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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-03 17:45:42

where can I watch the Lesnar match?

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-03 18:28:37

At 12/3/05 05:32 PM, cornontheconn wrote: What the hell? Dumbo and a Golden Elephant flew across the screen when I read Flair's article. Several times, in fact.

Zuhh? U mean, when u cliked the link? Must have been an ad... :S

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-03 19:33:14

I really want to know when is Lesnar going to come back to WWE?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-03 19:42:02

Hey guys, I'm new to the newground forums, but a big wrestling fan none the less. Some of you have been talking about Lesnar so I wondered what you guys thought of Lashley and if you think he'll become as big as Lesnar was in the WWE?

Mike Stand

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-03 20:15:21

Well...it looks like that we will not see Ric Flair again. :( Anyway, according to the newestest Power 25 Rankings. Randy Orton moved up to No.5 after since he is the solo survivor in the SD! vs RAW match. However, I still quite disagree with the rankings. First off all, the Boogey man should not be ranked. He is very old and his skills are limitted. His finisher is the power slam which is just a regular move for Angle. Secondly, wigger Cena has been on the top for a long time. All I can say is that Vince must be brainwashed. Lastly, Booker T ranked too high. Yes, beating Benoit twice was a feat, but please notice that both wrestlers are on the decline because of their ages. That was why they were fighting for the U.S championship instead of WHC. But other than those three points, the ranking was ok.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-03 23:52:31

With all this madness with flair, what will become of teh IC title?

While watching TNA I have come to this conclusion. WWE sure as hell missed the boat with Christian.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-03 23:55:20

While watching TNA I have come to this conclusion. WWE sure as hell missed the boat with Christian.

Hmmm what's happening with Christian? Did he get a better gig in TNA? And could someone please tell me WHEN and WHAT channel TNA gives?! I would greatly appreciate it.

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 00:06:41

TNA is on spike tv saturdays at 11-12. They are having another prime time special on thirsday at 10.

christian looks to be in the line up for a main event push towards the title.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 00:07:43

TNA is on Spike TV at 11 PM Eastern time, which is 8 for me. With TNA on the mind, I give you my review:

Alex Shelley, Petey Williams, Chris Sabin, and Austin Aries in a fourway X Division match. Sabin wins after catching Petey after the Canadian Destroyer. It was hard to tell it wasn't a tag match, because Petey and Shelley seemed to be cooperating during the match.

Abyss beat some jobber guy. Sabu attempted an attack after the match, but Abyss got the better of him, even overcoming his fear of barbed-wire, and using it against Sabu.

A sad video about Rhino was shown, and Jeff Jarrett came out to complain. Christian Cage came out when Jarrett mentioned his name, calling him a "flavor of the month." Christian and Jarrett got physical, with Jarrett retreating, and Christian being attacked by a Canadian afterwards.

Raven lost a House of Fun match against the Diamonds in the Rough, after refusing to sign a release.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 01:05:09

LordKooler's TNA iMPACT review
1.Petey Williams vs Austin Aries vs Alex Shelley vs Chris Sabin
A great X Division match to start off iMPACT. Austin Aries & Alex Shelley are great wrestlers in Ring of Honor and in the indipendent curcuit and I think that they'll be future X Division champions. Chris Sabin won at the end.
2.Abyss vs Kenny King
Wrestlers that TNA use as Jobbers are guys like Sonny Siaki, Jerrelle Clark, Lex Lovett, Buck Quartermaine, Brian Gamble, Helvis, Sinn, and now Kenny King. Abyss won at the end. Then Abyss started attacking Sabu hitting him with the Barbed wire steel chair and chokeslamming sabu into steel.
3.Jeff Jarrett segment
Who do you think is a worse champion? John Cena or Jeff Jarrett? I think that both Cena & Jarrett are bad champions and they should lose the titles that they are currently holding. Before Jarrett came out, They showed another video about Rhino's life with Rhino saying that he grew up in a trailor park but he moved into a bigger home when he got older. Then Rhino says that he used to party alot and that his wife divorced him and won custody of his daugther and is now living in Germany. Jeff Jarrett brings Mike Tenay into the ring and talks trash about the Rhino video, Rhino, Mike Tenay, Christian Cage, and Jackie Gayda. Then Christian Cage comes out and says to Jarrett "Listen up slapnuts!" Slapnuts, That was one of Jarrett's catch phrases in WCW. Christian talks trash to Jarrett and attacks him. Then Jackie Gayda comes out slaps Jarrett until Security takes her away. Then Bobby Roode of Team Canada attacks Christian Cage!
4.Raven's House of fun match
Because of the feud between Raven & Larry Zbysko, Zbysko is making Raven wrestle in very tough matches because Raven won't sign the release contract. Who will be Raven's opponent in the House of Fun match? Will it be a former ECW wrestler? Or a former member of the Raven's Flock stable in WCW like Scotty Riggs, Scott "Sick Boy" Vick, Lodi, or Reese? It turns out that Raven's opponent is former ECW wrestler Siamond Diamond and his Diamonds in the rough David Young and Elix Skipper. After weeks of wrestling The Naturals & Lance Hoyt at Genesis and on Xplosion, Diamonds in the rough return to iMPACT. This match was so bloody that one of the diamonds in the rough cut Raven's forehead with a pizza cutter! How painful is that? Not even Raven's biggest fan Cassidy Riley could help him. Besides Cassidy Riley, Micki James, and Tori, what other wrestlers had gimmicks were they were portrayed as fans of other wrestlers? Diamonds in the rough won at the end. In my Nintendo 64 video game WCW/nWo Revenge, I played as Raven in a match against Larry Zbysko with the difficulty set at Hard. Raven won the match.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 02:00:39

At 12/2/05 04:07 AM, StONeD_SiLEiGHtY wrote: And whats this about Christian going to TNA?!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Why!!!!!!! He could actually talk. I though he was gonna put cena away long ago, it was building up since royal rumble. He had the best finisher, best charisma. If only he had the muscle..

Dammit! Wrestling is going downhill...

Christian going to TNA is fucking awesome. He can actually be used right, and he doesn't NEED the muscle. Unlike WWE, TNA uses TALENT, not steroid ubusers like Chris Masters, The Dicks, Lashley, Snitsky and countless others. Wrestling isn't going downhill, it's going uphill because TNA is on the rise, and it won't be long before another boom period hits.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 04:04:34

I think WWE was good when they had that Lesner and Big show fued.
Ive allways been a fan of lesner and he's a good heel and a face.
Shame WWE are bitchy to sign him a new contract (could he be next to sign for TNA?)

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 09:00:39

With the Lesnar situation I think there was trouble on both sides. Lesnar wanted things a certian way and wwe wanted some things their way and it seemed no middle ground could be reached.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 10:13:22

For you guys wanting to see the Lesnar vs. Chono fight on Dec.10th
Meet me at the Kansai International Airport at about 1pm. The match starts at 4pm but the venue only seats like 5,000.
I think Lesnar is no longer a main eventer. Especially here where he has be de-moted alot.

HAPPY EASTERHappy EASTERhappy easter

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 11:46:29

I'm BACK!!!!!!!. Hey guys. sorry I took a few days or weeks off I have been busy with finals and wrapping shit up. some of you can understand. Well WWE still sucks ass. TNA is better. last night I was happy Ilove that move the "candain destroyer" is that not the greatest move of all time. uh, more post to come I have about 50 things goingon in my brain. if someone wants to be cool you can give me a brief rundown of what has been going on in here since I have not been on so much

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 12:09:32

Christian in TNA is awesome for him, let him get what he deserves...I thought of a great feud for him in TNA

The Charismatic Enigma VS Captain Charisma

Jeffy Hardy VS Christian

eh? eh? You guys seein the headlines now? tell me what you think.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 12:48:25

At 12/3/05 11:10 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Was it me or was booker on commentary so horrible that you had to push mute? I don't know what it was but bookers voice was really getting to me.

He kept stuttering and sounding like a 6-year old kid on Christams Eve. I can't imagine him taking over from Tazz.

At 12/3/05 03:52 PM, Jacob_Banley wrote: For those talking about the frogsplash, Chavo confirmed on Byte This he will now be doing his own version of the frogsplash, and taking on some of Eddie's other moves and characteristics in tribute. He said he's not trying to BE Eddie, but he IS trying to keep his spirit alive.

I was thinking that that would be a cool thing to do. Helping keep the spirit of Eddie alive should help keep WWE afloat, and perhaps show some of Chavo's skills whilst honouring his uncle.

So what would you guys say is the best entrance used in wrestling, maybe used in WWE, WCW, ECW, TNA, or any other promotions?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 13:07:01

welcome back DuMa, how did finals go? My next semester starts jan 5th. as for a rundown.. we got a few new members, the gooker award is now open for voting at wrestlecrap.com, avie changed his name again, and the usually stuff.

Best entrance? Though he hasn't been seen in ages, Gangrel's entrance when he roe from the circle of fire is still cool in my book. A lot of the enterences aren't as good as they once were. Hell they have cencered the fun part about kurts theme. god I hate cencership.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 13:17:59

At 12/4/05 01:07 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Best entrance? Though he hasn't been seen in ages, Gangrel's entrance when he roe from the circle of fire is still cool in my book. A lot of the enterences aren't as good as they once were. Hell they have cencered the fun part about kurts theme. god I hate cencership.

It makes it really obvious when Kurt is coming out, but i'm damned if he didn't earn those "You Suck!" chants.
My favoourite would probably be the Undertaker's and HHH's in the WWE, those two entrances just send tingles up my spine from the awesomeness, no matter how much of a dick HHH is :(
From ECW:ONS, the Sandman's entrance looked quite cool, but i can't really comment on sometihng I saw once.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 13:36:57

Undertaker has the best entrance especially in Wrestlemania where he always has an incredible entrance. Even though if I had to pick one it would be the HBK one when he wrestled Bret Hart and he came from the rafters.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 14:07:11

Best entrance: Kurt Angle, HHH, Taker, HBK

Worst entrance: Lashley, Cena, Bob holly, MNM!

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 14:22:21

I quite like London and, apparently, Kendrick's entrance, where they run full-pelt to the ring. High-energy is good.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 14:23:29

Ya, that HBK one was very cool.

Why is everyone bashing The Boogyman? you've seen him wrestle once, and apparantly his actual finisher is the Pump Handle Slam, according to a source, him and Simon Dean screwed up and they settled for that.

He got signed in the WWE...does that not say something about the man, and why is every bashing eating live worms? its a gimmik, don't judge a guy on something WWE told him to do.

Give the guy a chance, jeez.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 14:28:57

At 12/4/05 02:23 PM, The_Hurricane wrote:
He got signed in the WWE...does that not say something about the man

Not really, considering some of the "superstars" they are pushing now-a-days. Its quite sad to think that they are using him on their flag-ship when they have many other younger talents in OVW, some even from the same tough enough as The Boogeyman. That must say something about the quality of the Tough Enough contestants.

Janis Joplin is my idol!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 14:36:34

one of my favorite intro's is the Million dollar man. come on, that laugh and that song. how good is that? yeah that is my feeling.
As for finals looks like I am looking at a 4 A grade this semster cause I busted my ass this semster whichmeans my GPA will stay about 3.7 Yeah, I am smart

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 15:54:05

Taker has the best overall entrance, second would be the Sandman, and I say that because honestly? You have to go by what you saw, and if that entrance really gets you into that character, and I have never been to a live show, and the entraces have compared to those two. They get the loudest, longest, best reactions, even trumping the reactions of the champions of the company (assuming they weren't at the time), THAT is being over.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 16:03:38

But sandman's entrance is only good because of the song that's what pumps the crowd up.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 16:07:15

At 12/4/05 02:23 PM, The_Hurricane wrote: Why is everyone bashing The Boogyman? you've seen him wrestle once, and apparantly his actual finisher is the Pump Handle Slam, according to a source, him and Simon Dean screwed up and they settled for that.

I would actually believe that it was The Boogeyman who blew that spot, everything I've heard on this guy is that he's green as the grass, and Nova Dean INVENTED a bunch of moves that have been ripped off (Vertebreaker anyone?), so if a spot was blown, guess what? I'm gonna blame the new fucker that was brought up too quick.

He got signed in the WWE...does that not say something about the man, and why is every bashing eating live worms? its a gimmik, don't judge a guy on something WWE told him to do.

Heidenreich got signed, so did Snitsky, so did Cena who you all hate with a passion, so did Masters, so did T.L. Hopper. To sit there and go "if you're in WWE, you're the best" is such a laughable bunch of utter, utter, shit. You have no sense of history, or the fact that a lot of the guys who have headlined for WWE, were groomed, trained, and basically BUILT elsewhere, and when they got to WWE, who would consistently have problems and holes to fill at the top and then just go "ok, who do we have that might be able to do this?". I can't believe you'd throw out an arguement like that.

As for the worm thing, yeah, get pissed at Vince and the writers, because they're the one's that are totally in control, and think they know better then guys that have been doing this job for longer then some of them have been out of high school or whatever.

Give the guy a chance, jeez.

It's real hard to look at a crappy worker and go "well, maybe he'll get better" because we've had a vertiable parade of crappy workers lately that have sucked in their debut, and continued to suck all the way down the line.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 16:52:05

It's real hard to look at a crappy worker and go "well, maybe he'll get better" because we've had a vertiable parade of crappy workers lately that have sucked in their debut, and continued to suck all the way down the line.

You're right and Boogeyman won't get better because he's 41 but for some reason WWE is happy with putting on a watered down product and that's what they have been doing of late.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 17:48:49

Did i ever say that i hated Snitsky or Heidenrich with a passion? i do hate Cena hate Cena, but don't put words in my mouth.

Your calling the Boogyman a crappy worker when you have no idea whether he is or not, so i don't know where your getting your info on that. So you can explain.

He's a guy who was brought in to fill a gimmik that WWE wanted to have, they obviously looked at other younger people to do it, but they likely couldn't find anyone with the build or the look to doit.

Stop trying to act like you know what your talking about to shun someone's opinion.