Though we haven't seen Masters or Mercury in a long time, they may still be out with a suspention.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Though we haven't seen Masters or Mercury in a long time, they may still be out with a suspention.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 7/6/06 10:33 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Damn it Orton! How stupid can you be?
........Sources within WWE have confirmed that Randy Orton recently failed to meet the requirements to pass the WWE Wellness Program drug test. Also, WWE officials found over eight bottles of non-prescription Painkillers in Randy Orton's dressing bag at a recent event...........................And if that isn't enough, it should be noted that Orton has tested positive for steriod use within the last two months. Seeing how he will be a vital part of SummerSlam when he does battle with Hulk Hogan, it remains to be seen if WWE will punish him, thus complicating this important storyline. If action isn't taken, it will be highly unfair to Rob Van Dam, not to mention that it will look very bad in the eyes of the public. There will be more on this story as it develops.
I really don't give a fuck about Orton; I'm not the least bit surprised he did something this stupid. To hell with him; I hope Hogan kicks his ass in every possible direction.
You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.
This is bullshit...
Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
Apparently WWE have decided not to publicly punish Orton for violating the WWE Wellness Program. In addition to be fined $2,000, Vince McMahon will hire Orton a rehab consultant where he/she will travel on the road with Orton, due to the fact Orton will not be taken off WWE television.
Many stars are outraged at WWE officials and even Vince McMahon for not taking drastic action towards the situation. Paul Heyman is said to be the most outraged, due to the fact that RVD, the star of ECW was suspened for thirty days for something similar to this situation, however, Orton has not even been serverly punished.
One source within WWE commented "This is highly unfair to the entire roster that Orton was not suspened. It's going to make the wellness program look more like a joke because just about everything in WWE leaks online." It should also be noted that Hulk Hogan is the reason Orton didn't get suspened because he played peace-maker during the entire situation. He persuaded Vince to keep Orton, especially with the big Summerslam showdown coming in August.
So RVD gets suspended and loses both titles but Orton is just fined and why is that... because he's working a program with Hulk Hogan.
At 7/7/06 01:38 AM, LordKooler wrote: If you want to join the wrestling club, Tell us who your favourite wrestler is and tell us why you like him/her. Then tell us what your favourite finishing move is and you're in.
Oh, right! ^_^
Damn; a 3-way tie: John Cena/Batista/Bobby Lashley; Cena's one of the few rappers I actually like, and he's not afraid to stand up to the big dogs. Batista is, well, Batista - what else can I say? (Love the intro. [tries to imitate machine gun like Batista]) Lashley is the one guy you never want to piss off - far more than both Batista & Cena. (Remembers him trying to crush Finlay with a station wagon......O_O)
As far as finishers, any of Cena's signatures (they speak for themselves, so fuck you & shut the fuck up! :P), the Tombstone Piledriver (just fucking nasty!), & the 619; NO ONE else other than Mysterio could do that move, MAYBE except for RVD.
The Undertaker isn't on the list because no one knows where the hell he went. Rey Mysterio is in a close second. I need to give DX a little more time on account that I don't trust HHH any farther than I can throw him, & I can't throw anything worth the shit.
You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.
At 7/7/06 11:21 AM, pepeatumi wrote:
One source within WWE commented "This is highly unfair to the entire roster that Orton was not suspened. It's going to make the wellness program look more like a joke because just about everything in WWE leaks online." It should also be noted that Hulk Hogan is the reason Orton didn't get suspened because he played peace-maker during the entire situation. He persuaded Vince to keep Orton, especially with the big Summerslam showdown coming in August.
So RVD gets suspended and loses both titles but Orton is just fined and why is that... because he's working a program with Hulk Hogan.
Oh, THAT'S great for Hogan; there goes his rep down the crapper................. Orton should be shot for this bullshit.
You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.
Batista comes back tonight on smacdown,thats the only thing i care about right now
Man that is a giant load of crap. Orton should be suspended, no matter who he has connectons with. I hope his consultant is a guy, I heard RO is an ass around women, I heard he is an ass in general.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
At 7/7/06 03:36 PM, boloneyman wrote: Man that is a giant load of crap. Orton should be suspended, no matter who he has connectons with. I hope his consultant is a guy, I heard RO is an ass around women, I heard he is an ass in general.
Well, the ass some how got out of a suspension. And thanks to who? The "immortal" Hulk Hogan. If I was Vince (thank God I'm not), I'd suspend his ass without any question. It'd be like, "Tough shit, Orton. You're gone cuz you decided...blah blah, executive crap."
How the hell did he wind up with a simple fine? Fuck you, Orton, and fuck you, Vince McMahon. I hope you bastards burn in hell...
...In happier news, Batista is back. ...ok, celebration is over. Now back to your usual WWE crap broadcrast...
Well.... maybe we shouldn't be so pissed at orton or at Hogan.
A rumor going around certain websites suggesting Randy Orton was caught violating the WWE Wellness Policy is wholly without merit.
While Orton did participate in a number of incidents prior to his suspension, none were drug-related in the sense conveyed in the inaccurate rumor, and nothing bad has taken place since Orton returned to the road.
The rumors were attributed to the Wrestling-Observer Newsletter, which never printed such a story.
And on that note... let's segue to Hogan
Source: WWE Mobile
The 7/15 Saturday Night's Main Event in Dallas, Texas will feature a "special appearance" by Hulk Hogan and his daughter Brooke. Given the last several weeks of TV, it appears WWE will be shooting an angle with Randy Orton to set up Hogan vs. Orton, possibly for Summerslam, on the NBC special.
Hulk Hogan coming back? Damn...when it comes to old school fan favorites, the WWE sorta lacks their reputation in order to further a career with a new or heel wrestler. Like the many times Hacksaw Jim Duggan got his ass kicked every since teaming with eugene of all people and the number of times sgt. Slaughter loss his matches every since he shortly came back in order to get to crowd pumped up about the USA. he had matches against Test, Muhammed Hassan and other people he lost to.
This whole RO angle seems as if it's going to feel sour or quite cheesy to me. I mean, look at the past RAW when Randy annonced this. That was cleary a "promo/advertisment" type speech. it also came up very random in the show.
At 7/6/06 09:03 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:At 7/6/06 07:56 PM, redface wrote: that's totally gay.You're totally not gonna let me hear you doing that again.
What? I think it's totally gay that ROH isn't televised in the U.S is all.
!!!!!!I just saw smackdown Batista F***** HIM UP!!!!!he got mark henry bleeding in all!!!!He wont be the same^_^!!!
LordKooler's Friday Night SmackDown review
1.SmackDown Battle Royal where the winner gets a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship at Great American Bash
When King Booker came out, JBL said All Hail King Booker instead of William Regal. The last three men in the battle royal were King Booker, William Regal, and Matt Hardy, I said it last week and i'll say it again. They should give Matt Hardy an emo gimmick and they should make Ashley Massaro his manager. And Matt Hardy's theme should be Untitled by Simple Plan. If Matt Hardy were to get released again, Would people give a big deal about it again? After King Booker won, William Regal said "All Hail King Booker!" Regal needs to stop saying that. I want someone to powerbomb him through a razor blade board. WARNING: The link I posted shows Naoki Numazawa powerbombing Jun Kasai through a razor blade board from Big Japan Pro Wrestling.
2.Sylvan segment
Sylvan came out to the old La Resistance music and talked about Quebec. A stupid segment.
3.Ken Kennedy vs Super Crazy
Ken Kennedy should face Lashley for the US Championship at Great American Bash. During the match, Psicosis came out and distracted Super Crazy. Kennedy won with the Kenton Bomb. How come Kennedy isn't using that Fireman's Carry from the second rope anymore?
4.Great Khali vs Tatanka
Khali squashed Tatanka throughout the match. Then when they opened the casket to put Tatanka in it, Smoke came out of the casket and Undertaker starts playing mind games on Khali and accepts Khali's challenge at the Great American Bash. What will the Punjabi prison match be like? I punched up Punjabi prison match on Wikipedia and it redirected to Casket match. I'd like to ask you guys a question, Who would win in a match between Armando Alejandro Estrada & Daivari?
5.Vito vs Psicosis
Vito's crossdressing gimmick is pure wrestlecrap. He should'ive faced the Great Khali instead of Tatanka. What's next? Will WWE move Vito to RAW and make him Women's Champion? Will Vito appear at an Anime convention and dress up like a female anime character? Can you imagine Vito dressing up like Kagome Higurashi, The Sailor Senshi, Sango, Asuka Langley Sohryu, Rey Ayanami, Orihime Inoue, and Rukia Kuchiki? If Vito dressed up like any of the female anime characters that I mentioned, I would pour hot water all over him so that he can stop crossdressing and act like a regular man again. Super Crazy came out to distract Psicosis and Vito won at the end.
6.The Pitbulls 2K6 (Jamie Noble & Kid Kash) vs Scotty 2 Hotty & Funaki
How does Gary Wolfe feel about Jamie Noble & Kid Kash being called the new Pitbulls?
Poor James Gibson, He went from ROH Heavyweight Champion to being in a Pitbull gimmick with Kid Kash. Noble & Kash won at the end.
7.Gregory Helms vs Lashley
Gregory Helms will be the longest reigning Cruiserweight champion of all time if his reign lasts longer. The Cruiserweight division went downhill in 2004 when they made Jacqueline & Chavo Classic hold the Cruiserweight championship. Helms should defend the title against Super Crazy & Psicosis in a Triple Threat match at the Great American Bash. Lashley won at the end.
8.Batista return segment
Batista got a huge pop when his music started playing. Then Batista calls out Mark Henry. First Rey Mysterio attacks Henry then Batista starts attacking Henry.
For those who don't read Tommy Dreamer's Diary of Violence on the ECW website, now might be a good time. Tommy posted a cryptic apology for what he feels is going on in ECW right now, saying if he wrote what was in his head, his column probably wouldn't exist anymore. Speculation is running rampant about what exactly Dreamer is apologizing for, RVD and Sabu? The ECW product in general? Is this just an angle in which Dreamer is apologizing for Paul E.'s turn? All of these are possible scenarios, however the column has felt pretty "shoot" to me thus far (for those who read it and may have been suspicious of the "ra ra" tone to the column, well, that's just Tommy, nobody believes in ECW the way Tommy does, and he was literally the last man out when the old company closed). I guess we'll know if we see Tommy come out Tuesday night on SciFi, which I think is really the best possible way to go with this storyline, to have Tommy trying to defend the honor and purity of ECW against the taint that Paul E. and Big Show have put on the title via their actions. This could also be a good way to explain the enactment of WWE rules in some matchups, or they could just simply try ignoring that and potentially tricking the fans into thinking every match is ECW rules by just not having guys do anything that could force a count out or a DQ. Because they have made Paul E. an on-air authority figure, and portraying him as a potential WWE stooge or sell-out may actually draw in some fan interest, and is probably the best way to salvage themselves out of this rotten situation the RVD incident put them in.
Randy Orton? Wow, guess it pays to be WWE's golden boy. I can understand forestalling punishment to get him through the Hogan feud, since his violation is not public in the news outlets (like RVD and Sabu's disgrace was) it can be easily handled internally. However I cannot fathom why WWE is choosing to completely ignore the situation. Randy Orton has become a real problem child for them, and while I understand Vince wanting to keep him because of his talents, if his behavior is not reigned in, I can't help but think the day will come when Vince will be forced to get rid of him, or Orton will simply do something horrible to himself.
At 7/7/06 11:21 AM, pepeatumi wrote: Apparently WWE have decided not to publicly punish Orton for violating the WWE Wellness Program. In addition to be fined $2,000, Vince McMahon will hire Orton a rehab consultant where he/she will travel on the road with Orton, due to the fact Orton will not be taken off WWE television.
Many stars are outraged at WWE officials and even Vince McMahon for not taking drastic action towards the situation. Paul Heyman is said to be the most outraged, due to the fact that RVD, the star of ECW was suspened for thirty days for something similar to this situation, however, Orton has not even been serverly punished.
Hehehe...just like I said on my previous post, it would be no more a fine. As a matter of fact, the main reason why RVD was serverly punished was because he was a face, the face of ECW. As the WWE and ECW champion, he failed to protect his positive gimmick as he violated the drug test. Unlike RVD, Orton is know as an ass even out of the ring.
And yea, the Hogan issue is another reason. However, the comany will probably punish Orton by making him job to a 50 years old. Regardless, RO needs to stop fucking up if he wants to be back on top.
I have to skip the SD reviews for right now until I watch the tape.
If anyone can salvage the situation, Tommy sure as hell can.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Avie mentioned Tommy's comments and they were... weird. I'm assuming that not everyone here has read them so I'll just post his comments here.
Diary of Violence - 7/8/06
By Tommy Dreamer
July 8, 2006
Innovator of Violence
Tommy Dreamer
Again,,, At first glance he could be talking about the Sabu/RVD incident or he's talking about what happened with HEyman and Show. Before the RVD thing happened, Dreamer was having a sort of feud with SHow if the guys in charge are smart they'll use this as a way to further a Dreamer/Show feud.
This right here baffles the hell out of me.
"I Was at a house show last night in Barrie , Ont. and Ric Flair wrestled with Triple H as ” THE NEW MEMBER OF DX ! “."
Not sure what to think of this one. Flair in DX!? HBK will eventually leave the group which would make sense for Flair to come in. Looks like DX will be around for a while.
But now that I think of it, I don’t want Flair in DX. Because then it’s not DX, it’s just Evolution. I love Flair, but he does not belong in DX.
Seeing Flair do the crotch chop would be funny but you're right if Flair is in DX then its just Evolution all over again. If DX is going to get a new member it should be someone young... like Carlito.
Flair in DX? Sounds like a horrible idea to me...
I'm going on a trip to florida this week, from the 10th to the 15th. If anyone wants to join in this time please just let me know by posting it somewhere here Thanks a lot.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 7/8/06 07:31 PM, X-Naut wrote: This right here baffles the hell out of me.
"I Was at a house show last night in Barrie , Ont. and Ric Flair wrestled with Triple H as ” THE NEW MEMBER OF DX ! “."
Not sure what to think of this one. Flair in DX!? HBK will eventually leave the group which would make sense for Flair to come in. Looks like DX will be around for a while.
But now that I think of it, I don’t want Flair in DX. Because then it’s not DX, it’s just Evolution. I love Flair, but he does not belong in DX.
Good God. The world of wrestling is slowing becoming a dark place again. It was good when Cena wasn't champ, DX came back and made things entertaining, but then came the drug scandal with Sabu and RVD. Now this...
Hm, I better take a drink and calm down. I hope this isn't really gonna happen. If it is, it may be the beginning of the end of me watching wrestling. Except TNA and ECW, of course...
At 7/7/06 10:10 PM, Blue_Phoenix99 wrote: !!!!!!I just saw smackdown Batista F***** HIM UP!!!!!he got mark henry bleeding in all!!!!He wont be the same^_^!!!
Batista seemed pretty hesitant. It took him a while to carry it out. Glad he's back but the beatdown that Angle gave Mark last was better.
Tommy's comments are being portrayed on the website as a reaction to Tuesday, but knowing Tommy...I think they may go deeper. Tommy could be worked shooting here, and with all the problems inherent in the ECW brand right now, Tommy is really the guy WWE needs to turn to to step up and be the voice of the fanbase. Though it looks like Sabu and Show will probably be feuding for the belt if the most recent house show ads mean anything (and they might not, they more then likely just threw Sabu in there to plug a hole). I'm not sure Tommy should be given the belt, it wouldn't really work for his old character, but if worse came to worse, I think he's a good emergency solution if the Show heel turn bombs, and they want the belt on someone dependable. I know many ECW fans feel Tommy should have been given an extended run with the title simply for everything he put into the old ECW.
I've heard a rumor now that Gangrel may actually not be brought in, apparently management feels he's put on too much weight. The plan is said to be Fertig to be the lone vampire, as the group aspect was only discussed, never outright confirmed. A real shame, Gangrel can work, and had history with ECW that could be used to make the character not only more accepted, but have some real legs. As stands I just see Fertig being used for a little while till SciFi either drops the show, or stops demanding that there be scifi characters on the show. Once that's done? He'll be back in obscurity, or out right fired. I know that guy who played the Zombie works pretty regularly in Puerto Rico, and they thought of using him for some different stuff, he says he'd like to work there under his real name, why not give him a shot? The Zombie was in the end probably the most over of Sandman's caning victims (though I don't think the character would work long term).
At 7/8/06 07:43 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Seeing Flair do the crotch chop would be funny but you're right if Flair is in DX then its just Evolution all over again. If DX is going to get a new member it should be someone young... like Carlito.
In my opinion i think Johnny Nitro and Melina would be perfect for DX with them being young and refusing to obey authority and stuff like that plus you gotta have a chick in DX. =P
Really there isn't enough superstars on RAW to make a full fledged DX group,at least those who would fit the part.
I can see new members for DX in the near future, since even though they had the upper hand, DX is still out-numbered when going up against the SS. So really it's just a matter of time.
Thats too bad about Gangrel. He had the coolest enterence, and not a bad worker at all.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 7/9/06 01:28 AM, BlackHeartlw wrote:At 7/7/06 10:10 PM, Blue_Phoenix99 wrote: !!!!!!I just saw smackdown Batista F***** HIM UP!!!!!he got mark henry bleeding in all!!!!He wont be the same^_^!!!Batista seemed pretty hesitant. It took him a while to carry it out. Glad he's back but the beatdown that Angle gave Mark last was better.
Fuck that! Batista MUTILATED him! I wonder if he might've accidentally hurt him for real........ If Rey hadn't provided the distraction, he wouldnt've had the chance. I dont think I've ever seen someone get whacked with a steel chair SOOOOOOOOOOOO many times before......
I agree with LordKooler; SOMEBODY MAKE WILLIAM REGAL SHUT THE FUCK UP! I vote with a STFU (to send him the obvious message.). On a bed of nails.
And Vito; hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......................
..............the only thing that really scares me is his submission move - who the hell wants to go through THAT? Hell, the transvestite part doesn't even bother me, really, but THAT? Fucking creepy.
You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.
If only DX could get all the original members... If only......
Batista was pertty violent on Friday, now wasn't he? Beat mark henry every which way.
At 7/7/06 10:53 PM, LordKooler wrote: Who would win in a match between Armando Alejandro Estrada & Daivari?
now there's a match I'd like to see! they never have Manager vs. Manager matches anymore, but they should. people are pften surprised at the in-ring talent certain manager posess.
while the Orton/Hogan feud seems like just another rotten egg laid by the WWE creative department, I for one am happy to see the WWE trying to revive Orton's "Legend Killer" character. what about you guys?
At 7/9/06 04:14 PM, redface wrote: while the Orton/Hogan feud seems like just another rotten egg laid by the WWE creative department, I for one am happy to see the WWE trying to revive Orton's "Legend Killer" character. what about you guys?
If Hogan is willing to do a job for Orton, then yeah, I think it'll be good for him. Orton is supposed to also work with Triple H once the DX storyline peters out (at least them against Vince anyway), so this could be the point where WWE attempts to bring Orton back to the main event level.
Also, it looks like BOTH Bashams have actually gone to the extreme now. As they wrestled the FBI at the latest ECW house show last night. One positive report, and two negatives coming out of that one. ECW guys were said to work hard, but the crowd was a mix, and the WWE guys were not welcome.
At 7/9/06 04:14 PM, redface wrote:At 7/7/06 10:53 PM, LordKooler wrote: Who would win in a match between Armando Alejandro Estrada & Daivari?now there's a match I'd like to see! they never have Manager vs. Manager matches anymore, but they should. people are pften surprised at the in-ring talent certain manager posess.
Better yet it would be better with a tag match between Estrada and Umaga vs. Daivari and Khali.