At 5/26/07 12:49 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:
I missed SD tonight and have no tape.. how was it? I read the results so I know whats going on, but how were thge matches?
Jimmy Yang vs Chavo was good but had no crowd heat (go figure). Matt Hardy and The Miz put on a good match, and The Miz is really showing some improvement, if he keeps it up he might become a commodiy, at least for the mid-card.
The ME was the usual in a Fatal-Four way, a couple of guys fight on the outside and the others fight in the ring... It was decent, but you couldn't expect much when you had Batista and Henry in the ring at the same time. Londrick vs Regal/Taylor was good while it lasted, and it also looks like we might see London and Kendrick vs Regal/Taylor vs Deuce and Domino further down the road.
MVP cut a great promo and it looks like his feud with Benoit isn't over just yet (Which is awesome). Vickie is now Teddy Long's "assistant" and the rest was just filler (*coughBOOGEYMANcough*).
Going forward... Some news on RVD.
There has been much speculation that Robert Szatowski (Rob Van Dam) had signed over his ring name to the WWE, but that’s not the case. So, if Szatowski was to sign with another company outside the WWE, he can choose to go by the alias Rob Van Dam without having any legal issues after leaving the company.
Meltzer said that, so take it for what its worth.. I was looking forward to seeing Rob in TNA as Brother Rob Cage or Robert Vandamius Damian.
And SNME is going to suck.. Here are the matches announced so far.
- WWE Champion John Cena(R) and the 7-foot, 3-inch 420-pound titan The Great Khali(TM) squaring off in a prelude to the highly anticipated rematch for the WWE Championship at the "One Night Stand(TM)" pay-per-view on Sunday, June 3rd.
- Batista(TM) and Chris Benoit(R) battle World Heavyweight Champion Edge(R) and United States Champion MVP(TM) in anticipation of title match showdowns at "One Night Stand."
- The WWE's strangest and smallest going head-to-head in a match that can only be seen to be believed.
So there you have it, a day before they wrestler on PPV, Khali and Cena will go at it free TV.. My guess is that Khali wins at SNME, and then Cena retains (Shocking, I know).
And yes, it seems we'll see Little Boogey vs Hornswoggle... I feel like crying.