At 8/20/06 12:49 AM, SaiNT_SiLEiGHtY wrote:
I KNOW THAT! I meant MegaGold is thinking of Survivor Series that orton is undefeated and in fact was the ultimate Surivivor in.
I use smileys when im clinically depressed =3

At 8/20/06 12:49 AM, SaiNT_SiLEiGHtY wrote:
I KNOW THAT! I meant MegaGold is thinking of Survivor Series that orton is undefeated and in fact was the ultimate Surivivor in.
I use smileys when im clinically depressed =3
Here are the Results:
Cena vs Edge
Flair vs Foley
DX vs McMahons
Show vs Sabu
Chavo vs Rey
Randy vsHulk
King Booker vs Batista
How can I be wrong 6 times. Gawd Dang.
I use smileys when im clinically depressed =3
At 8/21/06 12:00 AM, luigi_is_cool wrote: Here are the Results:
Cena vs Edge
Flair vs Foley
DX vs McMahons
Show vs Sabu
Chavo vs Rey
Randy vsHulk
King Booker vs Batista
Actually Batista won remember?
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The Big Show win actually makes more sense then a Sabu win if you think about it. Big Show is the only heel they have in ECW right now that can be seen as main event. The only problem is that it sounds like he and Sabu didn't have a very good match, and while I'm not crazy about Sabu losing clean...fact is that it won't hurt Sabu a bit, and if you have Show go into every big title match and win by fuckery, he goes down the card when the strap comes off.
So in the end? I guess I can't be too mad about it, but I am pissed that it was the second bout of the show, way to say is ECW is "number 3" with that one WWE. In fairness though, I was surprised by the way things were placed on the show to begin with, glad I didn't order it, because it sounds like the "biggest party of the summer" was a big dud.
At 8/21/06 12:52 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
So in the end? I guess I can't be too mad about it, but I am pissed that it was the second bout of the show, way to say is ECW is "number 3" with that one WWE. In fairness though, I was surprised by the way things were placed on the show to begin with, glad I didn't order it, because it sounds like the "biggest party of the summer" was a big dud.
I wouldn't take it being the second match as a shot to ECW because Orton-Hogan was the third match... as for Show retaining like you said he's the only heel in ECW so it makes sense to have him retain... as for the match itself it wasn't so bad just short (about 8 minutes)
I found somethng odd while reading it a while back it seems Roadkill has shaved his beard and is no longer in the "extremists" page in, word is he might be repackaged with a new gimmick and sent to RAW... its a shameRoadkill could have been good in ECW (not that he wasn't good before) but maybe this means that the WWE has higher expectations for him.
At 8/21/06 12:08 AM, MegaGold wrote:At 8/21/06 12:00 AM, luigi_is_cool wrote: Here are the Results:Actually Batista won remember?
Cena vs Edge
Flair vs Foley
DX vs McMahons
Show vs Sabu
Chavo vs Rey
Randy vsHulk
King Booker vs Batista
Oh yay
I use smileys when im clinically depressed =3
Good thing I decided not to watch ss. I am glad Book & Edge won the titles back.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
At 8/21/06 01:22 AM, luigi_is_cool wrote:At 8/21/06 12:08 AM, MegaGold wrote:Oh yayAt 8/21/06 12:00 AM, luigi_is_cool wrote: Here are the Results:Actually Batista won remember?
Cena vs Edge
Flair vs Foley
DX vs McMahons
Show vs Sabu
Chavo vs Rey
Randy vsHulk
King Booker vs Batista
Batista won by disqualifiction. King Booker is still World Heavyweight Champion.
At 8/21/06 01:10 AM, pepeatumi wrote: I wouldn't take it being the second match as a shot to ECW because Orton-Hogan was the third match... as for Show retaining like you said he's the only heel in ECW so it makes sense to have him retain... as for the match itself it wasn't so bad just short (about 8 minutes)
It sounded like the same match they'd had on the house show circuit really, and anytime you put any world title match that early in the show, I'd call it saying the title (and thereby the brand it belongs to) is not very highly valued.
I found somethng odd while reading it a while back it seems Roadkill has shaved his beard and is no longer in the "extremists" page in, word is he might be repackaged with a new gimmick and sent to RAW... its a shameRoadkill could have been good in ECW (not that he wasn't good before) but maybe this means that the WWE has higher expectations for him.
I hope that's all shite. Roadkill can give a lot to ECW, and without the Amish warrior gimmick, it's like making him start over from nothing...and they've proven quite bad at building most guys up from nothing.
It is a shame that the OLD DINOSAUR does Hogan did not job. I wish him getting squshed by a car tomorrow. But at least Cena finally lost a match. It was a good PPV after all.
At 8/21/06 01:22 AM, iscrulz2 wrote: Good thing I decided not to watch ss. I am glad Book & Edge won the titles back.
What, but Batista deserved it, he will probably win it on Smackdown or something. Don't forget, Batista didn't lost. Yeah I'm happy Edge won.
At 8/21/06 01:40 AM, LordKooler wrote: Batista won by disqualifiction. King Booker is still World Heavyweight Champion.
But that's the thing, Batista still won.
At 8/21/06 02:04 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: It is a shame that the OLD DINOSAUR does Hogan did not job. I wish him getting squshed by a car tomorrow. But at least Cena finally lost a match. It was a good PPV after all.
I'm surprised Edge had to cheat, Edge would have still wasted Cena fair and square.
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As long as Edge retained I don't really care how it was done. Sad that Orton lost, now his "Legend Killer" gimmick has been watered down again. He can't beat a guy who hurts himself getting off his couch. (Thats reportedly how Hogan got his latest injury)
Jeff Hardy returns to Raw tonight.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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At 8/21/06 06:38 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Jeff Hardy returns to Raw tonight.
A stone's throw away from me and my house, And I can't go. >:'(
SummerSlam was awesome!
I was dissapointed in the ECW match, it was quite deplorable and Sabu deserved to be booed for fucking up.
Best Match was the McMahon's vs DX followed by Edge and Cena then the "I quit" match which was good but got too slow and stupid towards the end.
The Chavo Mysterio match was good, but wasn't grudge-match enough for me.
Taker and Khali should've had a match. Their match on SD! was an awesome brawl and would've added to the atmosphere of the matches.
Booker vs Batista..
well Booker did well, so did Batista but the buid up to the match was deplorable when they coulda used that incident months ago to create a personal grudgge feeling to the match.
Orton vs Hogan.
Well, a stupid legdrop ended Orton so easily yet when Hulk got RKO'ed he was fine momentarily after the match was declared to b still on (If orton won there controversially it would've been the perfect ending)
"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"
Ronald Reagan
Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory
At 8/21/06 03:01 AM, MegaGold wrote:At 8/21/06 01:22 AM, iscrulz2 wrote: Good thing I decided not to watch ss. I am glad Book & Edge won the titles back.What, but Batista deserved it, he will probably win it on Smackdown or something. Don't forget, Batista didn't lost. Yeah I'm happy Edge won.
At 8/21/06 01:40 AM, LordKooler wrote: Batista won by disqualifiction. King Booker is still World Heavyweight Champion.But that's the thing, Batista still won.
Batista did not deserve to win at Summer Slam. Although he is a great worker, the company just should not give the title right back to him after he returns for just around 1 month. Booker has worked hard and he had not won a major title in years until he beat Rey. He definately deserves to have a remarkable run with the gold since it will be his last reign. Letting Booker keep the title for at least 2 more months will be a good decision.
At 8/21/06 08:59 AM, SaiNT_SiLEiGHtY wrote: SummerSlam was awesome!
I was dissapointed in the ECW match, it was quite deplorable and Sabu deserved to be booed for fucking up.
Haha, Sabu also screwed up a one night stand.
Best Match was the McMahon's vs DX followed by Edge and Cena then the "I quit" match which was good but got too slow and stupid towards the end.
I find it hard to believe that Cena could be in a good match, whatever.
The Chavo Mysterio match was good, but wasn't grudge-match enough for me.
At least Chavo one.
Taker and Khali should've had a match. Their match on SD! was an awesome brawl and would've added to the atmosphere of the matches.
Booker vs Batista..
well Booker did well, so did Batista but the buid up to the match was deplorable when they coulda used that incident months ago to create a personal grudgge feeling to the match.
I'm still pissed Batista doesn't have the belt. He is the top Baby Face in the WWE right now. Seriously they chant his name more than ECW.
Orton vs Hogan.
Well, a stupid legdrop ended Orton so easily yet when Hulk got RKO'ed he was fine momentarily after the match was declared to b still on (If orton won there controversially it would've been the perfect ending)
Yeah, the future of the business doesn't seem so bright roffle.
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The thing that sucked about Summerslam was.... the only titles on the line were the major ones... The Ic, US both tag titles and the women's title weren't defended... what a party!
As for RAW tinight Nitro defends the IC title against Kane... and at the moment there's about a 99.9% chance of Umaga interfeering and costing Kane the match...
The DX-Mcmahon feud is set to continue (why... just why?) aswell as the Flair-Foley feud...
Randy Orton will start a feud Carlito after Carlito mocks him backstage for losing to a 100-year old man with a bum leg... Ok I made all that up.
Speaking of Carlito.... he was i na dark match against... Rob Conway... yes, that guy.
bit o' ECW news:
At the 8/1 ECW show, Shannon Moore caused Vince McMahon to lose his cool. Shannon wrestled C.W. Anderson in a non-televised match and the crowd quickly turned on him. McMahon felt Moore cracked under the pressure of the crowd turning on him. After Moore debuted to a terrible response, and from most accounts, with a lackluster performance, he grabbed the mic and said, "I'm not here to impress the internet."
Mid-match, McMahon made the call for CW Anderson to defeat Shannon Moore. He also ordered the two wrestlers to switch roles - Anderson was ordered to wrestle as a babyface and Moore was ordered to wrestle as a heel. Also, the original finished called for Moore to pin Anderson.
After several weeks of taped vignettes, Shannon Moore was in line for a push under his "Reject" gimmick. The vignettes came to a halt at last Tuesday's show as a vignette was not shown for the first time in several weeks not to mention that his name was not even mentioned during the show. For the time being, it looks like his planned push is in jeopardy.
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At 8/20/06 11:38 AM, frogman0123 wrote: So in review, Sabu, Chavo Guerrero, Mick Foley, Hulk Hogan (allthough it will probably be Randy Orton), D-Generation X, King Booker, and Edge
Sabu lost (I'm really starting to get sick and tired of this "Heyman
won't let the old ECW win" shit), Chavo Guerrero won (w00t, no repeat Eddie Guerrero storyline here), Mick Foley lost, Hulk Hogan won, D-Generation X won, King Booker lost (by DQ so he's still the champ) and Edge won. So at Summerslam 2006 I am 4-3.
If you don't like green, then you don't like me. If you don't like me, bite me. And if you don't like what was said right now, then GET OUT OF THE DARK WATER WORLD!
At 8/21/06 10:43 AM, pepeatumi wrote: The DX-Mcmahon feud is set to continue (why... just why?) aswell as the Flair-Foley feud...
3 words BORING!
Randy Orton will start a feud Carlito after Carlito mocks him backstage for losing to a 100-year old man with a bum leg... Ok I made all that up.
Aw, that would have been a great story line, really funny idea, too bad.
Speaking of Carlito.... he was in a dark match against... Rob Conway... yes, that guy.
Hm, I haven't seen a match like that in years, that sounds good.
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Time for some Raw spoilers... including an old angle redone.
WWE has two big angles planned for tonight's Raw, live from Bridgeport, CT.
Tonight's show is at the Arena at Harbor Yard, which is right on the shore of the Long Island Sound. WWE plans to air a fight scene between John Cena and Edge live at one of the piers with the plan being that at least one of them ends up in the water. It's supposed to air after 10:30.
Also, tonight is scheduled to be Mick Foley's last show for a while according to what he was telling people at the PPV yesterday. There was talk of him doing a "join the kiss my ass club" angle tonight with Vince McMahon and Melina turning on Mick, presumably for being a "quitter and a loser".
As of last week, they were also scheduled to do pre-tapes with some of the divas around the water as well.
The Cena-Edge water angle is a rehash from a Austin-Rock angle from the WWE days... The Rock ended up throwing Austin's title in the water and then threw Austin (or a mannequin that looked like Austin) into the water... it was one of the chessiest and funniest segments I've ever seen.... even worse than seeing Johnny B Badd in WCW.
You forgot that Jeff Hardy is coming back to the WWE tonight. Which sucks because smackdown needs all teh starpower it can have
At 8/21/06 12:35 PM, Edgemaster_0 wrote: You forgot that Jeff Hardy is coming back to the WWE tonight. Which sucks because smackdown needs all teh starpower it can have
Smackdown has Batista though and he is the guy who is bringing all the ratings right now.
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Man I hope Jeff can keep his nose clean until the next WM. I would love to see him in the MITB match against Matt.
With Jeff returning and the possible 2 Cool reformation, I am taken back to when I was just a kid, watching the WWF. When my one wish was to put on the yellow sun glasses and dance in the ring. Man those were some good times.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
At 8/21/06 03:01 AM, MegaGold wrote:At 8/21/06 01:22 AM, iscrulz2 wrote: Good thing I decided not to watch ss. I am glad Book & Edge won the titles back.What, but Batista deserved it, he will probably win it on Smackdown or something. Don't forget, Batista didn't lost. Yeah I'm happy Edge won.
But Booker desrves to hold the title longer. Batista will win it later!
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
At 8/21/06 12:40 PM, MegaGold wrote:At 8/21/06 12:35 PM, Edgemaster_0 wrote: You forgot that Jeff Hardy is coming back to the WWE tonight. Which sucks because smackdown needs all teh starpower it can haveSmackdown has Batista though and he is the guy who is bringing all the ratings right now.
Errrrm batista...what about a true legend UNDERTAKER! he's the one thats really bringing the ratings although I agree smackdown is far worse than Raw
A Too Cool reunion would probably be ok, but I don't think "The Truth" should be a part of it. I mean he was a manin eventer in TNA and has held their title, who on earth would he want to be demoted to lower-mid card hell with Too Cool? If he does go to WWE he should be without the baggage. Just having Rikishi and Grandmaster there would be enough for the nastalgia.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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At 8/21/06 04:55 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: A Too Cool reunion would probably be ok, but I don't think "The Truth" should be a part of it. I mean he was a manin eventer in TNA and has held their title, who on earth would he want to be demoted to lower-mid card hell with Too Cool? If he does go to WWE he should be without the baggage. Just having Rikishi and Grandmaster there would be enough for the nastalgia.
Hey Outlaw, If Ron Killings were to return to WWE, Will he wrestle under his real name or would he wrestle as K-Kwik?
At 8/21/06 04:31 PM, mrtambourineman wrote:
Errrrm batista...what about a true legend UNDERTAKER! he's the one thats really bringing the ratings although I agree smackdown is far worse than Raw
People are getting bored of Undertaker, trust me Batista is top (sorta) right now.
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At 8/21/06 05:04 PM, LordKooler wrote: Hey Outlaw, If Ron Killings were to return to WWE, Will he wrestle under his real name or would he wrestle as K-Kwik?
I would prefer Killings to K-Kwik.
If Jeff is in action for his redebut do you think he will be up against a local jobber or someone already on the roster?
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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