Does the elavated liver enzymes mean that Lashley has some sort of illness, or does it mean that he's been doing something that he's not supposed to be doing? I can't find a proper explanation on it, and it isn't quite as blatant as a torn tricep, or a broken patella...
Great American Bash predictions
-World Champion Rey Mysterio vs. King Booker
I don't have a strong feeling about this match, but I don't think that Rey has been pushed right, and the underdog champion thing is getting boring for me.
-Batista vs. Mr. Kennedy
Well, it's Batista's return PPV, and he would've beaten Henry here. I don't see that fact changing just because of Kennedy. Ken will have to find another way out of a losing streak...
-Undertaker vs. The Great Khali/Big Show (Punjabi Prison Match)
It doesn't matter who he's going to face here, I think he will win. Regardless of which one he is facing, it will still be a revenge match, for Khali beating him, or for Big Show beating him. And the fact that both Khali and Show beat down Taker at SNME, they both have a bit of heat with Taker running into this match.
-United States Champion Finlay vs. William Regal
I think we can be glad that Lashley lost the title before this PPV, otherwise the WWE would've had a more difficult decision to make regarding the match.
With no heat between these two men, I don't think the title will change hands, unless the initial plan was for Regal to pin Lashley, or maybe even pin Finlay.
I could see Finlay screwing Regal here, or possibly Regal winning fairly, and being turned on by Finlay.
-WWE Tag Team Champions Brian Kendrick & Paul London vs. The Pitbulls
The Pitbulls have been building momentum weekly, so therefore, they'll lose here. I think it would also make better business sense for them not to win the titles too soon. London and Kendrick really need to come off this losing streak, so as to keep some credbility as champions. Thats why they should also win clean. No retaining by DQ.
-Four-Way Bra and Panties Match
Well, I think we can all thank God that none of these world class athletes have gotten an injury. This could prove to be the match of the night, and I don't think I mind who wins here, as long as they all have a good clean match.
(I hope Jilian wins though, then I don't have to see her in Bra and Panties.)