I like to ask some of you guys some questions,
What are your predictions matches of this years WM22?
I like to ask some of you guys some questions,
What are your predictions matches of this years WM22?
Rey Mysterio vs. The Undertaker for the World title
Undertaker beats Angle at next PPV. Both undertaker's title and unbeaten steak are at stake. Its the perfect David vs Goliath story.
Cena vs HHH for WWE title
RVD vs Carlito
Shawn Micheals vs Shane and Vince
Angle vs Orton
Those are my PREDICTIONS!
I HOPE that I am wrong. I would much rather see Orton take Rey's title shot at the next PPV but I just don't think it's going to happen.
At 2/6/06 12:54 PM, TheNewAgeOutlaw wrote: Rey Mysterio vs. The Undertaker for the World title
Undertaker beats Angle at next PPV. Both undertaker's title and unbeaten steak are at stake. Its the perfect David vs Goliath story.
I'd avoid the PPV if that was the case. David vs Goliath stories never work well, they're too boring. Both superstars are limited to what they can do without the match looking severly unbalanced.
The only way you could say Rey would be limited would be if the person in the ring with him is. Taker has his limits, but I don't think it would hinder a match between them too much. Though to be honest I'd rather that match not happen.
I've got a few NG stickers around, so I'm going to hand them out tonight at Raw. So if you see a bunch of small yellow things thats probably them. Though I don't have enough to get a ton of people. I didn't make a sign so chances are you won't spot me. If anything of note happens I'll let you know as soon as I can.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 2/6/06 12:36 PM, JohnCena751 wrote: I like to ask some of you guys some questions,
What are your predictions matches of this years WM22?
Orton vs Angle(c) (WHC title match)
Cena(c) vs HHH (WWE title match)
Taker vs Mark Henry (It has been rumored for a long time.)
Trish(c) vs James (Women's title match)
Benoit vs Mr.Kennedy
"Money in the bank" Ladder Match II
Since I have posted my predicted matches for WM22, let me also predict the results: ;)
Orton def Angle (WWE owns RO a prper title run and in addition, he is the future, simple as that.)
HHH def Cena (If Vince is stupid and gay enough to let Cena go over, that will br the company suicide.)
Taker def Mark Henry (Who is Mark Henry? Oh, I see, he is the world's worst wrestler.)
Mr. Kennedy def Benoit (Sorry, Benoit! WWE is not showing any respect you deserve)
James def Trish (We need some new blood in the women's division as the cha,p.)
At 2/6/06 05:48 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Since I have posted my predicted matches for WM22, let me also predict the results: ;)
Orton def Angle (WWE owns RO a prper title run and in addition, he is the future, simple as that.)
HHH def Cena (If Vince is stupid and gay enough to let Cena go over, that will br the company suicide.)
Taker def Mark Henry (Who is Mark Henry? Oh, I see, he is the world's worst wrestler.)
Mr. Kennedy def Benoit (Sorry, Benoit! WWE is not showing any respect you deserve)
James def Trish (We need some new blood in the women's division as the cha,p.)
For some reason I think Rey will be the new World Heavyweight Champion, because of Eddie Guerrero. I also think that Trish will lose to someone else at Wrestlemania 22.
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At 2/6/06 06:23 PM, MegaGold wrote:At 2/6/06 05:48 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Since I have posted my predicted matches for WM22, let me also predict the results: ;)For some reason I think Rey will be the new World Heavyweight Champion, because of Eddie Guerrero. I also think that Trish will lose to someone else at Wrestlemania 22.
Yeah, she will lose to Lita. Lita should be turning face again pretty soon once she and Edge "break up." Then it would make sense for her to have a feud with Trish.
I guess I'll finally getting around to joining this club. If thats alright with you guys.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
Wow, I am watching Raw right now and I must say that the RVD - Carlito match is the best match that I have seen on Raw in a long time. The double springboard into the summersault senton that Carlito did was amazing. Not only that, but RVD definitely did not hold anything back. I literally stood up in front of my television and gave a standing ovation. Bravo!
Tonight was easily the best match Carlito's been involved in. I think everyone was pretty surprised by Carlito's big move off the ropes. Good to see RVD got his groove back, too.
I skipped the main event. It must have been boring.
Here we go...let me know how you like it!
RAW Recap: 2/6/05
Introduction - The Whiny Bastard Yaps
Maria starts out the show by announcing the "Former" WWE Champion, Edge. I guess the WWE figures, "If we are going to torture the audience, why wait?" Anyway, I expect the Whiny Bastard to come out all pissed off talking about how he was cheated out of the title by some reason. Instead, he's all happy because he gets ANOTHER match against Cena. What the fuck is the WWE doing? Anyway, Edge argues with Maria about how she should address him blah blah blah... Just wake me when it's over, okay?
Match 1 - Big Red vs. The Master Fuckup
Great. Just what I asked for. In fact, the only thing I can think of about this tournament is when Kane is going to lose, simply because he's Kane and he's not allowed to get the title belt. Turns out, Lord Vince was going to rub it in by making Kane lose to Chris Masters. So, no match synopsis. This match didn't deserve it. Instead, let's go through the Chris Masters Scorecard:
Chris Masters Scorecard
Body Shine: Nearly nonexistant - What's going on?
Attempted Wrestling Moves - 5
Attempted Wrestling Moves that were not the Master Lock - 2! That's right! The Swinging Neckbraker and the Snake Eyes! I was amazed.
Match Fuck-ups - 1...I'm sorry, but using the Master Lock as a counter to a turnbuckle move was stupid, so he gets one fuck-up on general principle.
Current Status - Actually wrestled for two seconds, but still sucks. 'Nuff said.
The Master Fuckup def. Big Red
Lita Whores Herself To Lord Vince
Lita wants to ref the WWE match. Lita attempts to whore herself to Vince. Instead, Lord Vince makes a match of Lita/Edge vs. Maria/Cena. Winner gets to choose the ref for the rematch. That's great. Two male wrestlers that I don't give a shit about, a female wrestler that can't wrestle, and a slut. Perfect match, Vince.
Match 2 - Diva Slut Winner vs. Psycho Hose Beast, the Rematch
I'd like to announce that Ashley's bra was actually about 75% covered this match. I was amazed. Anyway, Trish was special ref again, so we know this was an unbiased match. Mickie starts out strong, hits Trish by accident, then gets scoop-pinned by Ashley instantly. Trish and Ashley expedite themselves from the ring. Oh no: the Psycho Hose Beast might get a clue. We can't let this storyline actually progress, can we?
Diva Slut Winner def. Psycho Hose Beast
The Spirit Fingers Attack and MORE!
Why the hell did they even bother to tell us about these idiots? They do a smart thing by letting Spirit Fingers perform DURING commercial, but they tell us about it afterwards, defeating the purpose. The point is we want to keep these people OFF the television.
After, Trish introduces Mickie to her date. She looks confused. Then, Eugene attacks Mama. I must say, the “Big Momma’s House 2” reference was funny. I must say, backstage antics like this really help to squeeze 40 minutes of matches into a two-hour show.
Match 3 – HHH vs. Ric Flair Woo
Now, we all know who was going to win, so I figured this would be another open-and-shut match. Then again, I forgot it was HHH vs. Ric Flair. They made quite the awesome match that turned around a shitty show in one deft move.
Some highlights: Ric Flair said “Woo” a lot. Then, HHH made fun of Flair and said “Woo,” then attempted the Figure-Four on Flair. I knew he wouldn’t succeed because he didn’t do a dance before putting on the hold. After, Flair and HHH went through many great moves, including a move where Ric Flair ACTUALLY MAKES ANOTHER MOVE OFF THE TURNBUCKLE. Then, HHH did some great “I have rubber legs” antics and made me laugh my ass off. Naturally the match ended with a Pedigree, but the match was awesome, even though I knew who was winning in the first place.
HHH def. Ric Flair
Cena kisses Maria as I watch with bated breath. Except for that “bated breath” part. Actually, strike out that “I watch” part, too.
Match 4 – Big Show vs. Who Gives A Shit
Lord Vince shocks the entire audience by coming out during a match is slated for. He tells HBK he’s retiring next week then pulls him out of the match and replaces him with Mama’s Boy. Because this’ll be a much better match.
Basically, Show reminded us about how big and mighty he was by destroying Mama’s Boy. Mama needed medical attention after the match. Oh noes.
Big Show def. Mama’s Boy
Match 5 – Mr. Flippity vs. Cabana Boy
Well, I must say that this was quite the match. Many things made this match good. First off, RVD performed much better tonight, which I was VERY pleased about. Also, I think RVD rubbed off on Carlito, because he pulled an awesome turnbuckle move out of his ass. Hell, even RVD’s mess-up looked great. RVD didn’t complete a Rolling Thunder, so he pulled it off anyway and sold the move. Then, he decided to go back and do it again! He got that Rolling Thunder right the second time! In the end, RVD wins with a spectacular (and quite cathartic) Five-Star Frog Splash. I think we can safely say we have RVD back for good.
Mr. Flippity def. Cabana Boy
Match 6 – That Match I Forgot About After The RVD/Carlito Match
Edge/Lita come out. Whatever. Cena/Maria come out. Whatever. Right when they start, Edge hurts Cena and forces Maria to tag. At this point all I can think about is how great it would be if RVD would be champion. Imagine the matches we’d have!
Oh, the match? Right. Well, Lita was tagged in. Anyway, We all know that it’ll be RVD vs. HHH for the #1 Contender spot, and that’ll be a hell of a match.
The match, you say? Oh, Cena got tagged back in. Anyway, we all know that HHH will probably face Cena at Wrestlemania, not RVD. However, it’s tough to tell.
The match? Right. Cena realized that Lita was the legal slut-er-woman, and goes to attack her. She flashes him and Edge spears her by accident. Anyway, do you really think RVD has a chance at Wrestlemania? We all know that HHH is the likely person to get the shot, so…
OKAY, OKAY! The match. Maria tags herself in and pins Lita. Happy? Anyway, Cena announces that he’ll choose Mick Foley as the ref. Things actually get interesting.
Cena/Maria def. Edge/Lita
Not bad. Two good matches tonight. However, I think it’s sad when the REFEREE is the most interesting part about an upcoming WWE Title Match.
RAW Recap -- The Road to Wrestlemania
Info provided by: www.wwe.com
John Cena has (pardon the pun) "hand" picked his referee for next weeks WWE title match versus Edge on a special edition of RAW, which airs on Thursday night in the US, but still live on Monday in Canada.
On RAW, Mr. McMahon ordered a mixed tag-team match pitting John Cena & Maria against Edge & Lita. On the line was the right to pick the special guest referee in the WWE Championship Match scheduled for the next edition of RAW. The Champ came out strong, but Edge forced a tag from Cena to Maria. Immediately afterward, he connected with an Impaler DDT that sent Cena sprawling to the outside. With Cena momentarily out of commission, the former Women’s Champion had her way with Maria — choking her out while Edge mocked the torment. But Lita got a little too cocky, attempting and missing her version of Edge’s signature spear. By that time, Cena had recovered and came to Maria’s rescue. Lita tried to stop the momentum with a Litacanrana, but she inadvertently connected on her partner by accident.
In the chaos that followed, Edge mistakenly returned the favor by missing his intended target for a spear and instead driving Lita into the canvas. Seeing what had transpired, an opportunistic Maria pounced on a dazed Lita and picked up the three-count. Edge and Lita were shocked, while Cena looked ready to lay a second kiss on Maria after she grabbed The Champ a big RAW victory with a crucial stipulation attached. Cena wasted little time, naming none other than Hardcore Legend Mick Foley the special referee for a special Thursday Night RAW WWE Championship Match next week.
Meanwhile, the Road to WrestleMania officially began on RAW. In the first match of Round 1, the Big Red Monster battled “The Masterpiece.” After some early power offense by Kane, the key to the match became Chris Masters’ Master Lock finisher. On Masters’ first two attempts to lock in the submission hold, Kane escaped before Masters could lock his fingers together. On the third attempt, it looked like Kane had the answer again, dropping down and slipping out of Masters grasp. But Masters seized the opportunity, dropping down on top of Kane’s shoulders and pinning him to the mat. With the leverage of a handful of ropes, Masters picked up a shocking three-count to advance.
In the semifinals, it’ll be Masters against Rob Van Dam, who bested Carlito in another first-round match. RVD finally got his chance at revenge against the man who aggravated his knee injury back in June. And despite the lengthy layoff, RVD went immediately back to his risk-taking, high-flying ways. “The Whole Dam Show” started things off with a corkscrew leg drop off the ring apron to Carlito on the outside. Later, RVD hit consecutive rolling thunders, but his split-legged moonsault attempt went straight into Carlito’s elevated knees. Carlito then busted out some aerial moves of his own, hitting a summersault senton off the ropes. He followed that with a backcracker and seemed to be in solid control. But Carlito got too brash in grabbing a steel chair from the outside, which the referee attempted to pull from his grasp. It was just the opening RVD was looking for, and he immediately connected with a Van Daminator. That led to a Five-Star Frog Splash and the win, as RVD took a big step toward his first world championship.
On the other side of the brackets, Triple H battled longtime friend and rival Ric Flair. It seemed that “The Nature Boy” might pull out a huge victory when he successfully cinched in the figure-four leg lock, but a pained Triple H barely made it to the ropes to force a break. Later, “The Dirtiest Player in the Game” managed an undetected low blow, but when he went for a back body drop, the Cerebral Assassin quickly reversed into a Pedigree. Just like that, Triple H ended the match and the “King of Kings” marched closer to returning to his throne.
In the semifinals, he’ll face Big Show, who had a surprise Tournament opponent on RAW. When Shawn Michaels took to the ring for his scheduled match against Big Show, Mr. McMahon instead put a halt to things. McMahon declared that HBK was being replaced because he’s being forced into retirement. According to Mr. McMahon, Thursday Night RAW will featured the mandatory “Shawn Michaels Retirement Party.”
In the substitute match that followed, Shelton Benjamin suffered two crushing blows. He lost to Big Show via a chokeslam, and his momma left the arena on a stretcher attended to by physicians after collapsing. The episode seemed to occur after Big Show yelled at Shelton’s momma for involving herself in the match, and as momma received medical attention, Big Show looked on concerned at the role he may have inadvertently played in her failing health.
In addition, Mickie James looked furious after her loss to Ashley on RAW. But she wasn’t upset because of the in-ring result; she couldn’t believe that special ref Trish left the arena with a dinner date named Jack.
Also, the Candice commercial that ABC refused to air during the Super Bowl was shown as a part of the RAW broadcast.
Quick Match Results
Ashley def. Mickie James (special referee Trish Stratus)
Big Show def. Shelton Benjamin (Road to WrestleMania Tournament Match)
Triple H def. Ric Flair (Road to WrestleMania Tournament Match)
Rob Van Dam def. Carlito (Road to WrestleMania Tournament Match)
Chris Masters def. Kane (Road to WrestleMania Tournament Match)
John Cena & Maria def. Edge & Lita (Mixed tag-team match)
-Mitsubishu-'s thoughts:
- Overall, not a bad edition of Raw. I guess Cena making-out with Maria is another attempt to get completely over with the fans again. Quite frankly, it appears to be working.
- It is now almost certain that Lita & Edge will break up. I think that Lita will screw Edge out of his oppertunity and that will be the end of it. I'm sure things have been pretty wierd between those 2 for a while now...
- Great to see Mick Foley back. By the way, the reason he is the referee in the WWE Championship match, is because they are building up a Mick Foley vs Edge match @ Wrestlemainia!
- Interesting to see Masters advance in the tournament.......although he did cheat.
- I felt that the segment involving Shelton's Mama collapsing was a bit over the top, but the actor did a damn good job playing dead!
- Shawn Micheals won't retire next week....although I'm sure that that is a given to you all already!
I'm so pissed I missed the RVD/Carlito match. I'll have to watch it on Saturday or Sunday on Telemundo now.
Great recap as usual Eaglerock. The Rvd-Carlito was by far the best match on RAW it seems like forever since there's been good matches on RAW speaking of good matches it has been announced that on Smackdown irt will the long awaited match between Undertaker and... Mark Henry?? I just hope Henry doesn't injure Taker.
first things first: boloneyman you are # 184. welcome!
damn that Carlito/RVD match was kickass! The crowd was really into it, I don't know how well you guys heard it on tv, but there was a strong support for both of them. People are just dying to be able to cheer for Carlito. RVD looked great in this match despite the rolling thunder botch, but hell he made it look good.
Since Heat was taped first, the only match to note is that Val and Vis beat The Heart Throbs and Snitsky and Tomko to become #1 contenders for the Tag titles.
Stuff that didn't air on tv: Lilian sang the national anthem before the show. After the Mixed tag match, Foley called for a title match between Edge and Cena right damn now. So they had a so-so match seeing Cena get the pin to retain.
It was The Coach's birthday so Mick got all the commentators in the ring as well as lilian and she sang him happy birthday, and then mick got him with Socko.
Plenty of Cena haters there, but thats not new anymore huh?
The ECW DVD Blood Sport comes out today. Must find a place that sells it.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I work Part Time at Best Buy so I can get a discount on it. I can't wait. I should be watching it tonight!
you lucky son of a....
*ahem* I think I'll have to wait until tomorrow to try and find it. Not sure if any of the stores around my house will get the dvd, so I'll go by them on the way home from school.
I'm sure Avie is going to get it as well, and hopefully give us a review. He might have more inight on some of the matches than most of us. I'll give a rating for it too once I get and watch it.
They are cashing in on Carlito's hair. They sell wigs now. Funny stuff.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Eagle, you know why Edge was screwed out of the WWE title? We all know that HHH is the boss-like figure of the business since he married to Steph. The WWE creator intented to have Eage retain the title at RR. However, HHH blamed on Angle by saying that Angle had failed as a heel against Cena because wigger power was the one who got booed as a damn face. Hunter believes that he can draw the heat against Cena at WM22, so he and Steph demanded the creators to put him in a title match against Cena at Mania. The creators all knew that they would lose their jobs if they decided not to yield. That was why Edge was screwed.
At 2/6/06 03:17 AM, madknt wrote: the only good thing to come from E.C.W was rob van dam..
good to see him back!!
what about stone cold eddie gurrero mankind rey mysterio they were all in ecw.Sihg I wish ECW would come back on air.
It was nice to see Lita wrestle again, even though most of it was cheap shots. The hurricarana was very nice. I liked this Raw, the Carlito and RVD match was amazing, I hope they have more matches against each other in the future.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
At 2/7/06 01:38 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Eagle, you know why Edge was screwed out of the WWE title? We all know that HHH is the boss-like figure of the business since he married to Steph. The WWE creator intented to have Eage retain the title at RR. However, HHH blamed on Angle by saying that Angle had failed as a heel against Cena because wigger power was the one who got booed as a damn face. Hunter believes that he can draw the heat against Cena at WM22, so he and Steph demanded the creators to put him in a title match against Cena at Mania. The creators all knew that they would lose their jobs if they decided not to yield. That was why Edge was screwed.
But they are both the worst wrestlers in show. Maybe Kurt Angle should become Undiputed Champion, just because he deserves it. I can't believe what they did to Edge. Edge is awesome.
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You can say lots of bad stuff about HHH but he's not amung the worst wrestlers. In the ring he can get things done. His backstage politics on the other hand....
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 2/7/06 05:46 PM, boloneyman wrote: It was nice to see Lita wrestle again, even though most of it was cheap shots. The hurricarana was very nice.
I couldn't agree more. The women's division has been virtually non-existent for a while now. Trish has been champ forever, and with good reason, she gets the job done. But I owuld love to see Lita begin wrestling again on a regular basis. Some people don't care and really would rather not see the women wrestle at all. I, on the other hand, am a fan of anything that brings the basics of wrestling back, and women TRY do just that. It also doesn't hurt that they are barely dressed when they come to the ring, that's always a plus.
MegaGold, are you kidding me? I don't like HHH too much either since I am a big Taker/Orton mark. But I have to admit that The Game is THAT DAMN GOOD. I am too lazy to post long and argue with you here. But saying HHH as one of the worst is just plain insane and stupid.
At 2/7/06 01:19 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I'm sure Avie is going to get it as well, and hopefully give us a review. He might have more inight on some of the matches than most of us. I'll give a rating for it too once I get and watch it.
I am, I went and got the DVD/T-shirt package (my current plan is to basically phase out just about any wrestling shirt at this point that dosen't plug ECW, or an ECW alumnist), so I'll be getting it by Thursday hopefully, and since I have thursday and Friday off, should have much time to give with a good review, I've heard from early reviews it's an excellent piece.
Did Kurt fail as a heel? Or Cena fail as a Face?
Dun Dun Dun...!
"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"
Ronald Reagan
Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory
Avie- Sweet, can't wait for teh review
kurt is an awesome heel and did the job well so I don't think he failed as a heel.. Cena on the other hand has such a divided crowd that he is not an effective enough face.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I have a question has the Mass Transit incident ever been mentioned in any ECW DVD I would understand why it wouldn't be talked about but its one of the most controversial moments in ECW's history.
At 2/7/06 10:55 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: You can say lots of bad stuff about HHH but he's not amung the worst wrestlers. In the ring he can get things done. His backstage politics on the other hand....
Agreed 100%. He is an excellent wrestler, and can really make a match good. However, he is an ass backstage, as he muscles Daddy's Minions to do whatever he wants...
At 2/8/06 12:57 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: MegaGold, are you kidding me? I don't like HHH too much either since I am a big Taker/Orton mark. But I have to admit that The Game is THAT DAMN GOOD. I am too lazy to post long and argue with you here. But saying HHH as one of the worst is just plain insane and stupid.
I didn't get that from your last statement. You made it seem like HHH was a horrible wrestler. Fact is, he is a great wrestler and deserves the exposure he gets. However, he does abuse his ties through Stephanie too much and gets one too many title shots. As someone how doesn't like him as a person, it's good when you can admit that he is a good wrestler. It shows open-mindedness and critical thinking when you can cede that someone is good, despite your hatred towards them.