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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-03 18:41:07

I have some news on TNA's House Show in Monterrey, Mexico.

TNA has released the following card for their 11/25 show in Monterrey, Mexico. The card seems to reveal a lot about TNA's future plans, such as Angle being a babyface, Eric Young figuring into the NWA Title picture and feuding with Jeff Jarrett, and AJ Styles going back to the X-Division.

Here's the card for the 11/25/2006 Monterrey, Mexico TNA house show.

*Senshi vs Petey Williams vs AJ Styles for the X-Division Title

*Kurt Angle vs Christian Cage

*Jeff Jarrett vs Eric Young

*America's Most Wanted vs The Naturals

*Abyss vs Rhino in a Monster's Ball Match

*Ron Killings vs Bobby Roode

*The James Gang vs LAX

Credit: PWInsider.com

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-03 19:28:10

I hate to admit this, but Raw last night was pretty good. But the match was surprisingly good. I'm still angry Cena won, but no one knew who was going to win.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-03 21:42:01

It is my time to predict NM. :D
1. King Booker def Lashley (I just do not think that Lashley is ready to be the top face champ yet. Plus, an advertisement of the RAW homecoming said that the WHC King Booker is coming to RAW next Monday.)
2. Batista def Finlay (Bastista's feud with Booker T is not over yet, he will make quick work out of Finlay.)
3. The Teachers' pets def London Kendrick (Just guessing, McCool is hot. :P)
4. Kennedy def The Undertaker (I see Taker's next opponent screwing him, AGAIN.)
5. Rey def Chavo (It is time to end the feud now, Rey wins.)
6. MVP def Jobber (It is obvious......)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-03 23:12:11

I can't believe I'm going to say this, but Test was in a match that was actually... Good.. Even though a lot of the credit has to go to RVD who put on one hell of a performance, I just wish he stops getting into so many extreme rules matches... Either way props to both men.

SInce Test had a good match, doesn't that like cause in the space-time continuum? I never thought I'd lived to see that.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-03 23:15:05

At 10/3/06 09:42 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: It is my time to predict NM. :D
1. King Booker def Lashley (I just do not think that Lashley is ready to be the top face champ yet. Plus, an advertisement of the RAW homecoming said that the WHC King Booker is coming to RAW next Monday.)

I hope King holds on to it till Survivor Series, thay would be a perfect time for him to lose it.

2. Batista def Finlay (Bastista's feud with Booker T is not over yet, he will make quick work out of Finlay.)

I hope what you say is true. I want Batista to have gold again.

3. The Teachers' pets def London Kendrick (Just guessing, McCool is hot. :P)

McCool ain't that hot. I actually think that Vince is going to push London and Kendrick, they are huge fan favorites.

4. Kennedy def The Undertaker (I see Taker's next opponent screwing him, AGAIN.)

Someone needs to beat the dam Taker.

5. Rey def Chavo (It is time to end the feud now, Rey wins.)

I just hope whoever wins, they make up after, god.

6. MVP def Jobber (It is obvious......)

Duh. :P

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-03 23:17:44

This is why you shouldn't make predictions until the day of the PPV..

WWE.com has announced that the main event for this Sunday's No Mercy PPV has been changed. World Champion King Booker T will now be defending the title in a Fatal Four Way match against Bobby Lashley, Fit Finlay and Batista. The first wrestler to score a pinfall or submission will be the champion.

New main event... I guess the WWE doesn'tt trust Lashley in a main-event situation.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-03 23:21:14

At 10/3/06 11:17 PM, pepeatumi wrote: This is why you shouldn't make predictions until the day of the PPV..

WWE.com has announced that the main event for this Sunday's No Mercy PPV has been changed. World Champion King Booker T will now be defending the title in a Fatal Four Way match against Bobby Lashley, Fit Finlay and Batista. The first wrestler to score a pinfall or submission will be the champion.

Yeah, I just found out they changed it too. That was a good idea they thought of. I kind of feel bad Lashley is not going to have his own match, but it's going to be that more exciting. I hope Batista and Lashley fight at some part. My predictions now are Batista will have a good chance of capturing the belt for the second time.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-03 23:27:35

Once again, I apologize - I had more stuff come up, and I was keeping tabs on something on another site. Sooooooooooo..........

Assi9's (WAY OVERDUE) SmackDown! Blah-Blah-Blah

John Cena returns to the only place he still gets cheers from
It is like old times, ain't it, Cena? JBL being told he's a loser; Michael Cole being told he's a pussy (giving him some balls, roffle); Tony Chimmel being disrespected PERIOD.

It brings back so many fond memories...............(*sniff*)

Rey Mysterio vs Terka................uh, I mean Elijah Burke
Bad move there, Eli - your inexperience 619'd you right in the ass. And then, as ezpected, Terkay wants to be an asshole & anihilates Rey................THEN YOU SHOULD'VE WRESTLED HIM YOURSELF, SYLVESTER!

The Teacher's Pets vs The Pitbulls 2K6
Not a bad match - I'm finally paying attention to these now. "The new Ms. Layfield" got KC & Idol the win - no surprise, there. I should've expected it........

Matt Hardy vs Chavo Guererro
Matt needs to start wearing a cup. Of course, Helms helped screw him out of the win.

They need to give Matt & Helms a TLC Match, so Matt can have the title & Helms can just shut the fuck up.

Mr. Kennedy's Tribute to The Undertaker
A failed attempt at getting out of No Mercy.........and a bad one, at that. "I don't want to put a stain on Taker's legacy". Oh, pleez - like you can stain something OTHER than your wrestling tights.

Which I'm sure were re-stained when your mic blew up..............sorry, Ken, but sneak attacks on Taker are a no-no.

Sylvan vs....................wait for it......................JIMMY WANG YANG!
Oh, it IS 'WANG', not 'Wayne'. Anyway, COME ON - cheated out of the win on his first match? That's crap.

FINALLY - MVP signs his goddamn contract...........
i'm not even sure if I care, anymore.

Lashley, Batista & Cena vs King Booker & the royal court
ABSOLUTE CHAOS ERUPTED at the beginning. It didn't take all but two seconds for the shit to start. It was great. I'm sure a lot of you were happy by the fact that Cena's bad arm was completely trashed during the match (damn shellaligh again) & that Edge speared him after it ended, so you can sleep easy.

Meh, he was fine by Saturday night's MAD TV.................

Wait - was The Miz even on?

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-04 00:09:28

Report Card for ECW On SciFi for 10/3

Considering they have what should be riveting, event television next week with "Extreme Strip Poker" I wouldn't have blamed ECW on SciFi for coasting this week. Instead, we got a really solid show that continued some existing feuds, and gave us a couple of solid wrestling matches. If you couldn't read the sarcasm in that first sentence, you must be a member of WWE Creative, or completely in-line with their thought processes.

Paul Heyman/Hardcore Holly segment: This was a great way to open the show up, Holly was absolutely shooting when he said he wanted to work the show, as he came to the taping wanting to wrestle, but WWE made the right call in taking no chances and giving Holly time to heal. Think what you want about Holly as a person, as a performer you have to respect his dedication. Paul Heyman is always golden on the mic, and I liked that they used this to make Test look like a sadistic son of a bitch by hitting Holly with that chair. Holly is now a face, which is smart because like I said last week, I just couldn't see any fans wanting to boo him after last week's performance. ECW could certainly use more heels, but to force the fans to boo someone they want to like is just stupid and would be leaving money on the table. Grade: A

Big Show/Matt Striker over Sabu/Sandman: This was a pretty good match to open the show up. All four guys worked well, and they continue to get good heat on the Striker/Sandman feud. Sabu and Show appears to be over with, so I'd really just consider this match as a way to get them on TV this week. Grade: B

Kevin Thorne over Tommy Dreamer: Dreamer is always a feel good guy, and it's nice that they gave us a break from the Mahoney/Thorne issue for a week. Solid match between the two, and I think it was the right call to have a screwy finish so as to keep Tommy valuable for the future. I'm not sure I ever see Tommy Dreamer having the kind of big feuds he did in ECW, but he is a valuable name and worker for the brand, so I'm always in favor of keeping him strong for the future. Grade: B

CM Punk over Danny Doring via submission: Doring needs to hit the gym, seriously, I realize he's not being used as anything but an enhancement guy, but show some pride in your body dude, that gut he's starting to sport is just an embarrassment. Typical CM Punk squash here, and they furthered the Knox/Punk issue a bit with dueling promos. I think next week it's time to have Knox actually start attacking Punk to keep this one fresh. I really feel this could be a very good feud for both men, but they have to avoid some of the repetitiveness that many ECW feuds go through. Grade: B+

Diva segments: I know these ran throughout the show, but like when King Booker showed, I will just grade them all at once right here. These were largely hit and miss, proving that some of the girls in the company have a real mastery of looking good and have charismatic personalities, and some are just miles away from being interesting. I still say this is just further proof of how out of touch Vince is, and to have Joey Styles swearing up and down to end the show we'd see someone buck naked next week just had me laughing. Because while I can believe someone will have to lose every stitch of clothing, I don't believe we're going to be seeing their naughty bits when it happens. Not since the ending of the first episode of ECW on SciFi have I been looking at an edition of the show with such dread. Good work WWE! Grade: D

Test over Rob Van Dam in an Extreme Rules match: Best...match...of Test's career. Easily. Both guys worked thier butts off and RVD really carried this. I cringed when Paul Heyman and his security goons came out, but I think they were very very effective in portraying the idea that RVD just would not say die against impossible odds, something these sorts of run-in's usually can't accomplish because their done so often. Big Show screwing Van Dam at the finish was the icing on the cake as it seems more and more apparent to me WWE is ready to give RVD that rematch feud with Big Show. This also helps Test because he can now run around claiming a victory over headliner for the brand. Excellent bout, not as good as last week's Holly/RVD bout I feel, but Test definitely proved to all his critics that he's here to play, and I applaud his effort. Grade: A

Overall: Like I said at the top, we got a solid episode here, was it blow away? Hell no. ECW is in a long holding pattern right now as they continue to tick down the time until the Survivor Series, and then their own PPV event in December. The best you can ask for this month is good booking, and one or two matches to really sink your teeth into. You got that this week, and it's just another example of how great ECW has become at making the most of their time. Grade: B +

Thanks for reading as always, this report card brought to you by Professor aviewaskewed, Professor of Extreme Studies. This report card delivered in the name of the Funker, The Sabu, and the Holy Heyman.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-04 06:55:04

awesome report card as usual, didn't think Test had it in him.

Wonder why they went and changed the main event for NM all of a sudden, seems very short notice considering the ppv is this sunday. Did Booker or Lashley get hurt and need the extra people to cover it up, or has wwe changed it's mind about Lashley?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-04 10:12:01

At 10/4/06 06:55 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: awesome report card as usual, didn't think Test had it in him.

I recall Heyman saying in an interview that he wanted Test in the ECW brand because of what he called "untapped potential" apparently Heyman was right... Not that I should be surprised by that.

Wonder why they went and changed the main event for NM all of a sudden, seems very short notice considering the ppv is this sunday. Did Booker or Lashley get hurt and need the extra people to cover it up, or has wwe changed it's mind about Lashley?

I'm learning towards the last one. I think the WWE realized that Lashley still isn't ready to headline a PPV... That and the fact that adding Batista and Finlay gives the ME more star power which could make more people interested in buying No Mercy.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-04 17:29:05

Dear Avie,

I think we can both agree that we are men, and We Like Men Things. I myself am gearing myself up for the Extreme Poker thing. It is my Opinion that Kelly Kelly has a sweet pair, and that Trinity can stack my chips any day. You May be saying, "What makes you think think they'll show any nudity?" well, I say, "What makes you think I won't masterbate anyway?"

Redface, Senior PPV-ologist

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-04 19:09:58

Huge Announcement: the ME of NM will be a fatal 4 way. Batista and Finlay were added into the mixture. (there are some details in www.wwe.com) With that move, the chance for Batista to recapture the gold is now very big.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-04 20:32:36

Actually, I kind of think that the last-minute change makes it more apparent that Booker will win. They did not express any signs of intending for Batista to regain the WHC so this comes off as more of lack of confidence in Lashley main-eventing a PPV.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-04 20:33:26

At 10/4/06 07:09 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Huge Announcement: the ME of NM will be a fatal 4 way. Batista and Finlay were added into the mixture. (there are some details in www.wwe.com) With that move, the chance for Batista to recapture the gold is now very big.

Wow, that's quite a shocker. Hell, I didn't see that one coming. And, you may very well be right. Batista could very well win the title in this match, but I highly doubt it for some reason.

Also, might I ask why the hell Kurt Angle went to TNA? ...until I get an answer, I'm labeling him as a sell-out. (sorry, I haven't been online for quite the while, so when I found out last Thursday, I was like "Oh my fucking God!")

Anyways, who plans on seeing Cena's new movie, The Marine? Looks promising...hell, I might even see it...

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-04 22:47:02

I won't. Course the last movie I saw in theaters was Clerks II so you can kinda see how often I go to the movies. But no i have no desire to see the marine. If I can barely stand Cena now, how could I take an hour+ of him?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-05 00:09:37

At 10/4/06 10:12 AM, pepeatumi wrote: I recall Heyman saying in an interview that he wanted Test in the ECW brand because of what he called "untapped potential" apparently Heyman was right... Not that I should be surprised by that.

Nope, we really shouldn't. Test has always excelled in the falls count anywhere anything goes sort of match type. Test is limited, and the more that can be done in a match to let him work, but not burn through his limited moveset too quickly is a plus. RVD also did a more then adequate job holding up his end, which he absolutely needs to do with WWE counting on him to be a main eventer for the brand.

Guy to keep your eye on is Mike Knox, as he is another person Paul E. specifically wanted on the ECW brand. From what I'm hearing from the house shows, Knox has been getting much better there. His feud with Punk should be good for both guys.

Also, WWE has sent out through their media service what appears to be an advertisement for all three brands competing against one another at the Survivor Series. If this occurs, I think we all know what our only logical course of action is...


Also, here's the ECW on SciFi rating for last night, courtesy of our friends at PWInsider.com, reporters of things I never needed to know about the relationship between Eric Bischoff and DDP:

ECW did a 1.7 cable rating, with a 3 share. That is down from last week's 1.9. The peak quarter hour of the show came for the overrun, which did a 2.1. The other quarters ranged from 1.5 to 1.7.

I'm not sure what to attribute the drop off to...I'm pretty sure play off baseball games were over during ECW's time slot. It's possible people just didn't believe Test and RVD could have a good match, or they just had something better to watch. Not a huge drop by any means, but I'd love to see ECW drawing back in the 2's if possible. Next week's "Extreme Strip Poker" extravaganza should set a whole new standard in television ratings, so I guess we really shouldn't worry too much. I'm sure SciFi will renew them forever and ever after that bit of brilliance comes off. Yes, I'm going to be a complete dick about this till it is finally over with, live with it.

I'm learning towards the last one. I think the WWE realized that Lashley still isn't ready to headline a PPV... That and the fact that adding Batista and Finlay gives the ME more star power which could make more people interested in buying No Mercy.

Yep, I believe WWE panicked and figure Lashley vs. Booker is not sufficient to draw a buyrate (their right I think, but I don't think there's much of anything on that brand right now that can really pop a buyrate) so they added more star power to try and rope more fence sitters in.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-05 00:47:25

Hey avie, you might not need to be worried about the Extreme Strip Poker thing. This is all just improbable speculation, but I have a theory:

You know that the RAW 3-hour special is the night immediately before ECW, right? I'm thinking that ECW's going to raid this "family reunion" (kinda like Smackdown did last year, except it was called "Homecoming" then) and then WWE retaliates in the middle of the Strip Poker segment (unless that's going to be divided into multiple segments).

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-05 03:23:20

At 10/3/06 11:17 PM, pepeatumi wrote: This is why you shouldn't make predictions until the day of the PPV..

WWE.com has announced that the main event for this Sunday's No Mercy PPV has been changed. World Champion King Booker T will now be defending the title in a Fatal Four Way match against Bobby Lashley, Fit Finlay and Batista. The first wrestler to score a pinfall or submission will be the champion.

I saw a charter ppv promo for No Mercy yesterday saying it was just Bastista one on one, I thought Lashely was injured.

At 10/4/06 05:29 PM, Redface wrote: Dear Avie,

I think we can both agree that we are men, and We Like Men Things. I myself am gearing myself up for the Extreme Poker thing. It is my Opinion that Kelly Kelly has a sweet pair, and that Trinity can stack my chips any day. You May be saying, "What makes you think think they'll show any nudity?" well, I say, "What makes you think I won't masterbate anyway?"

Redface, Senior PPV-ologist

Trinity was she from TNA, look for stories of her getting released. I believe there will be nudity, just not in American.

At 10/5/06 12:09 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: ECW did a 1.7 cable rating, with a 3 share. That is down from last week's 1.9. The peak quarter hour of the show came for the overrun, which did a 2.1. The other quarters ranged from 1.5 to 1.7.

More Nelison famillies need to watch ECW.

Yep, I believe WWE panicked and figure Lashley vs. Booker is not sufficient to draw a buyrate (their right I think, but I don't think there's much of anything on that brand right now that can really pop a buyrate) so they added more star power to try and rope more fence sitters in.

If Taker and Kennedy bout was the main event I think that would be enough to attract the ppv-buyers.

At 10/5/06 12:47 AM, cornontheconn wrote: Hey avie, you might not need to be worried about the Extreme Strip Poker thing. This is all just improbable speculation, but I have a theory:

You know that the RAW 3-hour special is the night immediately before ECW, right? I'm thinking that ECW's going to raid this "family reunion" (kinda like Smackdown did last year, except it was called "Homecoming" then) and then WWE retaliates in the middle of the Strip Poker segment (unless that's going to be divided into multiple segments).

I hope its broken up, If it isnt I can see Maria getting 4 of kinds or better, The rest take off their shirts and the faces have a catfight with the heels, And vixens I am not sure, both are face.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-05 03:47:28

At 10/5/06 12:47 AM, cornontheconn wrote: You know that the RAW 3-hour special is the night immediately before ECW, right? I'm thinking that ECW's going to raid this "family reunion" (kinda like Smackdown did last year, except it was called "Homecoming" then) and then WWE retaliates in the middle of the Strip Poker segment (unless that's going to be divided into multiple segments).

ECW will be represented on the special, as RVD, and Big Show are advertised as being there. I think the Strip Poker deal is going to go down uninterrupted because it's multi-brand. WWE is really hitting the panic button these days because MNF is pounding them in the ratings. The "Family Reunion" show would also be good to start the idea of the brands at war leading into SS.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-05 06:51:52

They shouldn't be panicing as this happens every year. Wrestling in general always gets some of its fanbase taken away by football and once the season is over they go back.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-05 09:46:43

At 10/5/06 06:51 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: They shouldn't be panicing as this happens every year. Wrestling in general always gets some of its fanbase taken away by football and once the season is over they go back.

But this year its completely different... I don't think there's been a week of MNF that hasn't drawn over 10 million viewers. And with the lame-ass prodcut that RAW is putting out, I'm one of those people watching football instead of wrestling.. For the most part.

Just so you guys know, the Strip Poker thing won't last the whole hour, there's going to be matches and some of the feuds will continue. So it seems like the strip poker will just be a couple of backstage segments.

And these are the matches that will take place on ECW next week.

CM Punk vs Rene Dupree
Kevin Thorne vs Tommy Dreamer... Why isn't Ariel doing the strip poker thing?
Sabu-RVD-Sandman vs The Big Show- Test and Striker.

As for RAW homecoming it will most defintely mark the beggining of the SS push, No Mercy is the last PPV before the Series so it would make sense to start it now. I expect various wrestlers interacting backstage and the WWE dropping hints of possible feuds for SS and even for Wrestlemania...

f it were me I'd have CM Punk make an appearance... and cross paths with HBK, because that would make for one hell of a match further down the road.

And last but not least today is a sad day for some... Nine years ago today, Flying Brian, aka The Loose Cannon aka Brian Pillman passed away.. He always was one of my favorites since his days in the Hollywood Blondes and back when he seemed to wrestle Johnny B Badd (Marc Mero) on a weekly basis... That was about the early 90's.

So Rest In Peace, Pillman, to this day you're still missed by wrestling all over the world. And this isn't a cheap plug but Pillman's DVD was released recently, and I'm hoping to pick it up this weekend, if anyone else has a chance buy a copy because I have a feeling its a must buy.

Long post,,,

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-05 15:35:47

At 10/5/06 09:46 AM, pepeatumi wrote: As for RAW homecoming it will most defintely mark the beggining of the SS push, No Mercy is the last PPV before the Series so it would make sense to start it now. I expect various wrestlers interacting backstage and the WWE dropping hints of possible feuds for SS and even for Wrestlemania...

You made a mistake. No Mercy isn't the last PPV before Survivor Series, Cyber Sunday is.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-05 15:40:37

At 10/5/06 03:35 PM, LordKooler wrote:
You made a mistake. No Mercy isn't the last PPV before Survivor Series, Cyber Sunday is.

Oh yeah... But I still think it would make sense to start the SS push on RAW, its probably the only time before November that we'll see wrestlers from all brands getting together.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-05 15:41:59

I am veryu happy to see that the WWE changed the NM ME to a fatal 4 way. Desipe being a solid performer, we have to agree that he is not ready to carry a good ME yet. By adding Finlay and Batista in, they can carry Lashley to anoutstanding ME. I am looking forward it.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-05 17:12:47

At 10/5/06 03:35 PM, LordKooler wrote: You made a mistake. No Mercy isn't the last PPV before Survivor Series, Cyber Sunday is.

Cyber Sunday? You Mean Taboo Tuesday.

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-05 17:17:07

At 10/5/06 05:12 PM, Redface wrote: Cyber Sunday? You Mean Taboo Tuesday.


Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-05 18:30:06

At 10/5/06 05:17 PM, Redface wrote:
At 10/5/06 05:12 PM, Redface wrote: Cyber Sunday? You Mean Taboo Tuesday.

Haha, they actually anounced that they were going to be calling Cyber Sunday last year, just to get more people to go to the PPV. I still thought taboo tuesday was a better idea.

Top 50 Reviewers

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Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-05 19:12:08

At 10/5/06 06:30 PM, MegaGold wrote: Haha, they actually anounced that they were going to be calling Cyber Sunday last year, just to get more people to go to the PPV. I still thought taboo tuesday was a better idea.

Well, I've been a wrestling fan for less than a year, so I wouldn't know.

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-05 19:24:14

At 10/5/06 07:12 PM, Redface wrote:
At 10/5/06 06:30 PM, MegaGold wrote: Haha, they actually anounced that they were going to be calling Cyber Sunday last year, just to get more people to go to the PPV. I still thought taboo tuesday was a better idea.
Well, I've been a wrestling fan for less than a year, so I wouldn't know.

I never went to a taboo tuesday, just sounds like a cool idea to go on tuesday for that. Don't get me wrong, I do have a taboo tuesday DVD.

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