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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-20 16:29:23

Well some ECW news to report..

According to sources, tonight's ECW show will be shot completely different and Heyman was given a a lot of leeway this week.

I hope this is true but the same thing was said last week and we know how that turned out.

Angle & RVD vs. Orton & Edge will be a long drawn out match.

More good news a long match which probably means we'll see some good spots.

John Cena is at the arena and will do an angle with Sabu. His eye is busted.

Oh well, can't win them all reports say that Cena's eye is busted and also that he was limping when he got to the arena.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-20 16:50:57

At 6/20/06 04:29 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Cena's eye is busted and also that he was limping when he got to the arena.

I'd be surprised if he wasn't, Sabu did a number on him.

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-20 17:35:23

At 6/20/06 04:29 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Well some ECW news to report..

According to sources, tonight's ECW show will be shot completely different and Heyman was given a a lot of leeway this week.

That's good. I mean, last week was awesome, but let's hope they do away with the crappy stripper scene. Like I said before, if you're gonna put smut on wrestling, at least make it good smut.

I hope this is true but the same thing was said last week and we know how that turned out.

Time will tell...

John Cena is at the arena and will do an angle with Sabu. His eye is busted.

Oh well, can't win them all reports say that Cena's eye is busted and also that he was limping when he got to the arena.

I assume that this is before the show and everything when he arrived? That would mean either one of two things: either he's faking it for the prying-eye (like us), or Cena took a much worse beating than I thought he did. I knew his eye was hurt and all, but you think he was that injured? After all, if he's going to the arena, he has to be in good enough shape to wrestle. Thoughts?

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-20 17:38:55

At 6/20/06 05:35 PM, EagleRock wrote:
I assume that this is before the show and everything when he arrived? That would mean either one of two things: either he's faking it for the prying-eye (like us), or Cena took a much worse beating than I thought he did. I knew his eye was hurt and all, but you think he was that injured? After all, if he's going to the arena, he has to be in good enough shape to wrestle. Thoughts?

The eye thing I'm pretty sure is real it was already bruised last night before the whole Sabu thing but if he's in the arena its because he's going to make a run-in at some point.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-20 17:41:52

At 6/20/06 05:38 PM, pepeatumi wrote: The eye thing I'm pretty sure is real it was already bruised last night before the whole Sabu thing but if he's in the arena its because he's going to make a run-in at some point.

Good call. I don't think he's faking the eye injury (how could he?), but I dunno about the limping, that's all. If it's real, though, I'm sure he'll still try to do a limp-in at some point, like you said. :-)

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-20 19:05:27

No matter what happen's, I'll be the first on the reveiw tonight, and I'll have an even better one than my RAW one...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-20 19:12:47

At 6/20/06 07:05 PM, Yoyodog76 wrote: No matter what happen's, I'll be the first on the reveiw tonight, and I'll have an even better one than my RAW one...

I'll be doing a recap tonight, too. Tonight should be fun in the recap department, especially if Redface does one as well!

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-20 19:40:21

At 6/20/06 07:12 PM, EagleRock wrote: I'll be doing a recap tonight, too. Tonight should be fun in the recap department, especially if Redface does one as well!

thank you , eaglerock!

maybe I'll make one early in the morning if it's possible.

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-20 19:53:42

I'll probably get the first one up, just because of the way I do mine, but my RAW recap sucked, I only got good deatails on like 3 outta 8 matches, I even think I forgot the RO vs. Snitsky match, but that's cause I fell asleep through a lot of things...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-20 21:07:25

Shit, if everyone else is doing a recap tonight, I might as well do one, too.


Just maybe.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-20 21:22:18

At 6/20/06 09:07 PM, cornontheconn wrote: Shit, if everyone else is doing a recap tonight, I might as well do one, too.


Just maybe.

I never said I would, eaglerock was just like, "I hope redface does one!' so now, i have too.

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-20 21:55:11

I think outlaw should give like positions to people, yoyodog76- recap dude
Outlaw88 (?) - Awesmest number hander outer person... er.

And well, I dunno what else... It would just make things more organized here...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-20 22:10:30

So far so good a good match to start ECW hopefully it will get even better.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-20 23:03:12

Yoyodog76's ECW Report!

We started out the night with a gothic chick, with odd playing cards, recapping the ECW invasion of RAW, then talking about Edge & Orton vs. RVD & The humen suplex machine, Kurt Angle. Then we cut into the opening theme of ECW. Then fans cheering as Joey Styles started talking about there location. Same with Tazz.

After this there was a 1-fall singles competition: Sabu vs. (Cut's to a picture of Cena) Tony Mamaluke (F.B.I.), *Escorted by Trinity). Sabu quickly got some punches, then a drop kick to the feet, and got a 2-count, then Tony M. got a 2-count as well, and suplexed Sabu to the mat. Then got some punches on Sabu in the corner, but Sabu countered, and got a 2 count, then got into an odd submission hold. Sabu then The Triple Jump, and set up a table, but Tony then threw him in the ring, and smacked a steel chair into his face. Then Tony climbed the turnbuckle, but Sabu threw the chair at him as he flew down. Then Sabu got Tony on the table, and jumped off the top rope into Tony. Then Sabu got a Seesaw summersault, into the Camel Hold, making Tony Tap out. Then Sabu argued with the ref, Climbed out of the ring and left.

Then Kelly talks about her embarassing bra mishap, and again tells us she's going to shuw us EVERYTHING. Then cut into a geico commercial.

Then RVD talks about his match, wearing his elegant ECW belt... And the WWE Championship right below it... Bitch doesn' deserve to wear two belts.

Then TBS (The Big Show), The biggest athlete in the world today. Came out Against Tommy Dreamer. A staredown happened, and ECW's tommy D. comes out and talks about ECW, as TBS throws him into the steel chair, then throws him into the ring barricade, then snakes some punches to the face. , then Rams Tommy Dreamer's back into the steel ringpost. Then TD climbed up TBS, only to get another punch to the face. Then TBS did somesort of chokeslam onto his knee, then got TD in a choke, and evacuated the ring, leavubg TD in the ring. Cut to commercial.

Then 'Macho Libre' Comes out, and acts all HILARIOUS, but the Sandman comes out, and 'Macho Libre' tells sandman something, but get's the hell beat out of him with a Kendo stick, then get's hit with a white russian leg sweep, and get's pinned for the 3-coount, and the victor is... THE SANDMAN.

Then a referee informs Paul Heymaan that Johnny C's oin the parking lot. Then cut to commercial.

Then Paul H. riles up the ECW lockerroom, as Cena comes in (With a blackeye) and Start;s Disssin' Sabu. Then Cena tells Paul H. to bring everyone, for an EXTREME LUMBERJACK MATCH at Vengance. And Paul H. & Sabu accepts the proposal. Then Cena leaves the ECW arena.

Then Kelly Came out. The ECW Vixen. Looking very sexy, she rubs her thighs, and opens her legs, while thn turning atound and showing us her ace through her undies. Then she pulled her sweater down, but fixes it after a moment. Then shakes her booty at us. While showing some disappointment, she removes her belt and her sweater, fixing the mood some. She then flaunts her stuff, and rubbed her titties, then did some more booty shaking. And yet againm just slid off the cups of her Bra, and put her hands over her nipples. but then Someone comes out, and wraps a towel around Kelly. Then escorts her back into the locker room. So can we call her not stripping her fault???

Then tey showed a replay of edge's spear on RVD last week. Then cut to DX commercial.

Then edge comes out with his "Simple Sex PArtner Lita" -Joey Styles. For his tag-team match with Randy Orton v. RVD & The Human Suplex Machine, Kurt Angle. Then Edge said... "I think that ECW Sucks!" He went on to tell the fans they suck. but then Randy Orton comes out, playing his theme song, (Which as much as I despise Randy Orton, his song is very good!). Then Mr. Integrity, Gold Metalist in wrestling, Kurt Angle comes out. Then RVD came out, (Who I like him and his song.) THE ECW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION came out... yada yada yada... Two Belts... Please note: RVD is the holder of the only ECW belt in existance right now. It started out with Kurt Angle vs. Edge, as Kurt Went for an ankle lock, but edge got the bottom rope. With a second double leg suplex, he ttag's with RVD, and Van Dam get's some punches off, then tags in foor Orten, and Orton Slams RVD into a turn buckle, and get's hit with a high-roundhouse kick, then hit Orton with a leaping Side-kick and smashed Orton ove r the top rope. Then got some punches off outside the ring, and did a jump onto orton, then Randy reversed the mood, and tagged to edge, whom threw RVD into the corner, and took an Elbow to the face, but RVD ran to the rope, But Lita pulled the rope down, and Cut to commercial, mid match. (15 minutes left of ECW) Then we return to RVD and edge, but edge tags, and Orton get's a 2-count, but angle split's it up. Then Orton tag's to edge, who throws RVD out of the ring over the second rope. ThenEdge slams his elbows into RVD's back, Then Irish Whips RVD into the steel steps. Edge then threw RVD into the riing, and got a 1 or 2-count, but then tags to Orton, and dropkicks RVD to the face, and get's a 2 and 1/2 count on RVD, then tags to Edge. Who get's slammed to the mat after being poked in the eye, then crawls over to Angle, after Edge tags to orton, and Angle gives Orton a Triple German Suplex, then germans edge, then Angle get's the ankle lock on Orton, but edge saves him. Then Edge goes to knock anle down from the top turnbuckle, but end's up Belly-tobellying Edge. Then orton goes after the under knee-caps of Angle. Orton then tags. Edge throws Angle out of the ring. Edge slams Angle's head into the steel steps. And throws Angle into the ring, then get's a 2-count on Angle. Angle then get's a choke on Edge, but Lita breaks it up. Edge tags to Orton. Orton gets an Ankle lock on orton, but Orton quickly tags. Angle boots Edge to the face. Angle tags to RVD, who closelines Edge, high kicks him to the chin, get's the piscato on Orton. Then goes after Edge with a chair, but orton grabs him, but then gets a smack to the head, then Angle 'Angle Slam's' Lita. then RVD nails the Rob-van-daminator on Orton, But Edge cut's off RVD's rollint thunder, and Edge goes for the spear, but RVD reverses, and RVD get's the Five-star Frog-Splash. Making RVD & Angle the winner's. Huge win for ECW, says Tazz, then compliments RVD on his gold. Then the night Ends.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-20 23:04:45

ECW Recap for June 20th, 2006

Note: I wrote this recap as I was watching the show. I missed the first 10 minutes, so my info about Match #1 is vague. Surely the other recaps will cover it, though.

Match 1: Sabu vs. The FBI Guy that's not Nunzio nor

Sabu wins. That's all you need to know. Basically, there were multiple foreign objects involved in the ring. People got hurt.

Result: Sabu wins against <insert random FBI guy here>

RVD Talks to the Class

Did anyone else take note of how RVD talked to us like we were a bunch of third-graders? Basically, he proclaimed the fact that he has two title belts, and that he is the champion of those belts. After talking some more about his belts, he told us about the two on two tag team match we all knew about from yesterday.


Some movie talked about having the "WWE Superstar Chris Jericho." Someone needs to tell these marketing guys that he quit.

Match 2: Tommy Dreamer vs. The Big Show Remix

As they enter the ring, Dreamer decides to slap Big Show. Big Show did not approve of this action, and showed it in the ring with great disregard for the well being of Tommy Dreamer. After his patent-pending Backbreaker Rag Doll Toss O'Matic, Big Show decides to walk away. Dreamer smiles, because he's apparently a masochist.

Result: This wasn't a real match.

Back from Commerical

Ooh, vampire. Scary.

Match 3: Time to Promo Certain Movies In-Theater

"Macho Libre" comes into the ring speaking bad Spanish, as if he had a huge sign on his back that said "Come beat the shit out of me, Sandman!" He then claimed he was "looking for a fight." You can guess who comes out next. Extreme surprise. More surprises. Macho Libre annoyes Sandman, and Sandman responds with several kendo stick-related assaults. Sandman then drinks beer and pins the guy.

Now, I'm not exactly a foe of Sandman, but it'd be nice to see him in a match that lasted more than 4 seconds.

Result: The guy with big stick won.

Cena Says Hi

Cena comes in from outside, and gives Sabu an offer. Said offer is an ECW lumberjack match. Sabu says, "Deal!" Somehow

The Person that Fails at Stripping Attempts to Not Fail This Time

Now, it's not that I mind the smut, but come on. What is the real point of this? So the "ECW Vixen" comes out and proceeds to strip. I will admit that she was smart and got a front-clasped bra this time. Good work. Some jerk then comes out with a big towel and covers her up, while he escort her out of the ring. Tazz did not approve. Neither did I.

Match 4: Mr. Titles and Mr. Mouthpiece vs. Mr. Rated F and Mr. Cocky in the Match That Cena Totally Will Not Interrupt

RVD's two belts make him look a lot taller. LOL. I think he should wrestle with both of the belts on. I think it would be as effective as plate armor.

Match Highlights:

RVD went all-flippity on Orton, doing many wrestling moves that required air. During this part, Orton spent most of the time on the ground, while RVD spent most of the time off of it. After a lot of back-and-forth matches, a lot of kicks in the face occured. Kurt Angle anded up doing a lot of suplexes and hurting people. At one point in the match, the announcers bothered to tell us that "in ECW, anything goes." We know, okay?

Anyway, Edge kept on getting kicked in the face (this time by Angle). Angle makes the sorely-needed tag and RVD gets all flippity again. RVD then chases after Lita with a chair, but ends up beating up Randy Orton. Angle ends up Angle Slamming Lita (thank God), while while many finishers fly. It ended with RVD's Magical Turn-In-Mid-Air Five-Star Frog Splash to pick up the victory.

EagleRock approves!

Result: RVD and Angle def. Edge and Orton


I enjoyed. The Cena scene sucked, though. But at least that girl got a front-clasped bra to make sure that mixup didn't happen again.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-20 23:09:26

It still could use some improvement but ECW is getting there this week's show was that much better than last week's fiasco.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-20 23:10:01

Stevens A.'s ECW review

Sabu vs. Tony Mamaluke- Great way to start of ECW. In the beginning of the match, they took turns pinning each other. Then, Sabu launches himself onto Mamaluke and starts pulling out the table. The match gets extreme when Sabu slams Mamaluke through a table. Sabu then throws Mamaluke back in the ring, hits a somersault leg slam, then makes Mamaluke tap to the Camel Clutch. After the match, Kelly appears again and says she's gonna take it all off. Yeah, right. I wanna see extreme, I wanna see blood, not this! Anyways...

Big Show vs. Tommy Dreamer- Before the match, Rob Van Dam says he's gonna hand Orton and Edge's asses to them tonight and at Vengeance. Well, then when Dreamer gets in the ring, he slaps Big Show after saying something about getting past him. The match starts when the get into a fist fight, which Big Show wins. The whole match is pretty much Big Show's, which ends when he hits that Cobra Clutch Backbreaker. Why are WWE superstars getting a bigger push than ECW stars? Is Vince outta his mind? And why in the hell ain't Paul E. in charge?

Macho Libre vs. The Sandman-Macho comes out and starts acting like the "Macho Man" Randy Savage from the early WWE days. But, Sandman comes out later and canes the hell outta him. After a beer, Sandman hits the White Russian Leg Sweep and gets the pin. But, the match felt kinda cheap. It was only, like, 30 seconds. I really want to see a good Sandman match. Afterwards, they say Cena's in the building. I say, "Quit giving the wigger a push!"

Cena segment- Cena comes in and talks to Sabu. He then makes his match Sunday at Vengeance an "Extreme Lumber Jack" match. Sabu, who's usually silent, says "Deal!". I think Cena has a deathwish. Oh well,...

Kelly segment- Er...this crazy bitch just seems to take a good wrestling show and drop the ratings. I didn't bother to watch. Well, that was a lie. I was...aye chi wa wa! Until..some prick takes her off stage. Who the hell was that guy? Come to think of it, why do they have her doing that kind of stuff with KIDS around? It doesn't make any sense. Can someone try to explain that to me?

RAW's Edge and Randy Orton vs. ECW's Rob Van Dam and Kurt Angle- Before the match, a promo said Test was coming back to ECW. Man, I haven't seen him since 2000. Anyways, Edge starts bad mouthing the ECW fans telling them 'the show and the fans suck'. Well, if it was last week's show, I'd agree. Another thing, why is RVD wearing both the WWE and ECW titles? Someone explain that to me...anyways, on to the match. The match goes back and forth until RVD hits a moonsault on Orton from the outside. Match goes back and forth some more.Then, RVD starts getting the crap beat outta him. After a while, a typical thing happens; RVD gets the tag, Angle gets some momentum, then hits the Angle Lock. Orton escapes with Edge's help. Then Angle gets the crap kicked outta him as well. Seems he hurt his knee as well. More back and forth action, then another typical WWE tag team fashion thing happens; Angle gets the tag to RVD and all hell breaks loose. Every one gets the crap kicked outta themselves. The match ends when RVD counters Edge's spear with one of his belts, and then hits the Five Star Frog Splash for the victory. Personally, I think this was the hilight of the evening. I hope they have main event's as good as this every night. A few things changed and I'll keep watching. A big improvment over last week, if you ask me. Until then, Stevens A. saying "Good night everyone", and I'll probably see you at Vengeance.

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-20 23:10:04

Sorry for the double post, but some of my recap got cut off.

In the "Cena says Hi" section, "Somehow" should be "Somehow, I'm not impressed by this scene. However, the match sounds great."

Sorry for the mixup.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-20 23:17:16

So far everyone has had the same opinion it was much better than last week's but it still can improve even more. So Test is coming to ECW I don't kow but why but I think he could fit in at ECW.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-20 23:20:44

I think If I and Eaglerock combined our Recap's, we'd have the best one yet, I got a lot of match details, but he got a lot of out of match details, and If Y2J quit, smeone should tell that to WWE, because according to their website, he's out on Injury...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-20 23:27:07

damn I wish I had sci-fi.......

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-21 00:04:29

So, The Sandman is apparently a Gimmick Killer now. That's interesting.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-21 00:23:42

nice review

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-21 00:42:22

I think what they are doing with Sandman is just something for him to do until they get more established and can get him in a fued. Maybe he and RVD can go at it.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-21 00:52:50

Legend Killer can't catch a break...

Credit: PWInsider.com

It's being said that Randy Orton was injured during the main even of ECW On Sci-Fi tonight, although the severity is not yet confirmed.

While working on Kurt Angle's knee Orton Injured his right arm. Orton put his leg between his own and drove down to the mat, immediately grabbing his right wrist. When Orton stood up, his arm was lame. Orton spoke to Edge, who he then tagged in with his left arm. When Orton stood at the ring cormer and on the floor, his arm was badly hanging. Orton tagged in again with his left hand and was obviously favoring the right arm. He tagged out again. Van Dam hit the pescado on Orton, then hit him in the back with a chair. They then went to the finish of the match, with RVD pinning Edge.

Whenever the cameras weren't on Orton, it was apparent in the building that Lita was trying to help him. After ECW went off the air, Orton was walked to the back by WWE's medical staff. Orton was then immediately taken via ambulance to a local hospital for examination.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-21 01:09:13

damn poor guy. Hope it's nothing too bad, but by the sound of it he won't be able to be the the ppv.

Damn that one hour thing must be pissing Heymen off. How long was the ECW show originally?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-21 01:15:00

Well...I said I would give it another week...

and thank God that I did! I really really enjoyed ECW on Sci-Fi this week. I think my pleasure from watching the show this week was probably equal to my displeasure at it last week. There was a lot on this show to enjoy, and by making things clearer in terms of the segments from last week I didn't like. They've made for a positive broadcast, there was only one thing on the show I truly hated, and we'll get to that in my breakdowns of the show.

Plusses: You know you're on the right track when you start a show off with Sabu. While I'm not saying I'm going to want to watch squashes on this show every week, certainly not with guys like Tony Mamaluke, who I think is best used building up the tag team division, but with Sabu having a PPV match on Sunday, I can't fault them for handing him someone to kill. Not to mention it was a good match that spotlighted everything that Sabu does so well...I really enjoyed Macho Libre. It was funny, and with the fact that Sandman came down, and the little promo about him being an ECW original highlighted why they're putting these characters in: Sandman dosen't like sports entertainment bullshit on a wrestling show, and will beat the shit out of it. It's also a good use of Sandman who isn't the best wrestler in the world to just build him up with these quick little squashes. Once again, not something I want pounded into the ground, but now that it seems a bit clearer what the purpose of these gimmick wrestlers are, I'm not as mortified to watch them like I was when I saw The Zombie out last week...How great was that segment with guys in the back? ECW looked solidly together, and Cena came off really good as a guy with no fear walking into the lion's den. ECW has really been a boon to Cena and his character, and might be just what he needs to finally get over. I also thought it was highly effective to have Sabu say "deal" since anyone who has watched Sabu for any amount of time know's he never speaks, so this helped to give it that "big deal" feel it needed. Kudos to all involved with that...I liked Kelly's striptease this week, Kelly is ridicolously hot, this winds up in the Plus column because she managed to unhook her bra this week number one, and number two we see that the point of Kelly's character is that somebody dosen't want her showing off for the fans...Wow, what a hot tag match huh? That was one of the best TV main events I've seen in awhile (although we must remember most of the TV main events I see are the RAW version...which usually involves interchangeable Spirit Squad members beating on either Shawn Michaels or Triple H. Great great work, and all four men deserve high praise for it, to me it was PPV quality work...I liked production tonight, less lighting made it feel a bit more gritty and that's what they really need to create with these shows. This should feel more "real" then some WWE show. Props to the production guys on this one. Also, great work by Tazz and Joey Styles! They are becoming the broadcast team I knew they could be, it's great to hear wrestling commentators actually CALLING matches, and not shilling for something an hour or two in the future. Looking forward to more from those guys in the future.

Minuses: Test? Test? FUCKING TEST?! No, that is NOT gonna work, unless Test has gotten a talent transplant since he was released, I do NOT look forward to this stiff joining the ECW roster...Note to Paul, Dave, and whoever the hell else is booking this stuff: Can we find a new way to promote the vampires until all parts of that group are locked up and ready to go? I like that Fertig is shown quickly and dosen't eat too much TV time, but I think it's time to devote a little more time to creating direction for it, or just please leave it off our shows. It wasn't that big a minus, I was kind of reaching there...and man, dosen't it feel good to actually have to work to find things to hate on a show?

Not quite good or bad: I can get they want Big Show to come off as being a monster. It's logical booking, I can even accept the idea of Tommy being a guy who would have no fear of Show, only to get smacked about, that's Tommy's character...but there is STILL that ECW fan in me that wants Tommy to have a good place on this show, and wasn't thrilled to see him take the beating, however, the smile on Tommy's face afterwards seems to tell me there's something more to this particular angle, so I'll try to reserve being too harsh on my judgements until I see more.

I am officially a fan of the new ECW! Especially if they give me more shows like this. For those of you on the fence about the new promotion, this is one of the old ECW's most devoted saying: I approve of this production.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-21 01:26:25

At 6/21/06 01:09 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Damn that one hour thing must be pissing Heymen off. How long was the ECW show originally?

Both Hardcore TV and ECW on TNN were hour long shows.

You young kids seem to think you need two hours to have a good show, you don't, Paul E. could pack more action and angles into one hour then a lot of Vince's shows do in two. This definitely felt more like a Paul E. production this week, so it looks like Vince learned his lesson about how much Paul can give you when you let him.

Also, "Macho Libre" was former ECW regular, and leader of a street gang group that feuded with New Jack near the end of the promotion called "The Baldies", Tony Devito. Hope Tony gets some more work in the new ECW. Like I said before, until they're ready to give Sandman the time to really really work on the shows, his doing fast squashes only protects the integrity of the character. Think of Sandman as sort of our version of a Hulk Hogan or a Rock. He was massively over, and the hero of the company, but he was far from the best worker on the roster...far far from the best.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-21 01:40:48

maybe thay are also buying him time to get in shape. He did say that thats what he was going to do right?

I never realized that ECW was originally an hour long show. Mainly due to the fact that a number of matches I have seen on the dvd's have been so long.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-21 01:52:07

At 6/21/06 01:40 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: maybe thay are also buying him time to get in shape. He did say that thats what he was going to do right?

This is great shape for him. Honestly, Paul E. has you guys fooled if you watched Sandman and thought he's a great worker, he's just really good at the violence and plunder, and had some great opponents and emotional angles to carry him. He's a great character, but not the best of workers, which is why they have to show real care in how he is booked.

I never realized that ECW was originally an hour long show. Mainly due to the fact that a number of matches I have seen on the dvd's have been so long.

Not all of those are from the ECW TV shows, there were events that ran, especially in '94 or '95 that went to exclusively home video release, as home video sales were much better and more stable for the company then TV was, since often they had to buy the time on some of their syndication networks. Sometimes the TV show would devote the entire hour to a single match. That was one of the best things ECW did, they'd run big four hour shows, and then they could chop them up in any order and gets four weeks or better of really good TV out of a single show. That was the brilliance of Paul E's booking.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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