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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-08 21:41:47

At 8/8/06 08:43 PM, luigi_is_cool wrote:
OK, lets see. RAW: DX, SD: Undertaker, ECW: The Sandman

For me. Raw:DX, SD:The Animal, Best in the business BATISTA, ECW: Who cares, I guess Kurt Angle

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-08 21:52:20

I just added another DVD to my wrestling DVD collection. I got Cheating Death Stealing Life The Eddie Guerrero Story at Zellers today. I'm currently watching the part about Eddie's childhood. I plan to watch the matches and the easter eggs after I finish watching the documentary.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-08 22:02:55

Okay I've decided to name all my DVD's.
Royal Rumble 2003
Royal Rumble 2004
Royal Rumble 2005
Wrestlemania 19
Wrestlemania 20
Wrestlemania 21
Backlash 2004
Backlash 2005
Vengeance 2005
ECW One Night Stand
Rise and Fall of ECW
Bret The Hitman Hart
Shawn Michael's Boyhood Dream
Andre The Giant
New Year's Revolution 2005
Taboo Tuesday 2004
Survivor Series 2004
Survivor Series 2005

I don't think I missed any.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-08 23:07:47

That main event was awesome... as expected. RVD's back but he seemed to have gained a bit of weight and he botched the Vandaminator... Angle stood up for like 10 seconds and then he remember... Oh yeah I'm supposed to fall down.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-08 23:19:07

luigi_is_cool you are # 222. Welcome to the club!

So the main event for ECW was good? I'll have to read about it either here or on the website.

Just to verify my stance on things, I don't have a problem with Booker being champ, though I am unhappy with the way Rey's title run was handled. Rey's run should have been a lot better than what it was. Booker is certinly up to holding the title and his inevitable fued with Batista is promising.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-09 00:18:38

At 8/8/06 11:19 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Just to verify my stance on things, I don't have a problem with Booker being champ, though I am unhappy with the way Rey's title run was handled. Rey's run should have been a lot better than what it was. Booker is certinly up to holding the title and his inevitable fued with Batista is promising.

Who do you think is going to win at summerslam though? BATISTA or booker?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-09 01:32:40

At 8/8/06 09:39 PM, MegaGold wrote:
Yeah, but come on, Shelton is way better than Carlito. Shelton is the most athletic person in the business, well according to the WWE.

Shelton is a good wrestler and I am not saying he shouldn't have gold, but I think Carlito is still a good wrestler. He has a large fan base, which is what the WWE is looking for.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-09 01:40:36

Report Card for the 8/8 edition of ECW on Sci Fi.

Firstly, I like the new opening a lot, it pushes all the main guys, but we need that Super Crazy balcony dive off of the thing. Unless Crazy is going to be brought in, a non-ECW worker shouldn't be on the opening montage. Just my opinion.

Tommy vs. Mike Knox: Good short match with Tommy in control. I like the story they told here, and I enjoyed that Paul E. and his security goons came out to further that storyline, it was also excellent having Sandman ready to make the save. But it was also great to have Paul E. turn it around. This is the kind of booking Paul E. excels at, as any other show probably would have taken way more time to put this together. Grade: A

Sandman vs. Knox and Test handicap match: Not really a match, just a beating continued from our last segment, and while I'm never a giant fan of these stiffs working, the use of them so far has been good, in making them scumbag cheating heels, the fans hate them like noboby's business anyway. Also nice to see Sandman just cane the shit out of those fucks to the delight of this grader, and the crowd. Good stuff. Props to Test for a nice looking top rope elbow. Grade: A

Sabu segment: WWE does incredible work with their video packages, and they do a great job recapping the story so far here, the actual bits of Sabu talking weren't very inspired, I think Sabu is capable of better (hell, I've got a friend that used to work for the Samoans who assures me Sabu is a really funny and personable guy) on the stick, so I think WWE either needs to tap that and let him show it, or just stick to the idea of Sabu being silent but deadly. Grade: B

Balls segment: Nice little bits that I always applaud, if a guy isn't going to work, but still be pushed, give him a quick segment. Grade: A

Kevin Thorne vs. Al Snow: Ariel is dirty fucking hot, have I mentioned that before? Oh the things I'd do to her...um, I'm sorry, there's a match to comment on here isn't there? Kevin Thorne impresses me quite frankly, he's shown some good moves here, and working with a great opponent like Al can only help him out. He's still showing some limitations, and more reliance on punch/kick then I'd like, but I kind of dig the character, but I think they need to cut back on the interactions with Ariel. Props also to them for making it a bit more clear he isn't an actual vampire this week. Grade: B

Angle segment: Another spectacular video package. WWE has done a great job of late at making ECW main events look important. Angle as ever shows why he is one of the great overall performers in this business, and why Im so proud to call him a part of the ECW legacy with a very good hype promo. Grade: A

Rene Dupree promo: I think Rene is a good addition despite what the rest of you may think. Welcome to Rene. Grade: C

Big Show promo: Big Show is a very good heel champion. He said all the right things to get the blood boiling of the ECW faithful pissed off with his opening statements. I also like how Big Show allowed the fans to get to him here. Great stuff. Grade: A

CM Punk Promo: This kid is money, and they have promoted him as such. I can't remember the last time WWE introduced somebody so well. Guess that's what happens when you get a talented and experienced worker, and a good booker who knows what to do with him. Grade: A

Sabu vs. Kurt Angle, winner faces Big Show for the ECW title at SummerSlam: We all expected these two to blow us away...we expected something that could be a match of the year candidate. Folks I'm here to tell you...they gave it to us in spades. Both men displayed their best skills, with nary a weapon in sight. I'm really enjoying what seems like almost a plan to showcase how the ECW roster can fight without need of weapons. I also liked how Joey asked Tazz's opinion on both men, since he's wrestled them both, those little touchs are what makes commentary enjoyable to have in a match. Some people are not gonna like that finish. It was nice to see Van Dam back, and a great holy shit moment. then WTF? Why, why did RVD do it? Does this make Kurt Angle the number 1 contender? Oh, and that Van Daminator missed by a frickin mile. I thought this was a great way to introduce RVD back, and it intrigues me for next week. Grade: A +

Overall Grade: A

Thoughts and overall status: Just a fantastic show I felt tonight, ECW is really hitting it's stride now, and I think they're learning how to maximize the effectiveness of that hour, RVD back in the saddle again is also a huge plus for the brand as well. I think they did a great great job this week, and they had a good crowd that really was into what they were watching, and more signs here then at the usual combined tapings. It's great to see the show doing this good, and repaying the faith I've put into it as an ECW fan. It was great to hear Paul E. is getting more influence, and Tommy is a full-time performer again for us with no distractions.

All thoughts and comments are welcome. This has been your ECW Report Card. Delivered in the name of The Funker, The Sabu, and the Holy Heyman (the ECW trinity thing I just made up the other day, let's see if it catches on).

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-09 05:54:47

At 8/7/06 03:49 AM, boloneyman wrote: Damn that sucks for RVD. Wasn't it a stinger that gave Lita a neck injury a while back? I haven't seen her wrestle as great ever since.

On a related note, does anyone think that Ashley may become the new Lita and with Jeff and Matt reform Team Xtreme?

As a matter of fact, Lita has not wrestled too much since she was with Edge. There was a huge spoiler reported by the observers that Lita was going to leave the company after her contract expiration which will occur in early October. The two sides are still negotiating about the issue, but Lita said that she was more interested in acting than wrestling. so the chance that Lita leaves the company in October is fairly large.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-09 10:59:21

At 8/9/06 01:40 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Report Card for the 8/8 edition of ECW on Sci Fi.

I agree with Tommy vs Knox because it was good considering who was in the ring and the whole purpose of the match was to have Heyman and his security imeddle in Dreamer's affairs... Again!. As for Sandman in the handicap match... that was a pretty good dropkick by The Sandman other than tht it was fun seeing him beat Test and Knox with the cane.

The Sabu segment... I'm not a fan of Sabu speaking not because he's not capable but its just better to have Sabu be the "deadly assasin" character... its worked so far and it hasn't hurt his career.

The Balls segment... Good but I rather see him wrestle and I'm sure that the people who pay to see ECW want to see him wrestle too.

Kevin Thorne vs Al Snow.... I agree... Ariel is incredibly hot... that is all.

The rest of the promos were pretty good. I couldn't recognize Dupree without facial hair but I'll admit he has a ton of upside he's only 22. As for Punk he's never going to do a "bad" promo but like Balls I would prefer to see him in action.

As for the main event.. It was a great match and Sabu hit a sweeeeeet Springboard DDT on Angle which made me jump out of my seat (good sell by Angle too) and of course seeing Angle reverse the Camel Clutch into the Anklelock was impressive to say the least... And then there's RVD... I know Rob has been out for a while but, damn he missed the Vandaminator by about a mile.. other than that it was good to see RVD back but again the botch sort of took away from the crowd's momentum...

I believe Bob Uecker said it best in Mahor League... That Vandaminator was juuuuuuuust a bit outside.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-09 11:01:36

Sorry for the double post but here it is... the botch heard round the world... I won't be surprised if this taken down in a while.


My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-09 11:19:22

I don't know whether its the fact he got rid of that hideous beard, or the fact that his hair just about doubles the width of his head, but Dupree looks like he's lost weight. And he looks younger and healthier.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-09 12:17:46

Can i join




Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-09 12:24:41

At 8/9/06 11:01 AM, pepeatumi wrote: Sorry for the double post but here it is... the botch heard round the world... I won't be surprised if this taken down in a while.


damn after seeing that you have to wonder how RVD felt. (Crap!!!! I missed! Fall down Kurt, savemesavemesaveme THANK YOU! Lets just hope no one notices that I... aw hell)

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-09 12:58:36

Guess who actually caught RAW last night? ^_^

Edge Speared Trish; he now must die. And Lita fell on her...........um, "spot". Tee-hee.

I hate the McMahons..............Umaga ALMOST went down; I shouldnt've suspected HHH to win with Vince & Shane there, but John Cena has managed to win in tight spots before - so why not Hunter? Phooey. And shame on Vince for disrespecting the Pedigree.

Ric Flair is a sneaky little old fart, ain't he? Nice touch with ripping up Foley's autobio.

I actually got to see Melina's ass........nice. But I'll stick with Trish, thank you. Kane scared the shit out of Nitro; a good laugh was had by Kane. A creepy one.

Cena FU-ed 500 lbs. of Love Machine. And teetered a little. I was almost expecting him to drop him, but he pulled it off. It proves that it's all in the leverage.

Poor King took a low blow from Orton-Hole. He did get in a few nice jabs, though. Proves he can still get in the ring.

Jeff Hardy's promo aired on RAW, so this might mean disappointment for everyone who was suspecting him to go to SD to team up with Matt...... or will it? We'll just see.

I didn't see ECW last night, but it sounds like RVD fecked up on his finisher (I've yet to actually see the Vandaminator), and Kurt fecked up on his part of the act...this could be bad.....

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-09 13:10:53

At 8/9/06 12:24 PM, Outlaw88 wrote:
At 8/9/06 11:01 AM, pepeatumi wrote: Sorry for the double post but here it is... the botch heard round the world... I won't be surprised if this taken down in a while.

damn after seeing that you have to wonder how RVD felt. (Crap!!!! I missed! Fall down Kurt, savemesavemesaveme THANK YOU! Lets just hope no one notices that I... aw hell)

You were lucky if you saw it... As expected the video has been taken down by the WWE... its a shame I had submitted a ton of WWE matches and they've been all taken down.. Damn you VInce Mcmahon!!

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-09 13:36:12

At 8/9/06 01:14 PM, The_D-Lucks_Edition wrote:
Seeing as pepeatumi's link is no longer working, go to the ECW videos on wwe.com here and click on Sabu vs Angle. The Super-Botch is there in all it's hilarious glory.

I can't tell that it's botched.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-09 13:43:07

At 8/9/06 01:36 PM, AnzRage wrote:
At 8/9/06 01:14 PM, The_D-Lucks_Edition wrote:
Seeing as pepeatumi's link is no longer working, go to the ECW videos on wwe.com here and click on Sabu vs Angle. The Super-Botch is there in all it's hilarious glory.
I can't tell that it's botched.

They changed the angle on purpose... but trust me it was botched by about a mile.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-09 14:40:33

I like how they had Carlito and Edge go at it on Raw. Those two guys could have one hell of a match, one that I would actually want to see on a PPV. I truly hope they start to move Carlito further up the ladder, and have him go in a fued with Edge once he and Cena are done for a while.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-09 14:46:00

At 8/9/06 05:54 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:
As a matter of fact, Lita has not wrestled too much since she was with Edge. There was a huge spoiler reported by the observers that Lita was going to leave the company after her contract expiration which will occur in early October. The two sides are still negotiating about the issue, but Lita said that she was more interested in acting than wrestling. so the chance that Lita leaves the company in October is fairly large.

I'd rather see her some where else then not wrestling at all. To be honest, I don't think she is that great of a heel anyways.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-09 15:01:34

At 8/9/06 02:40 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I like how they had Carlito and Edge go at it on Raw. Those two guys could have one hell of a match, one that I would actually want to see on a PPV. I truly hope they start to move Carlito further up the ladder, and have him go in a fued with Edge once he and Cena are done for a while.

Indeed... Even if Carlito doesn't become champ it would be good to see him in a program with Edge after all we can only see Edge and Cena go at it for so long.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-09 15:39:10

In RVD's defense, the stuff he does, including the Vandaminator, looks like it takes a lot of skill and is sensitive to error, and since he's been out for 30 days, he might make a major botch or two before he gets his groove back.

Avie, I always enjoy reading your report cards, because it gives good insight into what good storyline writing and booking is. But I think you're perhaps a bit too generous, especially with Kevin Thorn's match. I wish that one would have been a bit more competitive, especially considering the pace it went at.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-09 16:31:45

I remember that RVD botched his Rolling Thunder when he returned from injury a while back, and Sabu botched some of his extreme moves when he first showed up in an ECW ring.
Being in that kind of environment, showing up for, either the first time, or the first time in a .hile, in front of thousands of fans, and millions of viewers, can be pretty stressful.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-09 18:01:10

It's obvios(whatever i can't spell it) that it's gonna be a fatal four match at summerslam with show vs rvd vs sabu vs angle for the world title.

I use smileys when im clinically depressed =3

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-10 00:14:12

At 8/9/06 03:44 AM, The_Redangleprince wrote: I just am not buying this Professor. Your report card seems biased to me, especially when you rate a segment A+ despite a glaring botch and rating 30 second promos inconsistently (Dupree gets a 'C' and Balls gets an 'A'?) Everything else though seemed to fit. So theres my constructive criticism on that, take it for what you will.

The report card is based on what I like about the show, and how well the segments and matches are establishing guys in my mind. I highly enjoyed the show last night, and feel they are really hitting their stride. I'd call you biased towards TNA as you disregared a lot of constructive criticism of that company. But that's fine, we've all got what we like, and what we want to support.

The reason the two promos were graded differently is because Balls did more with his promo, he showed personality and character. Dupree's promo amounts to just saying his name, and that he's there. That's not a knock on Dupree as a performer, it's a knock on the fact that his segment really didn't do anything much to make me interested in seeing him join the roster.

Now then, I missed the begining of ECW tonight, much to my dismay, but I heard Knox worked well with Dreamer and that Sandman was crazy. I'm going to download tonights episode to see for myself, but I'm anxious to see.

That had Paul E.'s fingerprints all over it, classic ECW in getting a lot across in a small amount of time.

I nearly creamed myself when I saw Rene Dupree. Dupree, being a fellow frenchman of mine, has just returned from an injury and is ready. He is very young and very capable. Plus, he's beautiful, as always, and thats coming from another beautiful frenchman.

I agree, I'm really anxious to see what Dupree can do with this oppurtunity.

I'm glad to see him in ECW. He would not of gone anywhere on Raw.

Or SD! they really had no clue how to push this guy as a single, I'm sure Paul E. already has something cooking for him.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-10 00:20:16

At 8/9/06 03:39 PM, cornontheconn wrote: Avie, I always enjoy reading your report cards, because it gives good insight into what good storyline writing and booking is. But I think you're perhaps a bit too generous, especially with Kevin Thorn's match. I wish that one would have been a bit more competitive, especially considering the pace it went at.

I did make note that I thought Kevin Thorn is a bit too slow, and uses too much punch/kick, but I'm kind of digging the gimmick, it's something a little new, and I think they did a good job at trying to make him look strong, which is the point here. As I said, the grades aren't just based on how well you work in the ring, it's also in matches like this about how well they are trying to establish a character, and make a guy look good. Thorn has some good moves, I'm interested to see if he can add a bit more to his in ring style, as he has some good presence, and decent promo skills. I'm still of the opinion that if Boogeyman is brought in, it'd be a good idea to have the two tag up for awhile since that would help hide weaknesses.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-10 00:23:00

At 8/9/06 06:01 PM, luigi_is_cool wrote: It's obvios(whatever i can't spell it) that it's gonna be a fatal four match at summerslam with show vs rvd vs sabu vs angle for the world title.

Hey, you know what, that actually sounds really good. I can't wait till Angle wins it at summerslam :D

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-10 04:11:08

At 8/10/06 02:32 AM, The_Redangleprince wrote:

I just watched The Rise and Fall of ECW, and damn, that was emotional. I plan on watching some ECW Bloodsport after TNA tomorrow. That should be good.

I can't remember it that well, I should watch it again soon. I remember the Hitman Story Bret Hart was more emotional. He lost like 20 of his friends, REALLY hard to watch.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-10 11:51:33

If it did involve all four guys wouldn't it be a four way dance as they call it in ECW? I'm guessing it would be elimination style, but if it was on sci-fi then it would be one fall due to time limits.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-10 12:22:33

This is why Heyman is a genius... It won't be a fatal four way for the ECW title instead..

Next week's main even will be Kurt Angle, Sabu and Rob Van Dam in a ladder match where the winner is the No. 1 Contender for Big Show's ECW Title. That should tear down the house..

Looks like a pretty good main event.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!