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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-18 23:39:54

They're not "doing it for real" they're teaching you the proper techniques to try not to hurt people. Yes, occassionally someone may get roughed up a bit if the instructor thinks they aren't showing the proper respect. But these days schools are very professional, and you're learning how to work, not how to hurt people. Only in the olden days when the business was more secretive and they didn't want the fixed and worked nature of it to get out were schools teaching guys for real, and then they would be told later (sometimes during their first bout) that everything was a work, and they didn't need to try and hurt the opponent for real.

Well, when they have tryout's, is the winner of a match the person who makes it look the most realistic without actually hurting their opponent? Or what, because that's the only thing I can really think of...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-18 23:41:32

At 6/18/06 11:39 PM, Yoyodog76 wrote:
Well, when they have tryout's, is the winner of a match the person who makes it look the most realistic without actually hurting their opponent? Or what, because that's the only thing I can really think of...

NO. They have an actual match with a planned ending and they judge both of the wrestlers based on their performance to the point where the loser could show more potential as a wrestler than the winner.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-18 23:46:32

Oh, that actually makes sense, so they give you a script or some type of thing on how it's supposed to go and all that jazz, but how do they fake things like with ladder's and chairs and stuff, I would imagine their some form of fake material, like a breakaway vase would work, but it would seem like it takes a lot of work to fake things like that...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-18 23:49:24

At 6/18/06 11:33 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: when the majority of your audience is sick and tired of what you are presenting you need to change it or you will lose them.

Oh no, not in WWE land you don't. According to Vince, you continue to spoon-feed them what YOU think they should like, and eventually they'll give in and like it. Because that formula has just worked so well in the past. I mean, it's not like stars like Austin and Rock got over on their own, without the WWE telling people to like them...oh wait, yes they did,

I'm with everybody else, I can respect that Vince wants his product to succeed or fail based on his ideas and and promotion, but the fact is that Vince has lost all touch with what his audience wants, and with the ECW brand, he dosen't understand what made that work in the first place. The bottom line is that Cince hired a creative team to write his shows, so he should let them be creative and write the show. I was talking to a friend who's also an ECW fan the other day, and I said "what Vince needs to do is he needs to say to Paul E. "Paul, write a script, write it any way you want, then come into my office and pitch it to me." Seriously, how hard is it to just let Paul E. write out what he thinks the show should be, and then let Paul try to get Vince to understand and agree with what his vision is. The problem to me is that in the end, Vince wants what he wants, and he's forgetting that many of the best creations WWE has had in the past 10 years, were collaborative efforts in which Vince worked with a performer, and was willing to have his original conceptions tweaked (Mankind is a great example of this), it's not too late for Vince to do this for the good of ECW, and his ability to profit from it. But I just don't think he really wants to relinquish his absolute control over all his product these days.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-18 23:52:44

At 6/18/06 11:46 PM, Yoyodog76 wrote: Oh, that actually makes sense, so they give you a script or some type of thing on how it's supposed to go and all that jazz, but how do they fake things like with ladder's and chairs and stuff, I would imagine their some form of fake material, like a breakaway vase would work, but it would seem like it takes a lot of work to fake things like that...

Sometimes they "gimmick" the objects so that they break more easily, but that is much more rare then you'd actually think. Many times the chair, ladder, or table is real, and the wrestlers simply use the bump taking techniques they know to try and make the impact less then it might be (such as hitting a table dead center, or trying to get their hands up so they don't take a chairshot directly to the head unprotected).

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 00:00:15

I almost feel bad, I hear a ton of people talk about old stars like Hulk Hogan (Who may be making another appearance, like he did at wrestlemania XXI), or The Rock or Austin, while I couldn't be considered a fan if I didn't know their names, I know practically nothing about them, yet I urge to be one of them, just not as old, while that dream may be far off, I could definately lasso it very near to me... well, once I'm older anyways... But either way, I think Vince could have milked a lot out of McMahonism, he could've formed a fricken army, because you saw like 4 people join, and those people weren't all that unpopular, I mean imagine, if vince really knew that DX was coming back (Which he did, he just pretended he didn't... I think anywyas, I dunno if that was planned at that point) he really could crush them on his highway, I would laugh if he actually read this, or something... yeah... oh, and I just realised something, this isn't supposed to be a tacky form of advertising, but if you look at the middle of the W in my sig upside down, it kinda looks like a 3-fingered hand flipping you off... Cool, isn't it? Anyways, 245th post... I feel so warm inside, but I've got a paper to finish writing, so I may post one more time,but I'm more expecting this to be my lst one... depends, I suppose... OFF TO TYPE OTHER THINGS!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 00:08:42

Avie you made a lot of good points about how VInce and the WWE succeded thanks to collaborative efforts however there's one big difference... Stephanie Mcmahon, there's a good chance that she wasn't involved back then and the fact that she hates Heyman is going to make Vince think twice about accepting Paul E's ideas.

Its this simple the WWF/WWE has always had that one superstar that carried the company like... Hogan,Hart,HBK,The Rock and Austin however some perhaps by fate like The Rock became the face of the company by accident (remember Rock was a face who the crowd booed). However Vince ego's has grown to such a size that he really believes that he made all those stars so he sees John Cena as his newest "pet" they're trying to push him down our throats even though no one likes him but the difference between Rock is and Cena is that the Rock could perform not on the mic, but in the ring aswell and instead of VInce just looking for someone else to be the face of the WWE he's hellbent on making Cena "Da Man" in the company and it just ain't gonna happen.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 00:11:15

While, Cena is now booed, I recall a time that whenever his music played, no matter who the opponent was, the whole crowd got on their feet and cheered, but that lasted like what, 6 weeks?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 00:17:00

At 6/19/06 12:11 AM, Yoyodog76 wrote: While, Cena is now booed, I recall a time that whenever his music played, no matter who the opponent was, the whole crowd got on their feet and cheered, but that lasted like what, 6 weeks?

Lame ass rhymes, being booked like Superman and having no wrestling talent can only get you so far, people realized that after this Cena didn't have much to offer in terms of entertainment so he now gets booed.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 00:20:51

Yes, but Cena is also a cheap knock-off a wankster, which is what's very popular with a lot of people, like vanilla ice, paul wall, eminem, and other white-ass poser's...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 01:02:55

Fans don't like being told what to like. The fans were behind Cena for a little while, but then Vince decided Cena needed to be the next big thing RIGHT FREAKING NOW! That's not what the fans wanted, and they wound up posoining most of the long term male fan base against Cena. I don't know any hardcore fans that like Cena, except for those that have some respect for the way Cena acts and carries himself outside of the ring. Cena I believe can become the performer WWE wants him to be, but they need to keep the belt off him, and let the fans decide when they're ready to accept John Cena on top. Look at what happened with Triple H, they jammed him down people's throats till no one wanted to see him anymore, and now he's poised to be one of the top babyfaces in the company with the belt left off him for a year, same could happen to Cena. Too bad I see him winning the belt back for a 3rd eternity feeling run as champion.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 05:31:19

Losing to Edge will not damage RVD's credibilities too much. For one, RVD owns too titles and the WWE title needs to be back to RAW. Secondly, Edge is a heel so that he can cheat to win. Lastly, Vince can always allow Cena to screw RVD up during the match. I have no dount that Cena will beat Sabu. Sabu is nowhere near the top of the ECW roster. Yea, yea...I know that HHH is Vince's son-in-law in real life, but the way how Vince pushed Cena gave me the feeling that hunter is nowhere near Cena's treatment.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 05:38:48

At 6/19/06 05:31 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Losing to Edge will not damage RVD's credibilities too much. For one, RVD owns too titles and the WWE title needs to be back to RAW. Secondly, Edge is a heel so that he can cheat to win. Lastly, Vince can always allow Cena to screw RVD up during the match. I have no dount that Cena will beat Sabu. Sabu is nowhere near the top of the ECW roster. Yea, yea...I know that HHH is Vince's son-in-law in real life, but the way how Vince pushed Cena gave me the feeling that hunter is nowhere near Cena's treatment.

I dunno, H is getting to re-live his ypunger years in DX. I ould choose a DX run over a tainted championship any day

"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"

Ronald Reagan

Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 08:47:41

Man this is getting ECW seeing you're weapons.
who saw tha nacho libre movie whithch are making publicity at WWE?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 08:50:17

one sec I forgot something,who are the tag team champions at RAw?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 09:24:57

At 6/19/06 08:50 AM, dawin45 wrote: one sec I forgot something,who are the tag team champions at RAw?

Spirit Squad

Yes, I know....


"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"

Ronald Reagan

Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 09:43:11

i think they are called spirit jacks.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 09:44:26

triple H said that

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 10:53:49

DX is back but does anyone think they will bring back the whole DX to combat Sprit Squad at vengence

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 10:56:12

At 6/19/06 10:53 AM, The_Merovingian wrote: DX is back but does anyone think they will bring back the whole DX to combat Sprit Squad at vengence

Yes, they are having a 5 on 2 match. SS vs DX.

DX will win without doubt.

"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"

Ronald Reagan

Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 10:59:31

At 6/19/06 10:53 AM, The_Merovingian wrote: DX is back but does anyone think they will bring back the whole DX to combat Sprit Squad at vengence

Road Dogg and Mr. Ass are in TNA, and Sean Waltman would probably be too unreliable.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 11:07:39

Here's some news about the Booker T- Batista fight that wasn't real but was actually real indeed... what??

The well-publicized Booker T-Batista fight, about which reports conflict in identifying it as either a work or shoot, started when Booker T confronted Batista about not shaking hands with all of his colleagues on the Summerslam commercial shoot.

Booker also asked Batista, in reference to comments made in a media interview, if he still thought the SmackDown! crew was lazy.

Batista defended himself against Booker's assaults, and the argument escalated (the escalation is attributed to Batista, as Booker reportedly wanted to walk away at some point). The two then went into a separate room and began fighting.

The fight was quickly broken up, but despite being on the bottom, Batista urged his fellow wrestlers to let the two continue. Batista once again ended up on his back, and wrestlers then broke it up for good.

During the breakup, Batista got in the shot that left a mark on Booker T's face. Sharmell, in response to what she felt was a cheap shot, began kicking Batista. Booker T also screamed that he's a "gangsta" and would "get" Batista if he saw him alone.

Some reports suggest that Batista once again tried getting some cheap shots in, but nothing really landed. He then insinuated that Booker T is somewhat responsible for younger talent being held down in the lockerroom, but no one agreed. In fact, Bobby Lashley personally noted that Booker was instrumental in helping him grow as a performer.

Vince McMahon later took the two aside and forced them to talk through their differences.

So there you have it Batista's a sissy and Booker is gangsta... Now can you dig that? Suckas!!

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 12:55:43

I belive that is the funniest thing I harve heard in a while now. Maybe ol' Batista should switch to decaff?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 13:07:43

Just imagining Booker T saying "I'm a Gangsta" is enough to make me laugh that and the fact that I just can't imagine seeing Batista getting beat up by anyone.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 15:15:34

At 6/19/06 01:07 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Just imagining Booker T saying "I'm a Gangsta" is enough to make me laugh that and the fact that I just can't imagine seeing Batista getting beat up by anyone.

Seconded, that funny as hell.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 17:06:50

DX will win without doubt.

I'm not sure, while DX is definately a much better opposition than the SS, HHH and Vince have bad relations, (In the ring, not outside it...) So vince may tell the Referee to be more flexible with the SS, and be harder on DX, plus, it's 5 on 2, so the 3 that aren't competing, will definately jump in for some cheapshot's...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 17:15:27

i miss you guys so much!!! MY COMPUTER IS A TOTAL CRAP-SHOT!!!

so, now, I can only afford to use the computer at the library when it's open long enough :(

The Next PPV I will be reveiwing will Be Vengance, If I can help it.

here are the results of yesterday's Slammiversary; straight from TNAwrestling.com.
(for a more detailed reveiw, click here)

• Preshow: Team Canada (Eric Young & A1) defeated The Naturals (Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas).
• Bingo Hall Brawl: Team 3D (Brother Ray & Brother Devon) defeated The James Gang (BG James & Kip James).
• Handicap Match: Rhino defeated Team Canada (Bobby Roode & Scott D’Amore).
• X-Division Ranking Match: Senshi defeated Sonjay Dutt, Petey Williams, Jay Lethal, Alex Shelley, and Shark Boy.
• Kevin Nash defeated Chris Sabin.
• AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels defeated NWA World Tag Team Champions, America’s Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm), to win the titles.
• TNA X-Division Champion, Samoa Joe defeated Scott Steiner, in a Non-Title Match.
• King of the Mountain Match: Jeff Jarrett defeated NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Christian Cage, Sting, Abyss, and Ron Killings, but the title picture remains unclear as Jim Cornette took the title away from Jarrett as the PPV went off the air.

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 17:22:13

Man they should make at samck Down the match betwen Mark hendry and The Great Khaly.
mark should teach him a leason on how to be big.
Or a goutlet match on the great khaly.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 17:42:50

At 6/19/06 05:22 PM, dawin45 wrote: Man they should make at samck Down the match betwen Mark hendry and The Great Khaly.
mark should teach him a leason on how to be big.
Or a goutlet match on the great kHALY

LEAARN HOW TO SPELL!, it's Smackdown!, Mark Henry, and the GREAT KHALI, and I think you meant to say Gauntlent match..., oh, and it's Lesson,,, and Mark Henry shouldn't, Big Show should...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-19 18:00:48

God, I miss doing this


It's The "Rated-R Superstar" Edge vs. "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair!

will Edge be able to soften up Flair before his iron-man match against Foley at Vengenance? We'll see!


what sorts of hell will the boys of DX have in store for Mr. McMahon? tune in and find out!

bust out the lube, boys!

It's Mickie James & Candice Michelle vs. Torrie Wilson & Maria in a bra and panties match! aww hellz yeah!

and what will the Extreme Tribe have in store for John Cena and the boys in the RAW Locker room? Nothing they can't handle, I'm sure!

Don’t miss RAW for all of this and more Monday night at 9/8 CT on the USA Network!

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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