If you go over to PWInsider.com you'll find many links, including the grisly details of what the authorities believed happened. We all want to defend Chris Benoit, we don't want to believe someone that we respected so much and (perhaps) idolized could be capable of the horror he is being accused of, but there is substantial evidence right now to support that theory.
I want to stress that this does not make Chris Benoit a bad person, this does not make him some kind of cold blooded animal, from many of the details I'm reading, and the testimony of the local police who said when the investigation concludes the details will be very bizarre, I believe something went very very wrong with Benoit, that he for some unfathomable reason snapped.
I grief his loss, I grieve his wife's loss, as she too was an active part of the wrestling business, and a major part of ECW early on, I grieve the loss of his son, a little boy who will never grow up and follow his father's footsteps, or choose his own path. To assign blame or deny reality in this situation is wrong, and it does a disservice to the deceased, and to the people who have the painful task of figuring out how this insane situation could have occured.
We are united in our grief right now, and I hope that we can all help each other get through it. We didn't know Chris Benoit on a personal level, but we had a connection with him through his performances that we enjoyed every week. He was one of the best of all time, no matter how his life ended we need to honor those accomplishments, and honor him and his family.
That's all I have to say right now, for those who wonder why I want you to go find the details yourselves, well, frankly I'm still coping with what I've read and I just can't bring myself to repeat it. I make no apologies for that.