Yeah it has been a while since you've done that redface however I should point out the Flair-Foley match isn't an iron-man match but a 2 out of 3 falls match.
Yeah it has been a while since you've done that redface however I should point out the Flair-Foley match isn't an iron-man match but a 2 out of 3 falls match.
At 6/19/06 06:29 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Yeah it has been a while since you've done that redface however I should point out the Flair-Foley match isn't an iron-man match but a 2 out of 3 falls match.
i thought it was the same thing....
At 6/19/06 07:12 PM, redface wrote:At 6/19/06 06:29 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Yeah it has been a while since you've done that redface however I should point out the Flair-Foley match isn't an iron-man match but a 2 out of 3 falls match.i thought it was the same thing....
No, a 2 outta 3 match is, well, whoever get's 2 pins, but an iron-man match is when they have a match for a set amount of time (Normally 30-minutes) and who ever get's the other person to Pin/Submit the most times wins!
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At 6/19/06 07:44 PM, cornclock wrote: CAN I JOIN????? I LOVE WWE!!!!!!!!
In the name of the chain gang, I say nay.
we've got enough nobbies who join and never make use of their membership, outlaw.
At 6/19/06 08:03 PM, redface wrote:
In the name of the chain gang, I say nay.
we've got enough nobbies who join and never make use of their membership, outlaw.
While I have to agree with you the decision regarding new members belongs to Outlaw88.
PS: I hope John Cena gets his ass whipped by the ECW wrestlers and I we bettr hear DX's old music tonight.
At 6/19/06 08:09 PM, pepeatumi wrote:At 6/19/06 08:03 PM, redface wrote:
PS: I hope John Cena gets his ass whipped by the ECW wrestlers
I'll remember you when Cena mops the floor with those wanna-bes.
Well, look at that, we've got a brawl formin' between da Chain Gang and da ECW... gang? Well, I know how we can settle this, I'll contact you...
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At 6/19/06 07:44 PM, cornclock wrote: CAN I JOIN????? I LOVE WWE!!!!!!!!
only if you post again. I have pretty much made up my mind on this: I will give you (and anyone else) a membership number when and only when you have posted at least two times and say something a tad more related to the topic of wrestling. Make some predictions, tell us who your favorite wrestler is, tell us what you think of the state of wrestling today, ect, ect. Don't just pop in here scream that you love wwe and take off. i'm all for taking in new members, hell the more the better.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I actually don't think I ever officially asked to join the club, but yeah, I suppose I've posted more than twice, so to make it official, can I join?
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BALLS mahoney got his ASS kicked... Hehehe, BALLS... ASS... Hehehehe
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any comments on SS tonight? ... i think i liked wait....i think i loved it =D
At 6/19/06 09:00 PM, Yoyodog76 wrote: I actually don't think I ever officially asked to join the club, but yeah, I suppose I've posted more than twice, so to make it official, can I join?
yeah I forgot to mention that part. peole need to ask to be added, I don't add people automatiallcy if they post here. but sinc eyou qualify....
Yoyodog76 you are # 213. Welcome to the club! (Officially!)
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
JOhn Cena got his ass put through a table and nice balance by Sabu on the top rope, Isn't Orton a hell? All I heard were cheers he even told to crowd to shut up when they were chanting his name.
Yoyodog's 76 official Weekly wrestling Reveiw Debut
The night started outwith Mr. McMahon talking about DX, then his son and Raw GM Shane McMahon came out to reveal to his father, and Chairman of the WWE that Vince's daughter Stephanie was in Labor! Vince then refused to go, but Shane 'convinced him to go' said Announcer Jerry Lawler. Vince then ran out to a Limo, and put Johnathan Coachman in charge of Raw.
Then we had our first match, a Tag-Team Bra & Panties match with Maria & Torrie Wilson vs. Candice Michelle & Micki James* (Women's Champion) the team of Candice Michelle & Mickie James won, when both Maria & Torrie came into the ring. Micke tore both their tops off, then as Candice went into the ring to celebrate, Mickie Tore her very skimpy jean Short's off, then left. As candice bottoms were torn off, Torrie looked into the ring with an approving grin. Then Mickie James nearly pulled a fan into the ring after ripping her top off, then Security broke it up. Mickie apparently claimed the ring as 'Her Ring'. (Referee: Mickie Henson)
.Then we had Charlie Haas come out to speak with Viscera (Ex-porn star) some more , but Viscera attacked Charlie, and defeated him in a singles match. After Viscera's Victory, the SS came out, and started kicking the crap out of Viscera. Then the SS called out DX, but then DX had two words for them. The crowd thought DX was saying 'Suck it' but they were really saying 'Look Up'. What does this mean? Bucket's of slime being poured onto them. They then went and cried to coachmen.
Then Umaga had a match with a wrestler from OVW. Umaga emerged victorious.
After this, Cena was in a match with BALLS (Heheheh) Mahoney, BALLS had Heyman in his corner with a steel chair. Balls Mahoney lost. After this, Sabu came out and made Cena bleed with a high-flier move.
Then there was a Handicap match with Carlito vs. Johnny Nitro & Shelton Benjaman (Intercontinental title). Nitro pinned Carlito for the win.
After this, there was a match between Edge & Flair. Edge delivered the Spear to the abdomn of flair, then succesfully pinning him.
Then there was DX's Reunion. HHH claims to say they are: "Bigger, Badder, and better than ever." Then HBK "Asked the lord for forgiveness because Vince had to fly to conneticuit (On a private jet) to see his pregnant daughter. ( Which apparently is a lie) HHH then got the "Breast cheerleader's ever" After Shawn's Midget performance.
My Coverage Report tonight wasn't too great, but I did fall asleep through a lot of this, so I plan to make tomorrow's ECW report much much better...
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In outlaw's Signature, it says : WWE club # 10, but looking back, -Frank- technichally said he was #11, while this may have to do with the deleted user or whatever, I do think it should be fixed... But what ever, either way, that report... Rate it from a scale on 1-10, I rate it 7... for myself, wasn't that much great at all...
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that is correct. i was # 11 at first, but that one person'e account was deleted which set the number back by one. For the complete list go here
Raw was pretty good tonight. Had a lot of stuff going on, a few good matches, and plenty of things to laugh at.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I liked the segments of RAW I saw tonight. I was happy from a mark perspective, and as a fan of RVD and ECW that RVD got something back on Edge before the match tommorow night. That'll learn him to be a sucker punching bitch, and the fans seemed to have no problem with the retaliation.
I also like that they announced what should be a solid tag team main event for tommorow night. It should be very interesting to see RVD "unleashed" a bit here, as well as Angle and Orton. I'd like to remind those of you who may not be aware that ECW rules are such that count out and disqualification are pretty much never enforced, so it will be entirely possible we could see some really great spots out of RVD not seen since his last days in ECW. This match alone should hopefully make for a good second outting tommorow.
Balls getting beat by Cena? Eh, I hate to see anyone from the Tribe of Extreme do jobs for WWE guys, but it's not like Balls is ever going to be a huge player for ECW, so I didn't really have a problem with Cena beating him here.
Wow, I wish I had seen it, but it sounds like Sabu's triple jump moonsault on Cena tonight was a true "holy shit!" moment. I just hope they feature some more of that on the main ECW broadcast where it counts the most. I also don't want to see Sabu get beat by Cena at Vengeance, I tend to hope this bout is either a no-contest, or we get some interference, or Sabu gets disqualified for being too extreme. He and RVD can have a really nice program for the ECW title when all this invasion nonsense is over. Don't handicap his appeal by having him job to that wigger, he's WAY above that.
so what's the deal if I get added to the club?
What do you think about the new comentaitor on smack down (JUST A BIG LOOSER)?
Nice to see many active members here...I know I promised recaps, but I didn't even get to see SmackDown on Saturday, and I am actually just watching RAW right now. Instead of a recap, though, I had a commentary for the current state of the WWE.
I think they're finally getting their act together. Let's face it...the past year or so has been extremely dry when it comes to interesting and unique shows. I could credit this to the lack of competition that has been around since the fall of WCW. Either way, I think the introduction of ECW has kind of alleviate that void. Sure, it's the same company, but Heyman will always have creative control (unless he gives it up...) While it doesn't necessarily push McMahon to work extra hard for his viewers, it does pose an interesting situation.
I noticed a new dynamic since the reintroduction of ECW...the fans have split into sides, really. Cena is booed to hell on ECW, but is cheered again on RAW. All the ECW wrestlers were cheered last Tuesday, while Balls Mahoney got nothing at RAW. Now, you're going to see camps of fans all with opposing opinions, rather than the one, stoic opinion that McMahon "wants you to have."
Also, I have a feeling that many of the smarks are going to fall into the ECW camp, but that's pure speculation. I believe so simply because ECW is the answer to the smark cries as of late. Then again, there are the ones that won't, maybe because they aren't fans of hardcore wrestling. Either way, though, things will be interesting for a while. I know I enjoyed RAW tonight (especially thanks to the reunion of Degeneration X), and will probably enjoy ECW tomorrow.
Let's just hope, if they pick a stripper tomorrow, that she won't embarass herself by not being able to unhook her own bra. I can unhook a bra with one hand without seeing it in less than a'd think a fucking stripper could at least succeed in doing it in less than a minute...that'll be a good career for her! Not that I'm watching ECW for the stripper, but if you're going to have smut on the show, have GOOD smut. :-)
I'll try to get out a recap tomorrow, folks. Thanks for listening!
At 6/20/06 12:09 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: that is correct. i was # 11 at first, but that one person'e account was deleted which set the number back by one. For the complete list go here
Raw was pretty good tonight. Had a lot of stuff going on, a few good matches, and plenty of things to laugh at.
That's weird. I coulda sworn I was member 180+. I am actually 174. Hmm...
"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"
Ronald Reagan
Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory
So let me get this straight... Last week on TNA Impact, Kevin Nash wrestled a midget, now on RAW dring the DX reunion midgets come out dressed as the Spirit Squad so seeing as how those guys are good friends could it be that they all decided on doing something similar?
At 6/20/06 01:58 AM, dawin45 wrote: so what's the deal if I get added to the club?
dawin45 you are# 214. Welcome.
I liked the slime thing, I thought that was funny.
That triple threat match for the IC title looks to be a good one, I expect some awesome spots in that match.
Yeah what Sabu did was kickass indeed, but it was not a moonsault, but a legdrop. He still got some air-time though.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Wewt, I can't wait to do my live report tonight, otit will be much better than my RAW one, beccause I'll be typing it as the show goes along...
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Can I ask you something who injured batista not mark heandry? cas i didn't whatch those shows cas WWE was limited in my country.
Cena will beat the crap outta those ECW guys.
this is getting used to cas the raw guys seam to visit ECW every week from now on.
DX went all nickoledon on the Spirit Squad... And then they came out with "The calvary" and they left them. Man, DX is so funny.....
P.S: Can i join? I've posted twice..
Dawin, Mark Henry injured Batista, I'm pretty sure in a steel cage match, but I dunno, And I'm sure outlaw will let you join, Slapdamonkeyaz, but you're going to have to wait from him before it's official...
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well, if i do say so my self, DX was truly the shit.
man, can those guys cut a promo.