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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-05 19:32:23

Tuesday is a weird time of week to go to a PPV, especially since every other PPV of the year is on a Sunday.

Plus, Cyber Sunday is a more appropriate name for the PPV's theme.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-05 22:45:28

At 10/5/06 09:46 AM, pepeatumi wrote: But this year its completely different... I don't think there's been a week of MNF that hasn't drawn over 10 million viewers. And with the lame-ass prodcut that RAW is putting out, I'm one of those people watching football instead of wrestling.. For the most part.

Ding ding ding! The last part of what pep just said here is exactly why WWE is in panic mode. Yes, they expect to take a hit, but usually it's very slight, and when they were pulling in 5's, they didn't care if it dropped into the 4's. Right now WWE, whether they admit it or not, is pretty much down to what it's core fanbase that is so hooked on wrestling, they'll accept anything they're handed, even if they hate it, and watch. Not to mention UFC has emerged as a competitive force, so WWE is looking at a situation where they're getting their audience eaten at on two fronts (at least from their perspective) which is why they're doing more "big shows" and multi-brand storylines.

Just so you guys know, the Strip Poker thing won't last the whole hour, there's going to be matches and some of the feuds will continue. So it seems like the strip poker will just be a couple of backstage segments.

I figured it was not going to neccessarily dominate the show, it's just a hook to get people to watch. Honestly, it MIGHT be a good idea if they manage to draw a bigger audience because of it, put on a really good show, and manage to retain most, or all of that audience, for the next week or so. But I just don't think anybody believes we're going to get any nudity on this, unless they plan on pulling a Miss Kitty and hoping SciFi dosen't just throw them the fuck off the air right there.

And these are the matches that will take place on ECW next week.

Oh goodie! It's time for early avie thoughts on the card!

CM Punk vs Rene Dupree

Yeah...I see why they're doing this one, but neither guy is gonna get great benefit here. Dupree has been hyped to the moon, but so has Punk. I kind of think Punk should fight Umaga at a PPV somewhere, maybe the Rumble, undefeated streak against undefeated streak, with Punk winning because he has more upside. I dunno, I think this is probably it for Punk's streak via Mike Knox screwing him, which is probably for the best, but I think there might be some money in Punk/Umaga for the casual fan, but I guess it's best to end the streak now before they start to make the streak bigger then Punk.

Kevin Thorne vs Tommy Dreamer... Why isn't Ariel doing the strip poker thing?

And what happened to the feud with Balls? Once again, the fact that they are not telling people that they are blowing feuds off strikes again, and it annoys me. I'm for keeping Ariel out of the strip poker deal, dosen't fit her character.

Sabu-RVD-Sandman vs The Big Show- Test and Striker.

As for RAW homecoming it will most defintely mark the beggining of the SS push, No Mercy is the last PPV before the Series so it would make sense to start it now. I expect various wrestlers interacting backstage and the WWE dropping hints of possible feuds for SS and even for Wrestlemania...

I doubt they'll start any sort of real Mania build now, but they'd be insane not to start building to Survivor Series on a show which they're hyping up as a big deal special and expect increased ratings on it.

f it were me I'd have CM Punk make an appearance... and cross paths with HBK, because that would make for one hell of a match further down the road.

That might be a good idea, doubt they'll do it though for specifically that reason...they shy away from good ideas for the most part : p

And last but not least today is a sad day for some... Nine years ago today, Flying Brian, aka The Loose Cannon aka Brian Pillman passed away.. He always was one of my favorites since his days in the Hollywood Blondes and back when he seemed to wrestle Johnny B Badd (Marc Mero) on a weekly basis... That was about the early 90's.

Pillman was also a favorite of mine when I first started watching WCW, the man was so ahead of his time, and was so brilliant with the way he manipulated the internet and the business. Here's a guy that has become a legend, but never got higher then a mid-card attraction.

So Rest In Peace, Pillman, to this day you're still missed by wrestling all over the world. And this isn't a cheap plug but Pillman's DVD was released recently, and I'm hoping to pick it up this weekend, if anyone else has a chance buy a copy because I have a feeling its a must buy.

It was really good, but they should have delved into certain things more then they did, especially how he manipulated the internet so much to get what he wanted, and how he played both ends against the middle to score his WWE contract. If you want to get another perspective of what Pillman did, check out the chapter on him in Scott E. Williams's Hardcore History: The Extremely Unauthorized Story about ECW. In which Pillman's best friend who was in on everything from the beginning talks about the Loose Cannon character.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-06 02:44:42

LordKooler's TNA iMPACT! review
1.Team 3D vs Matt Bentley & Kazarian
Shane Douglas did commentary and AMW & The James Gang watched the match from both ramps. After Team 3D won, Brother Ray cut a promo saying that they want to face either AMW, The Naturals, The James Gang, or a tag team from the past, present, or future at Bound for Glory.
2.Abyss/Samoa Joe/Jeff Jarrett segment
James Mitchell calls out Samoa Joe and threatens to send Abyss after him to get the NWA Heavyweight title. Then Samoa Joe comes out and Abyss chokeslams him and gets the belt. Then Jeff Jarrett comes out and Abyss & Joe attack him. Then Samoa Joe gives Abyss a Powerslam and walks out with the belt.
3.LAX vs Tyler Black & Jeff Watson
Tyler Black, Who recently lost to IWA Mid South Light Heavyweight champion Josh Abercrombie in a Loser leaves Town match on Night #2 of the IWA Mid South Ted Petty Invitational Tournament on 09/30/2006, Teams up with Jeff Watson to take on LAX. After LAX won, Konnan said that the Six Sides of Steel match at Bound for Glory will see a level of violence that only LAX is capable of. Here's one more thing, the 2006 Ted Petty Invitational was won by Low Ki.
4.Gut Check Challenge: Eric Young vs Shark Boy vs Norman Smiley vs David Young vs Elix Skipper
Jim Cornette booked this match for iMPACT because TNA wanted to remove some of the dead weight on the roster to make room for new faces. During the match, Eric Young takes off Larry Zbyszko's wig and Larry Z hits Young with a golf club and that enables Shark Boy to win with a rollup on Young. Oh My God! They've Fired Eric! You Bastards! Eric Young's firing is Kayfabe. He isn't actually gone from TNA.
5.Ron Killings & Christopher Daniels vs Christian Cage & Jeff Jarrett
When Daniels was about to go for the Superplex on Christian Cage, Homicide came out and hit Daniels with the Slapjack! Cage was about to finish Daniels off with the Frog Splash but Jarrett runs in and steals the pin at the end. After the match, Jarrett calls out Samoa Joe. First Triple J grabs the NWA Heavyweight Title after Joe misses a blind charge, Then Christian gets the belt after hitting the Unprettier on Jarrett, Then Rhino gores Christian and Joe walks out with the title.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-06 06:54:12

Shark Boy won?! Holy Crap! Yay for Shark Boy!

Think we'll see both Hardy's with gold come monday? Jeff with the IC title and Matt with the CW title. That would be good if they don't plan any sort of rivalry. The other way to go is to have Jeff rub it in that he is a champion not long after he came back and Matt is not. There was talk of a WM Hardy Boyz reunion so I think wwe will probably avoid a fued for a while.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-06 11:02:20

At 10/6/06 06:54 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:
Think we'll see both Hardy's with gold come monday? Jeff with the IC title and Matt with the CW title. That would be good if they don't plan any sort of rivalry. The other way to go is to have Jeff rub it in that he is a champion not long after he came back and Matt is not. There was talk of a WM Hardy Boyz reunion so I think wwe will probably avoid a fued for a while.

I hope so... Although, I would prefer seeing Matt with the US title, I wouldn't mind seeing him with the CW title come Monday.. But I'll admit it would be odd seeing Jeff wtih the IC and Matt with CW title when Jeff looks more like a cruiserweight than Matt does.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-06 11:59:15

Thing is Matt has been CW champ in the past, when he was doing the Version 1 gimmick. I had thought his match at NM was for the title but I guess not.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-06 17:18:00

I'd like to see the Hardys in tag team action, facing one or mor tag teams from Raw and SD! A great match would be: Hardys vs London and Kendrick vs KC James and Idol Stevens vs the ENTIRE Spirit Squad. Or possibly The Hardys vs Nitro and Helms.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-06 21:19:20

Aww, shame that Jimmy Wang Yang lost, I was rooting for the guy. I guess it's because he lives in the same state I do. He was awesome in most of that match though, some of his moves make me believe he has some background in martial arts despite him saying he doesn't know any. Can't help if that southern accent he speaks with is forced or genuine.

Thinking about it, I can only think of one other wrestler off the top of my head that lives in Georgia, Benoit.

The Cindy Crawford leather collection. Only at Rooms to Go!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-06 22:09:10

Just to get it out of the way... I'm pepeatumi, for some reason I haven't been able to sign in with that account so I'm using this one... Now, on to some news.

I'm The Boogeyman and I'm coming to get you.... again? Unfortunately, yes.

In what has to be a record turnaround, WWE signed Marty "Boogeyman" Wright to a new deal. The decision came within the last 24 hours because yesterday he was heavily campaigning for independent bookings at $700 a shot. Wright will be training in Texas out of Booker T's school, according to the WWE website. Wright was released a few weeks ago after the company decided he wasn't putting the proper effort into rehabilitating a torn biceps he suffered back before Wrestlemania 22.

But wait, there's more...

In an effort to compete woth the WWE, TNA has signed their own talentless wrestler that they don't need...

TNA signed Kevin Nash to a new deal in the last several days. I am told there are no plans for Nash to wrestle in the immediate future, if at all, and he'll likely end up working as an antagonist for the X-Division again in a advisor role for Alex Shelley to help build Shelley's star.

TNA is already promoting Nash will have a "major announcement" regarding the Bound for Glory PPV on next week's Impact, which will be taped this Monday in Orlando, Florida.

The real reason Nash won't wrestle is because he suffered a broken wrist... while signing the contract.

Also, Kennedy's promo was great, it had been a while since he delivered on the mic.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-06 23:59:25

At 10/6/06 10:09 PM, bichote wrote: I'm The Boogeyman and I'm coming to get you.... again? Unfortunately, yes.

Which just further proves that wwe is run by idiots.

The real reason Nash won't wrestle is because he suffered a broken wrist... while signing the contract.

I can't tell you how long I laughed at this.

Also, Kennedy's promo was great, it had been a while since he delivered on the mic.

It was a good one, I'll have to give him that.

SD was so-so this week . I kinda felt cheated in the main event as we saw the same 4 guys earlier.
Why are they jobbing JWY? This really doesn't make much sense to me.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-07 00:41:19

At 10/6/06 10:09 PM, bichote wrote: The real reason Nash won't wrestle is because he suffered a broken wrist... while signing the contract.

I've also heard that he is getting his quadriceps checked as the act of walking to the table, and sitting down to sign the contract may have torn them.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-07 01:53:33

At 10/6/06 11:59 PM, Outlaw88 wrote:
Why are they jobbing JWY? This really doesn't make much sense to me.

isn't it obvious?
if he keeps getting screwed by the hated non-american heel it will get him increased face status and make him beloved by the crowed. As long as he keeps performing well in the ring he'll last longer than the Miz in the WWE.

"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"

Ronald Reagan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-07 02:11:37

At 10/7/06 01:53 AM, PicPWNjo wrote: isn't it obvious?
if he keeps getting screwed by the hated non-american heel it will get him increased face status and make him beloved by the crowed. As long as he keeps performing well in the ring he'll last longer than the Miz in the WWE.

I can't stand his accent, although I still thought it was a good idea. I still perfer Paul as a Pirate since he did a great job on doing that. My opinion.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-07 09:58:13

a bit of TNA-centric new (not much):

This week's TNA should be interesting: it's the in-ring Debut of Kurt Angle!

also, I was meet with quite a surprise when I went to the TNA website and found I could not listen to my favorite TNA Theme songs! and this is why:

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-07 11:47:49

Speaking of TNA I got two DVD's yesterday: Best of the X Division vol. 1 and Best of the Bloodiest Brawls Vol. 1. I'll probably watch the brawls dvd first and maybe do a review since the X division one has already been reviewd here.

Raven and Sabu are featured a lot on this DVD, no surprise there. Jeff Hardy has a few matches on it too so it should be pretty good.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-07 12:11:10

At 10/5/06 07:32 PM, cornontheconn wrote: Tuesday is a weird time of week to go to a PPV, especially since every other PPV of the year is on a Sunday.

Plus, Cyber Sunday is a more appropriate name for the PPV's theme.

Shit, guys, you just found out about Cyber Sunday and all that bullshit change? Damn, I knew all about that when WM 22 was on the way. I got my sources...

...then I threw the thing away like an idiot. Wah.

Anyways, Smackdown was ok last night. Course, I don't see "MVP" being on Smackdown very long. The crowd wasn't very reactive to him. Wonder how WWE will deal with that...

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-07 14:08:42

At 10/7/06 09:58 AM, Redface wrote: a bit of TNA-centric new (not much):

This week's TNA should be interesting: it's the in-ring Debut of Kurt Angle!

I wonder who will job to him? Will it be Norman Smiley, Sharkboy or someone else?

also, I was meet with quite a surprise when I went to the TNA website and found I could not listen to my favorite TNA Theme songs! and this is why:

That is a surprise. I don't think the TNA fanbase is big enough for them to be releasing an album, but I guess its their money so whatever.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-07 14:16:07

Wow...TNA is truly and utterly retarded not to be holding off on debuting Angle until their two hour special. But hey, I guess that company just hates making money and what not. This should have been a heavily hyped event given on a big show, not an event on an episode of Impact.

Got some big news as it relates to the Survivor Series format, be cautioned, spoilers will be introduced here about both the outcome of No Mercy's main event, and what the main event for Cyber Sunday will be:

Survivor Series will return to the old format this year of team matches between all the brands, it's sounding like there might not be interbrand bouts, that it would just be ECW teams against ECW teams, RAW vs. RAW, and SD! vs. SD!.

Now for the spoilers:


The planned Cyber Sunday main event right now is a triple threat match between ECW World Champion the Big Show, WWE Champion John Cena, and World Heavyweight Champion Booker T. There is no word if all or any of the belts will be on the line yet, and it will be hyped as the first time all these championships have been involved in the same match. Which is technically true.

*end spoiler*

Should be an interesting couple of months of TV here.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-07 14:25:25

At 10/7/06 02:16 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:

The planned Cyber Sunday main event right now is a triple threat match between ECW World Champion the Big Show, WWE Champion John Cena, and World Heavyweight Champion Booker T. There is no word if all or any of the belts will be on the line yet, and it will be hyped as the first time all these championships have been involved in the same match. Which is technically true.

If the WWE really does care about ECW then they'll do one of two things. Either have Show win or not having factor in the decision. Whatever they do, let's just hope it doesn't involve The Big Show jobbing to Cena.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-07 14:55:48

There's a reason I say "spoiler warning" it's so that those who don't want to be spoiled for upcoming storylines won't be, qouting me and discussing such spoilers without a warning, kind of defeats that purpose, don'tcha think?

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-07 16:12:01

At 10/7/06 02:16 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: The planned Cyber Sunday main event right now is a triple threat match between ECW World Champion the Big Show, WWE Champion John Cena, and World Heavyweight Champion Booker T. There is no word if all or any of the belts will be on the line yet, and it will be hyped as the first time all these championships have been involved in the same match. Which is technically true.

I hope they would do that, but have it a fatal four way with voting from one from smackdown, raw or ecw. Batista, Kane or Sabu ( I dunno).

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-07 17:30:16

I have some news involving 2 Cold Scorpio.

PWInsider is reporting that Too Cold Scorpio is likely to begin with WWE sometime in November. Right now it's still up in the air whether he will be on SmackDown or ECW. King Booker is pushing heavily to get him on SmackDown and is good friends with him.

Too Cold Scorpio was with WWF for a while in the 90's and tried to get on the ECW One Night Stand PPV. He was released from the company after an incident with his wife at a hotel similar to what got Rhyno released, which is also why WWE decided against bringing him in for the One Night Stand events. However with WWE looking to bring in some familiar faces and Booker pushing for it, they decided to give him another chance.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-07 17:41:51

REY MYSTERIO! he's my favourite =]

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-07 20:17:22

My prediction for Cyber Sunday:

Dean Malenko pins all three of them of them to become "Machoman Undisputed Champion"

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-07 20:22:32

At 10/7/06 08:17 PM, Zen444 wrote: My prediction for Cyber Sunday:

Dean Malenko pins all three of them of them to become "Machoman Undisputed Champion"

Who is Dean Malenko. Is he someone frmo ECW?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-07 20:33:17

At 10/7/06 08:22 PM, MegaGold wrote: Who is Dean Malenko. Is he someone frmo ECW?


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-07 20:33:47

At 10/7/06 08:22 PM, MegaGold wrote:

Who is Dean Malenko. Is he someone frmo ECW?

Are you serious? Yes, Dean Malenko was in the original ECW, he was also in WCW and the WWE and I consider him one of the best wrestlers of the last 10 or 15 years.

He had some incredible matches (5-star matches acutally) with Eddie Guerrero in ECW. And a great feud with Chris Jericho in WCW.... Armbar! He made his debut in the WWE alongside Perry Saturn, Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit as The Raducalz.

He's also known as the man of 1000 holds... Almost as good as Chris Jericho who was the man of 1004 holds.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-07 23:58:00

I can honestly see Scorpio winding up on SD! at this point, Booker is getting a lot more political stroke of late, evidenced by the signing of Scorp, and the fact that he really pushed for Boogey to get back in. So if Book is determined to have Scorpio on the same show as he is, then that's where Scorpio is going to go, and much as I'd like to see him in ECW for my own selfish pleasure, he's probably more useful on SD! as he'd be a talented new face on a brand that is just so second-rate these days.

I know Vince mentioned there's a possibility of ECW going to two hours, which if it did, it would make more sense to add a couple more bodies or just give more of a push to the folks they have, but he also said that's only being considered at this point, not green lit.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-08 00:08:53

At 10/7/06 11:58 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:

I know Vince mentioned there's a possibility of ECW going to two hours, which if it did, it would make more sense to add a couple more bodies or just give more of a push to the folks they have, but he also said that's only being considered at this point, not green lit.

But the fact that its being considered its actually pretty incredible. It shows that Vince actually cares about making the ECW brand you know... good.

Although for the time being one hour has been enough to put on a pretty good show on a weekly basis.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-08 03:50:27

At 10/7/06 02:08 PM, pepeatumi wrote:
At 10/7/06 09:58 AM, Redface wrote: a bit of TNA-centric new (not much):

This week's TNA should be interesting: it's the in-ring Debut of Kurt Angle!
I wonder who will job to him? Will it be Norman Smiley, Sharkboy or someone else?

David Young of course.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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