At 1/17/07 05:57 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: So who do you guys think will take the last three Rumble spots? For me it has to be:
Super Crazy because he needs more recognision and a good showing in the Rumble could do that,
Hacksaw Jim Duggan because he won the first Rumble ever, and
Val Venis, because he's done pretty much fuck all since his return from injury and it would be good to see him do something again.
Perhaps Eugene could go in the Rumble but I don't know.
But who do you guys think should fill those three spots?
For some reason I feel that there is going to be a return of Brock Lesnor or someone big. They might also put the great Khali in the Rumble, but making him eliminated fast like they did with Mark Henry back in 2004.
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