At 2/4/06 12:50 AM, The_Redangleprince wrote:
Hey hey may not be flashy but ol' school style wrestling is something not often seen anymore. RVD is a better wrestler than JBL, no doubt. But I don't think JBL gets the credit he deserves. And if you think I'm joking, let me tell ya something. Two years ago i was as skeptical as everyone else about JBL. But JBL has shown that he can be a top guy while, at the same time, keeping us traditional with his classic style of wrestling.
He's slow, and sloppy, not to mention the retarded shit that comes out of his mouth (which he actually seems to believe) make me not like the guy. He seems to think sucking Vince's cock till he got ONE title reign for nine months (a combination of stupidity, and not having anybody else they wanted to put the belt on) suddenly makes him a top guy who can criticize the crap out of everyone else and the way things are.
I mean, come on. It's the embodiment of 80's wrestling with a few powerbombs thrown in! I mean, the last time we saw a top guy use a Clothesline as a finisher, Hitler was invading Poland!
Right, times change. What worked in the past dosen't always work for now. I give him credit that he actually seems to have gotten it over that he throws a better clothesline then most other guys, but I'm sure JBL would love to use you're post as a dodge for his style. I agree that it's psychology over spots, and quality of maneuvers over quantity of moves, but JBL just stinks, and he needs to be carried. Even in the 80's, the idea was to give somebody limited (like say Hogan) a good opponent to work with who could carry him (like let's say Savage), or to just book two hyped up plodders together, where even if they had a terrible match, people believe in their gimmicks so much that they'll ignore they're lack of in-ring ability. A lot of people like the 80's, I'm not as much a fan going back and watching tapes from then now adays. Because to me the 80's come off as more about character, then talent. That's not to say there weren't some truly gifted individuals working then, there were, but most of them were mid-carders, and not in the main event mix.
Anyways, my point is JBL rocks more than you and a lot of people give him credit for Professor.
I give JBL credit for his promos, and for picking up on some of his ring work, but he's overhyped, and never should have been champion...good champions are either crap workers who have an over gimmick that makes big money (Hogan) or can work with just about anyone, and pull off at least a good match, a workhorse champion (Michaels), or sometimes you get a gift from God, and you have a champ that excels at both of these things (Austin). JBL is a pretty good mid-carder, a real staple of the SD! roster that has finally found his niche, and his voice, but I still feel he overestimates his value, and I can't entirely feel bad for his rapid fall down the card after Wrestlemania 21 after all the stupid crap he's said and done.