I've been a little busy this week, so I'm going to have to go back & read the last 4 1/2 pages. I'm not going to bother w/ mega-posting, as I'm already doing quite a bit of that over at another crew. :P I got to see RAW for the first time in about a year (due to letting the cable go); I was over at a neighbor's (he's been a wrestling fan for 25 years; also has a cable & a big-screen), and I was just in time to find out about Judgement Day:
1) Look, I'm one of the few that still likes Cena around here, but even I can't believe that Cena MADE KHALI TAP!?
Yes, for once, his status of 'invincible' is too much for ME to take seriously.
2) MVP ACTUALLY DID WHAT HE PROMISED. Wow. The creepy thing is, I'm actually glad....
And now I feel dirty for saying that........
Alrighty, I've made a decision: No one is doing 'segments' around here anymore. I think I may've started it (it seemed like everyone else dropped out of it after I did); yet, every time I make my comments on whatever wrestling show I've watched, you know what it basically turns out as, except for a name being tacked on above it?
A segment. So, technically, even though I'd said I dropped out of that, I haven't actually stopped DOING them. o_O
Considering I never got the chance to do one on RAW before:
Assi9's RAW...........Commentary
('Blah-Blah-Blah' just isn't doing it for me anymore; makes me sound irritating - which I already sound W/O it.)
I thought it'd be hard to pay attention to the show tonight, as my mom was also there; she hates wrestling - you know how it goes: "IT'S SOOOO FAKE! WHY DO YOU WATCH THIS SHIT?"
See? IT'S NOT JUST NOOBS ON THIS BOARD, EITHER. However, she didn't do as bad as that Friday a couple of weeks ago; I couldn't tell what the fuck happened w/ her in the background. >_<
Wuh-oh, Shawn Michaels seems to be out of the picture....goodbye, DX.....again.
Did you see the look on Vince's face when Shane was going down the list of his daddy's past Street Fight opponents, and he rattled off himself & Stephanie? Classic. WAY TO MAKE YOUR DADDY LOOK GOOD IN FRONT OF THE AUDIENCE, SHANE!!! And then of course the facts that he took the mic out of daddy's hand & made a match for him of which he was trying to avoid.
Shane'll get the belt tonight - over his sorry, daddy's-boy ass. >_<
Of course, Lashley had to go through hell again - only to kick everyone's ass again. Yet, the match of the night, IMO, was between him & Viscera. Why? You'd think that, with a match involving this worn-thin storyline, it'd be crap. Nope, quite the opposite - if my neighbor hadn't pointed it out to me, I would've accidentally missed Lashley clear Viscera like Superman clears tall buildings. :P (Pun not intended; I forgot about Lashley being called 'Superman' every once in a while.) It has to be the army training; you don't ever see Batista - of equal size - doing that to larger wrestlers. And then Viscera spin-kicks Lashley.....it's like the laws of physics don't exist anymore.
Masters is STILL half the man he was before he came back to the WWE size-wize; I guess he no longer gives a shit.
I now see where YoInK's coming from - Umaga DOES resemble a shriveled-up monkey dick; much in the same way that Shane acts like one. Telling Umaga to go back did absolutely NOTHING, as expected, although I did expect him to come barrelling back after Shane lost to finish Lashley off. I guess he was still confused that he was even sent back to begin with.
You all know how I like Ashley, but Candice Michelle was getting my attention last night - especially the cover. ^_^ Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. (Of course, she's a Playboy covergirl, too.) I need some backups anyway, as now I have to fight over Ashley w/ my neighbor - dammit.
Nitro &........Dykstra - no, doesn't have the same ring to it. And apparently, it didn't help them last against the Hardys, either. Nice to see the WGTT's still together.
Who's Khali's new little sidekick? For once, Khali actually seemed intelligent carrying on a conversation with him in the locker room (sorta' like watching a commercial w/ the Geico Cavemen), no matter how illegible it was. Then, of course, it was back to King Kong time once he went in the ring, but still nice to see a different side.
For everybody who hates Cena: I'm sure you all loved watching him become a human ragdoll as he got 2-Handed Choke Slammed - now THAT was believable.
Yup, Carlito DID get his wish of turning heel, all right - and STILL spitting in the faces of faces.
Poor Ric.....
Randy Orton's still an asshole.
The show wasn't bad; there wasn't anything I couldn't either watch or sit through - but that's basically most nights.