What hell happened? Avie, is there any way you can delete my previous post? Now, more news..
- Major drug testing took place at the TV tapings today. You can likely expect many suspensions in the coming weeks.
- WWE was aware that this story was coming, so it wasn't a big shock to them.
- Shortly before the story broke yesterday afternoon, Vince McMahon's mood totally changed backstage. It wasn't so much anger as it was concern.
- When TNA wrestler Kurt Angle was named in the investigation a few weeks ago, some people in WWE said stuff along the lines of, "Serves him right, he was a jerk when he was leaving here." However, when the tables were turned on WWE with some of their wrestlers being named, a few people were shook up to say the least.
- Many in WWE are starting to wonder if the Wellness Policy will return to being how it was before where a number of guys were suspended.
- The wrestler who looks the worst in all of this is obviously Randy Orton. He's been linked to eight drugs and there's no reason to be using that many unless you are indeed abusing them, even if you have legal prescriptions for everything.
- If nothing else comes out from all of this, at the very least the wrestlers named will now be painted with the "Oh, he's the guy named in the steroids thing" from here on out. WWE could have a problem with even more fans going along with the steroid chants and that sort of thing at events, and they obviously don't want that
So if the WWE does indeed hand out suspensions... What happens after WM? Does this mean that big pushes are in store for people like Carlito, Nitro and Matt Hardy? Or will Vince just go about his business as usual?
And you can flame if you want, but I have to say it.... Orton needs to go! This has nothing to do with my disdain for the guy, but he's been suspended twice before, one of those was allegedly because of steroid use. I mean, the guy has hurt the WWE more than helped it since his debut, both in the ring and out if it and now he's linked to eight different drugs?? This guy has problems, plain and simple.