Backlash is going to be held in Atlanta so I might go. Hopefully I can get some tickets that are decent.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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Backlash is going to be held in Atlanta so I might go. Hopefully I can get some tickets that are decent.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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yeah, i like wwe, but if there was a bout between wwe and wwf, i would definitley choose wwf, my favs are, the old undertaker, bret hart andre the giant and many many more
amen to that bruther lol -
Though the show really doesn't need it Ludacris and Timbaland will be performing at WM. My guess it that they will do one of theri songs each, and maybe someone's enterence music.
I still don't know if I should buy WM this year. There are a few matches I'd like to see but some I don't give a damn about. Like I could care less about Khali vs Kane.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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At 3/25/07 12:26 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I still don't know if I should buy WM this year. There are a few matches I'd like to see but some I don't give a damn about. Like I could care less about Khali vs Kane.
Stuff like that won't go past 10 minutes (and if we're lucky, it'll be five and done), they've got basically four main events booked for this show (MITB, Battle of the Billionares, the two Championship bouts), those are going to eat the lion's share of the time, so it seems to me the stuff that's going to be dreck is going to be mercifully short. I really like this card on paper, and am actually looking forward to this show (I don't think I've really been able to say that since last year's ONS show).
I hope you are right, through some of the matches would be better with more time. Like the almost non-promoted ECW match.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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At 3/25/07 12:26 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I still don't know if I should buy WM this year. There are a few matches I'd like to see but some I don't give a damn about. Like I could care less about Khali vs Kane.
Same here... Matches like this, Melina vs Ashley, hell, even Lashley vs Umaga don't really seem like WM. Even the ME feel more like Summerslam matches than Wrestlemania. With that said... I'll probably end up buying it for the MITB, in case something unexpected happens like Punk winning the MITB (yeah right).
And how cares about Ludacris and Timbaland? Aretha Franklin is going to soing America The Beautiful... That actually might end up stealing the whole damn show.
Well... what about the Cena-Micheals title match?
if Cena wins I swear to god Im not watching WWE anymore.
Same if Batista beats Taker..
I don't know what more you guys can want from WWE at this point guys. They've got their biggest stars in the biggest events they could conceivably put together in my eyes for this show. WWE is in a rebuilding mode right now, so you're not going to be getting things like "Austin vs. Rock" at Wrestlemania or any show these days. WM is the biggest stage of the year for them, and it's their oppurtunity to show off the stars they have and the stars they'll make. Enjoy it now because once H gets back (and he's shooting for SS) everything will go right back to being built around him and he'll most likely wind up getting the title back by WM 24.
At 3/25/07 07:15 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I don't know what more you guys can want from WWE at this point guys.
Its quite simple really... I want a WM card that's worth spending 50 bucks. Khali vs Kane is worth 50 bucks? Ashely vs Melina, MVP vs Benoit, the ECW originals vs New breed which more than likely won't be Extreme Rules?
I'll tell you what I dont' want, I don't want to get ripped off.
At 3/25/07 07:35 PM, pepeatumi wrote: I'll tell you what I dont' want, I don't want to get ripped off.
Nobody does, but MITB should be wild, the two title bouts should be pretty good (and the Taker one will be historic) and I really am interested to see if Lashley rises to the occassion and puts on the match he needs to here. Yes there's some crap on this show, but there's crap on every show these days, and even when the company was hot they put some pretty lousy stuff on the Mania undercard. I look at a show that has frankly four main events on it, that I'll be splitting the cost of with some friends (and I really think that's the best way to get PPV these days) so to me it's a completely worth it show.
I KNEW IT!!! Batista did EXACTLY what I said he'd do - He did to Taker what Taker did to him the week before, only using King Booker as the throwing material. TOO FUCKING PREDICTABLE. Anyone could've seen it coming. Oh, well.
Ashley should come out in just a bikini EVERY night. ^_^ Stop with the tops. Keep the cap & gloves, of course, but no tops.
By the way, has anyone seen her in the March Playboy issue yet?
Ok, why don't we all just say that Bobby Lashley is still on the SD roster too? Orton was a slight surprise to me, but then again I hadn't seen RAW for obvious reasons beyond my control.
I SAID THEY'D GIVE JIMMY WANG YANG A PUSH NOW!!! Well, at least SOMETHING's going as planned.
See, JBL? Teddy Long KNOWS what you call him behind his back! Nyah-Nyah!!!!! Now, you got your way, so shut the hell up. (Only because Long figures he'll get massacred in the Taker/Batista crossfire, lol. :P)
Geez, it looks like EVERY available Samoan wrestler the WWE has or has had are all related through those same 2 guys. WOW. And I thought the Guererros were a big wrestling family.
At 3/24/07 04:12 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: If Michaels does win, however, I hope he revives the classic belt design to eradicate the monstrosity it is now for good.
Hey, whoa - I like the spinner belt......
You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.
Matches i'm looking forward to:
WWE Women's Championship: Melina (c) vs. Ashley Massaro
I'm not really interested it seeing this one, having two of the company's greatest divas ( Trish, Lita) retire, really hurt the title. I think Ashley is just getting the title shot just because she was in Playboy. I'll probably use this time to take a quick restroom break.
Kane vs. The Great Khali
Wow. Monster going against monster. Where have we seen this before? Kane vs. Umaga anyone? Or how about Undertaker vs The Great Khali? Yeah, well same thing, different people. I honestly don't care who wins this match, since I've already seen this thing happen before.
Hair vs. Hair match: Bobby Lashley vs. Umaga (Steve Austin Special Guest Referee)
Lashley vs. Umaga, fighting for some hair? Couldn't care any less about their hair. Even the match itself doesn't sound that intresting. Luckily, they added the Rattlesnake Stone Cold to this match. Although I'd like to see him in a match with let's say, The Rock maybe? Anyways, I'd sort of be half asleep, but hopefully the Rattlesnake would add a little spice in the match.
The ECW Originals vs.The New Breed
Let me start off by saying, I hate the new breed. I just hope to god this match would be extreme rules. That would really help the match be more entertaining to me. Come to think of it, this is the only match with WW/ECW stars in it, other than CM Punk being in the MiTB match. I just hope that they just trash the whole WWECW thing. Next thing you know they'll come up with a WWE/WCW type brand with Eric Bischoff as GM.
WWE United States Championship: Chris Benoit (c) vs. Montel Vontavious Porter
Bleh. This match gives me a bad taste in my mouth. It just sickens me that Chris Benoit, former WHChamp tapped out to John Cena. I guess that's just to promote the main event of WM. I'm not exactly what you call "fond" of MVP either. Chris Benoit is one of the best wrestlers out there, and I think he should be going for the WWE Championships again.
Money in the Bank ladder match
This is one of the matches I'll be looking forward to the most especially is Jeff + Matt + Ladders = Major pain. I haven't got the faintest idea of who's going to win this, except I know that Edge probably isn't since he's already won it once before. I wonder if Little Bast- or shall I say, "Hornswoggle", will be accompanying Finlay to the ring. Either way, this is gonna be one of the matches I'm using my money on.
World Heavyweight Championship: Batista (c) vs. The Undertaker
Dear god, Undertaker MUST win this match. Either Batista loses his title, or Taker loses his streak. And that, my friend must not happen. I won't allow it. If you think about it, Taker's got more on the line than Batista does. A 14 - 0 streak at wrestlemania, what I call legendary. You know what's funny? I think Batista's been with the title on SD longer than he has without it. Did I mention that he MUST lose?
WWE Championship: John Cena (c) vs. Shawn Michaels
Haha. Both member's of DX have been dukin' it out with Cena at WM. I just want this one to win. Batista and Cena have been like the main holders of the titles, regardless of how many times they've lost it. Shawn hasn't held a title since his 2002, the year he came back from his retirement. If my memory doesn't fool me, I don't think Undertaker has held a title in a while either. And if Shawn wins, I wonder if he'll come back to the old championship, or come with a spinner with a heart in the middle of it.
I know I'm a bit early for WrestleMania but I wanna just let off my opinions on here. I don't think this card was as good as last year's but I hope it'll live up to the hype.
Shouldn't London and Kendrick have a match. There should be some tag team action at WM. Not to mention having these two will give a good match and will give us something else to look forward too besides MITB, the only match I care about. They should also be doing something with all the cruiserweights.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
Londrick and MNM BOTH should be having a match on the card (preferrably a nice long one against each other), those four are just too talented to not cash a WM paycheck.
I think there's great potential in the New Breed/Originals concept, and my hope is that WWE puts The Originals over at WM, because in my mind for any of those guys to have a real hope of getting over as more and more of the originals quit or get fired, the best thing WWE can do is have them look strong and the New Breed eventually have members breaking off and wanting the Originals to teach them how to be "ECW guys" or this brand is just going to be completely and utterly fucked. It's on rubber legs now no doubt, but WWE has shown some attempt to put effort back into it of late. I also agree this being Extreme Rules would be the right call because it would spice the bout up and allow the weaker workers of the match (Dreamer, Sandman, Striker, Thorn) to have a gimmick to hide the fact that they're not the best wrestlers on earth, but I could see why they wouldn't do it though, because eight man tags are tough enough as it is.
I'd give Dreamer more credit than that. But I do agree that the match should be extreme rules, though wwe will probably nix that idea since they already have a match where anything goes (MITB).
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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At 3/26/07 01:31 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: but I could see why they wouldn't do it though, because eight man tags are tough enough as it is.
Surely an 8-man tag match would be eaier to have as extreme rules. Not everyone has to be in the ring at the same time, so the action would be limited to a few people at a time, leaving the others to rest. The match would be a mess if all 8 men were fighting at the same time.
The Benoit/MVP match has potential. Honestly I think MVP could get the title in this to further his character. Benoit could easily be moved to a higher spot on the card after he is done with the US title, he could possibly be sent to Raw as well.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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Looked on ticket master today for those backlash tickets... holy crap. I like going to shows and PPV, but a seat shouldn't be worth $84. I wanted to buy two, but at those prices? Damn. I may as well just go to work like I usually do on sundays.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 3/26/07 11:46 AM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote:WWE Women's Championship: Melina (c) vs. Ashley MassaroMelina should win. At least she can actually wrestle. All I've seen Ashley do is manage Londrick and get her tits out recently.
In the words of the old Booker T:
You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.
Joey Mercury just got released by WWE. Read below for the whole story.
Source: has learned that today in Chicago, WWE officials have agreed on the immediate release of Joey Mercury.
At 3/26/07 07:09 PM, LordKooler wrote: Joey Mercury just got released by WWE. Read below for the whole story.
Source: has learned that today in Chicago, WWE officials have agreed on the immediate release of Joey Mercury.
wtf? Why in the hell did they do that?
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 3/26/07 08:31 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: wtf? Why in the hell did they do that?
I wouldn't be surprised if he failed a wellness test. He was suspended once before because of this and with the recent steroid allegations against WWE superstars it wouldn't shock me if that led to Joey's release.
At 3/26/07 08:45 PM, pepeatumi wrote: I wouldn't be surprised if he failed a wellness test. He was suspended once before because of this and with the recent steroid allegations against WWE superstars it wouldn't shock me if that led to Joey's release.
That's what I'm thinking too, everybody at last week's Tuesday tapings (that's the SD! and ECW rosters for those who don't know) were tested, it wouldn't shock me that Mercury failed and WWE released him immediately as a way to show they're tough on their testing policies now.
Raw was ok last night. Not the best show I've seen but it had it's moments. Like how they cheered like mad for CM Punk, and booed Cena. Chicago apparently still hates the guy, and it was funny that they did the "yay/boo" when Cena and Taker were exchanging punches.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
It wasn't the best show in terms of wrestling matches, but the crowd made it a great show. That's the type of show that the WWE needs to deliver if they want to convince people about buying a PPV.
I know it was in his hometown. but even before Punk was announced as "Chicago's own" the crowd was going nuts.... And it was live, maybe Vince will realize that Punk is... wait for it... over with the fans. It also helped that Chicago's a smark town. But not all was good last night... Lashley got beat up by Umaga which guarantees that he'll win at WM (in case there was any doubt) but at same time, Cena ended up getting some SCM from Shawn... Does this mean that Cena is going to retain at WM?
And an interesting note... 8 matches are scheduled for WM and its a 4 hour show, so either someone will cash in the MITB to give us an extra match, every match will go 30 minutes, or there's going to be a hell of a lot of filler at WM.
At 3/27/07 11:36 AM, pepeatumi wrote: And an interesting note... 8 matches are scheduled for WM and its a 4 hour show, so either someone will cash in the MITB to give us an extra match, every match will go 30 minutes, or there's going to be a hell of a lot of filler at WM.
Do you think it's too late to put Londrick in a match?
I could see the top 4 matches going for longer than half an hour each, and I'm sure the Vince head shave will be long and painfully dragged out too :D
At 3/27/07 03:53 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: I'm DEEPLY concerned.
Don't click if you don't like possible spoilers.
All those card are subject to change. The WWE plans these things in advance so it doesn't necessarily mean that Batista will retain the title. And HeartbreakHoldout, its not too late to pout London and Kendrick on the WM card, but that just a matter of wheter or not Vince cares enough about them to give them a spot on the card.
Do you think it's too late to put Londrick in a match?
I could see the top 4 matches going for longer than half an hour each, and I'm sure the Vince head shave will be long and painfully dragged out too :
the odds are unless they get some new opponents by friday they wont be in a match,but god it would be good.the only possible competitors for londrick now are regal and taylor,seeing as joey is gone,and he did fail a wellness test btw
Joey's out, eh? Shame on him. One tag-team gone down the tubes, and just when we were having a 'rennaisance' (did I spell it right?) with the division. But the franchise's gotta' do what they gotta' do; they don't need a bunch of druggies out there.
Well, they had to get SOMEBODY to replace HHH in DX for the timb being, and who better than another former DX member? If I remember correctly, they have quite a few still remaining, even after X-Pac.
You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.