At 6/8/06 04:24 PM, cornontheconn wrote:
Oh, balls. I forgot about Randy Orton's monologue. That was pretty funny, too.
oh, corn, don't ever change
First, thank you all for being so paitent! here it is!
Redface Says: "WWE vs. ECW reveiw!
Match #1- Rob van Dam vs. Rey Mysterio
Two Former tag partners going against each other always makes for a promising match. Good spots here, like when RVD drop-kicked Rey while he was sturng up on the ropes, and when Rey Countered the rolling thunder and slammed RVD's head onto a chair. RVD wins in a short-but-sweet match after sinching the Five-star frog splash.
The Victor: ROB! VAN! DAM!
-Kurt Angle Segment-
Angle talks about Randy Orton's ankle, and breaking it. Orton comes out, talks shit and mentions how Angle going to ECW is like "Starring in a Summer block-buster, then doing hardcore porn." He also talks about how he, The "Legend Killer" is going to kill the legend of ECW. Hoo-hum, I hate talking, Isn't this supposed to be "Extreme"?
Match #2- Mickie James vs. Jazz
What's better than a diva's match? An "extreme" diva's match? not really.
The Victor: Mickie James
-Cena Segment-
Cena is a total bad-ass, I don't care what you all think. he tells the "Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal, Dance Recital Sheik-of-the-week" to bring it.
Match #3- WWE vs. ECW Battle Royale
Okay, why is Mark Henry always soaking wet when he makes an Enterance? ugh.., Anyway, Being a recent wrestle fan, I did not wreckognise most of the guys on the ECW Team, Besides Nunzio (Little Guido), Angle, and Funk. A very good match, but team WWE cleaned house.
The Victor: Team WW... WAIT!
Big Show Takes off his RAW shirt, revealing a an ECW shirt underneath it! Okay, that was a good one. Show wins it for ECW.
The (real) Victor: Team ECW (in more ways than one)
Match #4- Tommy Dreamer vs. Edge
A decent match. Lita interfered and helped Edge win by sitting on Dreamer's Face. I sorta think Dreamer truely won this.
The Victor: Edge
-Mick Foley Segment-
Foley's unstable brain finally snapped, I think.
Brightest Star(s) Award:Tazz and Jerry "The King" Lawler
That fight was bad-ass.
Match #5- John Cena vs. Sabu
TNA Lockdown '06 made me a Sabu fan, and I've Been a Chain Gang Solider for a while;
I could tell it would be a good match. It was pretty back-and-forth. Cena kicked Sabu's ass for a while, then Sabu busted out the Jumpy Flippy Attacks. Just when it seemed Cena would win, Big Show interfered, and then everybody came out and got into a big fight. It was A great Conculsion to a Great Night.
The Victor: The Fans