Look, shaowmoses_sol, I'm not staliking you. So shut the Hell up, and let me answer the complaints that are small and unimportant:
1. Blam/Save Points: We only talked about them once or twice, nothing to get mad about. Irrelavent.
2. 2nd Page: We put it back from the 2nd page to the first so often to get more memebrs to join the club. In other words, WE, not you, wanted more members to join.
3. Off Topic: Why didn't you just create a Sports Topic inside the club? We wouldv've answered. But no, if I'm just trying to be a good leader, you've got something smart-ass to say. Yet aother irrelavent complaint.
Now, let me go see what your other one was, so I can reply back. By the way, only 2 members "officially" quit. So screw you on that one, too! By the way, I apoloogize to the WWE Club for flaming, but he did it too.