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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 05:13:05

At 6/25/07 08:57 PM, Psiko-Munky wrote: I'm not a member of this crew, but I'm watching RAW right now. This shit is fucked up beyond belief. His whole fucking family is dead.
RIP Chris Benoit

Yea, I can hardly believe what I just saw. The company has lost Eddie in 2005 and now Benoit has passed away. I cannot really find what to say now as Benoit's death is a huge blow to the WWE. RIP, Chris, you will find your place in heaven. :(

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 05:24:27

Well l hearing some rumors on this situation l feel that l should post them here. From what l've heard it wasn't a murder-suicide, just a murder. Supposably Chris was called to his home over an important issue where he and his family were shot. I cannot prove that this is ture, just thought l'd share something l've heard.

NG Mafia

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 06:49:38

At 6/26/07 05:24 AM, Boris-4-U wrote: Well l hearing some rumors on this situation l feel that l should post them here. From what l've heard it wasn't a murder-suicide, just a murder. Supposably Chris was called to his home over an important issue where he and his family were shot. I cannot prove that this is ture, just thought l'd share something l've heard.

1. there were no bullet wounds.
2. police know what the instruments of murder were.
3. it was a murder suicide.

im sure thats what we all thought when we first heard the news, its true.
blame steroid abuse, it the easy thing to do.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 09:20:20

This is just a bad time for us all. I am still shocked just on the fact that Benoit is gone, and now I have to attempt to accept that the circumstances are of the worst kind of nature? I just can't do it....

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 12:06:41

At 6/26/07 11:58 AM, TheSnakeSkull wrote: How dare they say that Chris killed his family then him. If he was to do soemthing like that he would show signs that he would. And Chris would nevr do something like that. I think that they were killed by one of the two.

You can't rule it out. Especially since it's the authorities that suspect it's a double murder/suicide, and they apparently found murder weapons. We just don't know what motive he would have behind doing it, if he did.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 12:26:30

rip chris benoit sinve mr mcmahon died who do you thinks gonna take over i think eric bishoff

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 12:56:01

I'll say what I've said elsewhere... Rest in Peace Benoit family.

If Benoit did kill them (which is being reported everywhere) then I've lost all my respect for Chris as a person. My respect for him as a wreslter however, will never go away.

And I suggest we start discussing wrestling as soon as possible.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 13:02:34

If you go over to PWInsider.com you'll find many links, including the grisly details of what the authorities believed happened. We all want to defend Chris Benoit, we don't want to believe someone that we respected so much and (perhaps) idolized could be capable of the horror he is being accused of, but there is substantial evidence right now to support that theory.

I want to stress that this does not make Chris Benoit a bad person, this does not make him some kind of cold blooded animal, from many of the details I'm reading, and the testimony of the local police who said when the investigation concludes the details will be very bizarre, I believe something went very very wrong with Benoit, that he for some unfathomable reason snapped.

I grief his loss, I grieve his wife's loss, as she too was an active part of the wrestling business, and a major part of ECW early on, I grieve the loss of his son, a little boy who will never grow up and follow his father's footsteps, or choose his own path. To assign blame or deny reality in this situation is wrong, and it does a disservice to the deceased, and to the people who have the painful task of figuring out how this insane situation could have occured.

We are united in our grief right now, and I hope that we can all help each other get through it. We didn't know Chris Benoit on a personal level, but we had a connection with him through his performances that we enjoyed every week. He was one of the best of all time, no matter how his life ended we need to honor those accomplishments, and honor him and his family.

That's all I have to say right now, for those who wonder why I want you to go find the details yourselves, well, frankly I'm still coping with what I've read and I just can't bring myself to repeat it. I make no apologies for that.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 13:03:20

I just woke up a few minutes ago and turned on the news... Chis killed them?!? then himself?!? no that can't be... what a way to start my day...

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 13:09:05

At 6/26/07 01:02 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: That's all I have to say right now, for those who wonder why I want you to go find the details yourselves, well, frankly I'm still coping with what I've read and I just can't bring myself to repeat it. I make no apologies for that.

I already saw it. The sad part is I'm already fans of Chris shitting on him, and that's a damn shame. For 22 years he went out and busted his ass to entertain us, and he did that better than a lot of people.

He deserves better than to be remembered as a murdered... But I guess that's just the way it goes.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 13:17:24

I justed watched the news, and he really did snap, he Strangled his wife and smutherd his son, the WWE wrestlers say that they were geting text messeges and they were weird, so they told the WWE and they wanted the police to check and see if he was okay, well they foulnd that he hung himself in his weight room, i just can't beleive why he did this, they are going to check his body and see if he had any drugs on him.

Mortal Kombat Kolab

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 13:37:35


I just don't quite know what to say right now.....

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 13:51:37

For those of you still doubting he killed them, then himself it sure seems like a murder suicide as this is the way they generally play out. I mean, he hung himself, folks. Do you really think another person could forcibly hang Chris Benoit? No freaking way.

Check out this article: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070626/ap_on_re_
us/wrestler_dead_23;_ylt=Amk5O94rtvyFXfXDOluf FEQE1vAI

It's a sad day and I hope the WWE doesn't take serious consequences if it comes down to something along the lines of 'roid rage' as you all know most WWE Superstars are on them. You can expect them all to be governent regulated if this was the means to his end.

His poor wife and son... noone deserves this.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 14:49:02

At 6/26/07 04:22 AM, boloneyman wrote: When Dean and Chavo tell you something about Chris, that trumps any news source.

Clearly people speak ill of the dead. Have you ever been to a funeral and heard one bad thing said about a person? No. Out of respect for the dead (especially friends or family) you do not say anything bad about them.

Bellum omnium contra omnes

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 14:53:03

I just read the report.. And it breaks my heart.

I'll always remember Chris for what he did for wrestling and what he accomplished.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 15:30:43

At 6/26/07 02:59 AM, Assassin223 wrote:
At 6/26/07 01:54 AM, Assassin223 wrote:
At 6/26/07 01:32 AM, Assassin223 wrote: Hey long time no see, i am in the club but i haven't said anything in a while, does any body think that the death of chris is related to vince's death?

It was already revealed in many ways that Vince McMahon is not dead. On Raw last night he even made an appearance to tell us about the death of Benoit. I do hope you meant "his death in Kayfabe" because I know how someone could have killed Benoit over that. You see many fans were sickened by the "demise" of Mr. McMahon, and with this show coming up that was supposed to be a memorial night for vince, someone could have snapped. They decided someone else who is actually dead would deserve a whole show instead of Vince, so they went and murdered one of the most popular active wrestlers and made it look like murder suicide. Then we had a memorial for an actually dead person. I'm not saying this is what happened, it's just a theory and not even that educated of one. I still think that it is a possibility though in some way.

I won't ever cheat on my bitch but I'll still sleep with a luger

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 15:37:30

At 6/26/07 02:48 AM, Dark-Serpent wrote: Holy Hell.....according to WWE.com and Fox News, the deaths are now being called a double murder-suicide. Benoit killed his wife and son, then took his own life. I'm at a loss for words......

the conversation sparks. what an easy way to break the ice.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 16:41:46

Something's odd. Why would Benoit tie up Nancy, and how come she didn't struggle? Why did Benoit wait a while before killing the son? (if he did it) We're supposed to believe that Benoit killed both of them, sent some text messages to a co-worker (I'm guessing Chavo) then waited some more, then killed himself?

While Chris being a shade under 6 feet himself (roughly 5'10) was found hanging by a cord on his weightlifting equipment in his basement weight room.

Its a bit difficult to hang yourself with a piece of equipment. And where did the blood on Nancy's head come from?

I'm not reaching or anything, I'm saying something feels wrong, and I believe there might have been foul play involved.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 17:08:40

At 6/26/07 04:41 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Something's odd. Why would Benoit tie up Nancy, and how come she didn't struggle? Why did Benoit wait a while before killing the son? (if he did it) We're supposed to believe that Benoit killed both of them, sent some text messages to a co-worker (I'm guessing Chavo) then waited some more, then killed himself?

While Chris being a shade under 6 feet himself (roughly 5'10) was found hanging by a cord on his weightlifting equipment in his basement weight room.

Its a bit difficult to hang yourself with a piece of equipment. And where did the blood on Nancy's head come from?

I'm not reaching or anything, I'm saying something feels wrong, and I believe there might have been foul play involved.

Well i dunno, abc, fox news said what i said so i am not sure if somebody else did or not, we will have to keep watching the news and see what the police says about this.

Mortal Kombat Kolab

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 18:51:26

It seems pretty plausible.

Steroids can cause dementia and of course, roid rage, and who knows if he was on anything else at the time (methamphetamines, cocaine, whatever).

"In this world // We walk on the roof of hell, // Gazing at flowers." -- Issa

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 19:11:38

At 6/26/07 07:09 PM, KJDunwoody wrote: Any chance 10 years ago if that was a storyline in a movie do you think anyone would have even thought that it be likely?

Don't give the WWE ideas. Down the line I'm sure Vince would be able to justify making a movie out of it.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 19:17:02

Cause of death: Cripper Crossface.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 19:38:49

I think it is safe to say that the WWE won't milk this for a storyline. I don't think they would sink that low. If they did, I would stop watching.

What was the name of that wrestler on SD a few months back that emulated Benoit? I like to see what he will do with his career after his idol's tragic death.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 19:42:37

So Raw has no aparent storylines that I can see of know... anyone hoping of a HHH comeback next monday?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 20:08:28

At 6/26/07 07:38 PM, boloneyman wrote: What was the name of that wrestler on SD a few months back that emulated Benoit? I like to see what he will do with his career after his idol's tragic death.

Gunner Scott. He's wrestling for ROh as Brent Albright, my guess us he'll keep wrestling his style which is similar to Benoit's. I'm pretty sure he'll continue to be successful despite this tragedy.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 20:11:13

At 6/26/07 08:08 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Gunner Scott. He's wrestling for ROh as Brent Albright, my guess us he'll keep wrestling his style which is similar to Benoit's. I'm pretty sure he'll continue to be successful despite this tragedy.

Well, I'm sure the extent of his emulation of Benoit was just exaggerated for the purposes of the storyline he was in, in which Benoit was like his mentor. So it's not like this should really affect his career, unless people bring up the time he spent on Smackdown.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 20:18:40

TVWeek.com reports that Vince McMahon will appear on ECW On Sci-Fi tonight to apologize for the three hour RAW Benoit tribute that WWE ran last night. WWE ran the show before information broke that Benoit himself had killed his wife and son, then himself.

If you go to WWE shopzone, you'll see all of Benoit's stuff is no longer for sale. Even the DVD's have been altered. For instance, in the WM XX DVD it reads... HHH defends his title against Shawn Michaels. Benoit's name has been edited out of every match he ever wrestled for WWE.

Basically, he's being one-day rule'd.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 20:23:22

At 6/26/07 08:18 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Basically, he's being one-day rule'd.

Oh my God, from one extreme to the other. They shouldn't need to apoligise for the show they aired, and I think it would still have been called for regardless of the circumstances. His career has been great, and he has had some great matches, and that should be honoured.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 21:33:44

I still can't believe that the whole Mr. McMahon death storyline is now pretty much scrapped because of Benoit going on a mini killing spree. I was amped up about that storyline. Dammit.

I won't ever cheat on my bitch but I'll still sleep with a luger

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-26 21:43:08

At 6/26/07 09:33 PM, Clownshock wrote: I still can't believe that the whole Mr. McMahon death storyline is now pretty much scrapped because of Benoit going on a mini killing spree. I was amped up about that storyline. Dammit.

Well, why did Benoit do, drugs are known to do that, but i wouldn't know if he took drugs but, i don't think this is like him

Mortal Kombat Kolab