Once again, .I apologize - I had places to go this weekend, and I was caught up. However, so I wouldn't forget, I wrote down what happened on SD this time around. And this 'Blah-Blah-Blah' is brought to you by Windows WordPad - as I just got knocked off by yet another 'illegal operation'.......... So, w/o further ado:
Assi9's SD! Blah-Blah-Blah
The best SD in quite a while - even w/o The Boogeyman!
Batista & Lashley vs Finlay & Regal
Finlay got severely pwned this match, taking a trip over the barricade & having his shellaligh disposed of - Batista waving his finger & saying "Nuh-uh-UHHHHH!" Regal got pissed at the missed opportunity to use it, and got 'jousted' by yet another of Lashley's Spears........more like Cannonballs! He was also the victim of a very nice 2-man Delayed Vertical.......tee-hee. Very fun match to watch.
Matt Hardy vs Gregory Helms
LOW BLOW, BABY! Helms got a taste of his own medicine. JBL was happy for a change that Hardy went & stooped to Helms' level to win - something I actually agree on, in this case, as the no-cheating way just WAS NOT working in this instance.
The Miz vs Funaki
Poor Funaki.......... Anyway, the usual: Mizanin wins; JBL gets pissed because of it; Cole further pisses him of by saying "HOO-RAH!". And yet it's still funny.
Jimmy Wayne Yang promo
NEXT WEEK! YEEHAW! JBL should give him a break, as they have something in common - they both dislike Canada.
Rey Mysterio vs Chavo Guererro - match cut short due to Rey losing it......
Rey very rarely goes berserk, but when he does......HOO-BOY. He took Chavo to 'da cleanaz'! Good - I've wanted to kick his ass for the overuse of Eddie's legacy for a LOOOOOONG TIME. Do it again, pleez.
Some French-Canadian chick
Que? WtF did she just say? Maybe ol' Jimmy Wayne has a point.........
Triple-Threat for Tag Titles: The Hooligans vs The Pitbulls 2K6 vs KC James & Idol Stevens (The Teacher's Pets)
I normally don't pay attention to the matches involving these guys, but Paul London did some AMAZING moves that time - although I can't exactly remember what they were, they were kickass! And for that, I'm giving this particular match a thumbs-up.
Terkay promo
Sylvan vs Tatanka
I haven't seen a homecoming get the fans this rilled (or however it's spelled) up in ages! 'Escstatic' doesn't even cover it. So, of course, it's only fitting that he won the match, if not also to further the storyline of Tatanka's constant squash-match losing streak........AND SHUT UP, JBL - that's their hometown hero, there.
THE CHAMP IS HERE -whether you like it or not!
Ahhh, Teddy Long's 'getting down with his bad self'.........I love it when he does that.......lol. Well, it's actually a good marketing decision by Vince - he must've noticed that Cena was receiving too many boos from the fans of RAW, so he put him where the fans would still root for him. Makes perfect sense from a marketing standpoint. Anyway, the 6-Man Tag-Up Match is a go.
King Booker vs The Undertaker(!)
(Nelson Muntz-style) HAW-HAW!
Vito bows down gracefully (pardon the pun) to let Taker take a whack at the King - NYAH-NYAH! And is it just me, or did King Booker go back to being Booker T for just a sec when he got the news?
Ken KEEEEEEENEEEEEEEDYYYYYYY went to ringside to view his upcoming opponent - at the cost of nearly shitting himself! ^_^ Taker did some damage, but Booker actually fought back pretty well - but eventually he got tired & resorted to a Low Blow, and then a shot to the head w/ the Title. But, when he tried to leave the ring........
Lashley TOSSES HIM BACK IN! Choke Slam & Tombstone Piledriver IN SUCCESSION! SEVERE PWNAGE BY THE DEAD MAN! And Kennedy probably DID shit himself at that point - the look on his face was priceless!
What a way to end the Season Premiere! I'm very impressed with the turnout it had.
I'll make my catch-up post(s) later.