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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 01:06:19

SNME was great. Shane and HBK had one of the better matches that I've seen for a while. Superplex off the ladder on to the tables outside the ring, turning the tables to splinters = win.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 01:19:58

LordKooler's TNA iMPACT! review
1.Scott Steiner segment
Jeff Jarrett and his crew come out and then Scott Steiner comes out to talk about Rhino, Team 3D, Christian Cage, and Sting. Steiner talks bad about all of them.
2.Sonjay Dutt vs Elix Skipper vs Matt Bentley
Simon Diamond did commentary during the match. Sonjay Dutt was great tonight and won the match to qualify for Team USA in the World X Cup. Then they show Simon Diamond at the White Sox' spring training to confront AJ Pierzynski who has a replica of the X Division championship. Before TNA made AJ Pierzynski feud with Simon Diamond, WWE wanted to bring in Pierzynski to promote Wrestlemania 22.
3.Abyss vs Cassidy Riley
Abyss squashes Cassidy Riley at the end.
4.Machete & Homicide of the LAX vs Norman Smiley & Shark Boy
Norman Smiley & Shark Boy get the upset. Then Konnan & Homicide attack Machete. If Apolo didn't no show Against All Odds, He would'ive been pinned by the James Gang and the Latin American Exchange would'ive turned on him. Machete did what Apolo was supposed to do at Against All Odds. Who will replace Machete in the LAX?
5.America's Most Wanted & Alex Shelley & Shannon Moore vs Rhino & Ron Killings & AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels
Shannon Moore recently resigned with the WWE so this is his final match in TNA. Rhino, Ron Killings, AJ Styles, and Christopher Daniels won at the end.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 01:29:12

yeah christian needs to show us what made him champ more than he is. But hopefully it will get better as it goes along.

I am skipping the snme reviews for now since I have yet to watch the tape of it. I just hoe tht street fight was good. Shane can really go when the time coems and HBK is just the person to have this match with.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 02:10:31

At 3/19/06 01:06 AM, cornontheconn wrote: SNME was great. Shane and HBK had one of the better matches that I've seen for a while. Superplex off the ladder on to the tables outside the ring, turning the tables to splinters = win.

HBK still has something left in his tank. I was actually more impressed with Shane, he did a heck of job and brought us a wonderful match considering that he does not have too much wrestling backgrounds. For apparent reasons, I hate to see Randy Orton jobbing to "immortal" (Hogan is nothing compared with how "godly and superior" our rapper boy is.) Cena in the end of the tag team match. I don't want to go to details to explain why Cena blows, everyone knows. All I want to say is that at WM22, Cena will REST IN PEACE. (I am using UT's quote here.) Two more weeks, Cena is going down. Hopefully, WWE will keep the belt away from him for a while this time.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 04:06:22

Here we go as promised…this one ended up being a two-poster, so enjoy! I hope I didn’t make it too long.

Saturday Night’s Main Event Recap – March 19th, 2006

Note: In case you are wondering, I write this recap as I watch the show (I tape it), so I do not know what happens later in the show as I write the earlier parts. I find this makes it not only easier, but more fun to read!


Many people talked to the camera before the show started. I can’t vouch whether this was how it was done in past SNME’s, but either way, it looked rather interesting. Nice way to start off the show! Also, might I add, JBL made me laugh right from the start with is Earl impersonation (from “My Name is Earl”).

Match 1 – HHH and John Seen-It vs. Your Olympic Gold Hero, Rey Mysterio, and The Legend Annoyer

Interesting match to start with…are they really cashing this in on the card so quickly? Perhaps they wanted to start off with a bang, get the shitty matches done in the middle, then end off with a bang at the end. We’ll see how it goes.

Okay, could they really have put more smoke in the arena? Dear God! I feel bad for the people in the arena who probably couldn’t see what the fuck is going in. It didn’t clear up quick, either…

Cena and Angle start off. Angle goes straps down in about 3 seconds, then is beat up by Cena. Random interchanges between wrestlers occur. One that caught my eye was Mysterio vs. Cena. Underdog vs. Superman…can either one of these two really lose??? I’d bet if they were in a singles match, they’d fight forever. And ever. Because Rey Mysterio can’t lose, ‘cause he’s small. And Cena can’t lose, ‘cause he’s magical. I’d actually like to see that match…maybe it’d make the WWE writers realize that the magic wrestler doesn’t quite work for too long… (*AHEM*Cena*AHEM*)

Interestingly enough…the WWE logo bug is in the upper-right corner of the screen for this show, not the lower left as usual (like most bugs).

More laughs. When Cena and Orton both got tagged in, Cena started taking control. EVERYBODY BOOED. I love it! It’s always great to see the smarks coming out to represent. I think it was even better when they were cheering HHH Pedigreeing Cena. I love it.

After that the interesting stuff happened. HHH refused to fight Orton…in fact, he helped Orton cover Cena. Mysterio pulled Orton off him to make sure they won right. Then, it had to be won in the worst way possible. Orton was trying to RKO Cena, but Cena ends up scoop-pinning him. What a fucking useless ending to what would have otherwise been an excellent match.

Winner: HHH and John Seen-It

Something That Made Me Very Happy

I noticed only after the first match that we had three people at the Announce Table…J.R. (of course), Jerry Lawler, and Tazz. NO MICHAEL COLE! YES! HOORAY! I CAN ENJOY THE COMMENTARY FOR A CHANGE! This SNME is shaping up to be very good!

Booker T Fakes Another Injury

How annoying. Holla Holla Holla lets him get away with it. The only consolation here is that we do NOT have to see the Booger Man in a match tonight. Though we all know he’ll probably eat worms somewhere later on.

Foley’s At It Again

So apparently the Cutting Edge is Edge’s new show (I love the very creative name). Anyway, he comes out and is going to “interview” Mick Foley. The ring is strewn with hardcore weapons to make “Foley feel more comfortable.” He actually makes a good point when he accuses Foley on his Cheap Pops. I actually agree with Edge for once.

Anyway, he calls out Foley and he comes out, holding a bag. Edge scrambles to light a table on fire, which is promptly put out by staff. Why? I don’t get the purpose. Either way, Foley starts kicking ass. Afterwards, he takes the thumbtacks in the bag (you expected something else?) and spreads them all over the center of the ring. After a few suspenseful attacks, Foley is eventually attacked by Lita and is pushed into the tacks face-first by Edge. Yes, they were real thumbtacks. Foley’s bleeding face is proof positive of this.

Edge and Lita walk away, elated with pushing Foley into the tacks. Foley stands up with the Face Expression of Random Insanity on his face. You can tell he was pleased he was pushed into the thumbtacks. He charges Edge with a chair, and hits him. He takes that chair and the chair Edge had and performs a Concerto right on the entrance stage. I actually marked out when I saw it…quite cathartic!

I must say Edge’s show pleased me more than I thought it would. Kudos to the WWE writers!

Booker T is an Idiot

Okay, I realize this was rather generic, but you see him and Sharmell celebrating their fooling of Holla Holla Holla. Boogeyman comes and surprises them and eats worms. Told you. Is this storyline really necessary? I think I was more excited when I had to learn double-entry accounting.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 04:07:22

Your Wrestling God vs. Stone Cold in a Beer Drinking Contest

I just realized we are almost halfway through SNME and have only had one official match so far. Oh well, JBL is talking! Good stuff!

I’d like to mention that JBL really used every form of insult possible to get your usual negative vibe from the audience. It was quite hilarious. Anyway, Stone Cold comes out in a Dodge Ram (naturally some car made in Detroit) and burns out right on the entrance stage. Stone Cold starts with the cheap pops and mentions he’s “thirsty.”

JBL and Stone Cold talk back and forth for a while longer (I can’t do this stuff justice by trying to paraphrase it, so just take my word that it was good). Basically Stone Cold said he drinks beer.

JBL then states that he wants the rules to be one-minute of drinking back to back. When Stone Cold says he doesn’t trust turning his back to JBL, the following hilarious comment was said:

JBL - “I ain’t Brokeback Mountain…I’m a real cowboy!”
Stone Cold - “No Comment.”

JBL naturally tries to cheat behind Stone Cold’s back. Stone Cold catches him and JBL throws a beer in his face and tries to run away. Banoit-Eh pushes him back in the ring. JBL ends up in a ring flooded with beer and constantly slips and slides when in it. After, Stone Cold performs the Stunner on JBL and wins considerably. I’d love to see more of this. I really haven’t done this segment justice in my writing here.

Match 2 – Candice McSlut and Victoria vs. Psycho Hose Beast and Trish

Every time I see Candice Michelle talk about how hot she is, I really want to slap her in the face. With an axe.

The match was rather boring. Trish gets an easy win from Victoria.

Mickie James says “goodbye” to Trish. She tries to kiss her, but Trish pushes her away. Mickie James then decides that she’ll say goodbye to her by kicking her in the face. Quite convenient…a goodbye and a heel-turn all at once! Kill me now.

Winner: Trish and Psycho Hose Beast

Mark Henry Annoys Everyone

You know, Mark Henry is really horrible. I can’t even stand the fact that he has a match with Taker at WM22. He comes out and actually tries to act tough. Taker promptly interrupts him with druids, casket, and all. They start to fight for a bit with it ending with Mark Henry on the outside of the security wall. Daivari became victim of a Chokeslam onto the casket. Afterwards, Taker performs the Last Ride on Daivari on to the casket as well. Pain exists for Daivari. Elation exists for me.

Match 3 – Shawn Michaels vs. Shane-o-matic in a Street Fight

You know, SNME really didn’t have a lot of matches, did it? At least they got rid of what could conceivably be the worst match. Also, the women’s tag team match was certainly quick enough…leaves plenty of room for all that WM22 hype and advertising…

The match started quick enough…specifically, the second Shane got onto the entrance stage. That’s when the fun started. Shane set up two tables outside the ring and a ladder inside the ring (on the edge). He and Vince got Shawn on the table just as Shane goes up the ladder. Shawn pokes Vince in the eye and gets up the ladder quick. He then performs a Superplex from the top of the ladder onto the tables below. Nice!

Later on, Shawn tries to perform a move onto Shawn (center ring) from the ladder top, but Vince gets Shawn with a kendo stick before he can pull it off. After that, it goes downhill for Michaels for a while. A turnaround occurs when Michaels is sitting at the turnbuckle while Vince holds a trashcan in front of him. Shane attempt to kick him from adjacent turnbuckle, but Michaels moves and Shane hits Vince.

Shawn gets his usual moves in, ends with the Superkick, and pins Shawn. However, Vince pulls the ref out of the ring before he can call the pin. Instead, Vince tells Shane to put Shawn into the sharpshooter and rings the bell before Shawn taps. He orders the match to be called as a win by submission. I expected no less.

The match, though, was rather fun to watch. I never got to see Shane McMahon fight since this last fad, so it’s interesting to watch him wrestle…he’s rather good!

Winner: Shane-o-matic


Loved the show, despite the fact there were only three matches. The events tonight were actually rather interesting and really grabbed my attention. Now, if only the WWE could make every damn show like this, I might be much happier when watching wrestling.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 05:33:42

Great recap Eaglerock! Im looking forward to SNME tommorow, showing here in Aus!

"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"

Ronald Reagan

Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 09:07:57

I second that, awesome review as always. Funny as hell too.

great.. just when you thought the WM lineup was a tad stale we get a boogeyman match added to it.. Hey wwe, you have another set of tag belts to use, how about giving them a match? Man do i feel sorry for booker, since wwe will probably have him lose.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 10:22:43

Man! Cena got killed by the fans last night. That's gotta be his most embarrasing moment you're a face champ on national TV and he gets the loudest boos I've heard since Cena's run started. I'd feel sorry for him if he didn't suck.

On a TNA note, they got to do something with Christian he has no mic skills as a face he's supposed to be Captain Charisma but what he's doing is putting people to sleep. At least put him in a match every once in a while.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 11:06:27

is it just me or is anyone else starting to get WCW flashbacks becuase of what TNA is doing. I swear if you notice it they are bringing back old WCW people left and right and it is like a NWO reunion. plus they are doing that whole involvment of other sports. like they did with the NBA they are doing it again with MLB.
I love TNA and I do think it is better but something is telling me by reading the posts above and avie saying that the ratings are starting to drop cause people are alos having wcw flashbacks and are tired of old stars taking over instead of TNA pushing long time stars.
Well time will tell what will happen.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 11:09:53

Can I join the wrestling club

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 11:17:41

At 3/19/06 11:06 AM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: is it just me or is anyone else starting to get WCW flashbacks becuase of what TNA is doing. I swear if you notice it they are bringing back old WCW people left and right and it is like a NWO reunion.

That's the one problem I have with TNA they're pushing has beens instead of their younger talent (mainly the X Division wrestlers). Steiner hasn't been any good since he teamed with his brother and you can jsut see a Sting-Steiner feud and match somewhere down the road.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 11:21:21

At 3/19/06 11:09 AM, TheNewYorkNightmare wrote: Can I join the wrestling club

Of course you can join. You would be number 192 if I'm not mistaken. So, welcome to the club.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 11:32:20

Thankyou very much

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 11:32:20

My favorite part of Main Event was when Foley did the concerto on Edge, and afterward pulled the tack out of his head. I'm expecting a classic Wrestlemania match between these two.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 11:34:31

I didn't like shane mcmahn vs shawn micheals was a very good match. But i liked when they went threw the tables, and i like the trash can move to.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 11:42:23

On Saturday night wich was last night the mark henry calling undertaker out . i knew mark henry is scared of the undertake i can't wait to watch wresle mania on ppv

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 11:44:46

oh.. by the way sorry about the words a lot of you probly can't understand what im saying so im sorry im a fast typer and i don't read it thourgh when im done with it so im sorry

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 12:06:49

At 3/19/06 11:44 AM, TheNewYorkNightmare wrote: oh.. by the way sorry about the words a lot of you probly can't understand what im saying so im sorry im a fast typer and i don't read it thourgh when im done with it so im sorry

it's ok, we forgive you....if you give us your credit card number....and personal details...and your schedule....

"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"

Ronald Reagan

Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 12:17:46

At 3/19/06 12:06 PM, SaiNT_SiLEiGHtY wrote:

it's ok, we forgive you....if you give us your credit card number....and personal details...and your schedule....

Don't forget his social security number.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 12:32:48

dudes im still a student ok...

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 19:38:20

God that kid is annoying no matter where he goes...thank God I banned him earlier.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 19:54:22

At 3/19/06 07:38 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: God that kid is annoying no matter where he goes...thank God I banned him earlier.

You mean the Juggernaut kid? Yeah he had something like five posts in a row. I figured he would just tire himself out.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 20:15:04

It wasn't his first time being banned. He was also banned after spamming up the horror club. Anyway, I am going to another indy show next Sunday, cannot wait. I heard that the New Age Outlaws will return to defend their tag titles. So thankfully, I will be able to see my favorite team live for the second month in a row. I'm psyched.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 20:22:53

So I am going to guess that there will be a Mickie and Trish feud. Or maybe a Trish, Torre, Ashley versus Mickie, Victoria and Candice at Wrestlemania.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 20:29:02

At 3/19/06 08:22 PM, boloneyman wrote: So I am going to guess that there will be a Mickie and Trish feud. Or maybe a Trish, Torre, Ashley versus Mickie, Victoria and Candice at Wrestlemania.

Asley has a broken leg so I don't think she'll be at Wrestlemania. I'm guessing Trish and Mickie James will wrestle for the women's title at WM. As for Candice,Victoria and Torrie I guess they'll just keep on feuding on RAW.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 20:50:07

At 3/19/06 08:29 PM, pepeatumi wrote:
Asley has a broken leg so I don't think she'll be at Wrestlemania. I'm guessing Trish and Mickie James will wrestle for the women's title at WM. As for Candice,Victoria and Torrie I guess they'll just keep on feuding on RAW.

Oh, I thought she would be off that injury by now. I hope Maria begins to wrestle more, I think she has potential to be a great wrestler.

I've lost some respect for the women's divison. The matches used to be good, but now its just hair pulling and cat fights.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 21:24:44

At 3/19/06 08:50 PM, boloneyman wrote:
At 3/19/06 08:29 PM, pepeatumi wrote:

I've lost some respect for the women's divison. The matches used to be good, but now its just hair pulling and cat fights.

That happened because every woman who could actually wrestle was released and replaced with eye candy while the women now look good they can't wrestle a lick.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 22:05:13

Hey can I please join the club? I did post a couple then I realised people were asking if they could join so that's what I am doing. :)

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-19 22:19:56

At 3/19/06 07:54 PM, pepeatumi wrote:
At 3/19/06 07:38 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: God that kid is annoying no matter where he goes...thank God I banned him earlier.
You mean the Juggernaut kid? Yeah he had something like five posts in a row. I figured he would just tire himself out.

In fact, he was so excited that he eventually joined a club and wanted to impress us with multiple posts, lol!

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