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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-04 02:43:51

Smackdown! Recap 2/3/06 - "More Hype for the Next PPV

Well, unfortunately, I missed the first 30 minutes of Smackdown!, which makes it very hard for me to do the first part of this recap. However, a friend of mine told me the important parts, and I will try to be funny on that basis. If not, don't worry. I pick it up when JBL came out, and can take it from there.

Introduction: Annoying Teaser Still Photos of a Shitty Match

Basically, you get to see still photos of the Rumble, as well as the voiceover of Angle saying he'll win. If I was a complete idiot, I might be compelled to order the PPV right now. However, I’m not. Also, we all know that match sucked more nuts than a gay squirrel.

Speedy Gonzalez comes out to thank Eddie

Blah Blah Blah Eddie had my back Blah Blah Blah He was watching me Blah Blah Blah INTERRUPTION! In comes the Legend Annoyer, the guy you love to hate. He comes up to say that Guerrero couldn't be watching him from above because he's in Hell right now. Yes Orton, there are people in Hell right now, but Eddie’s not one of them...it's us for having to listen to this fucking "let's bring Eddie back from the dead" storyline. LET THE MAN REST IN PEACE.

Match 1 - MNM vs. Mexicools for the Tag Team Title

I didn’t see it, and I am probably better off because of that

MNM def. Mexicools

Your Wrestling God Addresses You

First off, know that I think JBL on mike is absolutely hilarious, so I was enjoying every minute of this. Basically, Your Wrestling God was telling us how he is Your Wrestling God. Out comes Mr. No-Gimmick, ready to fight.

Match 2 - Mr. No-Gimmick vs. a Dick

Then out come the Dicks. Yes, there were Dicks on network television...two of them. Everyone watching tonight got to see two Dicks exposed for your viewing pleasure. One Dick was slated to fight Mr. No-Gimmick, so the match starts. As I'm sure you know, Mr. No-Gimmick beat the Dick very rigorously right in front of everyone. In fact, when a second Dick came on stage, he decided to beat that too. In the end, Mr-No Gimmick stood victorious in that he beat two Dicks. In fact, I think he'd have a great gimmick in demonstrating that he likes to beat Dicks.

Then Your Wrestling God then decided he was jealous that Mr. No-Gimmick got the beat the Dicks on stage and not himself. Therefore, the Clothesline from Hell gets Mr. No-Gimmick and JBL goes out smiling.

Mr. No-Gimmick def. the Dick

Match 3 – The Lollipop Guild Returns

Apparently the Lollipop Guild has decided to make another appearance, this time dressed up as Rey Mysterio Bobble Heads. Now, I have no problem with midgets, as I’m not judgmental like that. But you really think people will respect any midget that comes out to wrestle in a stupid, gimmicky new "division" like the Juniors? Please.

Also, what the hell is with the “Junior Division” entrance theme? Apparently the Lollipop Guild is sponsored by Eugene’s Kiddie Hour, which would explain the look of the entrance theme on the Titantron. All stupid gimmicks aside, though, those little fuckers can wrestle! Why is the WWE putting them down so much with such a shitty gimmick? Well, I can see why they would have to put a spin on it like this, but if they keep being good, I really would like to see the WWE push the Juniors to gain some form of respect. It would work…well, until they decide to have one fight Mark Henry. You know Lord Vince wants to see that.

Backstage - Mr. Kennedy Kennedy interviews Banoit-Eh

Scene starts with Banoit-Eh doing some very realistic warm-up moves, when Mr. Kennedy Kennedy comes in to announce that he’s Mr. Kennedy…Kennedy. The basic jist of his coming backstage to see Banoit-Eh was to tell him that he doesn’t know who he’s facing for the US Championship, and that he’s a doozy! Banoit-Eh retorts by telling Mr. Kennedy Kennedy that he doesn’t give a flying fuck. Also, he says the only “bad break” that will happen if he gets closer is his arm. Banoit-Eh then pats the back of his shoulder, after which Mr. Kennedy Kennedy goes whimpering away in a hilarious manner.

Match 4 – Banoit-Eh vs. That Punchy Irish Guy

I won’t get into details, as there weren’t really many. The Punchy Irish Guy eventually pummels banoit-Eh not only with fists, but also with crutch. Basically put, yet another push match for Finley. Of course, right after the match, Five Time Five Time Five Time Five Time Five Time is congratulating Finley, after which the Boogeyman comes by to eat worms. Definitely exciting shit.

Finley def. Banoit-Eh

Match 5 – Fattest Man on Earth and the Legend Annoyer vs. Speedy Gonzalez and Your Olympic Gold Hero

I still think Kurt Angle championing the “You Suck” chant is the best thing ever. As corny as it is when Angle’s opponents get pissed off and say that they don’t suck, it’s still fucking hilarious. Only someone like Angle could pull that off. Yes! Everyone’s in the ring! Let’s get ready for…

…commercial. The bastards.

Anyway, back to the match. We started with Mysterio and Orton. Quite the exciting match! Fast! Gripping! Stunning! Then came Mark Henry. The match turned to complete shit. Finally, the bastard tags in Orton, after which the match gets exciting again. Then Orton needs to put Angle into a crappy submission hold. We have to watch the “Drop The Hand Three Times” referee thing. Angle of course gets 2 ½ drops when he gets magical power back and somehow finds energy to attack again. After a bit more of a regular match, we get to watch an episode of Benny Hill!

That’s right! Rey attacks Orton. Rey does the 619. Henry attacks Rey. Angle attacks Henry. Henry attacks Angle. Angle attacks Henry. Daivari attacks Angle. Angle chases Daivari. Henry chases Angle. The trio goes backstage. Orton pins Rey. Orton wins.

Now comes the post-match soap opera. Orton decides he’s going to get the world mad by saying that Rey has the same chance of winning at WM as Eddie has coming back to life. Extreme Boos. Rey challenges Orton for his WM Title Shot “on behalf of Eddie Guerrero.” I hope this ends soon.


I might have been excited if I wasn’t a smark. I’ll say one thing though…they’re really taking this Eddie thing too far. I feel bad for his family and the fact that they have to watch this crap.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-04 10:44:40

At 2/3/06 10:10 AM, AngleSlamX wrote: Sorry about that,

Was'nt under the impression that i needed to ask to post but....

"submits application for employment"

heh not so much permission to post here, just a chance to be part of the crew. so..

AngleSlamX you are# 182. Application accepted!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-04 11:03:06

If TNA goes primetime, i'll be amazed.

Maybe then, the WWE will give us better angles then Goldust, or The Undertaker, who can no show completely for 4 or 5 months, and suddenly grab a world title match.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-04 11:03:36

At 2/4/06 02:12 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
JBL is a pretty good mid-carder, a real staple of the SD! roster that has finally found his niche, and his voice, but I still feel he overestimates his value, and I can't entirely feel bad for his rapid fall down the card after Wrestlemania 21 after all the stupid crap he's said and done.

All the stupid crap he's said and done? Like what, getting rid of that shitty APA gimmick that was taking him nowhere? I feel that, to the contrary, JBL did what many wrestlers do in order to make it big. He decided to forget about gimmicks and just be himself with the volume turned up. Imagine what wrestling history would have been like if Michaels, Austin, Rocky, and HHH never decided to do this. I don't think you can fault JBL for looking out for himself. I'm sure he'd rather keep that long title reign and a fall from grace than to continue going nowhere with Farooq.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-04 12:07:07

At 4/14/03 01:23 PM, -Frank- wrote: this is the wrestling club! Talk about anything that has to do with wrestling (preferably the wwe).

I residentevilfan shall be member #1

can i join eddie was my fav wrestler he kicks ass VIVA LA RAZA 4EVA

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-04 14:49:13

At 2/4/06 02:32 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote:
At 2/4/06 02:43 AM, EagleRock wrote: Smackdown! Recap 2/3/06 - "More Hype for the Next PPV
Match 1 - MNM vs. Mexicools for the Tag Team Title
I didn’t see it, and I am probably better off because of that
No you're not. A stellar performance by both teams. hopefully it leads to a feud...

Damn. Okay then...I stand corrected.

Finley def. Banoit-Eh
Correction. Benoit def. Finlay via DQ

Yes, I realized that after I posted it. Sorry about that. I guess I forgot Finlay's job is to defeat others without actually winning the match. :-)

I might have been excited if I wasn’t a smark. I’ll say one thing though…they’re really taking this Eddie thing too far. I feel bad for his family and the fact that they have to watch this crap.
I have to agree. I draw the line at 'divine intervention, but getting into him being in hell, or coming back from the dea, thats enough.

By the way, your review is amusing. Keep it up.

Thank you! I appreciate your corrections, as I am always looking for constructive criticism and corrections. I apologize for the Finlay/Benoit match mixup, too.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-04 16:22:22

Eagle, your recap was hilarious, I had a good laugh. Talking about JBL, I think that he is a guy with decent wrestling skills and great mic skills. Some people may say that his reign as the WWE champion was too long. But I personally believe that I did a fine job compared to what everyone expected. At least, his reign was much better than John "I am invincible" Cena's boring and shitty "domination" at RAW. (I will smash the TV if Vince makes HHH job to Cena clean at WM22.) As a decent former champion, JBL is not getting what he deserves as he has been on the jobberland for quite a while now. Considering his age, WWE probably won't give him another reign, but it is very disrespectful for him to job to overrated newcomers like Lashley and the Boogeyman. The right way to is make JBLa major contender for the U.S title where he can use his experiences and decent in-ring skills in a better way than jobbing.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-04 17:22:31

Just out of curiosity, is Sting the budget 'Taker? He seems to have a cult followuing, and a supernatral kind of presence following him.
Also, I just can't see the TNA title as being as prestigious as the WWE titles. I quite like the wrestling in TNA, but I don't ever see it being big time, just a gut feeling.
In other news, I liked the junior division wrestling, even if it s a bit old school carival style, they bring another dimension to the show, and a new perspective to the standard moves.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-04 19:17:07

I need help guys. I have SD vs RAW 2006 and I just recently created a superstar but his attributes are only 38 wtf is that? Can someone pleasetell me how to increase his stats and also can anyone suggestion me a good ORIGinal (not copied) finisher that my superstar should use. Thanks this would be greatly aprreciated!

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-04 19:24:27

At 2/4/06 07:17 PM, Puzzled wrote: I need help guys. I have SD vs RAW 2006 and I just recently created a superstar but his attributes are only 38 wtf is that? Can someone pleasetell me how to increase his stats and also can anyone suggestion me a good ORIGinal (not copied) finisher that my superstar should use. Thanks this would be greatly aprreciated!

If you play through the season mode (as anyone) youll gradually increase attribute points which you can distribute to your created superstar. Also, if you complete both Raw and Smackdown! seasons, you'll get unlimited attribute points, so you can make your superstar as powerful as you want.
I'm not sure about finishers. I like the Towerhacker Bomb, or the cobra clutch bomb. I quite like the vertabreaker too.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-04 21:03:05

alright,now im not sure if this was mention,already but what the deal there rey win the rumble but he has to face orton at no way out for the number one The Contender,rey could lose the match and his win at the rumble would end up being useless and to make it worse some website say its going to be angle and orton at wm22,what the point of making him win the rumble,if he not going to go at wm...

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-04 21:39:49

At 2/4/06 09:03 PM, RemRulzz wrote: alright,now im not sure if this was mention,already but what the deal there rey win the rumble but he has to face orton at no way out for the number one The Contender,rey could lose the match and his win at the rumble would end up being useless and to make it worse some website say its going to be angle and orton at wm22,what the point of making him win the rumble,if he not going to go at wm...

My theory is that Orton will beat Rey at No Way Out with help from Booker thus repaying Orton for winning the US title and Rey would challenge Booker at Wrestlemania (think of it as a consolation prize). My scenario would be since its rumored that there will be a Money in the Bank 2 that the WWE makes it interpromotional and have Rey win it that way he gets a title shot, steals the show at Wrestlemania without having to be in the main event. THe first scenario is the most likely one but it would suck for Rey it that happened.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-05 00:40:10

At 2/4/06 02:32 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote: What are you talking about!?!? JBL didn't do any sucking up to vince! Smackdown was, at the time and quite frankly still is, lacking a top heel guy. It was Eddie Guerrero who ultimately pushed for JBL to be a top guy. Vince and creative didn't think he could pull it off but he proved that he could. As for saying what he wants to say, he's been doing that for years, just not in the ring or on telelvision. He was never given the chance to.

And when he got a chance, he didn't draw money, and most every fan I talked to couldn't wait for him to drop the belt, so if none of my other points stick, the stuff about how he was not making money, and was not a champion that entertained or really worked out, certainly sticks.

I don't appreciate a lot of what he did in the beginning of his reign either, goosestepping for heel heat? That's insulting and pathetic. Throwing "illegal" Mexicans over the border? Racism is not great heel heat in my opinion. JBL used cheap tricks to get a pop at the beginning, but I give him credit for growing into the character later on.

And don't tell me you don't agree with him about the gimmick and body builder wrestlers WWE pushes over their top talents.

Absolutely, but JBL is not a top talent in my mind, he is a limited utility heel. While it is absolutely STUPID to job him out to any new babyface they want to get over, he's also not someone I'd put at the main event levels either, unless I was reasonably assured he could have a good match with his opponent.

Absolutely correct. The 80's wasn't really about the talent we see today shown by the technical and high flying stars we've become acustomed to. And by all means, I'm glad it's changed. However, to completely eliminate a style because of time is ridiculous. JBL can't do a moonsault (or anything from the top rope really) or a crossface or even a simple hammerlock. But what he CAN do is whip out those menacing power moves that make you cringe and say "Is that guy alright? Is he alive?" The fans still need to see that. Every time you see a spinebuster or a powerbomb and the crowd goes "OHHHH SHIT!" is proof enough of that.

Yeah, but I don't think JBL does enough of that, he's just a limited brawler and "punch kick" sort of fighter from what I've seen, who needs his opponents who are better workers to carry him. Maybe that gets over for some people, but I like to watch guys who can carry their own in the ring, and not be like Hogan or Rock where they've exhausted everything they know how to do if they stay on offense for 10 minutes or more.

I'm not saying that style is for everybody, and in truth it isn't. There shouldn't be too many people doing it, but JBL is one of those guys who should be and is.

No arguement there, there isn't much else he can really do : )

You've lost all sense. JBL carried Cena, and before that, he and Big Show had their decent set of matches. And even further back, JBL was having spectacular matches with the likes of Booker T, Kurt Angle, Undertaker, and Eddie Guerrero. Granted, his opponents did most of the flashy moves, but he did his job too. 'This is how a wrestler competes against todays talents'. I do have to say, however, I wasn't really impressed with anything he did with Batista though.

Batista even said they had absolutely no chemistry, but I also think that shows the youth of Batista as well, and why if you ask me to compare Batista to a veteran, I'm going to say the veteran is better usually. In all of those feuds, JBL fought a good, experienced worker who could carry him. The Cena JBL match that I saw at 21 was not all that impressive, it's what happens when two limited workers get into the ring with each other. Again, like I've said earlier, JBL has something to offer to the company, I don't dispute that, but some guys just aren't really built to be champion, JBL is one of those guys, he could be a good mid-card champ, but shouldn't go higher really.

The reality of the situation is that you're biased because of the things he's said and done against ECW alumni such as RVD and Blue Meanie.

Putting over young talent isn't a bad deal, but the way they have him doing it is, it makes JBL look weak, and if he looks weak, he isn't really putting anyone over then is he?

Yes, I am biased against the man because of his stupid fucking comments, hey, ECW helped Vince stay in business, which means JBL got to keep his job, so I think he needs to stop running his mouth against them. Everybody has a right to their opinions obviously, but I think both he and Kurt Angle have shown an ignorance to what the product was all about, but talk about it like they're experts or something.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-05 00:56:20

LordKooler's TNA iMPACT review
1.Team 3D segment
Team 3D said that the majority of TNA fans voted for Team Canada to be Team 3D's opponents at Against All Odds. I voted for America's Most Wanted. But Team Canada got more votes than AMW.
2.Rhino vs Kenny King
Rhino won at the end.
3.AJ Styles vs Jay Lethal
Jay Lethal is one of the best wrestlers in the indy circuit. But TNA uses him a jobber like Lex Lovett, Buck Quartermaine, and Kenny King. Samoa Joe watched the match. AJ Styles won at the end after the Styles Clash. Then backstage, Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles get into a fight which ended when security seperated them.
4.Chris Sabin & Sonjay Dutt vs Petey Williams & A-1 of Team Canada
This match is part of a tag team tournament where the winner of the tournament gets to face America's Most Wanted for the NWA World Tag Team Titles at Against All Odds. Sabin & Dutt won at the end.
5.Latin American Exchange vs Frankie Capone & Rod Steele & Bruce Steele
After the LAX won, The James gang came out and attacked Konnan, Apollo, and Homicide.
6.Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs The Naturals
The winner of this match will face Chris Sabin & Sonjay Dutt in the finals of the Tag Team Tournament next week. During the match Scott D'Amore and Gail Kim came out and dragged Alex Shelley to the back. This prevents Shelley from recording the match with his camcorder. Aries & Strong won at the end. They will face Chris Sabin & Sonjay Dutt in the finals of the Tag Team Tournament next week. Who will face America's Most Wanted at Against All Odds? Chris Sabin & Sonjay Dutt? Or Austin Aries & Roderick Strong? It turns out the reason why Alex Shelley was brought backstage was because Jeff Jarrett wanted Shelley to spy on Jackie Gayda with his camcorder. At the end Team Canada's Eric Young starts to think that Sting isn't gone. Sting didn't leave TNA, He's still with the company. Sting will return at Lockdown along with Sabu.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-05 10:35:36

sweet, I just unlocked the ECW arena in the game!

damn the computer gets to be a pain on the butt to play against. It counterd everything I did.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-05 10:57:40

Then if you hate the WWE so much why are you posting here?

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-05 12:21:55

At 2/5/06 10:57 AM, Puzzled wrote: Then if you hate the WWE so much why are you posting here?

Don't feed the troll just let him talk random crap and ignore him.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-05 16:54:35

So anyway...

I picked up TNA:Best of the X Division, Volume 1.

I heartily recommend this to everyone. This stuff is nuts. The Ultimate X match is quite possibly the most insane thing i've ever seen.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-05 17:04:10

At 2/5/06 04:54 PM, AngleSlamX wrote: So anyway...

I picked up TNA:Best of the X Division, Volume 1.

I heartily recommend this to everyone. This stuff is nuts. The Ultimate X match is quite possibly the most insane thing i've ever seen.

Really? I've been thinking of buying it but haven't been really sure I've heard a lot of people saying its a must buy but wasn't really sure guess I will pick it up.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-05 22:57:06

At 2/5/06 05:04 PM, pepeatumi wrote:
At 2/5/06 04:54 PM, AngleSlamX wrote:

Really? I've been thinking of buying it but haven't been really sure I've heard a lot of people saying its a must buy but wasn't really sure guess I will pick it up.

I own this DVD as well and it is fantastic. It really makes you appreciate the guys putting their bodies on the line. This DVD contains some of the best high flying matches I've ever seen.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-05 23:40:44

At 2/5/06 09:21 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote:
And if you don't know what the "Crucifixtion Incident" is, I'll allow the Professpr to explain, as it is his field of expertise...

Professor? :}O!!?

Omigosh! What is this incident you speak of? I do enjoy reading a bit of wrestling history, especially because I feel that, as a newer wrestling fan than the rest of the club, I ought to know a bit about the bigger things of wrestling past.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-05 23:44:22

One of the most infamous moments in ECW history came on October 26, 1996 at an event called High Incident. The incident involved Raven crucifying the Sandman. The Sandman was locked in a feud with Raven over control of Tyler Fullington, the Sandman's young son. Tyler came out to hug his father before Raven came out through the crowd to hit Sandman with a cane. Raven proceeded to piledrive Sandman through two tables. With the help of the Sandman's estranged wife Lori, Stevie Richards, The Blue Meanie, and Super Nova, Raven tied Sandman to a wooden cross and gave him a barbed wire crown/halo around his head.

Kurt Angle was at the ECW Arena the night that Sandman was "crucified." Angle, who was fresh off of his 1996 Summer Olympic gold medal win was brought to ECW by Taz. Angle claims that he was so disgusted by the incident that he told Paul Heyman that if his name or image was seen on the same TV program as the crucifixion Heyman would be hearing from Angle's attorney. Heyman claimed that he had no idea that the crucifixion was going to happen at the time.

After the intermission, Raven had to come back out and apologize to anyone who was offended by his usage of religious iconography. Ultimately, the crucifixion incident was never televised because the nature of the imagery involved was deemed too controversial (even by ECW standards).

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-06 00:26:28

damn I missed this guy: In2Minds is # 183. welcome.

I'm going to Raw tomorrow whoooooooo!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-06 00:37:43

At 2/6/06 12:26 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: damn I missed this guy: In2Minds is # 183. welcome.

I'm going to Raw tomorrow whoooooooo!

Meh, to see Cena's wigger power and how the real talents job to him? I don't think that it will be a good idea. I will never go there as long as he is on the upper card. >:(

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-06 00:37:57

At 2/5/06 11:44 PM, TheNewAgeOutlaw wrote: One of the most infamous moments in ECW history came on October 26, 1996 at an event called High Incident. The incident involved Raven crucifying the Sandman. The Sandman was locked in a feud with Raven over control of Tyler Fullington, the Sandman's young son. Tyler came out to hug his father before Raven came out through the crowd to hit Sandman with a cane. Raven proceeded to piledrive Sandman through two tables. With the help of the Sandman's estranged wife Lori, Stevie Richards, The Blue Meanie, and Super Nova, Raven tied Sandman to a wooden cross and gave him a barbed wire crown/halo around his head.

Kurt Angle was at the ECW Arena the night that Sandman was "crucified." Angle, who was fresh off of his 1996 Summer Olympic gold medal win was brought to ECW by Taz. Angle claims that he was so disgusted by the incident that he told Paul Heyman that if his name or image was seen on the same TV program as the crucifixion Heyman would be hearing from Angle's attorney. Heyman claimed that he had no idea that the crucifixion was going to happen at the time.

After the intermission, Raven had to come back out and apologize to anyone who was offended by his usage of religious iconography. Ultimately, the crucifixion incident was never televised because the nature of the imagery involved was deemed too controversial (even by ECW standards).

I don't blame Kurt Angle at all for getting angry. In fact I kind of feel a little bad for Angle knowing he is a big christian (Haha I said Christian). I remember that moment thanks to my D.V.D. The Rise and Fall of ECW. One thing Paul Heyman should have always done was check what they were actually going to do before they do it. Bad Paul.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-06 03:09:15

At 2/5/06 11:44 PM, TheNewAgeOutlaw wrote: Heyman claimed that he had no idea that the crucifixion was going to happen at the time.

Both Raven and Sandman refute that assertion on Forever Hardcore by the way. Saying Paul E. knew exactly what Raven had planned, and while he was hesitant to do it, he gave the ok, and that he's probably only saying he ddn't now because it was an incident that has been maligned by many many people (I'm of that camp, I personally think it can easily be construed as an insult to people's religion, and while I'm all for pushing boundaries in entertainment if it makes people think, or provides some kind of lesson, I think in this case it was just an over the line incident, and the goal of hurting The Sandman could have been accomplished in a less offensive and blasphemous way).

My problem with Kurt right now is that he made comments quite recently saying ECW contributed NOTHING to the wrestling business, and that it was all guys hitting each other with shit, and there was NO real wrestling. I respect Kurt's right to his opinions based on the ONE show that he attended. But to say that ECW contributed nothing, or to say it was all idiots hitting each other with weapons, is absolutely ridiculous and puts him in my bad book along with guys like JBL. It's ignorance, and dislike of the product, masquerading as informed opinion. ECW had some fantastic wrestlers that worked there, and had fantastic wrestling bouts, but people like JBL and Angle only seem to focus on the bouts of extreme violence, or things that involved chairs, tables, and other ways of visiting violence upon the human body that is not strictly wrestling. These people look like absolute fools and assholes in my opinion because as I said, they try to present themselves as some kind of expert, even in the face of evidence to the contrary (One Night Stand featured great wrestling matches like Guerrero/Benoit, as well as violent brawls like The Dudleyz vs. Dreamer/Sandman).

Also, do not respond to anybody who flames this club, I check this topic every day, and I ban those morons and delete their posts ON SIGHT. So responding to them in anyway is only going to impeded my work and/or make you look foolish. I'll keep saying it until everyone understands that.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-06 03:17:45

the only good thing to come from E.C.W was rob van dam..
good to see him back!!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-06 06:40:48

Since I'm a fan of the ECW brand it seems strange to defend a few other opinions, but to the average fan, when they think "ECW" they automatically think of all the weapons, hard shots and crazy bumps first. The wrestling aspect of it is always an after thought for this group. People who know better can point out matches like Malinko/Eddie and say that the show had it's great mat workers who could also go extreme.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-06 07:30:19

The thing I liked best about ECW were those extreme matches. I loved watching Raven try to take on the world with a trash can full of weapons. I don't understand how wrestling enthusiasts have a problem with that. I really believe that with today's acceptance of violence, if a promotion similar to ECW were to emerge, it would blow up and advertisers would not hesitate to get it on network TV. It's just that the time frame in which ECW was at it's peak wasn't a good time for it to blow up. Everyone was complaining about FCC regulations and such. I personally think it's a shame what Vince did to most of the characters as well. He just doesn't let guys be themselves. I find it quite irritating that Nunzio still has a job with "the" major promotion and Tommy Dreamer does not. What is the world coming to?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-02-06 09:58:25

While we're on the subject, this is from www.wrestlezone.com

Plans are still in place for WWE to run a second ECW PPV on June 10 according to PWInsider, indicating that last year's show was not a "One Night Stand" after all.

Presently, WWE is trying to settle on a location for the event. As it stands, it will either be held again in New York's Hammerstein Ballroom or in Philadelphia, although not at the ECW Arena.

WWE is already in contact with Terry Funk about working the show. While Funk has yet to commit to the date, there have already been reports that WWE wants to base the promotion for the second event around Funk's appearance.

Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit have already pitched the idea of working against each other in an Eddie Guerrero Tribute bout at the show. Malenko was unavailable for last year's event but will certainly be there this year.

Tajiri is also expected to work the show.

Sources say that WWE will force outside talent to sign a stricter contract about working this year's show. WWE does not want another "Hardcore Homecoming" event trading on its hype for an ECW reunion.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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