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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-24 16:03:53


Legend: <> = match type () = outcome type {} =winner [] =
loser ** = title won(if any)

SmackDown! Newsletters LEGEND OF THE WEEK: THE ROCK before summer slam 1999 the rock returned to the WWE during the “alliance” and “wwf” era and made his decision, he would join neither. He was on no ones side. But he did have a target. The wwf championship. When the rock made his return he grabbed the microphone and stated “ the rock didn’t come back for Vince McMahon. The rock didn’t come back for the alliance, the rock came back for the people, who made the rock the peoples champion” when he was rudely interrupted by booker T and Shane McMahon. “ who in the blue hell, ARE YOU!?” the rock asked. Shane McMahon picked up the microphone and said “ this is booker T, the wwf champion” “I have come to challenge your punk ass to a match at summer slam!’ exclaimed booker. “AT SUMMERSLAM, YOUR GOING HOME WITH THE ROCK’S BLACK BOOT SHOVED RIGHT UP YO ASS!” yelled the rock. And at summer slam, the peoples champion made it happen by winning the wwf title.

Last Friday:
<tag team(title)> Deuce & {Domino} VS [kendrik] and London(pinfall)* WWE tag team championchip *
<single> {Batista}VS [finaly] (dq: mr kenedy interference)
<single> {Undertaker} VS [mr kenedy] (dq: finlay interference)
<6-man tag team> {Chris Benoit} & the hardys VS chavo gurrero,[ MVP] and Gregory helms. (pinfall)
<2Vs1 handicap> {Kane} Vs [regal]&[Taylor] (countout)

Next Friday match card:
Suspense: finlay and Kennedy have been teaming up on taker and batista one at a time and successfully “opened up a can of whoop-ass” proving that they are a great team, but what happens when taker and batista stand up together againsed them? Theres only one way to find out, next week on SMACKDOWN!
<tag team> Kane&boogeyman VS regal&taylor


Legend: <> = match type () = outcome type {} =winner [] =
loser ** = title won(if any)

RAW Newsletters LEGEND OF THE WEEK: Bill Goldberg: in 2003 the rock was having his appreciation night for winning the world heavyweight title at wrestlemania. But it turns out the rock didn’t have a very good night on his appreciation night, quincidence? Hell no. the rock was just in the middle of saying “ill tell you this right now” when he got cut off by the music of the legendary Bill Goldberg. The rock first looked in confusion, almost like he was thinking “who in the blue hell….” But then he noticed the big screen showing Goldberg backstage making his way to the ring and all the fans chanting “gooooooolllllllddbeeeerrrrgggggg”. At first the rock looked at the fans and laughed, kind of in a “you gotta be kidding me” sort of way. But he knew he was just denying the fact that Goldberg was coming to the ring. Now, The rocks expression was priceless. He imidiatly chucked the microphone because he knew that it would get him nowhere. Fireworks started showering a man in black for a few seconds. Then revealing Bill Goldberg to the Rock. Goldberg got into the ring and started pacing quickly to the rock. The rock took off his glasses knowing that he was totally screwed. Goldberg pics up the mic and says to the rock “ SO ROCK!…..you wanna know who’s next eh?…………… YOUR NEXT!” the rock started walking towards Goldberg thinking he was actually going to hurt him, but he didn’t know he was walking right into a spear. And it turns out, the rock was just hanging on to the title for Goldberg till the elimination
chamber match in summer slam.

Last Monday
<single> {Trevor Murdoch} VS [Matt Hardy](pinfall)
<single> {Kalhi}VS [Carlito] (pinfall)
<3VS1 no dq handicap> {Vince}shane, umaga VS [Robbie Brookside] (pinfall)
<single> [Cena] VS {Shawn Micheals}(pinfall)

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-24 16:07:06

k, theres both RAW & smackdown newsletters there (made myself) and if you want a laugh, be shure to read the legend of the week.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-24 16:13:00

one last thing, since im doing this newsletter for you guys, and theres alot of inactive members can i maybe have my number lowered?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-24 16:14:26

if this guy dosent want his, ill take it! i love the wwe!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-24 23:55:17

Awesome match HBk owned Cena, it was so funny how Cena walked out.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-25 00:20:26

At 4/24/07 04:13 PM, Dinomitekid wrote: one last thing, since im doing this newsletter for you guys, and theres alot of inactive members can i maybe have my number lowered?

The numbers are merly a record of who has been here. There is no rank or anything attached to it. If you want you can check out the list here

News bits!
Source: Dave Meltzer

Matt Hardy was legitimately shaken up last night at RAW by the Trevor Murdoch finish, which was planned to be a Canadian Destroyer even though it didn't work out that way. It's said not to be that serious.

As noted earlier today, the WWE web site gave this one line, saying "WWE has taken action against Randy Orton for unprofessional conduct." At this point he's being punished with what is believed to be a fine, but no suspension. Vince McMahon was apparently mad because WWE was the last to report on a major story on his own talent, but he didn't want the full story reported either so WWE's main website guy Michael Cole was only allowed to put up one line.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-25 01:25:08

At 4/25/07 12:20 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: As noted earlier today, the WWE web site gave this one line, saying "WWE has taken action against Randy Orton for unprofessional conduct." At this point he's being punished with what is believed to be a fine, but no suspension. Vince McMahon was apparently mad because WWE was the last to report on a major story on his own talent, but he didn't want the full story reported either so WWE's main website guy Michael Cole was only allowed to put up one line.

Here it goes again...

So there you have it... You'll be punished/de-pushed if you make out with your girl in Iraq or if your real-life GF happens to be an bitch backstage (Cough*Melinacough*). However, you can use steroids, get caught smoking weed,harrass female employers and trash hotel rooms while only getting a fine.

Joey Mercury gets hooked on drugs that he legitimately needs, and is released. Orton's been having drug problems longer than Mercury was even with the damn company. Mercury actually goes to rehab, and Orton simply gets suspended a couple of times.

You gotta love the logic >_>

And before its mentioned... I know, Orton's a big name. The fact remains, Orton is not a draw at the moment and he really hasn't been a draw dince being with the company. Some will say creative is to blame (and they are idiots believe me) because they buried Orton.. Orton was buried due to his stupidity, he's to blame and no one else. I don't give a fuck about him being a 3rd-generation superstar, he hasn't done shit for the WWE but bring them headache after headache after headche. The guy needs to go or get a looong suspension so that he finally learns that no matter who you dad is, you are not and will never be above the wrestling business.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-25 10:14:24

Worst they will do to him right now is leave him in the under card until they think he's ready for another shot at the top. But my guess for Backlash is that whoever wins will be pinning Orton for it.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-25 11:47:44

how can you f***s believe this s**t!!!! its all a pile o bulls**t!!! u f***s!!!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-25 13:52:58

At 4/25/07 11:47 AM, LegendarySS wrote: how can you f***s believe this s**t!!!! its all a pile o bulls**t!!! u f***s!!!

if your talking about it being fake then

#1. everything on tv is fake, even american idol, so if you hate something just because its not real then you probly dont watch that much tv. and we dont bitch at you so go away.
#2. why would you come to our club and bitch just because your opinion is worth more then ours.
#3.if you dont like it who cares, no one is the same k.
#4. we enjoy watching people kick other peoples asses(even if its fake) thats why we made this crew.
#5. go fuck yourself.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-25 13:55:29

At 4/25/07 11:47 AM, LegendarySS wrote: how can you f***s believe this s**t!!!! its all a pile o bulls**t!!! u f***s!!!

AND FUCKING LOOK AT YOU MR DRAGONBALL Z. THATS EVEN MORE FAKE THAN ANYTHING ON TV, ITS ANEMIE FOR FUCK SAKES(although i used to watch it all the time before, cuz it was pretty cool before GT came out)

.....................anyone who thinks i owned this nub say "OWNED" at the end of your comment. lol

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-25 13:56:51

but i did used to believe, when i was 2-6 years old, but when i found out it wasint real, it was like being told santa isint real, dad shot the easter bunny, ect,ect....

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-25 14:09:54

At 4/25/07 01:56 PM, Dinomitekid wrote: but i did used to believe, when i was 2-6 years old, but when i found out it wasint real, it was like being told santa isint real, dad shot the easter bunny, ect,ect....

Just a couple of things you should know... Try not to triple post as much, instead just write one long post saying everything that needs to be said, and second, try to ignore these guys. I know one gets to desire to tell them to shut up, but it never does any good.

Just ignore them and move on.... And Santa isn't real? WTF?

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-25 15:45:08

Just a couple of things you should know... Try not to triple post as much, instead just write one long post saying everything that needs to be said, and second, try to ignore these guys. I know one gets to desire to tell them to shut up, but it never does any good.

Just ignore them and move on.... And Santa isn't real? WTF?

lmao, but its retarded, whenever i post something i think of something else to say, but i will try not to as much

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-26 02:00:53

Hope Supercrazy makes it ok; at least it's not involving the liver this time.

At 4/21/07 11:07 PM, Dinomitekid wrote: also, anyone up-to-date yet on triple H's condition? his doctor told him he might never wrestle again, but if he does its gonna be half a year.

Wtf? Just what the fuck did he do to himself?

At 4/21/07 11:22 PM, MegaGold wrote: Speed is same as agility

Actually, I think there's a difference; I just can't remember what exactly.

Douche and Dillhole don't have that, the only good person on their team is sexy Cherry.
DAMNIT! I called Deuce 'Doofus'; how could I NOT HAVE used 'Douche' instead? It's beome one of my favorite words..... :P >_<
At 4/21/07 10:05 PM, Cereal wrote:
Calm down playa, jus for tat lit'l mocker-ay t'night you gonna go one on one wit....

Da Undatakah!
Best quote ever!!!


Holla'-holla'. :P

At 4/22/07 09:05 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: At least Regal and Taylor are getting some air time. Yeah they are losing to Kane on a nightly basis, but this if WWE is still planning a Henry/Kane fued they would want Kane to look strong enough to take on two guys. Not that he really needs it since most fans are rooting for Kane anyway.

I'd rather see Regal/Taylor w/ the belts than - lemme' get it right this time, lol - DOUCHE & Dillhole.

Kane is one of the only guys left big enough to give Henry any sort of a challenge really other than The Great Khali...no, wait, there's still Lashley. And with that said, perhaps Umaga.

At 4/22/07 01:14 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Randy Orton has been sent home from WWE's European tour. The reason is apparently because he messed up a hotel room.

Wtf is up with him? All he does is retarded shit, and yet Vincehole still keeps him on the fucking roster. WHY? What's the point?

EDIT: $30,000!? Oh, snap. GOOD that he doesn't get to do Backlash, because that's just plain fucked up. VINCE IS NOT YOUR MAID, ORTON; HE SHOULDN'T HAVE TO CLEAN UP YOUR FUCKING MESSES.

At 4/22/07 10:38 PM, LordKooler wrote: Source: Lordsofpain.net

Former WWE Diva and one of the 1st winners of "Tough Enough" Nidia Guenard gave birth to a baby girl named Lillith last week.

Nidia, who won the first Tough Enough alongside former WWE superstar Maven, was released by the WWE a few years back. Her biggest claim to fame was as the "girlfriend/manager" of Jamie Noble during his reign as Cruiserweight Champion.

Awwwww; well, congratulations. ^_^ Haven't heard her name come up in a while.

At 4/24/07 03:39 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote:
At 4/24/07 03:26 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
At 4/24/07 10:33 AM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: They don't have the skill. Cena is just too skilled a wrestler.
There is nothing to do with being skillful or not.
...... I think he was being sarcastic actually :P


At 4/25/07 01:25 AM, pepeatumi wrote: Here it goes again...

So there you have it... You'll be punished/de-pushed if you make out with your girl in Iraq or if your real-life GF happens to be an bitch backstage (Cough*Melinacough*). However, you can use steroids, get caught smoking weed,harrass female employers and trash hotel rooms while only getting a fine.

Make out with girl in Iraq? Who was that?

Joey Mercury gets hooked on drugs that he legitimately needs, and is released. Orton's been having drug problems longer than Mercury was even with the damn company. Mercury actually goes to rehab, and Orton simply gets suspended a couple of times.

You gotta love the logic >_>

Logic? There was logic?

At 4/25/07 02:09 PM, pepeatumi wrote:
At 4/25/07 01:56 PM, Dinomitekid wrote: but i did used to believe, when i was 2-6 years old, but when i found out it wasint real, it was like being told santa isint real, dad shot the easter bunny, ect,ect....
Just a couple of things you should know... Try not to triple post as much, instead just write one long post saying everything that needs to be said, and second, try to ignore these guys. I know one gets to desire to tell them to shut up, but it never does any good.

Yeah, I definitely know that last sentence from experience.... >_< (Ah, my noob days.)

And yes, just do like I do: GINORMOUS MEGA-POSTS FROM HELL.

And Santa isn't real? WTF?

Rofl. Neither is the tooth fairy; but The Boogeyman & The Undertaker are. :P

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-26 03:00:06

Does Randy Orton matter really? No, can Randy Orton draw a dime? Fuck no.

Orton is there because people in management like him and see something in him, they're willing to put up with his shit and give him a million chances to succeed which he promptly flushes. The guy has some talent, but won't be a top guy ever, the rub that Foley gave him has completely dissapated and now he's useless. WWE should just cut bait on him already and let him walk, if he goes to TNA they'll just destroy him the way they destroy ever other guy with any marketability they get.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-26 07:27:01

According to the Pro Wrestling Torch Newsletter, WWE management does, to a degree, look down upon young wrestlers who “overindulge” in a marijuana habit.

The company believes that marijuana could factor into a wrestler’s lack of desire to get ahead. If a wrestler who has a reputation for a lack of passion also smokes marijuana, he will likely be viewed as a “pothead”&#65533;&#65533;"management will likely refrain from giving him a push until he kicks (or hides) the habit.

The same does not apply to marijuana use by veteran WWE wrestlers. WWE accepts the notion that such wrestlers have proven their commitment to success and, consequently, have “earned the right” to indulge.

Under its wellness policy, WWE does not formally test for marijuana use.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-26 10:33:22

At 4/26/07 02:00 AM, Assi9 wrote: Make out with girl in Iraq? Who was that?

ECW's own CM Punk.... Apparently he got into some trouble with the "higher powers" for making out with his girlfriend (The ridiculuosly hot Maria from RAW) during their trip in Iraq in December.

Because obviously, makng out is much, much worse than trashing a hotel room

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-26 21:05:03

At 4/26/07 10:33 AM, pepeatumi wrote:
Because obviously, makng out is much, much worse than trashing a hotel room

What is even worse that Joey Mercury got fired when he clearly was devoted to the company. I was so looking forward to his matchs with the Hardys when his nose healed, but he got released before he could make a big splash. This should be Orton's last chance, and he'll probably piss it away.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-26 23:58:41

Okay, tomorrow = 2 days 'till Backlash & 1 week 'till The World's Strongest Man stomps his back to the ring. London/Kendrick had BETTER get back those titles. AND THE RETURN OF BOOGEYMAN!!! And he's coming to get Regal & Taylor.....in between Kane getting his shots, that is.

At 4/26/07 07:27 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: hmmmmmm
According to the Pro Wrestling Torch Newsletter, WWE management does, to a degree, look down upon young wrestlers who “overindulge” in a marijuana habit.

The company believes that marijuana could factor into a wrestler’s lack of desire to get ahead. If a wrestler who has a reputation for a lack of passion also smokes marijuana, he will likely be viewed as a “pothead”&#65533;&#65533;"management will likely refrain from giving him a push until he kicks (or hides) the habit.

The same does not apply to marijuana use by veteran WWE wrestlers. WWE accepts the notion that such wrestlers have proven their commitment to success and, consequently, have “earned the right” to indulge.

Under its wellness policy, WWE does not formally test for marijuana use.

Well, good; pot should be legalized anyway. Wrestlers that have made something of themselves in the business SHOULD be allowed to kick back and, if they so choose, light a doobie.

At 4/26/07 10:33 AM, pepeatumi wrote:
At 4/26/07 02:00 AM, Assi9 wrote: Make out with girl in Iraq? Who was that?
ECW's own CM Punk.... Apparently he got into some trouble with the "higher powers" for making out with his girlfriend (The ridiculuosly hot Maria from RAW) during their trip in Iraq in December.

Because obviously, makng out is much, much worse than trashing a hotel room

Yeah, really; wtf's wrong with that? I would've definitely argued that one, wouldn't you?

Geez, the bullshit people can receive.......

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-27 07:01:55

Source: PWInsider.com Audio, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

When the story of Randy Orton’s trashed hotel room first got out people in the locker room under the impression that he had been fired on the spot, which obviously wasn't the case. There are now reports coming out that the damages to his hotel room were in excess of $50,000. Orton is definitely in hot water right now and there are people within the company who are surprised that he still hasn’t been fired yet. WWE officials are very upset about the situation, especially after having given him so many chances in the past, but it doesn‘t look like they will be releasing or suspending him.

I wonder how the rest of the workers must feel in that if they mess up just once they will get fired immediatly, but if your name is randy orton, get multiple chances and not get fired? I'm willing to bet that Randy is not the most popular guy backstage.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-27 20:04:17

Here's the latest on RVD from PWInsider:

Several sources are confirming that Rob Van Dam has turned down his latest contract offer to remain with World Wrestling Entertainment. As of now, his deal is set to expire over the summer (I believe but can not confirm late July) but until the deal has expired, there's always a chance that the two sides will come to terms. As of right now, I've heard that creative has been instructed to focus on CM Punk and Elijah Burke as the major players for the ECW brand so that if Van Dam does depart, it's not as strong of a blow to the ECW storylines.

Van Dam has been with WWE since July 2001 when he was brought in as part of the ECW end of the ill-fated Alliance contingent during the Invasion storyline. Van Dam has held just about every major WWE championship belt, although he was never pushed as a top performer for any extended period of time despite a large contingent of fan support, especially early in his tenure.

Should he leave the company, Van Dam's true legacy would be that he was the primary motivating factor in convincing Vince McMahon to revive Extreme Championship Wrestling for the 2005 ECW One Night Stand PPV event, which ironically, Van Dam missed due to a knee injury, although he did give the best promo of his career during the show.

When WWE decided to re-launch ECW as a third brand for the company in June 2006, Van Dam captured the WWE championship from John Cena and was then awarded the resurrected ECW World championship. The original plan was for Van Dam to have a long run with the ECW belt while dropping the WWE title, but those plans were tossed aside when he and Sabu were pulled over for speeding and later charged with possession of a controlled substance. Van Dam quickly dropped both belts and was suspended by the company. Upon his return, he remained a top-tier ECW player but the brand was no longer built around him.

Prior to his WWE run, Van Dam worked for the original Extreme Championship Wrestling from January 1996 through the end of the company's existence, although there were times towards the end of ECW that he took extended breaks from wrestling when the company wasn't able to pay him to perform. During his ECW run, he gradually graduated from undercard heel feuding with Sabu to the top babyface attraction of the latter years of the company. Van Dam also worked briefly for WCW under the moniker "Robby V" when Bills Watts was overseeing that company for Turner Broadcasting and toured All Japan Pro Wrestling.

Considered to be an extremely popular performer among die hard fans, Van Dam would be highly prized on the independent scene should he leave the company, particularly since he's had usage of the Rob Van Dam ring name from 1992 on and likely wouldn't be prevented from using it by World Wrestling Entertainment, as the former Dudley Boys, Team 3D have.

RVD can make a good amount of money outside of WWE, he'd be headlining smaller shows probably, but he'd at least be working in the style he wants, and for products that he believes in. Selfishly, I'd like to see Rob stay and be on my TV, but I'd rather he go out and do what he loves to do on his terms, not somebody else's.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-27 20:15:22

i just heard that a top star form WWE is leaving

who i think its kane
but i swear hed better get 1 more world title reighn

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-27 20:24:24

At 4/27/07 08:04 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: RVD can make a good amount of money outside of WWE, he'd be headlining smaller shows probably, but he'd at least be working in the style he wants, and for products that he believes in. Selfishly, I'd like to see Rob stay and be on my TV, but I'd rather he go out and do what he loves to do on his terms, not somebody else's.

Yeah, I'd miss him too...he's been one of my favorite wrestlers ever since I first saw him, and always put on a killer show when he performed. I'd like him to stay, too, but if he wants to work elsewhere and do something else with his life, he's certainly earned it.

Boogeyman's on tonight. None of my friends seem to like him as much as I do, though, lol.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-27 21:04:45

I have some WWE news to report.

Sources: PWInsider.com & Wrestlingobserver.com

Kurt Schneider, WWE's Executive Vice President of Marketing has given notice that he will be leaving the company. He will be taking a position working with the Harlem Globetrotters organization. Schneider wasn't happy with increased pressure from the McMahon family, and gave notice 2-weeks ago. Schneider has been with the company since February 2003 and was the major force responsible for overseeing the marketing for all of WWE's PPV events, the live events, global marketing and strategic business operations. He also oversaw all of the company's advertising, promotions, Public Relations, Corporate Communications and other associated responsibilities. In 2004 it was Schneider's WrestleMania XX advertising theme of building the entire year around marketing the company's flagship event that helped lead WWE to it's first major PPV revenue increase overall in several years. Schneider was well liked and considered one of the best department heads to work under and his division was said to have had the best morale of any part of WWE's office end. His departure is being looked at as a major loss to the company.

Here is the planned match listing for the upcoming WWE Ladder Match DVD Set:

- Jake Roberts vs. Big Daddy Ritter (Junk Yard Dog) (Stampede Wrestling 1979)

- Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels (1992)

- Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon (SummerSlam 1995)

- HHH vs. Rock (SummerSlam 1998)

- Hardyz vs. Edge & Christian (No Mercy 1999)

- TLC I: Edge & Christian vs. Dudleyz vs. Hardyz (SummerSlam 2000)

- Shannon Moore & Shane Helms vs. Jamie Noble & Evan Karagias vs. Kaz Hayashi & Jimmy Yang (WCW StarrCade 2000)

- Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho (Royal Rumble 2001)

- TLC II: Edge & Christian vs. Dudleyz vs. Hardyz (WrestleMania X-Seven)

- TLC III: Jericho & Benoit vs. Edge & Christian vs. Dudleyz vs. Hardyz (SmackDown! 2001)

- Edge vs. Christian (No Mercy 2001)

- RVD vs. Eddie Guerrero (Raw 2002)

- Undertaker vs. Jeff Hardy (Raw 2002)

- TLC IV: Kane & Hurricane vs. RVD & Jeff Hardy vs. Bubba & Spike Dudley vs. Jericho & Christian (Raw 2002)

- Chris Jericho vs. Christian (Unforgiven 2004)

- MITB I: Edge vs. Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Christian vs. Kane (WrestleMania 21)

- Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio (SummerSlam 2005)

- Edge vs. Matt Hardy (WWE Homecoming 2005)

- TLC V: Edge vs. Ric Flair (Raw 2006)

- TLC VI: Edge vs. John Cena (Unforgiven 2006)

- Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro (Raw 2006)

- London & Kendrick vs. Regal & Taylor vs. Hardyz vs. MNM (Armageddon 2006)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-28 00:20:32

That looks to be a damn good dvd set. I'd definatly buy that.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-28 00:46:56

At 4/28/07 12:20 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: That looks to be a damn good dvd set. I'd definatly buy that.

Agreed.. I'm pleasantly surprised that Christian's ladder ,atches will be included on the DVD. He may be in TNA, but the fact remains, he's been part of some of the most memorable ladder matches in recent WWF/E history.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-28 10:26:08

SD was ok last night. Nothing special but not the worst episode ever. I'm not a fan of Duce and Domino so I hope their title run is short.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-28 11:24:48

hey guys can i join

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-28 23:36:51

At 4/28/07 11:24 AM, Batista333 wrote: hey guys can i join

post again and maybe add something to the conversation and we'll make it offical.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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