I saw SD! last night, and it was interesting; I've been paying less attention to it for a little while, but I did catch:
Rey & Chavo (after Kennedy beats Rey): Ho-boy. did Eddie's widow get it in the clunker. BE CAREFUL, DUDES; THERE'S A WOMAN PRESENT THAT'S NOT A WRESTLER!!! This storyline, despite it's using a dead wrestler's name to further it (whether I dislike it or not), proves to be interesting......
The Boogeyman return promo: JBL gets creeped out at the thought while Mike Cole has fun throwing it in his face.....I love it when he gets in his shots! ^_^ "HE'S COMIN' TO GET YA'!" Like someone mentioned before, I'm seeing Booker whining to Teddy Long that he'll sue him due to the restraining order he made, and Long proceeds to remind him that he nulled & voided the restraint when he had his name changed, which'll lead to more whining.................a little predictable......
Diva Search thing: A 90210 guy gets to guest-host. Goody. I'm actually liking Leyla now - especially after the other 3 contestants made themselves look retarded. Oh, well.
Tag Team - Lashley & Batista vs Regal & Finlay: Lashley gets mugged, then manages to tag in Batista, who massacres the two dopes. Not much new there. Then I had a chuckle over him telling Booker that he wants "HIS title" back - which, to me, IS his - then they stare each other down. That probably was the highlight, along with Cole trying to get Booker to shut up.....even though he should know that it won't work. Poor bastard gets no respect, just because he isn't a wrestler.
Khali segment, with Taker's interference: Yay! We get an early present here in not having to wait for PPV - which is good for me, as I can't watch it after I broke the cable remote.... And WtF is this I'm hearing as to really why it's happening ahead of sched? What did Khali do? Because it sounds like he must've spooked a bunch of people or something....
The Vito vs Sylvan match was same old, same old.
I should start paying more attention to SD! again, but I watch it in my room, and I get distracted. I watch RAW! in the living room - that is, when I'm allowed to watch it - so I'm paying attention to it easier.