I hate to say this because I can't stand the guy but... Orton needs to beat Cena tonight and he needs to win with the RKO.
Apparently, Orton and Cena are going to have a match for the WWE title., despite the fact that in recent weeks Cena has been worrying more about Carlito. Orton has little to no heat going into this match and there's no reason for people to believe he can beat Cena. So I say, give Randy a clean win over Cena tonight. No Umanga turn, no Backracker by Carlito, just Randy hitting the RKO on Cena and getting a win.
What a concept! Try to put the challenger and his over as legitimate, so that people will care about Summerslam because it looks like Orton actually has a chance at winning the title.
I just gave what the finish to tonight's ME should be Vince.... I'll be expecting a check >_>
Now.... TNA/WCW-lite!
I'm done with those guys. I know there's some talented people, but how many times must Samoa Joe be treated like Kurt Angle's bitch? We're supposed to take Joe seriously when he's been. Busted open by Kurt, put in the ANklelock in numerous occasions by Angle, put through a table by Kurt, and now he Angle's wife played him for a fool.
Thank you TNA, for taking Samoa Joe a guy who was arguably your biggest star and strpping him away of all credibility by having him be Angle's bitch, because Angle has to look like a GOD among the rest of the boys on the TNA roster.