I would let that SD! will show tonight. Boogyman will make his ring-in-dubut tonight.
Oh and i hope that Bret Hart could be the next RAW GM since Shane isn't on the list.
I would let that SD! will show tonight. Boogyman will make his ring-in-dubut tonight.
Oh and i hope that Bret Hart could be the next RAW GM since Shane isn't on the list.
Now, Smackdown is good. RAW sucks because Cena somehow always wins. And he only knows about seven or so moves. I bet if TNA would invade RAW, and AJ Styles challenged Cena to a match, Styles would own his sorry ass. Hell, now that's a dream match!
SD tonight should be good. I wonder what the Boogeyman's finisher is.
Anyways, before I go, I want to show you guys a wrestling site I prefer to go to. This site is called obsessedwithwrestling.com. However, you wont get spoilers from it. Sorry. The kids who are currently stuck watching the crap WWE is currently putting out should go here. This place is a good wrestling history lesson. All the old guys like myself will be remembering the old days. The good old days, to be exact.
Well, in the words of "Mean" Gene Okerlund, "Let's get back to ringside!"
Well, I'll be damned. They changed the channel SD comes on in my area. Fuck the fucking fuckers!
Calming down now... ok, about that Saturday Night's Main Event. What channel will it be on? And, what time will it be on as well? I just wanna see how bad they will fuck it up. TNA will own their asses in ratings, that is my prediction. Well, I'll be waiting for the SD results....
Smackdown Review.
#1 The mexicool's win the tag team battle royal and earn a shot at MNM's titles.
#2 Randy Orton beats Matt Hardy Via the RKO. After the match the lights dim and takers bell toll's twice. HE proceeds to taunt Orton from dome dort of Intercom and finally tells Orton is gonna bring him to hell, Hell In A Cell.
#3 Boogeyman beats Simon Dean by using some sort of powerslam (Lame move). Then he starts eating live worms... yuck
#4 Benoit fight Regal and makes him tap out with the crossface. After the match Benoit attacks Booker who was at the announce table and locks in the Crossface on Booker outside the ring.
#5 Lashley defeats Sylvan.
#6 JBL and Rey VS BigShow and Kane. "No Contest" During the match JBL gets his eye poked (lol) by the ref and decides to leave the match. Rey left alone with Kane and Bigshow.. Uh Oh!.. After beating Rey up they were about to double chockslam him on a steel chair but Batista's music goes on and he rushes the ring. Batista delivers a Spinbuster to Kane and Knocks the Bugshow down. He picks the chair up and smashes Kane and Bigshows had in. THE END
Stay tuned for mondays review :D!
sincerely yours,
Sorry about the typos I wrote it in two minutes.. Forgive me!
Hold up. You mean SD is over already? Damn, what time does it start? Over here, its still playing. Hell, they just started the Sylvan/Lashley match. At the time of this post, I mean. Well, thanks for the review.
Man, seeing Masters and Angle face-to-face recently was neat. I hope to see a Masters / Angle feud.
In fact, Masters would make an excellent face. Anyone can be a heel, all you have to do is be a cock. But being a good face wrestler is special.
LordKooler's Friday Night Smackdown review
1.Randy Orton segment
Randy Orton talks about what he did to the Undertaker at Tuesday's Smackdown Special and says that he wants to wrestle Batista for the World Heavyweight Title.
2.Tag Team battle royal
The new LOD with Animal & Heidenreich is nominated for the 2005 wrestlecrap gooker award along with Muhammad Hassan, The Viscera-Lillian Garcia love angle, The Matt Hardy-Kane-Lita-Snitsky baby killing angle, Jim Ross' firing, The 2005 RAW Diva Search, Jillian Hall, The storyline involving Kurt Angle, Booker T, and Sharmell, The Boogeyman, And the year Ultimate Warrior had in 2005. Super Crazy & Psichosis of the Mexicools won to face MNM at Armageddon for the WWE Tag Team Titles.
3.Chris Benoit vs William Regal
Chris Benoit won at the end. Then he attacked Booker T who he will face in Match 3 in the US Title series next week.
4.Randy Orton vs Matt Hardy
Randy Orton won with the RKO. Then the Undertaker starts playing mind games on Orton then Undertaker says that he will face Orton in a hell in a cell match at Armageddon.
5.The Boogeyman vs Simon Dean
Since Simon Dean was so afraid of wrestling the boogeyman, Security guards drag him to the ring. After Boogeyman won, He starts eating worms. Gross!
6.Lashley vs Sylvan
Lashley squashed Sylvan at the end. I'd like to ask these questions, Who would win in a match between Lashley & Goldberg? And ever since La Resistance broke up, Which former member has had the most successful singles carreer? Rene Dupree? Rob Conway? or Sylvan?
7.JBL & Rey Mysterio vs Big Show & Kane
Kane & Big Show won the match after JBL walked out on Rey Mysterio. Then Batista comes out and saves Rey Mysterio from Big Show & Kane.
The Boogeyman sucks. First of all, he is old (41) and his time will be very limitted. Secondly, his finisher is so lame----just a power slam. I strongly doubt that he has a chance against top SD! rosters. Last, eating worms alive is sick and gross. Nobody likes to see him do that. If he continues to do sick stuffs like eating worms, the fans are going to boo him straight to hell. The bottom line is that The Boogeyman is not a worthy wrestler, I feel sad that SD! signed a three-years deal with him.
It seems everyone knows that Boogeyman is no good everyone except for Vince its pathetic.
"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"
Ronald Reagan
Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory
At 12/2/05 11:42 PM, StONeD_SiLEiGHtY wrote: whos worse:Cena or Bogeyman?
that's a good one I would say Boogeyman because of the age differential Cena is young and he can get better in terms of wrestling skills Boogeyman will probably be gone a couple of months from now.
Dudes I am going to watch Brock wrestle next week =) I am so excited. . . . .
It's F5 time
HAPPY EASTERHappy EASTERhappy easter
He at some local show or something?
some of the effects that were going on like the spinning clock and bleeding thing was cool. wtf though...one move and simon is beat? I don't think so. He's been having some really good matches on velocity so there is no reason for him to go down to one really lame move. gross worm eating weirdo that he is.
Sd was parr. nothing great tonight, though orton and hardy could have put on a better match had time allowed. but nooooo we have to have the boogey man segment last far loo long.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Yeah, matches were kinda dull tonight. Too bad Boogeyman's in-ring talent is so bad. He's got great promos.
Rey Mysterio had a good run right before the double chokeslam, didn't he?
At 12/3/05 12:04 AM, Hanshinboy wrote: Dudes I am going to watch Brock wrestle next week =) I am so excited. . . . .
It's F5 time
Where is he wrestling??
Go lEsnar! Now theres someone to put Cena in his place!!
"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"
Ronald Reagan
Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory
Damn I had to watch fucking basketball. I wanted to see boogeyman in his match it must have been cool.
And I think Dupree had the best single career now it Rob Conway.
At 12/2/05 11:42 PM, StONeD_SiLEiGHtY wrote: whos worse:Cena or Bogeyman?
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
At 12/3/05 09:36 AM, Puzzled wrote:At 12/3/05 12:04 AM, Hanshinboy wrote: Dudes I am going to watch Brock wrestle next week =) I am so excited. . . . .Where is he wrestling??
It's F5 time
In Japan =)
HAPPY EASTERHappy EASTERhappy easter
Was it me or was booker on commentary so horrible that you had to push mute? I don't know what it was but bookers voice was really getting to me.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
He will be fighting this guy. Masahiro Chono who is a wrestling god in Japan.
HAPPY EASTERHappy EASTERhappy easter
At 12/3/05 11:15 AM, Hanshinboy wrote: He will be fighting this guy. Masahiro Chono who is a wrestling god in Japan.
Too bad he's probably gonna get his ass kicked by Lesnar.
I don't really follow wrestling too much but what happened to Eddie's title?
At 12/3/05 11:29 AM, pepeatumi wrote:At 12/3/05 11:15 AM, Hanshinboy wrote: He will be fighting this guy. Masahiro Chono who is a wrestling god in Japan.Too bad he's probably gonna get his ass kicked by Lesnar.
Yeah but who knows it might be a good match. I will let you know how it was.
Here is a link if you wanna know about Chono more Japanese wrestler
HAPPY EASTERHappy EASTERhappy easter
he's been doing stuff hasn't ge? It should be a good match then. You'll have to let us know how it goes.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 12/2/05 02:57 PM, Phearr wrote: Sorry i just joined this post yesterday and i wantted to read from the first page to the last and post some replies.. Ill stop if u want me to
No one is asking you to stop, but what we are asking you to do is if you have multiple posts or comments you want to respond to, you need to get that into one or two posts, rather then making a new post for each and every one. It looks like you're just trying to get your post count stat up, or you want to spam the topic, two things we SERIOUSLY discourage here, I think you're starting to get the hang of that though now.
For those talking about the frogsplash, Chavo confirmed on Byte This he will now be doing his own version of the frogsplash, and taking on some of Eddie's other moves and characteristics in tribute. He said he's not trying to BE Eddie, but he IS trying to keep his spirit alive.
At 12/3/05 03:52 PM, Jacob_Banley wrote: For those talking about the frogsplash, Chavo confirmed on Byte This he will now be doing his own version of the frogsplash, and taking on some of Eddie's other moves and characteristics in tribute. He said he's not trying to BE Eddie, but he IS trying to keep his spirit alive.
Good on him!
Anyway, looks like more bad news for Flair. Warning. VERY long:
Pro wrestler Ric Flair has been pinned by the IRS over back taxes and is fighting a nasty divorce battle with his wife.
Flair, one of Charlotte's best-known celebrities, owed the federal government $1 million in 1997, according to a statement from his accountant. The IRS began garnishing Flair's wrestling salary this year, seizing more than $200,000 so far.
Flair and his wife Elizabeth separated in February after 22 years of marriage. In a divorce filing, she accuses Flair of "cruel behavior" and says he slapped, kicked, choked, threw, bit and spit on her and pulled her hair.
Her complaint, which was filed in May, also accuses Flair of abusing alcohol and steroids, causing him to become "enraged, paranoid, emotionally unbalanced and violent," and says he exposed himself to her friends and committed adultery.
Flair acknowledges in court filings that he had a "tumultuous" marriage, but he denies the abusive behavior and steroid use and says his wife is trying to humiliate him with the allegations.
He accuses her of destructive behavior and says she hit him -- not the other way around.
Flair, whose real name is Richard Fliehr, and his wife did not return calls for comment.
Flair's attorney also wouldn't comment on the allegations, saying the divorce "isn't news" because it was filed months ago.
"We're defending the case, and we're not going to talk about their domestic problems," said Bill Diehl, perhaps Charlotte's best-known lawyer. "She accused him of being a bad boy. He accused her of being a bad girl. That's where we stand."
Flair was in the news earlier this week after being accused of road rage on Interstate 485.
The divorce case file at the Mecklenburg County Courthouse has grown as thick as two phone books, stuffed with financial records, credit card bills and property tax records.
There's also a letter from the judge, ruling that Flair must pay Elizabeth $20,000 a month until the case is settled, based on their previous living expenses.
Judge Jane Harper says the payment includes $2,000 for gifts, which Harper calls "obscenely high although far less than she says she needs," and $200 for religious contributions. "Whether she makes this or not," the judge writes, "I've included it to encourage someone in this family to share a tiny smidgen of their huge wealth with someone besides themselves."
The judge also says she'll consider freezing the couple's assets until the case is decided, because Flair used money from a retirement account "to get $92,000 for his girlfriend's finger."
Flair, in response to his wife's complaint, denies her charges and says it was her abusive conduct that led him to leave her. His response and counterclaim, filed in August, calls her "emotionally unstable, verbally abusive and physically violent."
He also accuses his wife of hitting him in an effort to provoke him into retaliating physically.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police records going back to 2002 don't show any calls for service relating to domestic abuse at the Fliehrs' south Charlotte home.
Elizabeth says she once called police to report abuse and Flair pulled open a wrestling scar to appear bloody, so it would look like she attacked him.
Flair says he and his wife have been separated three times and that she condoned and encouraged his "marital misconduct."
The wrestler says he is involved with a woman who he has taken on trips and bought gifts, but he invokes his right to privacy on the question of whether the relationship is sexual.
Much of the case file deals with the family's financial situation and wrangling over money.
Flair says he and his wife "lived well beyond our means" and racked up substantial debt to the IRS and other creditors.
In an affidavit asking for support payments, Elizabeth estimates that she spends $65,000 a year on clothing and $50,000 on vacations. She said she spent $50,000 on Christmas gifts in 2004. The family also owns a boat, a country club membership, and a house in the Piper Glen neighborhood with an estimated $1.2 million tax value, according to court records.
Flair, known for his "Nature Boy" persona and piercing "Wooooo," said he's due to make $500,000 from his WWE contract this year. But he hasn't received a paycheck since April, he says, due to the IRS' actions.
Flair also says he's concerned about his future in wrestling.
"I am 56 years old," the star writes, "working in a business that demands physical fitness and is dominated by performers much younger than I.
"There is no guarantee that even next year, I will be employed."
Road Rage Charges
Ric Flair was charged last week with injury to personal property and simple assault and battery, both misdemeanors, after a 29-year-old driver filed a complaint against him.
The driver says Flair got out of his vehicle on Interstate 485 in Charlotte on Nov. 23, grabbed him by the neck and then kicked the door of his Toyota 4Runner, leaving a large dent.
Flair told the Observer on Monday that it didn't happen that way. "I didn't do anything wrong at all," Flair said in a phone interview. "As usual, I will be exonerated."
Flair surrendered to authorities at the Mecklenburg County jail Tuesday morning and was released on $1,000 bond less than two hours later.
Is there a way to see this match? brock lesnar vs that guy? i really wana see this iv been brock's fan since he came.
What the hell? Dumbo and a Golden Elephant flew across the screen when I read Flair's article. Several times, in fact.