I know of ROH but those others you listed I'm not familiar with.
Orton being put in the title picture doesn't bother me much. At least he can put on some good matches. If he can keep his act together things may be looking up for him.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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At 7/30/07 06:28 AM, McStarry wrote: Anyone here like ROH, PWG, and IWA-MS.
I'm a big ROH fan. I'm seen some PWG but since it runs its shows mainly on the West Coast, I don't get to see that much. I do know that Danielson beat El Generico to win the PWG title over the weekend.
As for IWA-MS... Chuck Taylor, that is all.
You gotta pay for the good stuff.
an interesting thought...
From Wrestlezone.com:
The idea to put the cruiserweight title on Hornswoggle has been talked about since the Judgment Day PPV. At one time, Hornswoggle winning the title would have signified the end of the title (with the idea of the title being brought back with a new name next year).
I have returned.
RAW was alright tonight. The divas match was terrible but other than that it was okay. I mean JR kept referring to Jillian as Beth Phoenix and they performed the moves terribly. The Santino and Umaga thing was really pointless but it did make me lawl. The King match ended the way it should've ended so that neither was dethroned and so that this rivalry could maybe continue into Triple H's return where Booker and HHH can face eachother. Main Event was a nice twist since Cena was actually pinned and it helps boost the WWE championship match heading towards summerslam. If there was one thing that was stupid as hell on RAW it was Cryme Tyme's return where they easily won against a couple of jobbers and then they wasted 10 minutes trying to auction off worthless shoes.
BTW, did anyone else lawl when JBL said "what a handsome man Khali is!" on Smackdown?
RAW tonight wasn't the best..it normall isn't cuz Cena.(BTW i don't like cena, i use to but now i don't, he can play in traffic for all i care) I was very pleased with the whole cena getting pinned as well it was good, but i suppose Triple H is gunna come back at summerslam and ahve a fued w/ king booker cuz he was suppose to fued w/ orton when he came back but orton's gunna fight cena so yeah. also the divas match was lame...moves were not executed as nice as they could have been. I feel bad 4 lashley, mainly cuz i got colorado love 4 him but still and also cuz kennedy is a retard but is ok. Cryme Tyme stuff was kinda funny cuz they took the boots but it was gay how long they took when they auctioned them. London&Kendrick could have won an amazing match in that time but whatever, and their opponents were losers it was a crappy match. I was REALLY hoping for a London&Kendrick match, they deserve 1 they are amazing, have u ever seen any of their ROH or TWA matches...perfection at its best...its just sad that they are limited in WWE....WWE should really drop the ' SSP's and 450's ban' cuz how can that be more severe then someone being powerbombed through 2 tables or slammed through a steel cage...i just can't see why...and Paul London is perfect at executing them...absolutly perfect...and just cuz he did a SSP plancha vince said if he did it again he wud be fired ont he spot...its not ever tecnically a SSP jeeze..but yeah i am a HUGE wrestling fan and HUGE London & Kendick fan. I love wrestling and i know alot so yeah i love being able to talk about it with people who actually understand it
At 7/30/07 12:41 PM, pepeatumi wrote:At 7/30/07 06:28 AM, McStarry wrote: Anyone here like ROH, PWG, and IWA-MS.I'm a big ROH fan. I'm seen some PWG but since it runs its shows mainly on the West Coast, I don't get to see that much. I do know that Danielson beat El Generico to win the PWG title over the weekend.
As for IWA-MS... Chuck Taylor, that is all.
Agreed Chuck Taylor is awesome, I forgot to mention Chikara my other favorite. you should check out more PWG shows, BOLA 06 off the top my head, they provide a excellent Tournament that features CIMA, Dragon Kid, Horiguchi nuff said. I am a huge ROH fan as well, I defend It from TNA marks many a times an think It's is the best promotion alive today, and Danielson is THE BEST WRESTLER IN THE WORLD!!!
At 7/30/07 02:09 PM, 1st wrote: You gotta pay for the good stuff.
Agreed SmarkMarkVideo is awesome, all my IWA-MS and Chikara needs, I don't like CZW though.
At 7/22/07 12:52 PM, pepeatumi wrote:
And in some Indy news which gave me a chuckle... Chuck Taylor won the IWA-Mid South WOMEN'S TITLE. But there is one condition. Chuck has 30 days to prove that he is a woman or else he can't keep the women's title.
Your New IWA-MS Womans Champ...Chuck Taylor
At 7/31/07 07:32 AM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: Well, I am pretty damn happy about the events on RAW last night. Not only did Mr. Kennedy beat Lashley cleanly and injure him, but Carlito actually pinned Cena. It's about time Cena got pinned, let alone Carlito being the one to do it. It makes the whole WWE Championship scene multi-dimensional again, what with Kennedy, Carlito and Orton all now with a relatively valid claim to contendership.
I agree. It was great to see those two guys finally puck up a win that means something. I just hope that Kennedy doesn't have to be the guy who jobs to HHH when he gets back. That role looks to be going to Booker.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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At 7/31/07 04:47 AM, McStarry wrote:At 7/30/07 02:09 PM, 1st wrote: You gotta pay for the good stuff.Agreed SmarkMarkVideo is awesome, all my IWA-MS and Chikara needs, I don't like CZW though.
Their recent string of shows has been really good. Your boy Chucky T. wrestles for them now.
It is being reporting that Bobby Lashley suffered a possible rotator cuff tear injury. They are playing it off as an injury suffered in the match with Ken Kennedy, but Lashley came into Raw with the injury. With Lashley injured going into the show, they opted to rewrite TV; which is why the Lashley vs. Carlito storyline was dropped. There is no word on how severe the injury is or how long Lashley is expected to be out.
Credit: PWInsider.com
That would be the reason why Carlito and Kennedy got high-profile victories last night on RAW. Maybe they'll step their game up.
At 7/31/07 12:20 PM, The-Redangleprince wrote: And, just a thought, where was Jeff last night? I mean, he is challenging Umaga for the title at Summerslam, why would they ignore him on the show especially coming off a red-hot performance last week?
According to Dave Scherer, Jeff Hardy didn't show up at RAW last night. There is concern in the company that he won't be back for SummerSlam and that he might not be back at all. His program with Umaga was scrapped and Umaga was turned babyface on RAW.
Stay tuned as we will have updates very shortly regarding this breaking news story... There you go.
At 7/31/07 01:49 PM, pepeatumi wrote: According to Dave Scherer, Jeff Hardy didn't show up at RAW last night. There is concern in the company that he won't be back for SummerSlam and that he might not be back at all.
In what way did he "not show up"? As in typical Jeff Hardy no-showing?
His program with Umaga was scrapped and Umaga was turned babyface on RAW.
Umaga was turned babyface on Raw? Last night? I'll admit I wasn't paying attention, but didn't Umaga squash Marella last night?
At 7/31/07 01:49 PM, pepeatumi wrote:
According to Dave Scherer, Jeff Hardy didn't show up at RAW last night. There is concern in the company that he won't be back for SummerSlam and that he might not be back at all. His program with Umaga was scrapped and Umaga was turned babyface on RAW.
Oh, I hope he doesn't fall back into old habits. This last year with the WWE has been nothing short of spectacular.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
At 7/31/07 12:18 PM, 1st wrote:At 7/31/07 04:47 AM, McStarry wrote:Their recent string of shows has been really good. Your boy Chucky T. wrestles for them now.At 7/30/07 02:09 PM, 1st wrote: You gotta pay for the good stuff.Agreed SmarkMarkVideo is awesome, all my IWA-MS and Chikara needs, I don't like CZW though.
Nah that was just Best of the Best Tounament and If he is I could see him form a good team with Danny Havoc. I admit TOD this year was good, Zandig vs. Necro was amazing, but this year was kind of crappy, plus no Quackenbush, Super Dragon, El Genrico or Kevin Steen like 05 which was a great year for CZW.
I'm glad he was sent home for injuries and not him being spaced out or not into wrestling like he was years ago. It would be a damn shame for Hardy to mess up now since his career is in comeback mode.
I can't see how that was an Umaga face turn...
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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At 7/31/07 03:03 PM, The-Redangleprince wrote: Having elite membership must be nice ;^} (
Worth every penny man :).
Obviously, it's too early to conclusively say what happened with Jeff, the plus here is he DID tell the company he wouldn't be there, meaning this wasn't just a no show like the bad old days. Still, WWE is being very smart here in that they're ready to write Hardy out of the storylines if need be. Plus, Umaga has been getting some face pops on his own I've noticed of late. This could actually be a blessing in disguise for WWE if handled right.
At 8/1/07 02:33 AM, The-Redangleprince wrote: Also, I see PWI has a report about Hardy. Whats the real story? Did he tell WWE he couldn't make it, or was he told to stay home? I'm getting conflicting reports here.
Apparently, he told them he couldn't make it, and they booked accordingly. A lot of sites are misreporting what PWInsider said cause well...they suck
So if Umaga had a face turn, does that mean that Marella had just turned heel by going after the ref?
And this has to be the only time I'll ever say I'm relieved that a wrestler is potentially injured. He's accomplished more since his return that Matt hardy has ever achieved, really, so it would be a shame for him to screw up now.
It will be interesting to see how they book Umaga. Him being a face just seems strange given the type of gimmick he is using.
Is it me or is HHH returning early from his injury? Has it been that long or is he ahead of scheduel?
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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At 8/1/07 11:33 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: It will be interesting to see how they book Umaga. Him being a face just seems strange given the type of gimmick he is using.
Does everyone remember when Umaga was Jamal of 3 minute warning? He sucked donkey dick back then. It's a good thing he is a main wrestler now
Is it me or is HHH returning early from his injury? Has it been that long or is he ahead of scheduel?
They originally said that he would return in 4-6 months meaning between may and July. Summerslam is a better return though.
Sheldon Benjamin is a prime example of that. A hell of a singles wrestler stuck in a tag team. I have no idea why wwe decided to put him in the doghouse but it is such a waste of talent.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 8/1/07 11:39 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Sheldon Benjamin is a prime example of that. A hell of a singles wrestler stuck in a tag team. I have no idea why wwe decided to put him in the doghouse but it is such a waste of talent.
Well I wouldn't be disappointed to see them win the world tag team title and go on a rampage with it. That might be Shelton's only hope at making this work.
Umaga also spent some time in Japan which helped him become a better wrestler. He did this between the time he was released from the 3 Minute Warning gimmick and coming back as Umaga. Apparently creative is still reluctant to turn him face, last night was simply a way to try and shift the storyline focus off of Jeff Hardy.
Speaking of that, Hardy has in fact been SUSPENDED by the company, I think we can all figure out why (can anyone say "Wellness policy violation"? I'm sure that's what it is). The company had really hoped Jeff had matured and they could slot him in long term, but apparently that may not be the case. He is NOT released, simply suspended and will definitely miss Summerslam as he was suspended sometime last week and it was apparently a 30 day suspension. I gotta applaud WWE for taking care of business here and making an example of someone doing wrong, especially with Congress getting ready to go after them. I think the Lashley injury could be a blessing in disguise in that regard as well.
I don't think it was considering that umaga beat the crap outta Marella
Vince is set to show up on Raw next week. This has been confirmed at wwe.com. I wonder what he plans on doing and if he is going to get involved with storylines again. Maybe he will name a GM for Raw. I just don't want him back as a regular since he loves to take up air time.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 8/2/07 09:37 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Vince is set to show up on Raw next week. This has been confirmed at wwe.com. I wonder what he plans on doing and if he is going to get involved with storylines again. Maybe he will name a GM for Raw. I just don't want him back as a regular since he loves to take up air time.
Jonathan Coachman is already the acting GM of the RAW brand.