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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-25 21:47:27

I'm surprised Justin credible.. or P.J. Polaco as they named him wasn't in TNA long before that. Course his last few years with wwe they buried him on heat. And at One Night Stand he had a small role.

You would also think that with all the negative flack from the white angel that vince would know better.. guess not huh?

And now your telling me kidman is starting to pull a jeff hardy in places he goes? Well thats certinaly not going to get him work huh?

And finally, I'm pretty sure they knew that Ray was a stiff worker long before they hired him so they can't complain too much. He's always been on the stocky side too so why change what has worked as far as that?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-26 08:55:04

At 12/25/05 12:06 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: And what is teh RKO you ask? Why it's another version of a neck breaker. So don't be hating Carlito's move.

If you really want to piss on the move, you could call it a 3/4 facelock bulldog, like wikipedia suggests. The naming of a move really helps to put it over as a devastating move. We have the F-5, Canadian Destroyer, "Stone Cold" Stunner, they all help to make a move what it is.

At 12/25/05 06:05 PM, -Mitsubishi- wrote: However, TNA officials are a bit leery of bringing him in as he is now on the "You can't trust him to show up" list after no-showing an AWE TV taping in Winnipeg two weeks ago, no-showing another independent wrestling show last month, and causing Torrie Wilson to rush home from Australia for some sort of family emergency.

Would I be wrong in saying that TNA seems to have a bit of a problem with this? Hasnt Jeff no-showed at two major TNA shows? And I remember someone posting about Sean Waltman. Do you think this could be a problem for TNA, maybe the people they hire are less reliable than the people that WWE keeps in the limelight?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-26 12:07:43

I hope everyone had a great holiday. I'm also looking forward to seeing what Raw has planned as far as holiday realted stuff. hopefully nothing so horrid it makes the suicide skit look high in taste.

Yeah you bring up old Sean "X-pac-I-slept-with-Chyna-and-lived" Waltman as he has no showed a ppv once. But as we saw he has shown up for each event to show them he is ready to be serious.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-26 12:19:34

At 12/26/05 12:07 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Yeah you bring up old Sean "X-pac-I-slept-with-Chyna-and-lived" Waltman as he has no showed a ppv once. But as we saw he has shown up for each event to show them he is ready to be serious.

I don't really watch TNA enough to keep up with how all the wrestlers behave, I was just going by posts on here. Its good that he is proving his worth, but would the WWE have given him a second chance? This is me going by what i've heard again so I could well be wrong, but didn't Jeff no-show more than once? Both for TNA? He shouldn't no show once, and he definately shouldn't have been given a chance to no-show a second time. The WWE may be cut-throat, but they are at the top of the food chain for a reason, and they still manage to stay up there even with investments in champions like JBL and Cena, and storylines like "im your papi" and the suicide angle. Maybe TNA should take a page out of Vince's book, because they seem to have enough wrestlers to fit in a one-hour slot, too many even, and if they play their cards right, they could manage to squeze a 2-hour show and a bigger budget. Which won't happen if they have to switch second rate wrestlers in to a title match because their biggest wrestler didnt show up. Sorry if my opinions sound stupid and unfounded.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-26 16:28:40

Yo guys I just got RAW vs SMACKDOWN 2006 and I just wanted to know if anyone could give me pointers on the general manager mode. It would be GREATLY appreciated.

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-26 19:51:31

At 12/26/05 04:28 PM, Puzzled wrote: Yo guys I just got RAW vs SMACKDOWN 2006 and I just wanted to know if anyone could give me pointers on the general manager mode. It would be GREATLY appreciated.

Use the slander promotion thing only once a month if not it will backfire and lower your show's ratings while increasing the others.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-26 21:50:51

OMG!!!! Mickie James is a Lesbian!!! She like french kissed Trish Stratus! Cause like Mickie set up Misel Toe and shes like "Trish look up" So Trish did then Trish said "Its Misel Toe" *Crowd starts to cheer* then Mickie James grabbed Trish and like Frenched her lmao and Trish ran away and Mickie was screaming "OMG im a idiot im sorry" I never saw that shit coming i thought she was just obsessed with her not Lesbian obsessed...

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-26 22:12:01

At 12/26/05 09:50 PM, TheGhostOfNewGrounds wrote: OMG!!!! Mickie James is a Lesbian!!! She like french kissed Trish Stratus! Cause like Mickie set up Misel Toe and shes like "Trish look up" So Trish did then Trish said "Its Misel Toe" *Crowd starts to cheer* then Mickie James grabbed Trish and like Frenched her lmao and Trish ran away and Mickie was screaming "OMG im a idiot im sorry" I never saw that shit coming i thought she was just obsessed with her not Lesbian obsessed...

Wow! Yeah i saw that. I never knew it would happen like that! Oh and will there be a SD! this friday? Like a wrestling live because last friday's SD! was not even good at all.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-26 22:34:45

Wow! Yeah i saw that. I never knew it would happen like that! Oh and will there be a SD! this friday? Like a wrestling live because last friday's SD! was not even good at all.

Yes there will be a normal episode of Smackdown this week by the way anyone else catch Masters calling the PPV New Year's Resolution?

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-26 23:02:52

At 12/26/05 10:34 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Yes there will be a normal episode of Smackdown this week by the way anyone else catch Masters calling the PPV New Year's Resolution?

LOL yea i saw that what a damn retard.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-26 23:20:47

So, Trish and Mickie "went there." I didn't think their friendship would get that far. I wouldn't mind if it went further.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-26 23:28:31

At 12/26/05 10:34 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Yes there will be a normal episode of Smackdown this week by the way anyone else catch Masters calling the PPV New Year's Resolution?

I know. He may become a great future superstar...if he had a decent IQ. Maybe he should get some lessons from Matt Striker on using the old noggin'!

Sig provided by HellboundNinja

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-26 23:51:58

I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed this but damn was the crowd noisy during the Cena/Benjamin match. the crowd was cheering for both pretty srtongly but this is what struck me as funny. Not only was there a strong dislike for cena very audible, but the ones cheering for Cena sounded high pitched. My guess is was the younger kids doing that cheering, while the cheers for Benjamin had a deeper voice to it, which was basicly everyone else. A very divided crowd there. Thing was Cena was getting booed far more than Benjamin was and WWE would have to be totally out of it not to hear that.
It also looks like wwe is going through with bringing in someone to be Benjamins mom. Who else sees his character being flushed down the toilet with that one?

And now I'm going to tell you a bit of a story that is kind of off the subject but does end with it.

For whatever reason, I was a total idiot and went with my parents to the mall today. The biggest return day of the year. Dear God..... The traffic was so freakin bad that we spent like 2 hours in the car. Every store was packed and lines everywhere (Starbucks was so crowded that they had a huge line out the door. I like some of their stuff, but not bad enough to wait in a line like that) and just a big pain in the butt just to walk comfortably. Finally we left the mall and headed to Best Buy cause my Dad wanted to see about a fax machine when I walked over to the section where thay have dvd's and what do I see? A few wrestling dvd's that I wanted on sale, The Best of Raven and the Best of Bret Hart which I very quickly picked up and bought. So yeah I went through all that and I did get some good out of it. The Bret dvd looks like it will have more stuff than the Raven one so I'll probably watch "Nevermore" first. It was one of those one day only sales too so I lucked out, though I wish I had brought enough money for the Taker dvd. oh well maybe next time for that.

Now back on task.. So Kane will be the last one to get released from the holding area.. Well we can be sure Cena will be close to last then.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-26 23:57:11

RAW was decent. It was a good set-up that Angle got screwed. At least he can carry the EC match for a while since wigger Cena will be involved early. The HHH, Big Show segment was awesome. HHH is one of the major reasons that RAW is still hanging around on ratings. I was a bit surprised that WWE called for the Flair, Edge match. By the way, the cutting Edge segment was hilarious. :D (best part on RAW tonight) It looks like that WWE wants to get rid of Flair as soon as possible. Don't worry, Edge winning the IC title is not the end of the world. He can drop it before WM22 and challenges Cena with his money in the bank. Overall, RAW was actually pretty good tonight, I liked it.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-27 00:13:29

-Mitsubishi- Raw Recap

Sometimes, it’s good to be last.

With the best “Beat the Clock” Match time on RAW, the Big Red Monster has earned the right to enter the Elimination Chamber last at New Year’s Revolution. The huge pay-per-view main event will feature John Cena defending the WWE Championship against Kurt Angle, Carlito, Chris Masters, Shawn Michaels and Kane inside a demonic structure known to tear up the bodies of its participants. With his showing on RAW, Kane will have the important advantage of entering the Chamber last — thereby being the freshest and healthiest Superstar in the battle for the WWE Championship. John Cena has overcome difficult odds time and again during his eight-month reign. Will he step up again, or will these odds prove insurmountable? Watch New Year’s Revolution on Jan. 8, to find out.

All of the Elimination Chamber participants took part in “Beat the Clock” Matches on RAW, and the first to take a stab at the best time was “The Showstopper.” HBK immediately attacked Snitsky in an effort to establish the best winning time possible, but Snitsky fought back using his strength and power and injured HBK’s back. Ultimately, Michaels hit “Sweet Chin Music” from out of nowhere for the victory in 5:56. It seemed like a good time, but it wouldn’t hold up as the night progressed. Michaels night also got worse when he and Mr. McMahon had words, ending with McMahon threatening that he could “screw” HBK just like he did Bret Hart any time he wanted.

The next “Beat the Clock” featured an intriguing match between Chavo Guerrero and Chris Masters. The young rising star thought he’d make quick work of Chavo, finish him with the Master Lock and establish an unbeatable time. Unfortunately for “The Masterpiece,” Chavo had other plans and Masters was unable to beat HBK’s 5:56.

The next Superstar to attempt to “Beat the Clock” was Kurt Angle, who first lashed out at all those involved with WWE’s “Tribute to the Troops.” Then, his opponent was announced: personal referee and ally Daivari. The fix seemed to be in, as Daivari attempted to hand Angle a victory by lying down. But referee Mike Chioda refused to count three without first seeing a competitive match. A furious Angle chased Choida around the building, but the ref got the last word by counting Angle out and awarding the match to Daivari.

John Cena was next to try to “Beat the Clock” against Shelton Benjamin. Despite being perhaps the best athlete in WWE, Shelton has been on a horrendous losing streak, which continued on RAW. Eventually, Cena was able to hoist Benjamin for the FU, but Shelton held on to the ropes as time expired. Cena did then manage an official victory with an STFU submission, but it did no good in terms of the Elimination Chamber order of entry. After the match, Angle and Daivari attacked Cena. Seeing what transpired, Mr. McMahon ordered a Kurt Angle vs. John Cena “First Blood” Match for next week’s RAW.

Next up was Carlito, who tried to “Beat the Clock” in a randomly selected match against former Women’s Champion Victoria. Carlito seemed to think facing a Diva would be a walk in the park and didn’t take Victoria seriously for much of the match. But with the clock ticking down, Carlito kicked it up a notch and hit his reverse swinging neckbreaker finisher to establish a new time to beat of 2:36.

Attempting to beat that time was the Big Red Monster, who took on both members of The Heart Throbs. Kane wasted no time – literally – finishing both Antonio & Romeo with a double-chokeslam in a mere 28 seconds. As a result, Kane was the “Beat the Clock” winner and will be the last to enter the Elimination Chamber.

Also on RAW, Triple H and Big Show signed their contract for New Year’s Revolution. When things got physical, the Cerebral Assassin used a sledgehammer taped to the underside of the contract-signing table to break Big Show’s hand.

In addition, Edge mocked Ric Flair again before receiving a visit from “The Nature Boy.” Edge thought he’d get the best of Flair because of a legal gag order preventing Flair from answering back. But since the 16-time world champion couldn’t defend himself verbally, he simply attacked Edge and pummeled him into a hasty retreat. Based on those events, Edge will face Ric Flair for the Intercontinental Championship at New Year’s Revolution.

Quick Match Results

Carlito def. Victoria

Kane def. The Heart Throbs (earned "Last Entry Spot" into elimination chamber)

Shawn Michaels def. Snitsky

Chris Masters vs. Chavo Guerrero (no-contest)

Daivari def. Kurt Angle (count-out)

John Cena def. Shelton Benjamin

Source: www.wwe.com

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Sig provided by HellboundNinja

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-27 00:23:03

Outlaw88, only teenagers and women cheer for wigger Cena, plain and simple.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-27 00:29:58

At 12/26/05 09:50 PM, TheGhostOfNewGrounds wrote: OMG!!!! Mickie James is a Lesbian!!!

Uh, duh? Come on....you mean there's actually those among you that DIDN'T see this coming? Geez...

As for the GM mod, here's some tips I found useful (and you might wish to pay attention since I did win GM of the year so the strategies work):

-Inteference promos yield good result, but use them sparingly, cut Advertising promos as much as possible, as they will build to your big matches, and let you have better then the basics, it'll also insure that you can hang onto the talent you want.

-feuds are ESSENTIAL, put guys together that have a decent popularity and potential to draw money, Battle Royal matches involving two or more feuds spike ratings tremendously. Keep that in mind. But don't overuse any one matchup.

-titles are tools, don't just put them on guys you like, use them to enhance as many of your feuds as you can, also remember that tag teams CANNOT feud as teams, you will need to make individuals from one team, feud with individuals from the second team through singles bouts, then stick them into a tag title bout, you really want to pull this trick for PPV mostly, because again, you can't neccessarily sustain a purely "tag team" sort of feud forever. This also goes back to our previous discussion about the more feuding parties involved in a match, the higher the rating on the macth will be, ergo the higher you're overall show rating will be.

-Running your shows is certainly important, but don't kill your funds, or your talent by trying to blow away the opposition on every weekly show. The goal here is to have a strong weekly, but blow folks away on the PPV, THAT is where you will be able to sway them best that you're the dominant show.

-PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR EMAIL AND YOUR TALENT!!! You will be dead in the water within weeks if you're not paying attention to who's injured, who's contract is coming up for renewal, or who's unhappy. Remember, if a guy gets a minor injury, you need to keep him out of matches lest he injure himself worse, if a guy is unhappy at losing all the time, you'd better give him some more money quick, if a guy wants a contract extension due to a recent push...kick him the bare minimum to shut his mouth. You MUST please the talent because if they're too unhappy, they can and will get out of their contract and go to the opposite show.

-This is a sneaky one, and not exactly "fair play" but it does work. Want to avoid injuries altogether? Here's how: Save the game before every show you run, then book the show and proceed as normal. If a guy is minorly, or seriously injured, don't save, go back, and run the show again. It may take a few tries, but eventually, you will have a show where NO ONE is injured, you can then save that show, and repeat the process. This will work EVERY TIME, long as you have the patience to sit there and deal with doing this over and over...it is worth it though.

That's all I can offer up, use what you can, discard the rest.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-27 01:16:52

I got a bit distracted in playing rawe vs smackdown.. I haven't finished it yet so the tips really help.

Know who surprised me? Snitsky actually had a decent match... Course he was with HBK who can probably carry anyone. Can he carry Cena too? Time will tell.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-27 05:18:52

I feel asleep during raw again. I am sorry folks but I am telling you that it sucks ass. 30 minutes in I dosed off. Oh FYI for anyone who owns SD VS RAW 2006. if you are playing GM mode and you think it is ultra hard to get the GM trophy. just plug in your second player controller, and that way you as first player can make matches and with the second player for teh other brand make no mathces that way at the end of the year you will win the GM trophy. I know that is cheating but I did it that way then I went back and tried it again and I have to tell you that it is hard. that mode is really tough and any little flaw will set you back big time.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-27 08:16:46

What do you guys think will happen with the whole Vunce HBK angle we saw at the end of the show?

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-27 08:52:15

Damn your one hell of a hater DuMa!

Anyways IF cena doesnt retain (wich I highly doubt) I think and hope Angle wins the WWE title. They haven't really made Angle do much this year except lose against wigger Cena... We need a heel with the title for awhile!

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-27 09:25:30

At 12/27/05 12:29 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: if a guy is unhappy at losing all the time, you'd better give him some more money quick

I find that if a superstar is given just 1 win, it pretty much brings their morale up to normal, from wherever it was, unless they want something other than a win. Whether you want to just put them in an easy match that they are guaranteed to win (doesn't always work, Shelton Benjamin lost to Christy Hemme for me), or take control of them yourself, if you don't mind getting your hands dirty, it should help balance their morale out, and hopefully not create a drop in popularity for the other guy.

if a guy wants a contract extension due to a recent push...kick him the bare minimum to shut his mouth.

I released Eugene because he wanted a title shot. Maybe a little harsh.

You MUST please the talent because if they're too unhappy, they can and will get out of their contract and go to the opposite show.

Thanks for the advice.

I have one tip for you. I noticed that trading superstars to the other show is hard to do without you losing out. I did this: In my attemt to gain Eddie from Smackdown, i offered up three wrestlers to Teddy, which he accepted. I could stand to los them, they werent that important. Just before they'd gone, i noticed one of them only had one week left of his contract. Lo and behold, next week, he was a free agent, and i could sign him up again. So if you have some unwanted superstars with one week left of their contract, try a trade, whats the worst that could happen.

I also found that writing down all the stars i had at the start of the seson, and plotting who could contend for titles, in my eyes, really helped m to start off the eason with a bang. I kicked Smackdown's ass until th first PPV, which was where my basic plan lasted up until. Planning can be quite helpful.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-27 10:53:25

Well...the people whom write the reports for my source websites took most of Christmas off. So, naturally, there is a shit load of news going around. One report, regaurding the legal battle between WWE and Tom Gordon was akready posted, so I'll be skipping that tidbit. I hope you all had a very merry Christmas!

Current Headlines for December 27th

Lots Of Backstage News & Notes From RAW Last Night

Ric Flair has been told by his attorneys not to speak about any of his legal issue thus the reason Flair has been kept off the mic as of late. WWE had wanted to have Flair on Edge's segment the day after his road rage incident but they were told not to go on with it.

Speaking of the Flair segment last night on RAW, we believe the man playing Flair was Matt Striker although we do not have that confirmed.

WWE.com ran their Unlimited program last night where they showed various segments during the commercial break including Edge's entrance for The Cutting Edge, Edge beating down Flair after their segment, Todd Grishum and the fans with their signs, Maria signing and selling Shopzone items, a Trevor Murdoch movie review, & more.

Chris Masters referred to WWE's New years Revolution PPV as 'New Years Resolution' during his promo. TNA has a PPV entitled 'Final Resolution' coming up in just a few weeks.

Kurt Angle vs. John Cena in a first blood match will headline RAW next week. Shelton's 'Mamma' will also debut.

The following contains some opinions from this reporter.

It is interesting to note that Jerry Lawler cut in at the two minute mark of the Shelton Benjamin vs. John Cena match and said "It's the two minute warning". When I flipped to ABC for Monday Night Football, luck would have it that the clock was at the two minute warning. Think WWE management doesn't monitor Monday Night Football? Think again.

Did any of you AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) usres notice when Joey Styles said "He's got the 'STFU' on Shelton Benjamin". Very creative Joey! (Some of you may not get that!)

WWE must have found Shelton Benjamin's 'Mamma' 'cause she'll be comin' next week. Donavon McNabb who?

Source: www.prowrestling.com

What You Didn't See On RAW Last Night

Dark Match:

*Trevor Murdoch pinned Mike the Miz with a rollup holding the tights.


*Lance Cade pinned Val Venis with rollup, using his feet on the ropes. Cade worked over Venis' knee. *Tyson Tomko defeated Jason Sandich after two kicks, in about 45 seconds total.

*Matt Striker cut a promo about new year's resolutions, saying some fans hope to lose weight and pray to get a job. He said that next year, Striker is going to teach people the lesson of the teacher, Matt Striker.

*Viscera pinned Rob Conway with a big splash.

After Raw went off the air, live in Bridgeport, Shawn Michaels' music began to play and he returned to the locker room with a very somber look on his face. There was no contined interaction between he and Vince McMahon, who had already returned to the back.

WWE then closed off their final Raw taping of 2005 with a dark match featuring WWE champion John Cena defending against Kurt Angle. Mike Cioda, who refereed Angle vs. Daivari, was the official here. In a short match, Cena went for the FU when Daivari came out and interfered for the DQ. Angle and Daivari laid out Cena and Angle beat down Cioda with chair shots, getting his revenge for the countout loss. Cena made his comeback against Daivari and Angle and hit the FU. Angle and Daivari retreated and Cena slapped hands with the fans to close the taping.

Sources: www.pwinsider.com & www.prowrestling.com

Backstage Jim Ross Update, Talkin' Smack, Cena, More News

For those of you wondering about Jim Ross, he's still at home recovering from his surgery. Ross is said to be working from home doing the wrestler payroll for the WWE. He's happy to be home, but in a way he misses the wrestlers and the live events. Stephanie McMahon and Kevin Dunn were two of the people who wanted to remove Jim Ross from his announcing position. They've been wanted to do that for a couple of years, but when the idea of hiring Mike Goldberg from Ultimate Fighting came about, they felt they had a suitable replacement, but as everyone knows, the deal with Mike Goldberg didn't work out. Jim Ross wasn't shy to share his disagreements/critiques towards certain storylines as he was very outspoken and that would offend little Stephanie McMahon, even while at home, Ross still sends his thoughts/critiques to the WWE by e-mail.

In what could be called the "unofficial" debut, the first edition of "Talkin' Smack" with Michael Cole & Tazz has been added on WWE.com. This is the start of a new weekly segment on WWE's website where Cole & Tazz will "shoot" on things in WWE and will no doubt be pushing the SmackDown brand as the best.

The 12/23 Best of 2005 edition of Friday Night SmackDown drew a 2.2 broadcast rating based on the overnights. Given that it was a "best of" show, it really isn't a surprise to see a lower number as those shows tend to draw a smaller audience.

Sources: www.pwtorch.com & www.prowrestling.com

WWE Notes: Hogan, Survivor Series, Batista, More

According to reports, Hulk Hogan was spotted hobbling on crutches at a party in Miami that his daughter Brooke was signing at. It is possible that Hogan may have blown out his knee again.

On a related note, VH1 is running a block of "Hogan Knows Best" from 7:30 to 11pm tonight.

The early estimate for WWE's Survivor Series PPV buyrate is coming in around 375,000 buys. This early number is a bit lower than last year's show that drew 400,000 buys and the 2003 event that drew 450,000 buys. The early number is still about 25,000 buys higher than the 2002 buyrate.

Brady Goble sent word that inDemand is advertising that Kane will be challenging Batista for the World Heavyweight Title at the upcoming WWE No Way Out PPV on February 19, 2006.

Gabe sent this in: Just got back from the movie "The Ringer" and playing a tough guy for the bookie they make the bet with is Terry Funk. He isn't credited on imdb.com as of yet and I don't remember him speaking but he is on screen for 3-4 minutes I would guess and is prominently displayed in the credits.

Source: www.prowrestling.com

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Sig provided by HellboundNinja

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-27 11:03:30

Hogan hurt his knees again huh? Wonder how he did that... swung too hard playing golf? Walking to the fridge?

I didn't know you could to teh GM mode with two players... hmmm.... wow thats an evil way to win.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-27 13:11:55

anyone know what the name of edge's theme is. I know it is wrong to say this but I want to look around the net and steal it. that is good theme. I think the wwe sucks ass but they do good work when it comes to intro's

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-27 13:28:31

At 12/27/05 01:11 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: anyone know what the name of edge's theme is. I know it is wrong to say this but I want to look around the net and steal it. that is good theme. I think the wwe sucks ass but they do good work when it comes to intro's

Alter Bridge - Metalingus
Not that I endorse stealing off of the net.....

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-27 14:31:33

At 12/27/05 01:28 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote:
At 12/27/05 01:11 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: anyone know what the name of edge's theme is. I know it is wrong to say this but I want to look around the net and steal it. that is good theme. I think the wwe sucks ass but they do good work when it comes to intro's
Alter Bridge - Metalingus
Not that I endorse stealing off of the net.....

your a pal buddy. you wouldn't happen to know what Jeff Jarrent in TNA theme is called would you?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-27 14:42:42

At 12/27/05 02:31 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: your a pal buddy. you wouldn't happen to know what Jeff Jarrent in TNA theme is called would you?

Sorry dude, I dont watch TNA, but from what I've found, it might be called My World. I think that TNA make their own entrance themes, so perhaps there wont be an artist.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-27 15:58:38

I find TNA sucks.

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-27 16:06:53

At 12/27/05 05:18 AM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: I feel asleep during raw again. I am sorry folks but I am telling you that it sucks ass. 30 minutes in I dosed off. Oh FYI for anyone who owns SD VS RAW 2006. if you are playing GM mode and you think it is ultra hard to get the GM trophy. just plug in your second player controller, and that way you as first player can make matches and with the second player for teh other brand make no mathces that way at the end of the year you will win the GM trophy. I know that is cheating but I did it that way then I went back and tried it again and I have to tell you that it is hard. that mode is really tough and any little flaw will set you back big time.

Duma, you complain every time when you post. RAW was actually decent last night, there were some funny stuffs there. If you knew that you were going to dose off while watching RAW, why did you bother watching?

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