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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-31 16:38:18

At 3/31/07 04:31 PM, Asteraith wrote: Look, I'm not a wrestling fan, and I admit it, so don't hate to much here. But tell me, what do you like about wrestling. I mean, if you know everything is staged, the fights are rigged, and the whole thing is b.s., why is it still entertaining? I'm not trying to criticize, just understand.

Its kind of hard to explain... We know its all staged, but its so over the top (and at times entertaining) that we just can't stop watching. Its something that can't really be explained, but if you're a fan you find yourself being hooked for life.

The women with big titties don't hurt either.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-31 17:09:01

At 3/31/07 04:31 PM, Asteraith wrote: Look, I'm not a wrestling fan, and I admit it, so don't hate to much here. But tell me, what do you like about wrestling. I mean, if you know everything is staged, the fights are rigged, and the whole thing is b.s., why is it still entertaining? I'm not trying to criticize, just understand.

I look at as a show that i watch TV with a lot of fight scenes. I watch shows like Prison Break which involve fist fights and I know those are staged too. It is just fun to watch and a good way to spend two hours, well most of the time anyways.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 00:19:28

At 3/31/07 04:31 PM, Asteraith wrote: Look, I'm not a wrestling fan, and I admit it, so don't hate to much here. But tell me, what do you like about wrestling. I mean, if you know everything is staged, the fights are rigged, and the whole thing is b.s., why is it still entertaining? I'm not trying to criticize, just understand.

It may all be staged, but I tend to stand in awe when watching some of the stunts they do. They put their bodies on the line each night they perform and put on the best show they can. It's entertainment value does not come from the winning/losing aspect, but the performance of it. You can't tell me that seeing someone do a backflip onto someone to take them out isn't fun to watch. Yeah no one in their right mind would try that in real life, and that's what makes it so fun.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 00:54:57

At 3/31/07 04:42 PM, Asteraith wrote: i guess i know what you mean... kinda like watching a magician even though you know he isn't doing real magic. i prefer to watch real fighting, like boxing, but I guess I can respect wrestling for its entertainment value.

To each their own. Personally, I love the athleticism, there is an art to a great match, and I think it's pretty awesome to watch two guys who can really understand how to do the art of hard hitting, smash mouth fighting in that ring, and that the guys are still able to get out of there and not be killed. I like the idea of the respect, the commaredery between the boys, and the love affair between us the fans, and they the performers. Guess I'm just a sucker for the romance of the thing, and I miss that, because these days the romance really seems to have gone out of the big time level these days.

As for Carlito, I agree with the man, I respect his honesty, and I hope that when they bury him, and he gets fired, he lands on his feet elsewhere and sticks his career right up their fool asses.

Been really enjoying the Hall of Fame thus far. Was nice to read about what RVD said for The Sheik from the webcast. Ed Farhat and everybody going in tonight deserve the love their getting.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 01:00:49

At 4/1/07 12:54 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Been really enjoying the Hall of Fame thus far. Was nice to read about what RVD said for The Sheik from the webcast. Ed Farhat and everybody going in tonight deserve the love their getting.

I enjoyed seeing Mama Umaga, and seeing Umaga out of character.... Dustin's other kid looks to be great on the mic, except for the lisp and it was cool seeing Dustin getting his due (we even got a Goldust chant).

And to those who haven't seen the HoF webcast, let me say this.... Cena is going to get booed out of the building at WM, plain and simple. Everytime they showed Cena massive boo, and everytime they showed Michaels the crowd went wild. Other interesting things, HHH needs to shave and Snitsky is one snappy dresser.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 02:17:31

Carlito vs. Kane would have been better to watch. And have Rick Flair in Carlito's corner.
That Kahli guy doesn't impress me at all. I'm starting to get sick of his ugly ass in the ring. You can't market a guy who can barely speak english.... and his wrestling skills are complete crap.

I would hate to see Carlito leave the WWE.... that would just make the company even worse.

As for John Cena, I mean.. the guy is a good wrestler. It's just that he's been the champ for so long and it's definitely time for some change.

Any chance of an April Fools joke on wrestlemania?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 09:04:54

I feel for the guy. He's pissed that he was left out of the biggest show of the year, and now because of him speaking out, WWE is going to punish him in some way. WWE can be brutal. I just hope this doesn't ruin his career.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 11:40:05

i'll give my predictions too.

U.S title match:i wouldnt be surprised if this was the first match of the night,MVP will probably win this match because i've heard rumours that benoits goin back to RAW,and he cant go back th U.S champ,the only thing i dont want is MVP winning cleanly,i mean tapping out to cena is bad enough.


khali vs kane:i really dont give a damn about this match but khali will probably win


womans championship:i hevent seen ashley wrestle properly,so i'm not entirely sure, i think melina will probably retain.


originals vs new breed:this will be burkes time to shine,he can wrestle.dont think any of the originals will do anything much except maybe an RVD or a sabu high spot.

winner:new breed

money in the bank:i expect jeff to do another spot,and hornswoggle to have something to do with it,but in the end i think kennedy will be the winner.


battle of the billionaires:it's obvious whos gonna win,but it's how he's gonna win in my opinion,stone cold will definetly have something to do with the outcome.


undertaker Vs batista:taker BETTER win this match,if his streak is going to end let end by someone with passion for the buisness,i'm getting sick of batista


HBK vs cena:despite me wanting HBK to win i expect this fued to continue with cena retaining the title.

i'd like to see other peoples predictions though

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 13:23:55

At 4/1/07 02:17 AM, YoinK wrote: Any chance of an April Fools joke on wrestlemania?

Maybe Vince wears a bald cap, takes it off tomorrow and says that he was never going to go bald... After we've already given him our money.

No predictions from me, its WM and I leave this to the powers that be. We catch a lot of flak from people for being wrestling fans, but today, those people who hate on us can just go to hell. It might not be the best card, but its still WM the best day as wrestling fan period.... Enjoy it, and hope that Cena loses.... And that Punk can somehow win the MITB.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 18:01:48

According to Vince, the loser will have his head shaved because you always have to deliver on what you promise. Yep, laughed my ass off too when I read he said that in the news. The man has mastered the bait and switch lately, but I do truly believe he's willing to have his head shaved and if he wasn't, they would have come up with some other stipulation.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 18:10:13

At 4/1/07 06:01 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: According to Vince, the loser will have his head shaved because you always have to deliver on what you promise. Yep, laughed my ass off too when I read he said that in the news. The man has mastered the bait and switch lately, but I do truly believe he's willing to have his head shaved and if he wasn't, they would have come up with some other stipulation.

Its one thing to pull a bait and switch on a PPV like December to Dismember, but to do it on WM? I don't think Vince will go that far. Word is that the MITB will open the show, if that's the case then we might just see the winner cash it in tonight.

Less than an hour to go..

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 18:43:55

At 4/1/07 06:10 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Its one thing to pull a bait and switch on a PPV like December to Dismember, but to do it on WM? I don't think Vince will go that far. Word is that the MITB will open the show, if that's the case then we might just see the winner cash it in tonight.

Less than an hour to go..

That would be interesting, especially if it's getting the half hour I've heard it will. I think though the only way the MITB winner cashes it in at the end of the show is if Battle of The Billionares, or Cena/Michaels closes the show. I don't see Taker beating Batista only to do a job immediately after, and really, that's the only way you have the MITB winner cash the shot in tonight, he's got to beat whoever his opponent is. It's unlikely BOTB will close the show however because they've tended to follow the rule that the H favors, that being you always close Mania with a title match.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 20:46:13

Taker won it!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 21:58:52


all won just HBKand CEna left




Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 22:12:14

At 4/1/07 09:58 PM, Joe-Milionare wrote: origanils














all won just HBKand CEna left

Plz.. let it be HBK!!!!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 22:55:13

I have a question, Why was the Taker/Batista match not the main event?
There were 3 matches after it. I assumed before watching WM that taker batista would've been the beeter match and should've been ME because it has like 3 months build compared to Cena-Micheals what you barely call build-up.

Overall decent WM, better if Michaels had won and Taker's match been ME.

On another note I hope Edge is ok.

"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"

Ronald Reagan

Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 23:12:37

The Cena-Michales match was great, but obviously I'm pissed because of the outcome. But there is something I want to know... Who is left? Who's left for Cena to beat?

Orton is not a credible challenger what with his constant jobbing, even when HHH returns he's already lost to John, same with HBK,Umaga,(Jericho,Christian,Angle, who are no longer with the WWE) and pretty much everyone who has been a part of the RAW roster for the past 2 years. So who's left? Khali won't get a title shot, so its either Kennedy or.....Kennedy.

Benoit didn't drop the US title so the rumored move to RAW is just that, a rumor and even if he goes to RAW he's already lost to Cena in under 7 minutes... Sounds like a predicament for the WWE.

If only they would have taken the time to build up mid-carders like Nitro,Carlito and Benjamin this wouldn't be a problem.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 23:15:17

At 4/1/07 10:55 PM, TommyGun wrote:
On another note I hope Edge is ok.

What happened to Edge? I'm glad Undertaker won, but I really wished Cena lost, my only hope is the rivalry will continue and he will lose at Backlash or sometime before summer.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 23:19:03

omg that was like the worst WM ever

and HBK LOST!!!!!!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 23:21:13

At 4/1/07 11:15 PM, boloneyman wrote: What happened to Edge? I'm glad Undertaker won, but I really wished Cena lost, my only hope is the rivalry will continue and he will lose at Backlash or sometime before summer.

Jeff Hardy did one his crazy spots and Edge was taken out on a stretcher.

And one last thing about Cena... Learn to sell, please! He got hit in the leg over and over again, he limped for a couple of minutes and then the leg just healed, I thought Michaels was the one who found God and not the other way around... Biggest show of the fucking year and you can't so something as simple as sell an injury?

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 23:30:59

I would love to see a kennedy vs. John cena and have Kennedy win. :)
Which champion do you think Kennedy will choose to face when he cashes in?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 23:42:31

Hi, I'm not a member, but I felt like posting in here as a kind of one off, so I hope you don't mind :).
I read this thread constantly (yeah, I'm like the King of lurking) because I can't watch any of the shows except Smackdown (which has been pretty good in recent months), and you lot keep me posted on what is going on elsewhere. It's much appreciated, even if you don't realise you are doing it :D

SPOILERS for anyone that taped it or whatever, though that is pretty obvious.

I ordered the Wrestlemania webcast as a kind of spur of the moment thing about an hour before the show, and it's the first one I've seen since Wrestlemania 20. Without cable I had no other alternative. I wish I did- after an hour and a half of 'technical difficulties', and some feverish emails to the WWE support service, I finally got it in time for the Taker Batista match. Yeah, I'm pissed- I missed the MITB match, which was the main thing I wanted to see. The other matches I missed I really don't care about.

So anyway, about the matches I DID see.

The Taker match was pretty average to be honest- same old moves and same old result. Not that I am complaining about the latter part of that, as with everyone else I wanted the streak to go on, but it could have been a bit longer and had a bit more substance to it. The result saved it I guess, but not a classic. I don't think Taker will hold the belt too long, but it's good to see him with the title again. For someone so dominant he really hasn't held it that much over the last 15 years. Plus I'm guessing he will be retiring soon, so this is a good tribute to him to go out on a high. With luck Kane will get a similar push soon- he's been badly under used on Smackdown recently.

The ECW match was great, especially as I haven't seen any of those guys since the original ECW was around (RVD excluded obviously). Short, but pretty sweet, and the right result again, so I was pretty happy with that.

The battle of the Billionaires was pretty good in my opinion, even if it was predictable. Stone Cold made it, as expected, but the match itself was solid enough. Good to see Vince bald, and I hope that means he'll be kept in the back for the next month or so as I'm sick of him sticking his nose in places he's not wanted.

Some ladies match or other- didn't watch it as I thought that was the perfect chance to grab some food, and it was mercifully short. How that was on the card instead of London and Kendrick I will never know.

The last match was really good in my opinion- those exchanges of counters were great, and there was some really solid wrestling in there. Crap result, but I expect nothing less from the WWE. I was certain that the only way Cena could retain was if the MITB winner then came out and won it, but that clearly didn't happen.

Lame ending to the show, but on the whole it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Hopefully I'll be able to watch the MITB over the next couple of days. I hear Edge went off on a stretcher, so I hope he is OK. How did Punk do? I'm glad Kennedy won as he has done well on Smackdown over the last year, and I hope they push Punk through some other route and get him a title- they need to push some up and comers as this whole super man lark is getting very old.

Sig by lebastic

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 23:42:34

At 4/1/07 11:30 PM, YoinK wrote: I would love to see a kennedy vs. John cena and have Kennedy win. :)
Which champion do you think Kennedy will choose to face when he cashes in?

I'm hoping he goes after Cena, because like I said John has defeated every on the RAW roster (Khali doesn't count) but it wouldn't surprise me if Kennedy went after Taker, after all they already have some history because of their recent feud.

So, I want him to go for Cena's title, but I think he'll choose Taker.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-01 23:44:26

I can't believe this.

Both members of DX have been defeated by John Cena at WM23. First HHH at WM22, now Shawn? I'm really sick of having Cena as champ and someone needs to take that title away at Backlash.



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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-02 00:33:20

I thought Mania was a pretty good show. Not the big event it should have been because so much of it was obvious, but a pretty decent show, however I don't think I'd recommend buying the replay if you didn't see it.

Just some quick thoughts on some of the bouts:

I really like MITB, I thought this was easily the best, most exciting bout of the night. Kennedy was a strong choice to win, and I like that CM Punk was right there in the end and they really put over that he could just as easily have won, I'd like to see those two have a singles match at some point for the briefcase, or just for the fuck of it. Loved Jeff Hardy's spot, and even though the ladder was obviously gimmicked, that was a hell of a dive and I like that it put he and Edge out of the match so that Edge could not win, but not really lose either. Very smart of WWE to protect Edge's aura and streak here as that's a tool they can use later to get somebody over.

Kane/Khali was whatever. Very basic. They should have just said "Memo to Hulk Hogan: Fuck you!!!" when Kane body slammed Khali, and if you stuck around and watched the video at the end where they juxtaposed Kane's slam of Khali over Hogan slamming Andre at Mania 3, they drove that home here. The wrong guy won here though I think, Khali is just a monster who's never going to really make them money, and I think I would have liked to see Kane put him down and then use that aura to help make him and make other guys as Kane is much more capable of that then Khali. That said, hopefully this is all building to a day when someone beats Khali and gets a huge push out of it (somebody good obviously).

Benoit vs. MVP was perfectly fine, but kind of came off like filler to me as it just seemed like they just put these guys on the show to have them take up the air time and have something decent. Hopefully they're building to a bigger issue here somehow, or it's leading into a renewed push of Benoit. Otherwise, all this did was illustrate how far Chris Benoit has fallen the last 3 years.

I thought the placement for the World Title match was definitely odd, but it definitely followed a pattern the show was establishing of trying to sandwhich the dreck between something good. This was a pretty good match between two big men, and they kept Batista strong by it taking Taker's best move to put him down, and giving him that running powerslam through the ECW table (I guess that'll probably become the new Spanish announce table). The finish was never in doubt, and this will not be heralded as a classic Taker match, but it's certainly nice to see the company reward their best soldier of the modern era. The shot of Taker walking off with the belt was great, as was his entrance.

ECW Originals vs. New Breed was 7 minutes of pure fun. I think the match went the appropriate amount of time, and I liked that the Originals came in through the crowd, I said to my friends who are fellow ECW diehards that just these guys getting on the show was an accomplishment as they paid their dues, and they earned the oppurtunity. To have them then go on and beat the New Breed was further awesomeness!! It seems like maybe we can hope WWE is finally realizing that the Originals have real value to the company, and to the ECW brand. Everybody looked good, and the only real complaint I have is the complaint I've voiced at other points during the feud, it seems like every time you get these guys together, RVD is the one getting the win for The Originals, or it's Elijah Burke getting the win for the New Breed. Just seems to me like they're trying to get over somebody in RVD who's already over, so let somebody else have the victory, especially since the guy what got pinned is Matt Striker, and he's been screwed ever since they dropped that feud he was having with The Sandman. Very good stuff though, and this was definitely one of my favorite bouts of the night.

Women's match was whatever. The right person won though, mercifully short. Moving on.

Cena and Michaels had a good matchup, they built slow and came up with something pretty darn good. I liked the piledriver on the stairs spot, I liked the sequence of reversals they went through, but there were obvious gaffs, like Cena not properly selling the leg, and I just don't feel the match really got going to the point of truly feeling like a Wrestlemania main event. I think both guys have definitely had better matches, and with Michaels tapping out, it makes it seem hard to me to fathom how we get into a rematch. Which, as was already pointed out here, it leaves us with a feeling of where do we go from here? Who can Cena fight now that he hasn't already beaten? Someone from ECW, or SD! maybe? WWE really needs to stop doing one off fights with this guy and building up more long term storylines for him like they did with the Edge feud.

Battle of The Billionares was pretty good. Umaga carried Lashley, and the fans seemed to be somewhat behind him, I marvel at how security let a guy in the front row with a "This is stupid" sign get through, they usually confiscate those types of signs at the door. Good for what it was, Vince proves that he is still one of the best actors the company has as I really loved his bit with backing into Austin and all. Trump even got off a really good clothesline! Too bad his punches were so fucking lame. I wonder if Trump was told he'd be taking a stunner, or if he just got cold feet, because he botched the move so badly live. Vince gets his head shaved, and everyone is happy, fine for what it was.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-02 00:50:07

Let me start with this.... Slick for the motherfucking win!!! I agree with the Punk statement he looked like he belonged and like he had a real chance at winning and all the announcers did their best to put him over when it looked like he would get the briefcase... A lot of Pro-Punk signs in the crowd.

To me Taker and Batista was much better than expected and probably should have closed out the show. The Cena-HBK match was too slow paced for the most part and that hurt the crowd, which by the way was terrible all night long, worst WM crowd ever.

As for Austin's stunner on Trump.... Obviously Trump was out of his element so the Stunner looked awkard, and I'm guessing Austin didn't want to hurt Trump for real.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-02 00:57:38

Well besides for Cena winning it sounded like a decent show. I can't wait for the pictures from the MITB match to hit WWE.com.

I'm guessing that Jeff did another swanton off a ladder? One of his previous swantons was voted the favorte WM moment on the website. I hope the Hardys reform, since it will give each something to do, and give each some steam for a push. I'm hoping that at least one of them will be champ someday.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-02 03:05:34

At 4/2/07 12:50 AM, pepeatumi wrote: Let me start with this.... Slick for the motherfucking win!!! I agree with the Punk statement he looked like he belonged and like he had a real chance at winning and all the announcers did their best to put him over when it looked like he would get the briefcase... A lot of Pro-Punk signs in the crowd.

That's good, hopefully punk will get more opportunity now.

As for Austin's stunner on Trump.... Obviously Trump was out of his element so the Stunner looked awkard, and I'm guessing Austin didn't want to hurt Trump for real.

So Austin arived... raised hell... he must be leaving....
Too bad he didn't hurt trump. I really hate that guy. Almost as much as mcmahon.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-02 04:47:25

I didn't watch Wrestlemania (I'm poor), but it sucks that Cena won. He's a great athlete, sure, but I'd like to see things move in a different direction.

I hope McMahon takes a nice, long vacation now that he lost. I never really liked it when he spends too much time on air. Gotta give him props for sacrificing the hair, though.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-04-02 06:55:55

This will probably mean that Vince will go after Umaga and Estrada since they lost. Seems Mania was a tad predictable since most of you got your predictions right on the money. I am excited to see some of the fallout on Raw tonight.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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