Batista333 you are # 230. Welcome to the club. I think I can guess who your favorite wrestler is. :P
Randy Orton Moving To SmackDown Or ECW; Major Update
04/28/2007 by Steve Carrier
There are no changes being made as to Randy Orton’s involvement at WWE Backlash tomorrow night.
As punishment for his recent hotel disaster in which damages up to thirty grand, WWE management is considering moving Orton to SmackDown! Or ECW. The RAW brand is considered as the “A-Brand” and Orton has expressed strong interest in remaining on the RAW roster.
Another form of punishment that WWE management is considering it keeping him off the major pay-per views like Summerslam which would hurt him financially with his PPV bonuses.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Between helping my new next-door neighbors move in, and my mom getting wasted & obnoxious, I sadly missed the return of Boogey. >_<
But I was in time for the rest.
Is it just me, or do you just want to punch JBL in the back of his fat head every time he calls Teddy Long "Captain Cealis"? (Did I spell that right?)
Well, at least MVP stayed in the ring for a while instead of fleeing right off the bat; can't blame him too badly though, since he has a title shot later today. :P But WHY BACK TO THE PHONY FUCKING FOREIGN CHAMP JOBBERS AGAIN!? WAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!
London & Kendrick are just NOT having a good couple of weeks, are they? On the teeny-weeny bright side, Douche & Dildo are fast learners in the tricks of the heel trade.
Michelle McCool's a hottie, isn't she? Or maybe it's more the fact that she fucked Jillian's sounding-like-a-drowning-cat-on-crack-laced-c atnip ass up. :P
In speaking of Divas, where did Ashley go? Was she actually injured?
Next week = Mark Henry! Wonder what they have him do? Probably jobbers for a few weeks.
They actually booed Batista, didn't they? Well, of course that's because Taker > everyone else, but it's still rare; I almost think he's an inch away from heel material now. Either way, Taker's hungry for souls.
Mmmmmmmm, soooouls..... (*drools*)
Okay, er, tonight's Backlash!
At 4/27/07 07:01 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Source: Audio, Wrestling Observer Newsletter
When the story of Randy Orton’s trashed hotel room first got out people in the locker room under the impression that he had been fired on the spot, which obviously wasn't the case. There are now reports coming out that the damages to his hotel room were in excess of $50,000. Orton is definitely in hot water right now and there are people within the company who are surprised that he still hasn’t been fired yet. WWE officials are very upset about the situation, especially after having given him so many chances in the past, but it doesn‘t look like they will be releasing or suspending him.
I wonder how the rest of the workers must feel in that if they mess up just once they will get fired immediatly, but if your name is randy orton, get multiple chances and not get fired? I'm willing to bet that Randy is not the most popular guy backstage.
They DEFINITELY can't be happy about this; I guarantee that someday, if he keeps this shit up (which's most likely), he'll end up the target of an all-out mugging by the other wrestlers.
At 4/27/07 08:04 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Here's the latest on RVD from PWInsider:
That means TNA will definitely be on him like sharks on a fat guy. Good luck to him, if he does decide to leave.
At 4/28/07 10:42 AM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote:At 4/28/07 10:26 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I'm not a fan of Duce and Domino so I hope their title run is short.I hope so too. Perhaps Kane and Boogeyman could get the titles from Douche and Dildo, leading to a conflict for the titles between L&K and Kane & Boogeyman. Then getting the titles back would be a big notch under the belts of Londrick, having defeated a man the size of Kane to get their titles back, despite being Cruisers.
Now there's an interesting setup......
Dildo's even better than Dillhole - so it's now official: Deuce & Domino are now Douche & Dildo.
Well, unless there's something actually better to replace Domino with, but I think there's no question about Douche for Deuce.
At 4/29/07 12:12 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Randy Orton Moving To SmackDown Or ECW; Major Update
04/28/2007 by Steve Carrier
There are no changes being made as to Randy Orton’s involvement at WWE Backlash tomorrow night.
As punishment for his recent hotel disaster in which damages up to thirty grand, WWE management is considering moving Orton to SmackDown! Or ECW. The RAW brand is considered as the “A-Brand” and Orton has expressed strong interest in remaining on the RAW roster.
Another form of punishment that WWE management is considering it keeping him off the major pay-per views like Summerslam which would hurt him financially with his PPV bonuses.
At least something's happening, I guess.
You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.
Orton should be sent back to Smackdown and fued with Mark Henry when he returns. Thats seems like a fair punishment. He'd probably bring ECW even farther with his attitude.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
hey everybody i would like to apologise for everything ive said so please forgive me i didnt know what i was doinng im realy sorry please accept my apology.
At 4/29/07 12:12 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Batista333 you are # 230. Welcome to the club. I think I can guess who your favorite wrestler is. :P
My Favorite wrestler is batista
At 4/29/07 09:12 AM, JohnCena423 wrote: Hey Outlaw Can I Join This Club
post again and we'll make it offical.
I'm not watching Backlash though I almost went to it since it's near me. Cept the ticket price was way too high so I decided not to go.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 4/29/07 02:42 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: Now, just about every PPV this last year and damn common sense says that Cena will retain the title tonight, YET AGAIN. But despite that, I'm going to blindly wish that HBK wins the title tonight.
I very much hope you're right. Cena's been the champ, nearly non-stop, for waaaay too long. He's not a bad wrestler, but he's not nearly good enough to deserve that much gold-time. The only thing worse than a rapidly changing title is a title that never changes, so I really really hope that HBK wins it. Hell, I'd rather have Edge win than Cena (although not by much).
And Orton is damn lucky they're even letting him compete. I hope he gets a really humiliating beat-down, too.
I won't be watching the PPV (too poor), but I'll be eagerly awaiting the results here/on RAW.
I think john cena will not lose his title in the fatal four way. BUT it will be a brutal match and Mr. Kennedy might cash in his case for the gold.
Slim but It could happen.
P.S can I join the club
Don't care
At 4/29/07 04:15 PM, JohnCena423 wrote: Hey Outlaw Can I Join This Club
Your sig says you're already a member
Don't care
So, Vince decides to take a giant shit over ECW... How? He pinned Lashley and VINCE MCMAHON IS THE ECW CHAMPION.... Really.
At 4/29/07 09:40 PM, pepeatumi wrote: So, Vince decides to take a giant shit over ECW... How? He pinned Lashley and VINCE MCMAHON IS THE ECW CHAMPION.... Really. must be joking.
...I mean, not even VINCE is THAT stupid...
......oh dear lord.
At 4/29/07 09:40 PM, pepeatumi wrote: So, Vince decides to take a giant shit over ECW... How? He pinned Lashley and VINCE MCMAHON IS THE ECW CHAMPION.... Really.
Yep, it's true. It'll be on the site any moment now...but I come to expect that from the WW/ECW these days...hardly anything good comes on. And when it does, it's on the mid-card. Rarely, does something EVER hit the main event that's half decent or even great.
As for my absence, well...with the way WWE has been shitting on it's shows, I've not been in a mood to post anything here. As for TNA, it's lost my interest, storyline wise. Other than that, it still has some great matches.
Yeah, rest in peace, ECW. If you weren't dead before, you have died a humiliating death tonight. No thanks to Vince...
...well, just as long as Cena doesn't walk out the champion...if he does, they might as well make "The Marine 2: The Champ is HERE!!!"...
At 4/29/07 04:15 PM, JohnCena423 wrote: Hey Outlaw Can I Join This Club
JohnCena423 # 231
skreetch # 232
Welcome to the club!
ugh... Vince is ECW champion... I think I'll skip the first hour of Raw just so I don't have to hear Vince glote. I hope to hell Sandman and Dreamer beat the crap out of him. This is like Vince offically saying that ECW is his bitch.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Anything that was left of ECW died when Paul Heyman left, this to me is once again Vince masterbating on TV, and then he'll justify it saying "but I'm an even bigger heel now and people will want to watch Lashley beat me!!" No I don't, if anybody was winning that belt, it should have been Umaga, because he's lost a lot of steam lately, and he could maybe get SOME rub by being Vince's handpicked ECW champion.
It's booking like that, that will hurt buisness in the long run. No one wants to see Vince as the ECW champ except Vince himself. I hope he loses it tonight.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Cena won again??? Now wrestling is really getting bad... when will CENA LOSE???
At 4/30/07 01:09 PM, YoinK wrote: Cena won again??? Now wrestling is really getting bad... when will CENA LOSE???
Well, he lost last Monday.. I guess the question should be when is Cena losing the title? Probably never especially if this pic is real. Behold, wrestling's most unstoppable force.
God Cena has held the title for almost 1&1/2 years now. Lose the damn title!
Don't care
The old ECW Could return soon, as RVD argued about Mchachon winning the title; further degrading the 'ECW spirit.'
Matches tonight:
Umaga vs. RVD
Edge vs. Randy Orton
Don't care
I am very upset that last night's last man standing match ended with a draw, a bloody draw! I mean, why cannot Bastista just lose? He even does not deserve to be in a match against Taker. Do not mention that he had a good match against HHH, the only reason why his feud with HHH looked good was because Hunter worked his butt off to make Batista look decent. After watching the Cena vs HBK match on RAW last Monday, boy, even Cena is now way better than Batista. Let me guess, with Vince's obsession with big muscles, Batista will probably win his title back at Summer Slam and begin another boring long reign, right? I hate you, Vince, you are a retard.
As for Vince being the new ECW champion, I do not see it as an issue. He is probably going to crown Umaga tonight anyway which will heat up his feud with Lashley.
At 4/30/07 07:51 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: As for Vince being the new ECW champion, I do not see it as an issue. He is probably going to crown Umaga tonight anyway which will heat up his feud with Lashley.
Vince crown Umaga? I don't think so. Vince is on such an ego trip right now that he's probably brag until Lashly comes out and hopefully cleans house.
I also predict that RVD will lose since he has yet to re-sign with WWE and the chance of him going to TNA is very high.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Lashley is out with a shoulder injury now PWInsider is reporting. My hope is that Vince takes Buck Woodward's suggestion and just vacates the belt tommorow, sets up a tournament between the Originals and the New Breed and crowns a champion through that. I enjoyed the segments in which the Originals buried Vince and his title reign, I'm sure for all of them they were shooting.
At 4/30/07 11:39 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Lashley is out with a shoulder injury now PWInsider is reporting. My hope is that Vince takes Buck Woodward's suggestion and just vacates the belt tommorow, sets up a tournament between the Originals and the New Breed and crowns a champion through that. I enjoyed the segments in which the Originals buried Vince and his title reign, I'm sure for all of them they were shooting.
Despite this and the Khali-Cena feud... It seems the WWE has come up with a great fucking concept.. THey're showing wrestling matches (good matches) on a wrestling show. Last week with HBK and Cena and this week with Orton and Edge. Even Backlash had some good matches (except the handicap match obviously. And I agree, Vince SHOULD vacate the title. but he probably won't.. Its Vince and he wants to rub it in some more before he drops it.
At 4/30/07 11:55 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Despite this and the Khali-Cena feud...
Yeah, I thought they liked Cena, why the hell are they giving him Khali? Are they just trying to prove to Hulk Hogan and themselves that the whole babyface champ vs. giant heel thing will always work? Because I'm telling you right now it won't in this case...
It seems the WWE has come up with a great fucking concept.. THey're showing wrestling matches (good matches) on a wrestling show. Last week with HBK and Cena and this week with Orton and Edge. Even Backlash had some good matches (except the handicap match obviously. And I agree, Vince SHOULD vacate the title. but he probably won't.. Its Vince and he wants to rub it in some more before he drops it.
The only thing that I think was stupid about last week's TV is that they gave away so much good stuff for free that it probably hurt them even more with the PPV buyrate. Your not helping your PPV's when your giving people great great stuff the week before on TV. I think the best thing for Vince to do is drop the belt fast to an Original maybe and then let like a CM Punk or somebody beat them for the belt, or even have this be the moment where CM Punk FINALLY scores the belt, but I tend to think that we're in for Vince running around with the title and gloating about it for awhile. I'm sure he's on a personal high right now making some of the internet fans mad (or at least thinking he is) by crapping on that belt. Truth is, ECW died in 2001, and anything that's been done since is just WWE cashing in to some degree. The belt that Vince has now just shares the same initials with the old company, and while I think Vince could definitely be used as a good foil on that brand, I think they have no interest in pushing the Originals (who are the logical guys to get rub from fighting the evil corporate force) to where they could get any of that. Until they show me otherwise, my feeling is that this whole thing is going to come off as Vince feeling like he could put the least most important belt on himself, and have fun on his least most important show. It's sad, not even from some, peeing on ECW standpoint, but just for the talents that are over there and trying to make a living to now be asked to compete for a title that the boss is holding around his waist. Makes them seem like a joke, again.
That Orton/Edge match was very good. Not too thrilled seeing GK and Cena going at it since we all know those are going to be some crappy matches. Carlito goes back to his heel roots and turns on Flair so that has some promise to it.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
K THATS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so freaking tired of seeing plain old randy orton, edge, cena and shawn micheals!!!!!!!!!! like what the hell man, cena has been the champ for how long now!??! shure hes cool but i wanna change ffs! and im soo tired of seeing that belt! like it was cool for the first like month and now its just getting old. and i swear to fucking god. if i see another godamn condemed comercial im putting an axe through the tv! im gonna be soo happy when HHH comes back! i hope hes gonna lay a beating on everyone, too bad it wont be for a while though....and you know what really pissed me off this week? it was one of thoes godamn shows where everything awsome is gonna happen next week. THIS IS THE REASON WHY I LIKE SMACKDOWN! but there is a saviour. someone who can raise the roof on RAW if the attention is brought to him, you know what his name is? SANTINO MARELLA! i have a feeling our intercontential champ is going to raise hell once he gets noticed enough.
Bad news for SD and Taker fans...
WWE World champion The Undertaker has suffered a torn bicep tendon and is scheduled to see a doctor (I'm guessing James Andrews, since they are in Birmingham, Alabama for TV tonight) today to have the injury examined. I was told by one person who has seen the injury that you can easily see where the torn muscle in his bicep has rolled up his arm towards his shoulder.