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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-04 08:42:31

At 6/4/07 03:20 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: I would say it is unless Vince decides to reverse the title back onto himself again, and if he dosen't tommorow, it makes no sense that he could do it at Judgement Day, but wouldn't do it at or after ONS unless there's some reason given for why he can't or won't do it. I think we're finally done with this issue, but it definitely makes me wonder who fights Lashley next, and I fear it's going to be Shitsky.

That sounds like the logical jump to me. Course Vince could invoke a rematch...

source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Currently Chris Benoit is seemingly the only person that has been told that he's changing brands during the 6/11 draft. Benoit is being moved to RAW due to the lack of main-event level depth on the brand.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-04 10:20:31

I' m in i love WWE

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-04 22:57:48

Dear god. Khali getting hit with the steps is one of the worst sells I have ever seen. Hopefully the creative staff will see how useless and a waste of space he is now.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-05 01:27:47

Vince....can be scary when he wants to be. Raw was decent, but I am looking forward to see how the draft turns out.. Course now we have to suffer through a vince night again, but that seems to be the theme of raw anyway these days.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-05 05:33:30

At 6/5/07 01:27 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Vince....can be scary when he wants to be. Raw was decent, but I am looking forward to see how the draft turns out.. Course now we have to suffer through a vince night again, but that seems to be the theme of raw anyway these days.

I told you that the feud was not over yet. As a matter of fact, now it will continue until Summer Slam. (at least) As a wrestling fan, I can only hope that HHH returns ASAP although I am not a fan of his. He is the last hope to end Cena's title run.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-05 11:49:45

Source - Wrestling Observer Newsletter

WWE has implemented a new policy for their referees. As of last month, referees will no longer be informed of the outcome of the match ahead of time at house shows. All of the outcomes are scheduled before the intermissions at the show without them knowing.

This new policy adds a new degree of realism as the wrestlers must listen closely to the referee’s instructions (such as breaking a hold before five) or kicking out of pin attempts before the three count. Now since the wrestlers know that the referees are unaware of the finish they must work in a more convincing fashion. One backstage source was quoted as saying, “It keeps everyone on their toes.”

I can see a few screw-ups happening because of this.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-05 12:11:53

This post is basically a short rant.... I wish to question the WWE's logic (or lack thereof).

As you may know, the 450 and the Shooting Star Press have been banned because they were considered "too dangerous"... Which makes me wonder.

How come you can't do an SSP or 450, but you can jump off 15 foot ladders, onto other ladders. You can't do an SSP off of the turnbuckle, but you can do a standing one even though the risk of screwing up is greater.

What the hell's up with that?

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-05 16:17:58

Source: WrestlingObserver.com

Scott Steiner suffered an injury to his trachea during TNA's house show in Puerto Rico over the weekend. He is scheduled to have surgery soon, possibly as early as today.

Steiner is scheduled to reunite with his brother, Rick Steiner, in a match against Team 3-D for the TNA Tag Team Titles at the Slammiversary PPV. That match may now need to be changed. It is not known how long he will be out but one would assume that he won't be back for awhile.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-05 20:05:40

Here's an update on Scott Steiner.

Source: PWInsider.com

Scott Steiner underwent successful surgery on his trachea today. He will be unable to fly for several weeks. He's still in Puerto Rico and TNA is currently working on alternative transportation to get him back to the mainland United States.

Due to the injury, The Steiners vs. Team 3D bout at Slammiversary obviously won't be taking place. No word yet on what "Plan B" will be for Team 3D on the PPV at this time.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-05 21:43:12

And I had said I wasn't going to do all these gigantic catch-up posts this time......I SEEM TO HAVE LIED. :P

(hears guns being loaded)

ONE MORE POST until I've made 500 POSTS!!!!!!!

My condolences to Jeff Jarrett; he can't possibly be in a good mental state right now, given the REALLY FUCKING EERIE circumstances.

At 5/19/07 01:48 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Scotty is frankly a shock, I thought he had a job for life after all the years he's been there with the start stop pushes and whatever else. I hope he's saved his money, but I'm sure he'll do fine on the indies with comedy appearances and what not.

It is a shock; I don't think I EVER heard even one audience member boo him since I started watching wrestling. Usually, one has his/her share of boos & cheers, but Scotty? NOPE. So this sucks pretty large.

Ariel I hear is because she got in a fight with Batista (a verbal one), which was really not her being a bitch from what I've heard, and Steph dosen't like her look. Plus, she was a Paul Heyman project and hire, so that dosen't help her either since Steph hates Paul and everything he's about. I know I used to joke a lot about Ariel being dirty hot when I did ECW Report Cards (though truly she was) but I really felt she had a great look, very hot girl, and unlike these cookie cutter divas who basically just stand at ringside and do nothing, Ariel would slap the ring, scream, yell, encourage her man, and look like she actually gave a shit about the guy she was out there with. I thought there was a lot of untapped potential in her and Thorn's act and sadly we're never going to see if it could have been realized or not now. That release really pisses me off.

That's point blank: It has nothing to do with getting pissed at Batista, considering he's getting on WWE's bad side, and it has EVERYTHING to do with Ms. Moneybitch & her loathing of Heyman ONCE AGAIN. It never fails.....

At 5/20/07 01:16 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 5/19/07 11:31 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: It seems HBK is dealing with a bad knee and if it gets worse will have to get surgery.
He has been for the last year, he didn't want to get surgery because of the whole DX thing, but I think it's a situation where in a couple months or so if HBK wanted to he could be cycled off the show and get that surgery. But I've heard basically he's just gonna keep gutting it out till he can't work on it anymore.

Well, that answers my earlier question on if he was really injured or not; perfect time for HHH to return, don't you think? It's a no-brainer - he goes afetr Orton, seeking revenge on his fellow DX partner.

At 5/21/07 02:56 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: Sorry, but I just had to do this.

STFU-ing rofl.

At 5/21/07 06:14 PM, LordKooler wrote: Source: PWInsider.com

- The upcoming Mick Foley A&E reality series will be titled "Wrestling My Family." The series has not yet officially been picked up but Foley was shooting footage for it over the weekend at the New York Wrestling Connection's school in Long Island and at the NYWC event in Deer Park, LI. The footage will likely be used in the pilot.

I look foward to seeing how that turns out. Does Hulk Hogan still have his reality show?

At 5/22/07 12:09 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: Also, I saw this photo of the Lashley/ Viscera match and just had to make 'observations'.

Maybe that's how he jumped over him, too.

You have a knack for this. :P

At 5/22/07 11:33 PM, pepeatumi wrote:
At 5/22/07 10:25 PM, Assi9 wrote: And then Viscera spin-kicks Lashley.....it's like the laws of physics don't exist anymore.
lol... Peop;le have always underestimated Viscera when it comes to athletic ability... Did I just say that?

Yup. :P I have to hand it to him, he's the fastest obese man I've ever seen.

You all know how I like Ashley, but Candice Michelle was getting my attention last night - especially the cover. ^_^ Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. (Of course, she's a Playboy covergirl, too.) I need some backups anyway, as now I have to fight over Ashley w/ my neighbor - dammit.
I"ll take Candice over Ashley any day of the week... I don't like the fact that you can see Ashley's rib cage... Eat a damn sandwich woman!!

.............(low grumbling)

Who's Khali's new little sidekick?
After a year and a half the WWE realized that no one can understand Khali.. So they got him a translator.

Oh, the hillarity.

Yup, Carlito DID get his wish of turning heel, all right - and STILL spitting in the faces of faces.
Which makes sense... How can you be a face if you spit apple in people's faces?

Good point.

Randy Orton's still an asshole.
And incredibly boring on the mic and in the ring... But he can do this. \_O__/

Took me a minute to figure out that was his 'pose' you typed. He can't live off of that too much longer, either.

At 5/23/07 11:47 AM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote:
At 5/22/07 11:33 PM, pepeatumi wrote: The ME of that Tuesday show was actually pretty good, and I loved how Van Dam sold The POUUUUUNCE.
Haha, so did I. He flew like an albatross on vodka.

o_O That's one I haven't heard before.

Also, ZOMG.

Fan, after show has aired: "ZOMG, my 'ZOMG' sign made TV!"

At 5/23/07 12:23 PM, pepeatumi wrote: I don't get Vince's fascination with Snitsky (Actually, I do... he's big) but the fact is the man is not scary... He's just really ugly with some bad steroid-acne. I don't care how many people he squashes, he's still the same baby punter with a foot fetish.

Foot fetish? o_O

Never mind.....

Didn't I see a promo cut for him on SD the other night? Or was that intended for ECW?

At 5/23/07 12:32 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: I find it funny that RVD has beaten Snitsky relatively easily in the past, and that seems to have been completely ignored to go along with Snitsky's new gimmick. Plus, his nipples are always hard and that's more scary than the gimmick was ever intended to be.

Please, don't scare me like that...... >_<a t 5/23/07 08:34 PM, Cereal wrote:

He can steal from Goldberg. He can steal from Lesnar, but now hes gone too far.

Lol, has the DBZ Crew seen that yet?

At 5/24/07 12:23 PM, Dinomitekid wrote: all im saying is. i want fresh shit, im tired of the same crap over and over and over

Don't get your hopes up. >_<a t 5/25/07 11:10 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:

There is going to be a three hour Raw on June 11th. It will most likely have much more guys from Raw and SD on it to fill up the time.

And yet, somehow I doubt it'll be worth the extra hour.

At 5/26/07 08:09 PM, UltimateDude wrote:
At 5/26/07 07:57 PM, IND658 wrote: may I join this club?

also, what tv network is Saturday Night's Main Event?
I believe it's going to be aired on NBC(like the last one).

DAMNIT! I thought it was on the Saturday before that! No wonder it wasn't on! I didn't check last Saturday when it WAS on because I got confused! >_< Phooey.

At 5/27/07 10:11 AM, pepeatumi wrote: Word is that HHH will feud with Orton upon his return and you know what that means.... Jobbing time for Mr. Orton.

I KNEW IT! Just like I said above - too bad it was a little predictable. I'd love to see the look on Orton's face, though, when the DX music (or 'IT'S TIME TO PLAY THE GAAAAAAAAME!') plays. :P


You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-06 00:31:29

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

The feeling within management on Shelton Benjamin is that he "coasts" too much because he's so gifted. Vince McMahon hasn't invested more in him more quickly because there are doubts about his hunger and willingness to work as hard as is necessary consistently if he were to get a top push, plus his promo skills remain a concern. Agent reports from house shows on Benjamin and Carlito are consistently inconsistent, which works against them. The rap on Carlito is there is a sense of entitlement or he comes across as content, if not spoiled.

Linda McMahon has cut back on some of her executive duties in WWE since Michael Selick took over as CFO earlier this year. There is some belief she will further tone down her duties, as sources say they believe at this point in her life she'd be completely content being a grandmother for Shane and Stephanie's kids and getting away from the grind and stress of running WWE's front office.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-06 00:33:46

At 6/6/07 12:31 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: . The rap on Carlito is there is a sense of entitlement or he comes across as content, if not spoiled.

How is this any different from Randy Orton? Oh yeah, Orton has friends in HHHigh places,

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-06 03:38:04

Let's just call RAW Monday Night Mcmahons, honestly, they don't think the draft is a big enough hook? They really need to (once again) focus around Vince? That is probably the single biggest turn off for me with WWE programming right now. Rather then build up the wrestlers (especially now with so much top talent hurt) they decide to waste half a show's worth of time on the social security eligible boss man who wanted to be a wrestler all his life. Vince had his time in the spotlight in the late 90's and early '00's. It's time for him to step away as he's beyond stale at this point.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-06 05:14:51

At 6/6/07 12:33 AM, pepeatumi wrote:
At 6/6/07 12:31 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: . The rap on Carlito is there is a sense of entitlement or he comes across as content, if not spoiled.

The only title I can think of right now is the IC title. (yea, again) Cena has been built too strong to even wrestle with a middle carder like Carlito. Since he is a heel, the WWE will probably use the IC title to feed him.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-06 10:58:08

At 6/6/07 03:38 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Let's just call RAW Monday Night Mcmahons, honestly, they don't think the draft is a big enough hook? They really need to (once again) focus around Vince? That is probably the single biggest turn off for me with WWE programming right now. Rather then build up the wrestlers (especially now with so much top talent hurt) they decide to waste half a show's worth of time on the social security eligible boss man who wanted to be a wrestler all his life. Vince had his time in the spotlight in the late 90's and early '00's. It's time for him to step away as he's beyond stale at this point.

Same goes for me. It's one of the reasons SD has become the show I hate to miss since it remains Vince free for the most part and actually features some wrestling.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-06 12:09:28

Is Bobby Lashley the black Lesnar? Lesnar at his K-1 debut beat this guy in 1:09 by submission. Wonder what is instored for him.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-06 14:28:09

WOW! Last night's show was crap even for their standards. This was defintely a throw away show because it had no flow whatsoever.

Lashley vs The Originals should have been a Casket match with all the people getting buried afterwards. And Vince is still crazy, and I still don't care.. Get off my tv, old man!

Kevin Thorn vs Stevie Richards: Yes, this was an actual match on the show. Take a guess at who won the match?

The Major Brothers have potential to be a good team despite their loss to Cor Von and Burke. Despite the crowd chanting "boring" this was a solid match and those idiot fans in Orlando, I have a chant of my own... "You're the MORONS that bought tickets to the show!"

CM Punk vs Matt Striker was the ME.... I like Striker on the mic, but why they let him control most of the match was a mystery to me. The crowd should have chanted boring at this match instead. And it was Striker's fault, that simple.

And that was your show... A waste of one hour, but in case you didn't know... There's a draft next week!

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-07 02:41:04

At 6/6/07 12:09 PM, AnzRage wrote: Is Bobby Lashley the black Lesnar? Lesnar at his K-1 debut beat this guy in 1:09 by submission. Wonder what is instored for him.

We'll have to see what happens when Lesnar gets a quality opponent, the only fight this guy he beat ever won was against Sean O'Haire.

As far as ECW sucking last night...what did you expect? With the draft next week, all the shows are going to tread water as they gear up for the big show next week, which WWE is hoping will do at least a 4 internally.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-07 05:28:44

At 6/6/07 10:58 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Same goes for me. It's one of the reasons SD has become the show I hate to miss since it remains Vince free for the most part and actually features some wrestling.

Not to mention that Edge is there too. He knows how to be a heel. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-07 11:35:20

Super Crazy should be back by July. He was out with a knee injury. It's a good thing too since he's pretty awesome in the ring.

It will be interesting to see who ends up on what brand. I just don't think anything too radical will happen this year. I could be wrong though.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-07 13:02:06

is it going to be the whole show? or week by week thing they did before

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-07 13:48:54

I would like to join this club

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-07 20:21:47

Ok, well, now I know why RAW on th 11th's 3 hours long; I mean, I know there was a draft lottery, but I didn't know exactly when it was going to be on or which show.

Does anyone forsee the horror that is new GM Vickie Guererro? Or maybe its just horror to me because of the Eddiesploitation Era. I dunno', maybe she won't do too bad of a job, but you guys can't tell me that you don't see this coming.

I apologize for 2 large double-mega-catchup posts; I know I need to stop situations like these.... >_< But hey, look at me - 500 POOOOOOOOOOOSTS!!!!!

At 5/28/07 11:37 AM, pepeatumi wrote: Flair has said he wants to finish his career on SD... He could finish his feud with Carlito and go there after.



Punk could go to SD, I dont' what is, but Punk just fits with Smackdown, and I wouldn't mind seeing MVP vs Punk for the US Title.

That thought crossed my mind, too.

I thought he sided with The New Breed at one point; I'm guessing that was a ploy?

I'd like to see Benoit go to ECW

It is good territory for rabid wolverines. :P Not that I'd want him to move to a show I can't watch, but it's not like it isn't a good place for him.

At 5/28/07 11:29 PM, periodPops wrote: also it looked like some people tryed to get them to throw cenas shirt back.

I don't think I've ever heard that happen with any other wrestler before; I hope Cena didn't catch that. >_<a t 5/29/07 12:50 AM, periodPops wrote:

At 5/28/07 11:33 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Post RAW, Cena and Lashley stand in the middle of the ring and stair each other down. Cena pokes Lashley, but cooler heads prevail and they shake hands. But Lashley turns on Cena, punches him out, and gives him the dominator to a big pop and celebrates with the WWE title like he is going to go for it next.

I remember seeing something that said WWE wants Cena and Lashely to be the next Rock and Stone Cold, thats an obvious stone cold move.

That's a rather odd move. It might suggest something about the Draft choices, however, not to mention this could mean the feud w/ McMahon could finally end soon, which would be a GOOD thing.

At 5/29/07 04:52 AM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: an ARM WRESTLING CONTEST between Lashley and Vince

I saw that part on the commercial, but I thought it was a past match; wasn't there another one w/ Vince against somebody arm wrestling?

At 5/29/07 10:58 AM, pepeatumi wrote:
At 5/29/07 04:52 AM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: and a complete freakshow of an 8-Man Tag Match, it's Kane, Goldust, Kamala and Shannon Moore vs. Umaga, Viscera, Kevin Thorn and DOINK THE FUCKING CLOWN.

God help us. At least the 8-Man Tag has a chance to be decent.
It was a 6-man tag match.... Eugene (Dressed as Superman) Kane and Doink vs Viscera, Umaga and Kevin Thorn... And Vince really wonders why his product has become so bad?

o_O They did get 'the strangest', didn't they?

At 5/29/07 10:58 AM, pepeatumi wrote:
At 5/29/07 04:52 AM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: and a complete freakshow of an 8-Man Tag Match, it's Kane, Goldust, Kamala and Shannon Moore vs. Umaga, Viscera, Kevin Thorn and DOINK THE FUCKING CLOWN.

God help us. At least the 8-Man Tag has a chance to be decent.
It was a 6-man tag match.... Eugene (Dressed as Superman) Kane and Doink vs Viscera, Umaga and Kevin Thorn... And Vince really wonders why his product has become so bad?

o_O They did get 'the strangest', didn't they?

At 5/29/07 06:37 PM, DiscoSheep wrote: and why were people like Goldust on the poster if they aren't even at the show?

I was wondering the same thing; him and Shannon Moore were both on there, yet neither were actually even involved.

At 5/30/07 11:16 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I wonder when King Booker is coming back? I think it was sometime in the summer, like How Rey is slated to show back up in July. Maybe he will come back around that time too. I hope he has anotehr good run like he did before he had to have surgery. Maybe he will get drafted to Raw.

I hope he goes to RAW for a while; the 'King' gimmick was getting nauseating.

At 5/31/07 11:01 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Source - Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Dusty Rhodes is trying to push Vince McMahon and head writer David Lagana into remaking ECW yet again to be more youth-oriented. Rhodes wants to develop all new characters and basically do what the original plan was since day one.

Lagana disagrees and wants to keep the course that the show is going. Vince also agrees with him, which means the brand will continue to run the course it has over the last few months.

I tend to agree with Dusty on this one. Let the younger guys have a spot to grown on.

They really need to start listening to Dusty; he's been one of the only people to actually try & HELP save ECW's ass.

This also shows that David Lagana's either a pussy that's agreeing with whatever Vince says, or he's simply just as big a moron as him. Either way, he ISN'T helping.

At 6/1/07 09:18 PM, LordKooler wrote: Source: 411mania.com

Both WWE and The Sandman are being sued by Karlene Boutwell, a fan who claims that Sandman committed assault and battery against her at the 8/8/06 ECW taping in Nashville, TN. She is seeking $100,000 in damages. She claims that Sandman, "while bleeding from a self-imposed wound to his head, grabbed her, picked her up, and threw her, not only injuring her back and aggravating pre-existing injuries, but also exposing her to blood and humiliating her." Sandman did enter through the crowd during that show but no incident is visible.

Considering that ECW's already encountered a similar problem before, I'm not believing it; and even at that, it still sounds phony. If she doesn't have witnesses, she doesn't have a chance.

At 6/3/07 06:07 AM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: 1. Women's Champion Melina vs. Candice Michelle (Pudding Match)

Pudding Match. Seriously? Should be surprisingly hot.

Not to me, it isn't. ^_^

Hot girls + wrestling + thick, fluid foods = CHA-CHIIIIIIIIIIING!

At 6/4/07 06:01 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
At 6/3/07 10:57 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Lashly finally got the title back. I just hope that this fued us finally over.
Didn't I predict the outcome a few days ago? Yes, I did. Unfortunately, the feud will not be over until Vince uses his rematch clause in Summer Slam. It is going to be a long and boring feud.

Hey, at least it's over for now. I got so sick of seeing McMahon wearing A title, more-or-less a title the WWE didn't even create.

At 6/4/07 08:42 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Currently Chris Benoit is seemingly the only person that has been told that he's changing brands during the 6/11 draft. Benoit is being moved to RAW due to the lack of main-event level depth on the brand.

Aw, crap. >_<

At 6/4/07 05:26 PM, JohnCena423 wrote: Rob Van Dam Def. Randy Orton

Wow, everyone thought it'd be the other way around. SURPRISE - we actually got what we wanted!

At 6/7/07 11:35 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Super Crazy should be back by July. He was out with a knee injury. It's a good thing too since he's pretty awesome in the ring.

Good; this means we get back 2 of WWE's best Cruisers in the same month. July's looking especially good this year.

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-07 20:24:52

Fuck, I seem to have posted part of that mega-post twice. Sorry about that; I just noticed it. >_<


You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-08 01:02:45

I'm actuallt kinda surprised that the Hardy's title run has ended so soon. I wonder if this is going to lead to them sticking to singles on their respected brand. With Edge on SD there is a ready made fued for Matt to take part in.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-08 01:05:38

At 6/8/07 01:02 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I'm actuallt kinda surprised that the Hardy's title run has ended so soon. I wonder if this is going to lead to them sticking to singles on their respected brand. With Edge on SD there is a ready made fued for Matt to take part in.

A man could only dream for something like that. Not only that, but seeing Matt get the title, he's not as much in his prime like 7 years ago, but he could show a great run with a title. I personally would perfer seeing edge with a long title run on Raw. NO MORE CENA!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-08 05:24:17

At 6/8/07 01:02 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I'm actuallt kinda surprised that the Hardy's title run has ended so soon. I wonder if this is going to lead to them sticking to singles on their respected brand. With Edge on SD there is a ready made fued for Matt to take part in.

I still believe that Matt will feud in the U.S title division. After all, he has not been built as a WHC contender and it is already too late to rush the feud. Plus, considering that Lita is gone, the feud will be very dry if they make it happen. It will be better to have Matt feuding the U.S title division and see what he can do from there.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-08 11:28:25

Hey as long as it involves Matt getting some gold, I'm happy. He and MVP could probably put on some great matches.

As for Jeff, there is always the IC title for him to chase, though it's being held by another guy they are trying to bill as a face. I just don't think whatshisname is getting over too well.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-08 15:32:56

The WWE has gone too far this time! It seems Santino Marella is getting himself a new gimmick... And it sucks!

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-06-08 15:49:11

I've heard that Matt and Jeff are definitely in the good graces of management right now and are in line for more singles pushes. I caution WWE about brand splitting them again, because of the draft is going to matter at all, then WWE needs to I think at a bare minimum make sure that drafted talents stay exclusive to their brands for at least 3-6 months, really, I think all the crossing over is killing the brand split and is going to hurt the specialness of Mania which has traditionally been the show where we see more crossbrand exposure and interbrand bouts.

One of the reasons they're having a hard time exciting me about the draft (and I think some of you are feeling the same) is because ever since even before Mania we're seeing guys jumping brands and appearing on shows they aren't supposed to be on just because they have a buddy over there or whatever. It makes the brand extension seem weak when they don't bother to try and create any sort of explanation for say...why Matt Hardy would have been allowed to team with Jeff, win the World Tag titles, and Teddy Long wouldn't then try to get them on SD! because it'd help his ratings.

The invisible walls need to go back up, and only be broken down or bent in special circumstances or there's just no point to doing what they're doing right now.

Going back to the point I was going to originally make here, hopefully they plan to give Cade and Murdoch a good run with the belts, and treat them as serious champs, if they had them beat the Hardyz just they could split them, then it's a tremendous waste of an oppurtunity, the fans believe in the Hardyz, and Cade and Murdoch have some heat on them now for beating them, if they parlay that into a strong run for Cade and Murdoch with strong opponents, those guys may finally have a chance to make something of themselves, and help resuscitate the tag division on RAW.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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