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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 18:55:01

Just a bit of news Mr Kennedy suffered a lat tear similar to the injury Batista has and he will be out indefinitely which probably means at least a month or more. There are no details on how and when he got injured.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 19:27:20

At 12/4/05 05:48 PM, The_Hurricane wrote: Did i ever say that i hated Snitsky or Heidenrich with a passion? i do hate Cena hate Cena, but don't put words in my mouth.

I'm simply proving where your logic is faulty, you're statement was to the effect that if they work for WWE, they must be good, because only the best would work for WWE, I gave you examples of guys and gimmicks who, past and present, have either sucked in the ring, or failed to get over with the fans. My intent was to prove the fallacy in your statement, and I believe I did that.

Your calling the Boogyman a crappy worker when you have no idea whether he is or not, so i don't know where your getting your info on that. So you can explain.

I'm getting my information from the people who post here, from reports folks have sent to reputable websites of this guy's house show work, and my own opinions based on the segments I've seen involving him. He's a poor man's Undertaker from where I sit, a 2005 attempt at Papa Shango, and why you would want to attempt that gimmick again I do not know since not only did it not get over, but one particular instance with the character (when he made the Ultimate Warrior "throw up") was the kick in the ass a jewelry store owner named Todd Gordon needed to go start a little company called ECW. You make your competition stronger, or give people the impetus to become your competition, when you promote a weak, or aggravating product. Which the general consensus seems to be that Vince is doing both.

He's a guy who was brought in to fill a gimmik that WWE wanted to have, they obviously looked at other younger people to do it, but they likely couldn't find anyone with the build or the look to doit.

How do you know they "obviously looked at younger people"? Now I have to ask where you get your information from. WWE decided to have this gimmick yes, decided to give it to this guy, and also decided to call him up way too early on in the opinions of many (myself included, and I have seen his promos, so I can at least comment on the fact that based on that, the character doesn't appeal to me, and I would never pay money to watch him wrestle, if he headlined a show, I would not buy the show because he does not interest me). But I don't see where they went around saying "ok, who can play this gimmick?" and from everything I've ever heard about Vince's ideas and characters, he dosen't just hand them out ever anyway.

Stop trying to act like you know what your talking about to shun someone's opinion.

I'd say the same thing to you : )

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 19:34:09

Best entrance? Though he hasn't been seen in ages, Gangrel's entrance when he roe from the circle of fire is still cool in my book. A lot of the enterences aren't as good as they once were. Hell they have cencered the fun part about kurts theme. god I hate cencership.

Best entrance you say? Well here are my favorite entrance.

1) John Cena
2) Kane
3) Eddie Guerrero
4) UnderTaker
5) Triple H
6) HBK
7) Hulk Hogan
8) Randy Orton

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 19:47:44

You don't think that WWE looked through alot of people for this gimmik?

What don't you people understand, WWE isn't looking for this guy to be champion, WWE isn't looking for this guy to go all the way, they needed this gimmik at the present time, and they needed a black guy with a strong build, he's not gonna go anywhere far, we know that, but you guys critisise " why are they putting faith into a 41 year old?" they aren't, noone said they were, and do think The Boogyman cares? if they offer him a job that might only last 1 month, he gonna take it.

I'm just saying, why bash the guy so much? and whats wrong with his promos? thats how he's told to doit, these are rehearsed, and when he shows his rehearsals, they approve it, they don't ask him to work on it...jeesus.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 19:59:10

At 12/4/05 06:55 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Just a bit of news Mr Kennedy suffered a lat tear similar to the injury Batista has and he will be out indefinitely which probably means at least a month or more. There are no details on how and when he got injured.

Ah crap! I really liked Kennedy :( I hope he heals up fast and comes back...

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 20:07:48

At 12/4/05 07:47 PM, The_Hurricane wrote: You don't think that WWE looked through alot of people for this gimmik?

Based on stories I've heard from every wrestler who ever worked for Vince? The film Beyond the Mat which shows how Droz got his "Puke" name? Nope, I don't. Vince dosen't think of a gimmick and then just shop it around, he looks at a piece of talent, and then comes up with a gimmick to put them in. For example, when he decided to sign Mic Foley, he was going to call him Mason the Mutilator, but Foley realized it wouldn't go anywhere, and counter pitched the Mankind gimmick, using bits of the costuming and ideology of the Mason character. There's no reason to believe that that isn't exactly what happened with The Boogeyman, in fact, based on previous evidence, I would be horribly shocked if they had shopped this gimmick.

What don't you people understand, WWE isn't looking for this guy to be champion, WWE isn't looking for this guy to go all the way, they needed this gimmik at the present time, and they needed a black guy with a strong build, he's not gonna go anywhere far, we know that, but you guys critisise " why are they putting faith into a 41 year old?" they aren't, noone said they were, and do think The Boogyman cares? if they offer him a job that might only last 1 month, he gonna take it.

If they're putting him on TV, they are expecting him to make some money, they are putting time, and investment in this character, and for the time that he is out there, they are expecting him to make them some money, and I'm sure they're hoping he'll be able to really get over, and they can push him. Why would they just through somebody out there that they have no faith in? Your arguement here dosen't make sense.

I'm just saying, why bash the guy so much? and whats wrong with his promos? thats how he's told to doit, these are rehearsed, and when he shows his rehearsals, they approve it, they don't ask him to work on it...jeesus.

Well, then maybe they should, as a fan, I am disinterested, you're basically saying I should like the guy because some bunch of asshole writers who's work I have no love for say that I should? That again makes no sense. Whatever happened to personal taste? By this logic, I should never say anything is bad ever, because some "professional" who must know so much better then me, says I should. Are you secretly Vince Mcmahon in disguise? Because your philosophy sounds a lot like his.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 20:50:29

Ah crap! I really liked Kennedy :( I hope he heals up fast and comes back...

Kennedy won't get back fast he's out for 6 months its been confirmed. Also a rumor which I think is worth mentioning Debra's name popping up as a choice for the new Raw GM again its just a rumor and i really wouldn't bank on that being a fact.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 21:10:26

Well, then maybe they should, as a fan, I am disinterested, you're basically saying I should like the guy because some bunch of asshole writers who's work I have no love for say that I should? That again makes no sense. Whatever happened to personal taste? By this logic, I should never say anything is bad ever, because some "professional" who must know so much better then me, says I should. Are you secretly Vince Mcmahon in disguise? Because your philosophy sounds a lot like his.

You just bascially said that you shouldn't be bashing Marty Wright, you should be bashing the writers and WWE's idea's, think about, the guy is doing his job, and what he is told to do. This whole thing revolved around bashing The Boogyman AKA Marty Wright, and now your saying pretty much what I think, the Boogyman doesn't represent the guy as a proffesional, its a product of what WWE writing has been doing for years.

Stop giving me history lessons on information that any ass clown would know if they have been watching wrestling for the past 10 years. Your just trying to act superior, and i'm not buying what your selling.

I never once bashed the Boogyman, he got a job, he is in the process of doing what he is told, and he is making money. We all know he will likely turn into your next Mordecai, but him gettin fired won't be his fault, it will be WWE's own fault on creating an idea which people can't except. What can you do. Don't reflect the Boogyman's work on Marty Wright, blame it on WWE guys.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 21:35:59

I think the best entrance is the undetaker because its scary and cool looking. Also batista entrance rocks i love it when he starts the fireworks it rocks :) man thats alot of fireworks. Anyone like the boogey man? hes a cool guy and he looks strong but i hate his gimmick. I think they should take out the make up and use a mask insted? Make him the next kane? I loved when he faced simon dean he ate live worms!!! And his entrance was so weird.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 21:49:01

Undertaker has best entrance by far. The music, lights, mist, and Undertaker himself all add up perfectly.

I think Boogeyman has a good entrance, too. Way too much mist, though.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 22:20:00

Well, let me be blunt with you. The Undertaker has the best entrance. HBK has the second best, Batista in third, the late Eddie Guerrero in fourth, and Orton with the fifth spot on my fave entrance list.

Well, in other news, I recently bought HBK's new book, "Heartbreak & Triumph". Good book. I think you guys ought to read it for yourselves. And, thats the main reason I haven't posted for the last few days or so.

Anyhow, anyone know what the matches will be at Turning Point? Other than AJ Styles and Samoa Joe for the X-Division title, and Rhino vs. Jeff Jarrett for the NWA heavyweight championship? Thanks.

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 22:39:27

The Hurricane, I am going to tell you why I bash the Boogeyman. First of all, it was stupid for WWE to agree a 3-years-deal with a 41-years-old man. Everyone who has a brain will know that his time will be limitted. Secondly, Boogeyman is not worthy, his finisher is just a normal move for Angle. In addition, if he was that good, he would have signed with WWE long time ago. I personally think that WWE should pay more attention on the young wrestlers since they will present the future. Lastly, the eating worm thing was gross and nobody would like it. In conclusion, it was not not Boogeyman's fault to be sucky, but it was WWE's fault to sign him.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-04 23:58:13

The fact that he's 41 isn't teh real issue here. There are quite a few older workers who are much better than he ever will be (Undertaker? Flair?)

it's the fact that he has a lack of talent. you just can't put any faith in a guy who sucks in the ring, becuase sooner or later the crowd will catch on and cease to care. Take a look at Cena for example. Sure he is riding high now but his lack of in ring talent and stale matches has not gone un-noticed. It's already starting to happen as fans are booing him where ever he goes. Blind faith in sub par workers is a bad buisness move. Cena's saving grace is that he can be mildly entertaining on the mic, while all we get from boogey is weird nursery rhymes and clocks getting smashed on his head. That is going to get old soon.

Have I seen him wrestle? No. So in your point of not knowing just how he is for myself is correct, but I belive time will tell that we are indeed right about this guy.

They should have dressed him in a brown sack and called him Mr. Boogey woogie from that movie "The Nightmare Before Christmas' had they done that it would have been instant gold! For tim burton when he sues vince. heh he'd have the eating worms part down for that role wouldn't he?

And why a boogie man? What in gods name is wrong with them that they can't see that this gimmick is destined to fail? Is that truly the best they could come up with? guess the wwe idea tank has run a tad low....

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-05 00:11:55

fact is boogeyman's debut match had only one wrestling move which was supposed to be a pumphandle slam He couldn't even pull that off right.Imagine if he has an actual match.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-05 00:51:37

My favourite entrances in wrestling are Undertaker's entrance, Eddie Guerrero's lowrider entrance, Jeff Hardy's entrance, Kane's entrance, Chris Jericho's entrance, Triple H's entrance, and Goldberg's entrance. I read that Tatanka & Jamal signed contracts with WWE. With Jamal returning, We could see a Three Minute Warning reunion.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-05 04:51:24

At 12/5/05 12:51 AM, LordKooler wrote: My favourite entrances in wrestling are Undertaker's entrance, Eddie Guerrero's lowrider entrance, Jeff Hardy's entrance, Kane's entrance, Chris Jericho's entrance, Triple H's entrance, and Goldberg's entrance. I read that Tatanka & Jamal signed contracts with WWE. With Jamal returning, We could see a Three Minute Warning reunion.

I read that too. Tatanka returning to the WWE. Now that should be great. I wanna see that tomahawk chop again. Yes Jamal is coming back because he had a fall out in Japan with All Japan Pro Wrestling (I believe that is who it was)

HAPPY EASTERHappy EASTERhappy easter

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-05 11:14:39

a 3 minute warning reunion huh? well it's better than what rosey is doing now.. which is nothing.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-05 12:17:23

At 12/5/05 11:14 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: a 3 minute warning reunion huh? well it's better than what rosey is doing now.. which is nothing.

If he's on the roster already, which is possible, that could quite possibly mean some sort of reunion for them on Raw. With Vinnie Mac there, as well as Bischoff, Shane O'Mac, and possibly many other possible GMs, any one of them could use 3-minute warning to make an impact.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-05 12:21:34

this just in Christy Hemme has been released from WWE which is odd because yesterday she posted on her website that she was going to OVW to get better in wrestling it seems something happened since then,

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-05 14:03:05

Yes, this is evry sad. She really deserved more of a push. God, they are losing talent left and right! Poor Eddie dies, they release Christan, and bring back... DAVARI!!!!! Man...

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-05 15:32:19

I have a question, guys. Vince and Shane said that they would take out the trash this week on RAW. For some reason, I have a feeling that Bischoff will not be fired. I also feel that Vince and Shane are going to screw someone up. The question is: will wigger Cena get his ass burnt tonight by Shane and Vince since the fans hate him? Any ideas?

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-05 16:25:30

Coupke of announcements regarding RAW Angle and Carlito will face HBK and Shelton Benjamin hopefully the match is as good as it sounds. And once again tonight is the debut of the Cutting Edge hopefully its for real this time Ric Flair is scheduled to be the guest.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-05 16:56:38

There are rumours going around that Orton is going to take the pin over Taker in The Hell in the cell. I hope they are false....

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-05 17:52:02

I was wondering, with this more then likely being Taker's last Wrestlemania, who his opponent will be, and will he remain undefeated?

Looking back on talk from last year Taker and Angle were pushing for a WM main event match, and I beleive this could be the year. It would be a match to see.

What do you guys think.

Mike Stand

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-05 18:17:11

At 12/3/05 08:15 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Well...it looks like that we will not see Ric Flair again. :(

Actually, it appears that Ric Flair will be on Raw TONIGHT & will appear on Edge's new talk show "The Cutting Edge." There, he will likely talk about either defending or vacating the IC title (though that last part is my own speculation, WWE.com has a bit about Flair making an appearance, I believe.)

At 12/4/05 01:36 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Undertaker has the best entrance especially in Wrestlemania where he always has an incredible entrance. Even though if I had to pick one it would be the HBK one when he wrestled Bret Hart and he came from the rafters.

lol...EXACT same for me. I also like Batista's entrance, though not as much as Undertaker's, or HBK's Rafter Entrance...

At 12/5/05 04:56 PM, Puzzled wrote: There are rumours going around that Orton is going to take the pin over Taker in The Hell in the cell. I hope they are false....

You and me both....I can't see them wanting Taker to lose at Hell in a Cell. There would be rioting in teh streets!

At 12/5/05 03:32 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: I have a question, guys. Vince and Shane said that they would take out the trash this week on RAW. For some reason, I have a feeling that Bischoff will not be fired. I also feel that Vince and Shane are going to screw someone up. The question is: will wigger Cena get his ass burnt tonight by Shane and Vince since the fans hate him? Any ideas?

I GREATLY doubt that Cena will get the boot. Vince is said to be very fond of him & wants him to have as long a title reign as the fans will allow. Unfortunately, as u said, the fans are turing on him, so I can see one of two things eventually happening. 1) John Cena loses to HHH; 2) John Cena turns heel and becomes an asshole fan h8r. As for 2nights Vince segment, ur right. I have GREAT doubts that Bishoff will be fired, unfortunately...god I h8 that man >:( Anyway, someone will likely get the boot (for a while, not permanantely) & for some reason, I have a feeling its Angle......

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Sig provided by HellboundNinja

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-05 18:40:04

Sorry for the double-post, but here is some interestling news from ProWrestling.com:

WWE To Become WWF Once Again?

WWE trademarked the term "WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION" on November 2nd, 2005. The trademark filed states:

"Entertainment services, namely, the production and exhibition of professional wrestling events rendered live and through the media of television; providing wrestling news and information via a global computer network."

We will keep you posted. At this time, WWE is not allowed to use the term WWF due to a lawsuit filed and won by the World Wildlife Fund.

Interesting. But a switch back to WWF is unlikely after all the marketing thay put into the 'Get the "F" Out' Campain. Discuss.

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Sig provided by HellboundNinja

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-05 19:27:41

wrestling is soooooo fake . why would anyone pay money to see it? the wwe blows my ass!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-05 19:31:49

for some reason, I have a feeling its Angle......

NOOOOOOOOOOO ! Angle is one of my favourite members! Don't scare me like that.

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-05 19:36:13

I hope RAW is good tonight, it has been very weak the last couple of weeks, i wanna see some str8 up good wrestling tonight, with benjamin and HBk on a team? they might deliver what i want.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-05 19:51:18

At 12/5/05 12:21 PM, pepeatumi wrote: this just in Christy Hemme has been released from WWE which is odd because yesterday she posted on her website that she was going to OVW to get better in wrestling it seems something happened since then,

What?! Christy got resased? wow Christy was a hot diva. Well what website that she posted. I just want to know.