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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-22 21:11:51

At 8/22/06 08:39 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: 2 Cold Scorpio is the most prolific ECW TV champion in history by the way, holding the belt a record 4 times. I would love to see him get a job with WWE again.

Indeed he is... Its a shame that its an accomplishment that often gets overlooked due to RVD's lenghty run with that same title.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-22 21:22:38

2 Cold Scorpio is one of the most underrated wrestlers of all time. Nowadays he usually wrestles in Europe & Japan and he recently made appearances in Tod Gordon's new promotion Pro Wrestling Unplugged where he held the promotion's Heavyweight Championship. Right now he's Pro Wrestling NOAH's GHC Hardcore Openweight Champion and he'll defend the belt against Kentaro Shiga on September 3rd. In my opinion, 2 Cold Scorpio should'ive been ECW Heavyweight Champion in the old ECW. It would be great to see him wrestle in WWE's ECW. I like to ask you guys a question, Did Scorpio bring the GHC Hardcore Belt with him when he wrestled Rene Dupree in the recent WWECW/SmackDown dark match?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-22 21:30:22

At 8/22/06 09:22 PM, LordKooler wrote:

:I like to ask you guys a question, Did Scorpio bring the GHC Hardcore Belt with him when he wrestled Rene Dupree in the recent WWECW/SmackDown dark match?

It didn't say anything about that... But I doubt the WWE would let him walk to the ring with an unnoficial title belt from PW Noah.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-22 21:56:01

At 8/22/06 09:30 PM, pepeatumi wrote: It didn't say anything about that... But I doubt the WWE would let him walk to the ring with an unnoficial title belt from PW Noah.

Agreed, there's no way they let him wear that out to the ring, I'm sure it's in his bag, but there's no reason to let him wear that belt out for a dark match, especially because if he jobs, NOAH dosen't want to have to deal with the idea that he was seen with their belt losing.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-22 23:24:04

If they decide to bring him back he would need ot go to ECW. No one wants to see Flash Funk, or the later Scorpio that was in the Job Squad. Speaking of the TV title, think they will ever bring it back?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-22 23:43:21

At 8/22/06 11:24 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: If they decide to bring him back he would need ot go to ECW. No one wants to see Flash Funk, or the later Scorpio that was in the Job Squad. Speaking of the TV title, think they will ever bring it back?

I think they'll bring back the TV Title when WWECW gets more wrestlers.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-23 00:12:33

At 8/22/06 11:43 PM, LordKooler wrote:
At 8/22/06 11:24 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: If they decide to bring him back he would need ot go to ECW. No one wants to see Flash Funk, or the later Scorpio that was in the Job Squad. Speaking of the TV title, think they will ever bring it back?
I think they'll bring back the TV Title when WWECW gets more wrestlers.

Likewise for the Tag Titles, I would suppose. The roster needs to grow for a bit before we get to see more of the ECW titles come back, as well as getting newer ECW fans (like myself) more familiar with ECW talent.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-23 06:43:57

Man thye make those games quick don't they? I know it has been a while but it feels like the 2006 game just came out.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-23 06:49:19

At 8/23/06 06:43 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Man thye make those games quick don't they? I know it has been a while but it feels like the 2006 game just came out.

all sports games are like that. this spring (spring 2007) is when The TNA game comes out. I'll bet that'll be worth getting.

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-23 10:56:17

would you have to make flash movies

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-23 11:42:56

i hope they have Kane in SD vs Raw 2007 because he rocks.

and wtf is umaga's problem? he basically interferes with every match! even kane's and he only got kane cuz it waz by surprise

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-23 15:47:40





Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-23 19:50:43

Hey, there was this guy on here and I remember him saying that if Umaga faced kane, he would get his ass kicked, but after monday night raw I think that Umaga is better than he looks...

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-23 22:43:48

Eh, it could be worse. At least he seems to have enough skill to go at it with Kane. But if all wwe wanted was to do a ripoff of Samoa Joe they should have just cut the crap and not made him a Kamala remake.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-23 22:53:19

I like to ask you guys a question, Out of all WWE wrestlers, Which one has the best chance to end Umaga's undefeated streak?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-23 23:33:30

I just got a PWInsider Elite account, and I recommend anybody who really REALLY wants good reliable news and commentary on the business, you should get one. I will try to distribute as much info as I'm allowed to here (obviously I cannot cut and paste anything I see in a report, or post the audio files or risk legal trouble for this fine site). Let's get to a couple things:

Roadkill is going to RAW, he is getting a new name, and I'm being told his gimmick looks horrible, this is what happens when Vince likes you everyone!!!

ECW will NOT expand titles until they run more PPV's it would seem, and it makes sense, ditto that on the TV tapings. There is only going to be one ECW PPV this year, so all they really need to push is the ECW heavyweight belt, and the feeling is that they probably won't expand anything about ECW until they get some more PPV's next year.

I will have an ECW report card up, more and more it looks like tommorow. I'm tired from work tonight, and I don't want to do it if I'm not in a frame of mind to give you my best thoughts and analysis. I will say I was very pleased with the show last night, and I continue to enjoy that ECW looks like a wrestling show, and I think they are beginning to figure out how to best use their hour of space if last night is any indication of future direction.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-24 01:12:05

At 8/23/06 10:53 PM, LordKooler wrote: I like to ask you guys a question, Out of all WWE wrestlers, Which one has the best chance to end Umaga's undefeated streak?

Probably Knae or Undertaker. I'd like to see him fight Rikishi, a little sibling rivalry makes everything nice.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-24 08:29:34

At 8/24/06 05:37 AM, The_D-Lucks_Edition wrote:
At 8/23/06 10:53 PM, LordKooler wrote: I like to ask you guys a question, Out of all WWE wrestlers, Which one has the best chance to end Umaga's undefeated streak?
Jim Ross.

j/k. Probably Undertaker.

sabu or big show becuz sabu has done stuff like summerslam 2 big show and big show can match umaga's size and strength

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-24 10:10:45

In term of exactly who I would want to see get a win I'm not sure, but it would not be those who don't need to be established anymore. The fued with Kane is to get Umaga over the well established Kane. I would say the win should go to someone wwe is looking to move up the card, or re-establish. So Orton, Carlito, Benjamin, Nitro, and even Jeff Hardy are good choices.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-24 22:02:33

ECW On Sci-Fi Report card for 8/22

As I said earlier, I agree with Mike Johnson of PWInsider that I felt this was maybe the best, most balanced episode of ECW on Sci-Fi yet. They continued some programs, created a new one, and continued to push all of the newer talents they want to get over. Let's go to the grades:

Extreme Bikini Contest, Torrie vs. Kelly: I swear to God, this is exactly what I was thinking when I heard this announced "all right! Finally we're gonna see Francine debut! They've been doing this on the house shows for awhile now, so finally we'll see her!" Then Torrie came out...why? I can understand when WWE wants to say "we put RAW or SD! people on the show so that we can draw that audience in" fine, but that dosen't wash here since 1) How much money does Torrie draw really? 2) She was in no way advertised for the show, so to me, it was a situation where they would be much better served to use Francine who is an ECW original, and while not as hot as Torrie, is certainly hot. Plus it feeds the old guard vs. new guard undercurrent of our next bout.

Six Person Tag: This was a fun match, despite Torrie Wilson having no business in it to me. They all three worked hard, but Knox needs to step up here at some point. I have been assured that Knox is actually capable of LOADS more then he's shown on ECW thus far if you actually watch his Deep South work. That being said they had a fun sports entertainment like match (which ECW did these occassionally as well, for those purist bitches that will object to what I just said there), with a Dreamer DDT that just looked fantastic, and hey, Tommy got a win and nothing bad happened to him. Gotta like that. Grade: B+

Big Show/Heyman segment: These aren't neccessarily even worth grading anymore, they are the same segment over and over, but it always works because it continues to remind people Sabu is dangerous, and then he proves it when he actually gets out there. Good stuff, and I'm glad Show is continually not being booked as a chickenshit heel champ, and instead, he's the cocky monster. Grade: A

A lesson from Matt Stryker: This gimmick sucks, this gimmick sucks for the same reason Shane Douglas's gimmick sucked when he was doing this. An annoying snot who thinks he's smarter then you is just a nails on a chalkboard character. It dosen't draw, and makes people just zone out, you hate the guy in the wrong ways. Stryker has charisma though, and good delivery, his ring work needs an improvement, but with house shows and small matches on TV, he should improve. Hopeing he gets a better gimmick soon, because that's all that holds him and this segment back from really clicking for me. Grade: B

Balls vs. Thorne, Extreme Rules: Ariel is dirty hot...have I mentioned that enough yet? Because it's true. I like this pair, I really do. Thorne continues to improve, the gimmick is something new and different. But this match was only average to me. This just felt like "we want to have an Extreme Rules match...so here we go". It dosen't make sense to me to just throw that out there as a stipulation if it dosen't matter, and they really didn't take huge advantage of it here either. Competent, and the work was certainly there, I think it's booking that made me scratch my head a bit here. Grade: B+

Punk vs. Anderson: Solid. I like that they had this be competitive, and that Anderson got to do quite a bit here, including his wicked looking spinebuster. The finish was never in doubt, but I hope that CW managed to show management here that he's a guy that they could do more with. Punk shows great intensity and fire, he wants this and it shows, hope he can keep it up. Grade: A

Hardcore Holly Segment: I...fucking...LOVED this segment! I really did, and as anybody who has been here awhile, and has heard me talk about Holly, I've been very critical of the man, but this segment was great. Paul E. playing the role of the evil manipulator telling Holly that no one wanted him there, that everyone is against him, except Paul was great. Telling Holly to make an impact was also good. Holly is a vet, and he brings a good amount of experience to the ECW brand, his work is also going to be palatable to the ECW faithful, and I doubt the workers are going to care very much about his stiffness. Good way to kick off his ECW stint. Grade: A+

RVD vs. Danny Doring: Squash city. Anybody expecting the ECW old guard who aren't named Sabu, RVD, Dreamer, or Sandman, to be prominently used is dreaming. They're there to legitimize it, and I think it's better for everyone if we just all except that now. That said, Doring and RVD had a good squash, and Holly's interference was really good. The chair shot to Doring looked sick, and Holly turned heel very effectively in the way he laid out and trashed RVD. Even fans who were happy to see him come out turned on him when he nailed arguably ECW's most popular star. Van Dam needs an obstacle as he climbs back into the title picture, Holly is going to be good for that.

Rene Dupree: Good promo, Dupree has charisma, and he's solid in the ring, I think it's time to work him into a television match next week, to see if he can translate the build with a crowd. But I think Dupree is going to be an entertaining mid-card heel. I just hope they lay off the over the top Narcissist like overtones they seemed to want to build into the character.

Show vs. Sabu: These guys had a really good match. Sabu is a damn stud, no doubt, Show has really stepped it up, and I think that put back any juice that was lost through Show's clean victory at SS. Sabu did a great job of looking insane and proving that he just wants to hurt Show more then he wants to win the title. Show continues to impress with the way he's willing to bump, sell, and otherwise take punishment from Sabu in the course of this feud. It's a top program for ECW, and in my mind is the best title program WWE has right now on any brand. My hats off to Show for everything he's done for the brand, and for the ECW title, it's easily the second most important title in the company right now. Grade: A

Overall, a Grade A show that was very balanced, and even if a match or a promo wasn't blow away great, it was effective in moving them across, and it was a very good, very fun program to watch. It may not be exactly what I envisioned for a returning ECW, but it certainly makes me happy we have an ECW alive now.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-24 22:47:21

At 8/23/06 10:53 PM, LordKooler wrote: I like to ask you guys a question, Out of all WWE wrestlers, Which one has the best chance to end Umaga's undefeated streak?


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-24 23:09:13

At 8/24/06 10:47 PM, Pineapple_Sock wrote:
At 8/23/06 10:53 PM, LordKooler wrote: I like to ask you guys a question, Out of all WWE wrestlers, Which one has the best chance to end Umaga's undefeated streak?

Umaga already faced DX. He defeated HBK on July 31 and he defeated Triple H on August 7. The McMahons helped him win those matches.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-25 02:00:30

LordKooler's TNA iMPACT! review
1.The Naturals vs The Paparazzi
An ok match to start off iMPACT. After Shelley & Devine won, Shane Douglas came out and was upset about the Naturals' loss.
2.Christian Cage promo
Christian is a heel again! But he isn't the cocky heel we all knew and loved in WWE, He's a new type of heel. Christian said that Sting lied to everyone when he said he was gonna become champion and then Christian says that he's god. Then Rhino comes out and Christian talks about all the problems Rhino had in the past. Christian gives Rhino a steel chair and tells Rhino to hit him with it. Rhino refuses and said that he doesn't need a chair to kick Christian's ass. It ends with Christian attacking rhino.
3.Abyss vs Cassidy Riley
Abyss won at the end.
4.LAX vs AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels
Match of the night for me. LAX won at the end to become the new tag team champions.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-25 06:44:25

Damn I missed TNA again.. Wait LAX are the new tag champs? I thought the Naturals were teh #1 contenders. What the hell happened to that?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-25 07:34:59

Well I'm not sure if you people know, but 3 other diva finalists got hired, one of them being Melina, I'm not sure of the rest, but Melina has a lot of wrestling talent and a lot of potential.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-25 08:04:41

At 8/25/06 07:34 AM, MegaGold wrote: Well I'm not sure if you people know, but 3 other diva finalists got hired, one of them being Melina, I'm not sure of the rest, but Melina has a lot of wrestling talent and a lot of potential.

does any of us really give a damn about the diva search?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-25 09:33:40

At 8/25/06 08:04 AM, Ps3DuDe wrote:
At 8/25/06 07:34 AM, MegaGold wrote: Well I'm not sure if you people know, but 3 other diva finalists got hired, one of them being Melina, I'm not sure of the rest, but Melina has a lot of wrestling talent and a lot of potential.
does any of us really give a damn about the diva search?

Well the only reason they do it is for more guys to watch raw, but still Melina owns Melina, haha.

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Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-25 09:37:38

Hey, when is TNA on? I think Christy hemme is on there

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-25 09:45:34

At 8/25/06 09:37 AM, Pineapple_Sock wrote: Hey, when is TNA on? I think Christy hemme is on there

It was on yesterday and Christy is on there, ever since she got laid off from the WWE.

Top 50 Reviewers

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Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-25 09:58:16

I Truely though Triple h would win :(,anyway i think kane with a little help maybe from undertaker