Report Card for ECW on Sci FI 9/26
This report card dedicated to the memory of Dennis Weilamann, my uncle. Who passed away last Friday after a battle with cancer, thanks for always supporting me Uncle Denny, this one is for you.
Jim Ross segment: Well, we open up with the obligatory WWE person on ECW segment, but it was nice to have Good Ol' JR out there, and his comparison between ECW and Mid-South was high praise. Striker coming out to get heat on him was absolutely great stuff. Also Sandman finally nailing the little shit was also great for a pop from the crowd, and fun to watch on TV. This is how to use a WWE personality, in a way that helps get the ECW guys over. Grade: A
Extreme Strip Poker announcement: I just want to comment on how fucking stupid this is. There is no way you're going to see booby on Sci Fi, this is how you counter program a UFC special that is going to have real fighting? Wouldn't it be smarter to explain the situation to Sci Fi, see if they'll give you more time, and run something like a "Clash of the Champions" but for the ECW guys that night? I guess I just don't know what I'm talking about, because Vince so obviously knows what his fans want more then I do. No grade, just wanted to bitch about that.
Bob Holly promo: I like that Holly is being portrayed as kicking ass and taking names, and it was a good way to show the impetus for the very personal nature of the match this week. They do a great job every week with these video packages. Grade: A
RVD over Bob Holly: I think I pretty well covered this earlier, as have some other folks. Holly is tough as hell for taking this sort of stuff, with all the injuries he's had, and he could have easily and understandably called for the finish and ended it early, but he didn't, he went through and that to me is as ECW as it gets. I think the match was also a lot better for the fact that Holly was allowed to control the bout, and Van Dam got in a few really good shots, but was not allowed to go hog wild and blow spots. Started slow, got hot, sick as hell bump, another really wicked shot when the chair was thrown into RVD's face. Best damn TV match the new ECW has had so far in my opinion, if you get an oppurtunity, check this sucker out. Grade: A+
CM Punk promo: Punk is golden on the mic, he always comes off like a top guy in the confidence and prescence he shows when given a chance to speak. Knox came back and delivered his line, and Punk was great in not backing down, despite the fact that Knox is bigger then him. Hopefully Knox shows some more personality next time, as this is a big chance for him to prove himself. Grade: A-
Francine and Ariel fight to a no contest, Extreme Catfight: Firstly, ECW DID do a match like this at least once, between Francine and Beulah, just as a defense for those who'd go "this is too WWE" well...this was something ECW did too. Ariel's promo didn't really do much for me, I think the Ariel and Kevin Thorne characters work best when they're doing dark, atmospheric promos, and if they're out in the ring, they need to shut up because promos like this don't do anything for their character mystique. As per the match? Let's face it, you either like two girls rolling around on top of each other while Joey Styles screams "CATFIGHT! CATFIGHT!!" or you don't. This was fine for what it was, and it was an interesting way to keep the Balls/Thorne issue hot as well. I like this new dimension, and look forward to the inevitable mixed tag this should create. Grade: B+
Sandman package: Love these things, because it makes the guys seem like main eventers to folks that may not be familiar with their careers. Grade: A+
Paul Heyman and Big Show segment: Considering how much damage was done to Big Show's rep with the whole Vince's bloody head up his ass thing, it was important to make Show come off strong in everything he did here. Show proved he was a bad ass by saying he wanted the cane legal, and no bullshit interference.
Rene Dupree promo: or get the fuck off my TV. His promos are just same old same old now, and while I think Dupree has some real upside, and I understand they want to make him seem important, he's basically doing the same segment every week, and it's getting way past stale now. Grade: D-
Big Show over Sandman via pinfall: They booked this one very smart. Show took a shit load of cane shots (and from everything I've heard, that is not, NOT fun!) and then powered back. I did get a bit scared when Show put Sandman in the clutch saying "please don't tap, please don't tap" thankfully that didn't happen, they gave Show the clean win, but they made sure that it took all three of his best moves to put Sandman down, and Striker interfered in stealing the cane to put back any heat that might have been lost from his getting caned earlier back into the feud. Grade A
Overall: Really enjoyable show, and just further proof that the ECW brand is doing a lot more with only one hour then the other two WWE brands can do with two. Very fun stuff top to bottom, and it's nice that they didn't try to cram all the top stars onto the show, and it's also great to see that the crowds are getting more responsive to what's on the shows. Maybe Vince can take some notes from ECW on how to get shit over...wait, scratch that, if Vince figures out it's better then RAW, he'll hobble it...never mind. Grade: A
That's it for this week guys, hope you found it worth the wait.
Thanks for reading as always, this report card brought to you by aviewaskewed, Professor of Extreme Studies. This report card delivered in the name of the Funker, The Sabu, and the Holy Heyman.