At 12/20/06 06:09 PM, LordKooler wrote:
- Dr. Death Steve Williams and Robert Gibson (Ricky Morton's tag team partner in the Rock 'n' Roll Express) have been hired on as Producers/Agents with WWE. They will be at TV tapings and on their days off will travel to Louisville to work with the guys in Ohio Valley. Steve Williams already had his first day in OVW and was reportedly "aghast" at the state of things.
And so the clock begins ticking...most guys can't handle the outright idiocy of the agent system these days. OVW has definitely been a problem area for WWE, but it is seen as the #1 developmental territory, they'd probably be smart to put Paul Heyman back there where he can probably start developing some new talents for them, Mr. Kennedy is a ringing endorsement of Paul's ability to still make stars.
- Torrie Wilson will be in the upcoming FHM 2007 calendar.
Or you can just look at her for free in your old Playboys.
- Antonio Inoki was not at Titan Towers last week, his son-in-law Simon was. Simon is actually the president of New Japan. Antonio was on the speaker phone during the meeting.
I really think this was just a PR thing for both sides to be able to say "we met, what could happen?" that's all.
- The Condemned, starring Steve Austin, will be released April 27th and is said to be the best production by WWE films thus far.
Well, considering that it sounds a lot like Stephen King's the Running Man, which I thought was a great book, I'm not surprised. Plus, Austin has natural acting abilities, he just dosen't have the look that Rock does to not be typecast.
- The latest edition of WWE Magazine takes a shot at Kurt Angle by giving him the "Good Riddance Award" and writing "What's the best way to re-invent yourself? Walk out at the peak of your career! Worked wonders for Lex Luger and Randy Savage."
They took Savage out of the ring and wanted him to be a commentator, so Savage walking away was smart for him in the short term because he got a few more years to be a top guy, but screwed him in the long-term because WWE didn't want him back. Luger is Luger. This whole thing is just sour grapes and I think trepidation that Angle might actually be able to hang in there and help TNA be a threat to them, so it's a pre-emptive tearing down of the guy.
- David Eckstein and AJ Pierzynski will be appearing on ESPN2's Cold Pizza tomorrow morning to continue their TNA angle. As of now, the plan is for the two of them to be involved in a match for the promotion next year.
If you're a fan of TNA, you have to like this stuff if for no other reason then it's getting TNA mainstream press and coverage. That is exactly what TNA needs right now as they continue to increase their ratings and endear themselves to SpikeTV, the more fans they get to sample the product, the better chance they've got of growing the audience. Now they just need to make sure the booking is as good as it can be.