I tried posting twice last night; my comp just does NOT like the Internet, period.
Anyway, as far as last Friday, it was nice to finally see Jeff Hardy & CM Punk wrestle. The 10-Diva Tag-Match was a happy moment, since 3 Playboy covergirls were on the same team. (Is it just me, or do you wish that Torrie Wilson did that to you too? ^_^ I didn't even know she was still with the WWE, so I'm glad she was there. I've had a crush on her LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG before Ashley. <3)
As far as WM, even though I didn't see it, VINCE GOT HIS HEAD SHAVED!!!!!!! I saw it in the paper, on the local news, and even a tiny clip on Late Night w/ Conan O'Brien. IT'S ALL OVER THE FRICKING PLACE!!! On the news, he was sobbing like a 2-year-old. It was great. :P Of course Taker won, just as we wanted. He's in today's local paper. And of course Cena won, even though to some's dismay (and that's not counting the botchjob). I'm even glad Kennedy won. And good for the ECW originals getting their win.
At 3/31/07 04:17 PM, pepeatumi wrote:
Rip Carlito's WWE career....
One guy who was really upset about being left off of Wrestlemania is Carlito. At the WWE THQ Superstar Challenge, Carlito won one of his matches and was reportedly overheard saying, and this is not a direct quote, "Great, I can win here and can't at Wrestlemania." He wasn't in the best of spirits. To add to that, his feelings have been confirmed in an article today in the Ottawa Sun.
"I'm out of Wrestlemania," he says. Carlito then takes a subtle shot at some of the people who will be wrestling at WrestleMania by saying, "Apparently, they had to make space for Kane vs. Khali and Melina vs. Ashley. How can I be at Wrestlemania? If I politic and kiss ass, I should make it."
Carlito also added, "I'm not going to cry or be bitter, there's always next year ... and I don't want to get fired. But they're showing disrespect by not having Ric Flair at Wrestlemania and even more disrespect by not having Carlito there."
Good for him having the balls to say that.
At 4/2/07 12:50 AM, pepeatumi wrote:
As for Austin's stunner on Trump.... Obviously Trump was out of his element so the Stunner looked awkard, and I'm guessing Austin didn't want to hurt Trump for real.
Of course not; he didn't want the Trump to have to wear a neck brace; he'd probably sue.
At 4/2/07 10:42 PM, YoinK wrote:
But at least now the Hardy boys have the titles which is nice. They deserve it.
Rock on; they DO deserve it, especially Matt, since he hasn't even SPLIT a title in god knows how many years, and Jeff has only been back a few months.
As for Mcmahon.. it was so funny when he hid his head underneath Lillian Garcia's skirt. hahahaha
Rofl. I'm just loving this. :P
At 4/3/07 08:33 AM, TommyGun wrote:
Hah, I taped wrestlemania and I noticed during the Cena match somebody from the crowd got into the ring!!
But the WWE sercurity + camera crew did a great job concealing it from the crowd
it happens right after the Ref checks Cena before the match, that's why they focused the camera on the competitors for so long in the start to avoid the wide shot.
Oh god, pleez get a pic of that. That is just classic.
At 4/3/07 04:37 PM, pepeatumi wrote:
The WWE has signed a new wrestler.... And a great one at that.
Major ROH star headed to WWE...
Ring of Honor star Colt Cabana has signed a developmental deal with WWE and will report to OVW soon. Cabana was backstage at WrestleMania 23. He has also done jobber work for WWE in the past.
Cabana also recently worked for Wrestling Society X under the name of Matt Classic, which would seem to indicate that MTV has started releasing contracted WSX talent.
Cabana's final show with ROH will be on 4/28 at the Windy City Fieldhouse in Chicago Ridge. The show will in many ways be a tribute to Cabana and be called "Good Times, Great Memories."
Credit: PWInsider.com
About damn time!
Cool (pardon the pun); maybe he can keep Carlito with the WWE for a while longer.