH. As for HBK vs Orton, I see Orton retaining via DQ. (HBK will use SCM in other words.)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-09 19:16:15

At 11/9/07 04:58 PM, The-Redangleprince wrote:
At 11/9/07 08:36 AM, sixonenine wrote: don't some/all of the "wash-ups" go to TNA??
I don't think you can call guys like Kurt Angle, Booker T, Christian Cage, and Team 3D washed up. In fact, the only former "WWE guys" left on the TNA roster that truly ARE washed up would be VKM.

I pretty much said it aloud and then read it right afterwards when I got to yer post. I know Booker T might be a bit older than some of the talent, but I sincerely doubt you could consider the man "washed up". It wouldnt shock me to see him win the strap as soon as he got to TNA, he's one of those guys with enough credibility to win it off the bat. As far as Kurt goes, calling him washed up is like calling a BMW a jalopy, need I say more? The only thing I disagree on would be saying that VKM is washed up. I think they need a total "Make-over" for their sorry angle, but I think that's booking fault and not theirs. I mean, if they ever came back to the WWF and rejoined DX, they wouldnt be called washed up then. They may not be top card material, but they are DEFINITELY a draw, especially to nostalgic DX fans and for young kids. Its all a matter of misuse of talent on TNA bookings behalf, ya know?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-09 19:19:46

At 11/9/07 04:58 PM, The-Redangleprince wrote: Guys like Rikishi and Test didn't last very long over there, and I have a feeling that if they picked up Masters, neither would he.

Plus TNA has to ask themselves "what is the upside to us?" Angle had upside, but also has a lot of personal problems that may ultimately sink him. Booker T would be a good pick up, Sting and Christian were (it's booking that's blunted their impact to the product and the ratings). A guy like Masters dosen't give you anything so hopefully TNA will let him go and use that as a way to rehab this image they've cultivated of grabbing every performer WWE casts off.

Also disagree with your points on Taker over Batista being so bad Red. Batista is not young, as was pointed out, plus, I don't think him getting beat by Taker will kill him in the fans's eyes either. I think this match may inform where WWE is headed going forward though, personally? I think Taker/Edge at Mania is the match you build to, but I could easily see them rushing it here, perhaps the idea being Edge costs Taker, they feud for into the Rumble, one wins the title, the other wins the Rumble, boom! Mania match up for the belt. Or Taker could win, and Edge could be placed in the position of trying to do everything in his power to get the match, but Vicki won't give it to him for some reason. There's a lot of options WWE has here, and it may just be that it WOULD be better to leave the belt on Batista a little longer just to hold off on Edge Taker so you can get that at Mania.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-09 19:22:29

PW, VKM is washed up, they do not draw now, they would not draw in WWE. Those guys were never all that talented and they DID ride DX's coat tales, especially Kip, Jesse James has some inborn talent, not a lot, but he's decent, Kip was just along for the ride. Their schtick is old and one note, and HHH and Michaels are way better jackass faces.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-09 19:42:16

At 11/9/07 07:10 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Kennedy has a snowball in hell's chance to go over HHH. As for HBK vs Orton, I see Orton retaining via DQ. (HBK will use SCM in other words.)

Nah! Come on! 10 years ago (10 years ago today, actually) was the infamous Screwjob with at wait for it... SURVIVOR SERIES with Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. I just have a feeling that whoever wins will win with the Sharpshooter.

I hate that its probably going to happen, I don't want it to happen, but its Vince which means... Its probably going to happen.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-10 10:00:21

Was it really necessary for them to label the Taker/Khali match no hold barred when they never even left the ring or did anything to get DQ'ed? I can understand that WWE wouldn't want these guys beating the living hell out of each other before the Survivor Series, but when a match is no holds barred, I at least expect a chair to be used or something, hell Taker could have low blowed Khali to break that vice grip but he didn't.

Anyone else find it strange that Noble got the final move in on Punk?

Also.. The Major bros, sure didn't put up much of a fight against Hardy and MVP. They got a little hype winning early in the show, and that was about it.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-10 14:51:17

At 11/9/07 07:22 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: PW, VKM is washed up, they do not draw now, they would not draw in WWE. Those guys were never all that talented and they DID ride DX's coat tales, especially Kip, Jesse James has some inborn talent, not a lot, but he's decent, Kip was just along for the ride. Their schtick is old and one note, and HHH and Michaels are way better jackass faces.

I see yer point, although I slightly disagree. I agree with you on them not having much wrestling talent, but I disagree about them not being a draw. I mean, young kids LOVE their antics. I think if they rejoined DX is would be their ONLY way to stay at their peak, as comic relief for the kiddies.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-10 16:17:52

How bout that hornsoggle Vs. Khali match??

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-10 16:29:26

At 11/10/07 04:23 PM, KJDunwoody wrote: Hall's appearance on Impact on Thursday garnered TNA the highest viewership they've had since expanding the show to two hours.

Does anyone see the point in bringing him back?

Yea, I do:

At 11/10/07 04:23 PM, KJDunwoody wrote:

Hall's appearance on Impact on Thursday garnered TNA the highest viewership they've had since expanding the show to two hours.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-10 17:10:48

At 11/10/07 04:40 PM, KJDunwoody wrote: But he didn't even wrestle.
I think the question on everyone's mind was if he was Sting's Partner.. which he wasn't and I was right all along it was Booker. :)
TNA are getting gradually popular anyway so give it time and their audience will increase especially if they get wrestlers like Booker on board.

I hope so. WWF needs competiotion, so they will get better than the dismal shows they have been producing lately.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-10 21:46:27

At 11/10/07 05:37 AM, The-Redangleprince wrote: As a side note, a Taker/Edge program is going to be awesome.

Seeing Edge on the poster of Survival Series, I have a feeling that he is going to find a way to get inside the cage and cause some screwy finish.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-10 21:49:00

At 11/10/07 10:00 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Anyone else find it strange that Noble got the final move in on Punk?

Yea, Noble was booked very strong in the last 2 weeks. Despite losing to Rey last week, he put on one hell of a match. Maybe he will eventually pushed to win the CW title.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-10 22:00:32

Ok, 10 points to whoever it was that said it wouldn't be Scott Hall pairing up with Sting. Now kindly shut the fuck up. :P He just wanted to visit an old friend, while unknowingly screwing with Angle's head. So this brings us back to square one, which means that we could very well see Booker in action there soon. I mean, he fits the criteria; after all, he's had several WWE titles, and we've had painfully drilled into our skulls that he's the "FIVE-TIME, FIVE-TIME, FIVE-TIME, FIVE-TIME, FIVE-TIME" WCW champ.

Is anyone going to get the TNA First Year DVD? I would, if I still had a DVD player.

At 11/8/07 04:55 PM, PantyWipe wrote:
At 11/8/07 04:46 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
At 11/8/07 03:45 PM, PantyWipe wrote: Well, Chris masters getting the ax seemed more imminent than the return of Jericho, so I cant say that this surprises me at all. I dont think the guy deserved to be fired, as steroids and wrestling go hand in hand.
Knew it, saw that. Masters is a pathetic juice boy who cannot wrestle. For once, I am happy for someone's mishap.
I just cant believe that they are actually firing the juicers now, which have always been the backbone of pro wrestling. To me firing someone for steroids in pro wrestling is like firing someone for marijuana in the hip hop industry. EVERYONE'S DOING IT! I mean hell, lets face facts here. I can almost GUARANTEE you that Triple H doesnt have to submit to testing, and if he does, Im sure they found a way out of it for him (He prolly hands the docs a cup with Stephs pee in it lol) but seriously, they will find a way out of it for their top guys.

True, but I'd be glad to see steroids gone from the sport. OR NEED I REM IND YOU ABOUT BENOIT!? Please, I care not to. >_<
I love Triple H to death, but if you told me he wasnt on the roids, Id die of a shock induced heart attack.
Same with me, just replace HHH with Scott Steiner. There's NO FUCKING WAY that that's genetics at work.

At 11/9/07 06:34 AM, The-Redangleprince wrote: So Kennedy has challenged Trips to a Lumberjack Match on Raw, the idea being to hype their PPV match. Personally, I'm afraid of whats going to happen there but Im willing to bet on Kennedy over Trips in some screwy finish.

Then again, probably not.

Last week? Where was I?At 11/9/07 08:20 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:

I do think the stipulation for the WWE title is interesting. HBK can't super kick, and Orton can't get DQ'ed and keep his title.

Even more interesting, it seemed as if it was Orton's idea for the stipulation on HIMSELF. It's almost if Vince is making a sad attempt to make fans respect him.....yeah, that'll work.

At 11/10/07 10:00 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Was it really necessary for them to label the Taker/Khali match no hold barred when they never even left the ring or did anything to get DQ'ed? I can understand that WWE wouldn't want these guys beating the living hell out of each other before the Survivor Series, but when a match is no holds barred, I at least expect a chair to be used or something, hell Taker could have low blowed Khali to break that vice grip but he didn't.

I'm still getting over him breaking the Visegrip AT ALL. But if it had to be someone, it'd be Taker - only because Lashley isn't back yet. :P Although they should've let Mark Henry take a stab at breaking it, IMO.

Anyone else find it strange that Noble got the final move in on Punk?

Yes, that was something in his favor for once.

Also.. The Major bros, sure didn't put up much of a fight against Hardy and MVP. They got a little hype winning early in the show, and that was about it.

That was major suck. >:( You spent the rest of the show hoping that they'd be built up & get the titles, but instead they were quickly pwned.

At 11/10/07 04:17 PM, sixonenine wrote: How bout that hornsoggle Vs. Khali match??

I care not to think about it. Poor little bastard. :(

At 11/10/07 04:23 PM, KJDunwoody wrote: source: Pro Wrestling Torch

TNA is negotiating with Scott Hall to do more dates for the company. However, he is wrestling regularly in Puerto Rico and that is his first obligation. They'll have to schedule his TNA appearances around his dates in Puerto Rico.

They're taping three weeks of Impact next week over the course of two days (Monday & Tuesday). Hall is scheduled to be at the TV tapings this Monday and Tuesday, so we could be seeing him on Impact for the next three weeks.

Hall's appearance on Impact on Thursday garnered TNA the highest viewership they've had since expanding the show to two hours.

Does anyone see the point in bringing him back?

I haven't even heard of him until my neighbor informed me, but I think the booming ovation from the fans last Thursday was self-explanatory. And if he IS indeed still wrestling, then by all means he should be.

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-11-10 23:23:51

Do you think that in some unexpected way Hornswoggle will win his match with Khali??

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