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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-05 10:52:25

At 1/4/06 11:36 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Most effective/painful Submissions

Teh StF_U becoz cEna roolZ.
I like the Brock Lock, that Lesnar used to do. It was kind of a sitout/ modified stretch muffler.
The walls of Jericho also, but specifically the times he did it to someone on a ladder, so it was arching the wrestler's back.

most devistating power moves

The F-5 looked so awesome when I saw it for the first time. Can I say Sabu's chair leg drop too?

At 1/5/06 10:20 AM, Puzzled wrote: Is it just me or is it in Angles gimmick to say stupid/funny remarks. Like once he called Edge a goofball wtf is that lol?

They had him come out on a milk truck ages ago. I think he plays the responsible character, that everyone loves to hate.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-05 10:54:51

I think it's kind of a shame the way everyone feels about the lawler/helms match true it's stupid but hell at least they are using helms.. on ppv no less.

wasn't wwe planning on giving the ic title to murdock? where did he vanish to then?

I also wouldn't consider cena an old wwe wrestler.. certinly not in the same breath as guys like HHH and Angle. But Kurt has alwasy been on the dorky side in his promo's and hell it works huh? and HHH can be funny when he wants to be, I remember when he was making fun of austin when he first became a "sherrif" for the wwe. hilarious promo.

oh yeah, take avie's advice on that piracy thing :P

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-05 11:08:48

sorry bout the double post but it came to my attention that I missed someone who wanted to join.. so here it is

MrFreedom you are # 173 welcome!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-05 11:09:16

At 1/5/06 01:05 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Ok, the winner will be the fans who download pictures or video of this match from a reputable pay site for cheap, rather then paying 35 for it (what? I'm a mod, I can't encourage piracy ;p)

I will be posting SOME match results on Sunday, however I won't be posting many pictures cause the site I use is free and sucks in terms of photography! After about 9:30, however, I will simply post the link to the site for you all to view, as I have school early the next morning.

The following morning, I will post a quick recap of NYR as well :)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-05 12:18:49

sounds good to me. Thanks, results are good for those who seldome order ppv's. I usally order maybe two a year.. WM of course, and sometimes the RR or SS depending on what the card is.

course if they start making ECW ppv's again, I'd order those.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-05 12:39:37

what? we are supposed to join? since when? ive been posting for a while now....

canes sucks HHH ftw

"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"

Ronald Reagan

Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-05 15:42:26

Lol did I mention how I did an Unprettier to my friend and broke his nose?

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-05 16:24:00

I have a piece of bad news for you guys. >:( WWE has decided to have Batista vsMark Henry at RR. What a disaster! Discuss. >:(

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-05 17:03:16

At 1/5/06 03:42 PM, Puzzled wrote: Lol did I mention how I did an Unprettier to my friend and broke his nose?

Lol...I knew those "Please. Don't try this at home" snippets wouldn't work! :)

Anyway, in terms of wrestling against my friends, I have a story as well:

I was playing "King of teh Hill" with my 'friends.' I use quotes there as they were complete assholes :). Anyway, one of them was a real crybaby, and was eliminated after 28 seconds, so he went home crying.

Then, everyone started ganging up on me for about 10 minutes straight, but in order to be eliminated, both feet much touch the ground, so I endured the punishment. At one point, one of them (we'll call him C) fell down while pushing me. As he climbed up, I guess i snapped or something and locked in a "hanging ankle lock" meaning I was twisting his ankle while hanging over the edgeof the hill and pulling. I think I gave him a bruised ankle bone :S. Jackass or not, I did feel kinda bad.....

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-05 19:06:22

At 1/5/06 12:39 PM, SaiNT_SiLEiGHtY wrote: what? we are supposed to join? since when? ive been posting for a while now....

well you don't HAVE to join to post here, it's more of a track record of who wanted to be in the club than anything else, and I only add those to teh list who ask to join. So just posting doesn't automaticly add you in.

I'll add ya in though since you kinda asked:

SaiNT_SiLEiGHtY you are # 174. Official welcome to da club!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-05 20:04:04

At 1/5/06 04:24 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: I have a piece of bad news for you guys. >:( WWE has decided to have Batista vsMark Henry at RR. What a disaster! Discuss. >:(

What?! THis is gotta be kidding because everyone hates Mark Henry and why he got rehired? I am tired of that guy wrestle anyway.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-05 20:29:22

I agree why could'int be someone more entertaining.Like DDP or d'lo brown

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-05 21:37:33

At 1/5/06 04:24 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: I have a piece of bad news for you guys. >:( WWE has decided to have Batista vsMark Henry at RR. What a disaster! Discuss. >:(

What a sad, sad, day it will be for the poor bastards who pre-ordered the Royal Rumble on PPV. They should fire Mark Henry, period. He SUCKS! That's why I should kick Vince in the ass and take over WWE! That way, I would make sure it would never sucks again! (laughs manically only to realize it will never happen, then starts crying profusely.)

To Puzzled- I tried a DDT on my 'friend' once. It was on the concrete and I damn near busted him open. Hell, I think he deserved it anyhow. Not to mention, I also put him in the Masterlock, sharpshooter (his bitch ass tapped in seconds! :) ), sleeper hold, and many more I forgot. All I want to do now is recover from my surgery fast and put him in a Figure- four leg lock. (woo, im the man...woo, you dont cut me off, woo!....*idiotic rambling*)

Well, I hope to see what happens on NYR. Talk to you guys at least Sunday. I'll be out for at least tomorrow and Saturday. (shit, i forgot. I'll also miss iMPACT!. Dammit...)

Ah well, see ya guys after my surgery. Hopefully, the shows (SD! and TNA) will be awesome.

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-05 22:06:53

At 1/5/06 09:37 PM, StevensA wrote: Ah well, see ya guys after my surgery. Hopefully, the shows (SD! and TNA) will be awesome.

Surgery? Did I miss something? Anyway, I wish you a swift recovery. If your gonna miss SD and iMPACT! I've got good news. I've got SPOILERS! *Crowd Cheers*

iMPACT Taping Results for Next 2 Weeks

SmackDown! Taping Results for This Week

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-05 22:36:31

Meh.. This whole Mark Henry angle is bullshit. What a waste of a RR matchup... And what sucks is that I thought Taker would challenge Batista for the belt at RR BUT nooo! They had to bring in the big fat ugly smelly pitbull looking Mark Henry. Anyways who do you guys think will win the Rumble this year? Im going to put my money on Orton.

Oh yeah and I guess their giving Orlando Jordan a push?

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-05 22:57:58

surgery? I hope all goes well and a speedy recovery to you!

what ticks me off about the whole mark henry thing is that you have guys who bust their ass on a weekly basis on wwe tv and yet they bring in henry and automaticly he gets a main event spot against batista on ppv... doesn't that seem a tad wrong to you?

sure they have brought in guys and had them main event before but these were guys who had a name for themselves.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-05 23:11:26

Good luck Stevens!
I am sick of Mark henry he was here for less than a week and I already hate him. He is a entertainment act, not a headliner and it should be kept that way. I liked him when he would bang Mae Young, now that was comedy!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-06 00:08:45

Hey, guys, at least Mark Henry hasn't beaten him yet. Just root for Batista.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-06 02:40:57

At 1/5/06 10:36 PM, Puzzled wrote: Meh.. This whole Mark Henry angle is bullshit. What a waste of a RR matchup... And what sucks is that I thought Taker would challenge Batista for the belt at RR BUT nooo! They had to bring in the big fat ugly smelly pitbull looking Mark Henry. Anyways who do you guys think will win the Rumble this year? Im going to put my money on Orton.

Oh yeah and I guess their giving Orlando Jordan a push?

SD! is so screwed. Taker beat RO who should be a No.1 contender for Batista's belt CLEAN at Armageddon. RO's momentum is ruined because of the loss. The winner, Taker, will continue his part-time era and not get pushed to the WHC level against Batista at RR. A sucky and useless dumbass who cannot wrestle (Mark Henry) got his title shot just because he sneak attacked Batista. So here is the deal, RO's momentum is ruined and Taker did not get his push. The main event for Armageddon became trash. Smart business call, WWE!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-06 06:24:30

At 1/6/06 12:08 AM, cornontheconn wrote: Hey, guys, at least Mark Henry hasn't beaten him yet. Just root for Batista.

I know, I find it kinda funny, only a week has gone by and already most of the crew is against him.

From what I saw on wwe.com, batista and rey are going in a rematch with MNM in a steel cage for the titles.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-06 10:56:20

hey guys what is up. sorry I have not been posting. yeah, I have not kept track of what is happening. I don't care about the diva on the dance show. that is gay. I will watch SD and give that a chance since raw was semi good this week. TNA this saturday will hopefully show sting. that is all for now. talk with you guys later

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-06 11:07:22


*Matt Hardy Vs JBL no holds barred match*. They fought everywhere, then they went up the ramp up to JBL's limo and MAtt was about to deliver a legdrop to JBL but Jilian distracts Matt and JBL slams Matt on the hood of his limo pin and win. After the boogeyman comes out chases Jilian and JBL into the crowd and he sticks worms into Jilinas panties.

*Mark Henry Vs 3 Jobbers*. Boring ass match Henry just pinned them all in less than 10 seconds (what a coincidence?)

*Kid Kash Vs Juventud for the belt* Pretty good match, Juventud dominated most of the match until he missed the 450 Splash and Kid Kash hit the dead level and he won. (Wasnt Juventud supossed to get a push this year...)

*Match #6 Benoit VS Orton (Booker T)*. Benoit dominated the match at the beginning. Sharmell interfered and almost got Orton DQ. Orton got pissed and asked the ref to bar her from ringside. For the rest of the match it was on and off a down the middle match until Benoit locked in the crossface but Orton got to the ropes. Orton was setting Benoit up for the RKO and out of the crowd Orlando Jordan jumps out pushes Booker to the floor takes his crutch and smashes Benoit on the side of the face. DQ Benoit wins again. (how many in a row has Orton lost now?) 3-3 in the best of seven.

*Batista and Rey VS MNM for the belts in a Steel Cage match*. From the start Batista and rey just PURELY dominated the shit out of MNM. Rey hit a cross body from the top of the cage witch almost won the match but joey (I think broke the pin up) MNM finally got Batista down and started working on Rey. They gave him teh ussual beating until Batista finally got back up and started cleaning house. After hitting a spinebuster on Joey Batista UNLEASED THE ANIMAL. Melina called Mark Henry out and he seemingly couldnt get into the cage until he ripped the chain off the door and then ripped the door of its hinges. MNM was holding Batista down and Mark Henry clubbed him in the back of the head and threw him inot the cage he then took the door and sandwiched Batistas head. Then he smashed the door over Reys head and put Joey over Rey to retain the belts.

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-06 11:16:31

Snippet from WWE.com's preview of the EC:

Only Kane and Michaels have competed inside the Elimination Chamber before. Will that prior experience propel them to victory, or will Carlito or Masters climb the ladder and win their first WWE Championship? Will Angle finally get his hands on the gold again,

All fine for me up to here:

or will The Champ overcome all the odds once again to walk out of New Year’s Revolution with his gold?

If they ask, thats a bad thing right?

Anyway, i'll make my NYR predictions/ what I want to happen but what won't happen becuse WWE sucks, now:

WWE Champion John Cena vs. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Masters vs. Carlito vs. Kane (Elimination Chamber Match)

Come on Carlito, i'm rootin' for ya buddy.

Big Show vs. Triple H

Hopefully Triple H will decide that Show's cast will look better shattered on the floor because of his sledghammer. So Triple H. I'd accept Show winning by DQ.

Intercontinental Champion Ric Flair vs. Edge

Lets say Edge. Due to Lita's intervention. Or Flair by Lita's failed intervention.

Gregory Helms vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler

Gregory Helms.

Ashley vs. Maria vs. Torrie Wilson vs. Victoria vs. Candice Michelle (Bra & Panties Gauntlet Match)

Maria's quite nice. What else can I say?

Women's Champion Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James

Over a year for Trish? Time to put the belt on some other female before Trish is the only one left.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-06 13:45:05

I'm kinda looking forward to Sd tonight, but I have to skip the spoilers. Hell i will have to skip the LK recap since I have to work, and will watch the tape of it when I get home.

On a side note, college for me has started again, so if my attendance goes down a bit over these next few months that would be the reason why. So if I miss anyone who wanted to join and recieve a member # please let me know and I will get to you as soon as possible. :)

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-06 13:54:55

Current Headlines for January 6th, 2006

Note: This will once again be a double-post worth, since I haven;t pisted one of these in a few days. As a little side note, I wish Stevens the best of luck with his surgery! Finally, a lot more links will be posted this time around, since I am posting almost 3 days worth of events. Man...a lot has gone down!

Breaking News: Juventud Guerrera Released By WWE

World Wrestling Entertainment and Juventud have to terms on a release from his contract. WWE wishes Juventud the best in all future endeavors.

As noted here on the site before, Juventud has had a ton of backstage heat on him for not following agents rules and ratting out his colleagues. He was actually traveling with Bob Orton for a time because Super Crazy and Psicosis refused to travel alongside him. Sources described him as a 'heat magnet' backstage.

Sources: www.wwe.com & www.prowrestling.com

Coverage: WWE NYR Press Conference In Albany, NY

Please follow this link to view.

Heyman-WWE Update, Stacy Photos, McMahon's, More News

Heyman has not signed a deal with WWE as of this weekend, however, they are still negotiating. It is not likely that WWE will bring back Heyman to either the creative team or as a talent as Stephanie strongly dislikes him. However, they want Heyman involved with future ECW DVD releases, a second ECW book and for the annual ECW PPV events.

WWE have released the poster for the 2006 Royal Rumble. The poster features Vince, Linda, Shane and Stephanie McMahon in ancient Roman attire and on a balcony, looking down at some wrestlers grappling with each other. Vince and Shane are wearing armour. Linda looks particularly different than how she usually looks and probably was airbrushed for the poster. Stephanie is busting out in a turquoise dress and she has that evil look her in eyes which is reminiscent of her heelish McMahon-Helmsley days. It's not likely that the McMahons, with the possible exception of Vince, will be involved with the Royal Rumble.

"Heartbreak & Triumph : The Shawn Michaels Story" recently made it onto the New York Times best seller list at number 35. While it's great that the book made this prestigious list, it's also a little disappointing that the book wasn't ranked a bit higher as the Hardy Boyz and Lita books all made the top 20 list when they were first released. Although, the book hasn't received much promotion from WWE, not to mention that Michaels chose not to go on a book tour to help promote it.

WWE.com have posted even more photos of Stacy Keibler as they posted a gallery of in-ring photos from throughout her entire WWE career.

Source: www.prowrestling.com

WWE News: ROH On RAW, Master P/Stacy Keibler, Divas, More

Last night during Raw, Ring of Honor aired commercials in the local Philadelphia market cable systems.

Jesse Ventura was on Donny Deutsch's show last evening. He teased running for President in 2008 and also said that he was moving out of the US due to "losing our freedoms" because of the Patriot Act.

The blonde girl that showed up with Trinity to dance with The Heart Throbs during the Heat tapings has been identified as being indy women's wrestler Talia, another 3PW alum. Both she and Trinity were greeted by fans who recognized them not to mention that they posed for photos.

Master P is among the celebrities on the new season of Dancing with the Stars with Stacy Keibler.

- Stacy Keibler's 'Dancing With The Stars' bio.

WWE.com is asking the fans what cover they want for the new Divas Magazine which will be released in February.

Sources: www.pwinsider.com & www.prowrestling.com

Gay WWE Wrestler?, Ultimate Warrior, SD! Taping Notes

Please follow this link to view. May contain minor SPOILERS.

RAW Preview (1/9/06): New Year's Revolution Fallout

The following is from WWE.com:

New Year's Revolution Fallout
January 9, 2006

There are so many questions swirling around heading into New Year’s Revolution, and they will all be answered next week on RAW. John Cena lost his First Blood Match against Kurt Angle, but was still able to hook him in the STFU. Will he be able to outlast Kane, Angle, Shawn Michaels, Chris Masters and Carlito in the Elimination Chamber at New Year’s Revolution?

Also, Edge claimed that he will rescue the Intercontinental Championship from Ric Flair. Will the Nature Boy be able to exact revenge on the disrespectful Edge or will the brazen Mr. Money in the Bank add another Intercontinental Championship reign to his resume?

And will Trish Stratus still be the Women’s Champion by the time RAW hits the air next Monday? Trish has been visibly shaken after being kissed and approached in the shower by Mickie James. Trish has been the Women’s Champion for more than a year now, but are her days as champion numbered?

Tune in to RAW Monday night at 9/8 CT on the USA Network for all of this and more.

WWE News: Miz Update, New Diva, SmackDown!, More Notes

Mike "The Miz" Mizanin has been moved from Deep South, where he was the promotions champion, to Ohio Valley Wrestling.

Kristal Marshall is now the ring announcer at Deep South Wrestling shows.

As noted last night, independent wrestler Rob Eckos was the Edge's victim in last night's "Raw" road rage skit.

WWE 24/7 Online just posted up videos for the month of January and they're using former WWE Diva Sunny as the main selling point. They posted 8 videos of Sunny from thoughout her career including the time she got slopped by Phinneus Godwin, a Sunny music video, that infamous "Sunny Sex Tape with Elmo" vignette from Shotgun Saturday Night and more.

There is an evident hole in the Smackdown locker room now that Eddie Guerrero is not around anymore. The atmosphere has changed a bit.

Source: www.prowrestling.com

More WWE News: Lita's Store, Hardy Injured, Regal, & More

Please follow this link to view.

Continued in following post...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-06 14:04:38

A little more info on Juvi for those who want it:

World Wrestling Entertainment announced today that Juventud Guerrera had been released by the company. Guerrera made his WWE debut this past June as a member of the Mexicools with Psicosis and Super Crazy. Guerrera was given a short stint as Cruiserweight champion, dropping the belt at last month's Armageddon PPV to Kid Kash.

Although considered a very good worker in the ring, Guerrera immediately garnered a ton of heat on him among the wrestlers, even those who would be considered his best friends, for his behavior backstage and in the ring. In recent months, Guerrera had burnt bridges with several workers after they had tried to talk to him only to be blown off. Among the wrestlers, the feeling was that it was a matter of time before he was released.

The last straw after a series of warnings by management appears to have been this past Tuesday at the Smackdown taping where he and Kid Kash went over their scheduled match time by several minutes.

Also, this is the LAST year of Mark Henry's 10-year contract, and this will be probably be his last major run with the company. Like Dave Scherer says, whether you like him or not, you have to give Henry credit for collecting every penny of his contract, despite gimmicks and angles that were (according to many within the company) specifically desgined to make him quit. Vince will probably breathe a sigh of relief now that this disaster of a signing is finally over with.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-06 14:09:14

...Continued from previous post.

Confirmed Matches For SmackDown! (Non-Spoiler)

The following are confirmed matches that will be taking place this Friday, January 6th 2006 on SmackDown!:

- JBL vs. Matt Hardy (Pinfalls Anywhere Match)

- Mark Henry vs. 2 Other Wrestlers (Elimination Match)

- Kid Kash vs. Juventud

- Chris Benoit vs. Randy Orton

- MNM vs. Mysterio & Batista

Source: www.prowrestling.com

TNA PPV Buyrates Revealed

TNA got positive news for the Turning Point buyrate, with early estimates coming in at a solid 35,000 purchases. That number is in line with the estimate for TNA's flagship Bound For Glory PPV and more than double the 15,000 figure registered by Genesis.

Source: www.prowrestling.com

Brock Lesnar Wrestles In Japan, RVD News, & More

Adam Lebow sent this: Today at 3 am ET (on Jan 4), TSN will be airing the 'BEST OF OFF THE RECORD', this one will be the one-on-one done with Rob Van Dam. TSN will be airing a replay of Monday Night Raw from this past week on Saturday, January 7 @ 00:00 hrs (so late Friday, earler Saturday, midnight). The 3rd Raw replay to air on TSN for the post-Raw after the PPV will be Tuesday, January 10th at 3:30pm ET.

Brock Lesnar defeated Shinsuke Nakamura with the Verdict (formerly known as the F5 in WWE) in 8:58 at New Japan's Tokyo Dome wrestling show last night. The match was said to be 'decent'. Also on the show was Giant Bernard (formally Albert) who defeated Manabu Nakanishi with a second-rope corner post press. NJPW is claiming the attendance to be 43,000 but those figures are often exaggerated and they give away many free comps.

Source: www.prowrestling.com

McMahon/RAW, Trish Video, & More

Vince McMahon has been added to the RAW superstars roster listing. His profile has him listed as "Mr. McMahon" and reads, "the Chairman of WWE, founder of WrestleMania, the one who put WCW and ECW out of business, the 1999 Royal Rumble winner, and a former WWE Champion." The profile also contains photos and videos from past McMahon skits/matches on WWE television.

WWE.com has also added video clips from RAW including Shelton Benjamin's "mamma" and the Trish Stratus shower scene.

Sources: www.wwe.com & www.prowrestling.com

Lots Of TNA News: Bret Hart, Sting, Jarrett, Sabu, More

Please follow this link to view.

Wrestler Kicked Out Of The WWE SmackDown! Lockerroom

Those familiar with life behind-the-scenes at WWE SmackDown! know the value placed on lockerroom etiquette.

Apparently, one of the indy wrestlers working the show last night was not one of those people.

According to PWInsider.com, the wrestler was kicked out of the lockerroom after moving Theodore Long's belongings and attempting to take his seat.

No details have been made available on the wrestler's identity.

Source: www.prowrestling.com

Further Details On Paul Heyman's WWE Status

Clarification reports indicate that Paul Heyman is working tonight's Ohio Valley Wrestling show on an extension of his old contract. The two sides continue to work out the terms of a new, long-term deal.

According to sources, Paul Heyman did not address his contractual status with wrestlers at the OVW meeting this morning. Thus, for now, business is being run as usual in the WWE developmental territory.

Although Stephanie McMahon's heat with Paul Heyman could prevent him from returning to the booking team for RAW or SmackDown, there has been satisfaction expressed with his work in OVW. WWE wants to re-sign Paul Heyman as both a way of securing his involvement in future ECW projects and preventing TNA from getting its hands on the wrestling notable.

Sources: www.pwinsider.com & www.prowrestling.com

Torrie Puts Over Chloe, Talks Bra and Panties, Candice

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Christy Hemme Update, Vince McMahon News, Kane & More

Vince McMahon will become a grandfather for the second time as Shane and Marissa McMahon are expecting a baby early this year.

Kane's feature film "See No Evil" will be released via Blu-Disc technology when it comes out on DVD, which should be late in the year. The movie will be released in theatres on May 19th.

Christy Hemme has updated her official website with a message on what she plans on to do in 2006. She said that she was gearing up for the Lingerie Bowl III pay-per-view, which is set to air during halftime of the Super Bowl. She said she'll be a quarterback. She last competed in the Lingerie Bowl in 2004.

Sources: www.wrestlingobserver.com & www.prowrestling.com

Huge Update: Vince's Pay, Divas, Stacy, & Loads More

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Lesnar/Sable, Vince, Kane, Murdoch, & More Inside

Vince McMahon will become a grandfather for the second time as Shane and Marissa McMahon are expecting a baby early this year.

Kane's feature film "See No Evil" will be released via Blu-Disc technology when it comes out on DVD, which should be late in the year. The movie will be released in theatres on May 19th.

Plans are in the works for Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch and Ken Kennedy to have action figures released.

The official New Japan Pro-Wrestling website broke the news of Sable arriving to Japan with Brock Lesnar yesterday. There are two photos of Sable and Lesnar in Japan, including a photo of them kissing. Anyways, when the article is translated, it mentions Sable as being Lesnar's wife. According to the article, Brock is very happy being with Sable. It should be known soon if Lesnar and Sable are really married or if this wasn't a mistake by the writer, who just assumed that they were married because they arrived together. At the very least, it looks like they are a couple again.

Source: www.prowrestling.com

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-06 14:49:13

damn, Juventud is awesome in the ring and it's a shame they are letting him go, but in retrospect, if your a real pain to work with what choice do they have? I think it goes in many walks on life in that old saying "Do unto others..."

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-06 16:30:33

Do you think its going to be another one of those discrete releass like usual? I don't know how they would hope to make it seem like the remaining Mexicools have totally forgot about him.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-06 17:41:24

At 1/6/06 02:49 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: damn, Juventud is awesome in the ring and it's a shame they are letting him go, but in retrospect, if your a real pain to work with what choice do they have? I think it goes in many walks on life in that old saying "Do unto others..."

Well, at least they have the other two. Those two make me forget that Juvy even exists. Super Crazy ftw!