Why did you tell us that?! I haven't even watched it yet! Oh well. I'll guess I'll be watching Billy&Mandy tonight.
Why did you tell us that?! I haven't even watched it yet! Oh well. I'll guess I'll be watching Billy&Mandy tonight.
Sorry, responding to the guy who write the Friday Night Smackdown review.
Trust me, when The Boogeyman actually gets in the ring to work...I've heard this guy is absolutely worthless in the ring, and his promos are just downright goofy. This is a POOR, POOR attempt at creating a new Undertaker like character.
First off: Austins_Friend13 you are # 155 welcome!
And I know aveiw said to just to ignore the spammers, but I have to address something that was mentioned during the flaming. If I get banned for it thats fine, but this needs to be said.
This is an open club, for people who like wrestling . That sounds pretty obvious but sometimes we forget. And while I have been keeping track of official members by numbers, that in no way establishes rank, leadership, or anything of the like. I have absolutly no control over who posts here, nor can I prevent or kick out spammers. And quite frankly, thats not my job, it's a job for a mod like Aveiw, who i am very happy we have in here to help keep the spammers at bay. And I mean no disrespect to aveiw in anyway shape or form when i address this either. He's done a damn fine job here as both a mod and a member.. I just wish he had caught that early, as the multipost spam looks like crap. Also, as I have said before, if somebody likes a wrestler that you don't, please don't be hostile because of it. if they give you a reason to dislike them (as in this case with the spam) thats one thing, but a difference in opinion is no reason for it.
Ok enough bout that..
heh how long do you think we will have to suffer through thte boogey man? Hopefuly not long, as this has crap written all over it. The jr. division too. i don't know how well that will go over.. Kinda seems wrong to me to have that.. i dunno..
Booker as a heel is good. He does both roles well, but I think he makes a better heel. Till he does the spin-a-rooney.. then ya have to cheer for him.
I missed Sd due to work, but i taped it. So I kinda skipped the reviews so I can be surprised.
man I forgot about Angel as gm. shows hom much I liked it though huh? He just didn't do a swell as the others. i can fully understand the reason behind it. Keep him on tv while he heals. Thats all it was for.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 10/28/05 11:15 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Trust me, when The Boogeyman actually gets in the ring to work...I've heard this guy is absolutely worthless in the ring, and his promos are just downright goofy. This is a POOR, POOR attempt at creating a new Undertaker like character.
Do we know that for sure, yet? We havn't even seen him in the ring.
Guess we just have to see for ourselves when he does get in the ring. all I know is that it's pretty stupid, and very 80's like. I thought we were past having cartoon characteras as wrestlers....
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 10/29/05 01:05 AM, cornontheconn wrote: Do we know that for sure, yet? We havn't even seen him in the ring.
He's worked OVW, dark matches, and house shows, all reports that were coming in said this guy universally sucks in the ring, he's yet another guy that's way too green and shouldn't be on the main roster yet.
which brings up this question to mind.. if all reports say he sucks big time in the ring, why are we seeing him on WWE tv? What the hell is the point of getting somebody who you know sucks and will be around maybe a month when you could be useing better talent that they either already have on the roster or that are in the developmental areas like OVW? This makes no friggen sense to me!!
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Despite JBL mainly being a receiver of boos, it seems that even the people who don't like him want him to team up with Rey. (Even Tazz thinks the dynamics would be cool) I would normally expect the fans to vote for the top 2 face stars (Hardy and Mysterio) but I'm seriously thinking they might seek a JBL-Rey combo.
On another note, despite my dislike for MNM, I find myself quite fascinated with Melina. Especially with the new pic of her with the tag team titles covering her bits. Hee hee hee.
Yeah. Melina. Hrmm...
Hey!!! WWE is the best!!! Other ones are just lame pieces of crap!!!
To all you guys out there,
WWE is cool!!!
Others are just lame!!!
You poor brainwashed kid. Go watch some ECW or TNA. It'll blow your mind, seriously.
I can't BELIVE that LOD lost the Tag Titles after they were fucking jumped! GRRRRR........
At 10/28/05 11:15 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Trust me, when The Boogeyman actually gets in the ring to work...I've heard this guy is absolutely worthless in the ring, and his promos are just downright goofy. This is a POOR, POOR attempt at creating a new Undertaker like character.
yeah well undertaker is done. he is an old fuck who barely wretslers anymore. WWE has been doing this for a long time. Rob conway is the new rick rude, cena is a wiggered out version of Stone cold. they do this cause they think these asswipes can take the spots of true talent. oh well this is why I lost faith in them. anyway avie good for you for taking charge about the whole spammers thing. nice that we have a friend who is a mod.
you know that old saying "nothing lasts forever"? well that is what is gonna happen to this club. originally it was the same faces posting and having fun and now it will be little 14 yr olds running wild going "you can't see me" I just take great pride in knowing that I am better then they are.
It is truly posts like that that give me time to think...
I thought about this a day or two ago too. In about 20 years. All the Legends will be dead, all the GOOD, WORKING talent will become useless Legends, unlike their past counter-parts. And who will be taking over. The useless, fan-favorites, the faces, and the lacking heels. Sure, tehy come on good new faces and heels, like Masters and Carlito. But come ON! The JUNIOR DIVISON?! It's nothing bu tmidgets, that I'm sure Hurricane and Rosey would LOVE to beat on. Let's face it. It's a bussiness falling down the tubes.
And, as a final, scary note, who's left in the administration?! In 20 years, Vince and most of his family will be dead. Shane wouldn't want to take over, and Stephanie couldn't pull teh company alone. J.R won't be able to announce, even if he DOES come back. King will most likely be the same way, and I do NOT want to hear another stupid, igroant word out of COACH.
So in closing, stock up on old ECW tapes, video games and some popcorn for TNA. Cause it's never, EVE going to be the same.
It is spelled: "Survivour Seies" dumbass. And what he means is that Undertaker is getting worn out in the public eye.
At 10/29/05 10:51 AM, The_Jewish_Duck wrote: It is spelled: "Survivour Seies" dumbass. And what he means is that Undertaker is getting worn out in the public eye.
Survivor Series. :)
Austin had a history of neck and knee problems. the neck issue is basicly what made him stop wrestling.
So teh taboo is this tuesday huh.. anyone want to give some predictions a shot?
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 10/29/05 02:44 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Austin had a history of neck and knee problems. the neck issue is basicly what made him stop wrestling.
So teh taboo is this tuesday huh.. anyone want to give some predictions a shot?
Well, I think that Cactus Jack (yes, I voted for that face) will beat the hell out of Carlito at Taboo Tuesday, but that's about it. Oh yeah, and thanks for making me a member of this club, person who made me a member if this club (sorry, forgot your name).
So, who here will actually be watching Taboo Tuesday. Because you know I will.
At 10/28/05 11:15 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Trust me, when The Boogeyman actually gets in the ring to work...I've heard this guy is absolutely worthless in the ring, and his promos are just downright goofy. This is a POOR, POOR attempt at creating a new Undertaker like character.
Avie, here is the point. The fans all have serious doubt about The Undertaker's return. In fact, he has not showed up since NM where he lost to Randy Orton. I strongly doubt that The Undertaker will return soon. During his absence, there needs to be a new version of Taker just in order to save the fans from leaving. I do not know how good the Boogeyman will be since he has not been in the ring yet. Hopefully, he will not be too bad.
At 10/29/05 01:49 AM, cornontheconn wrote: Despite JBL mainly being a receiver of boos, it seems that even the people who don't like him want him to team up with Rey. (Even Tazz thinks the dynamics would be cool) I would normally expect the fans to vote for the top 2 face stars (Hardy and Mysterio) but I'm seriously thinking they might seek a JBL-Rey combo.
Yeah. Melina. Hrmm...
So did Melina turn you on? ;) I strongly think that JNL should team up with Rey. It will be awesome to see a face-heel cooperation. In addition, JBL is one of the two men who invaded RAW and I am curious if he can break the Master Lock. More importantly, Matt Hardy has not been a top roster since the only guy he beat on SD! was Simon Dean. It will be a bad call if the fans vote Matt in just because of his babyface. :P
At 10/29/05 04:05 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:At 10/29/05 01:49 AM, cornontheconn wrote: Despite JBL mainly being a receiver of boos, it seems that even the people who don't like him want him to team up with Rey. (Even Tazz thinks the dynamics would be cool) I would normally expect the fans to vote for the top 2 face stars (Hardy and Mysterio) but I'm seriously thinking they might seek a JBL-Rey combo.-------------
Yeah. Melina. Hrmm...
So did Melina turn you on? ;) I strongly think that JNL should team up with Rey. It will be awesome to see a face-heel cooperation. In addition, JBL is one of the two men who invaded RAW and I am curious if he can break the Master Lock. More importantly, Matt Hardy has not been a top roster since the only guy he beat on SD! was Simon Dean. It will be a bad call if the fans vote Matt in just because of his babyface. :P
Of course she turns me on! Have you seen that pic of her yet? It's hawt. Too bad her hair is goofy.
Yeah, a lot of people (including the regular fans) are just as excited as you and I are about the cooperation between heel and face. That's why I was so thrilled by SD's invasion of Homecoming.
OK, Taboo Tuesday predictions. I'm probably going to double post because of forgetting to predict a certain event. Oh well.
Triple Threat- This will be the hardest for me to predict. John Cena hasn't beaten Kurt Angle yet, and the third man (whoever gets voted) has a great chance of winning, considering who the nominees are. Whoever gets voted in, I'm pretty sure it won't be Kane. Big Show has been on a tremendous roll ever since the draft, but HBK is an old guy, so I think it'll be a fairly close vote between them. If HBK gets voted in, I can't really predict who will win, but if Big Show gets in, Double Chokeslam FTW!
Tag Team Championship- Whoever ends up in this fight will be the new tag team champs. Cade and Murdoch are gonna have one hell of a fight. Not sure about how well Kane would get along with his partner, though. Especially if it were Big Show after the chair shot last Monday.
Smackdown vs. RAW- I predict that Rey and JBL will get voted in (despite JBL's unpopularity, people love the hell-face coop) and that they will eat Edge and Masters.
Triple H and Ric Flair - I think Flair would have the advantage in either Submission or Steel Cage (dirty play), so I'm going with Flair by just a tiny margin. I won't be too surprised if HHH wins, especially since this will only be his second match of his return.
Diva Battle Royal - Don't particularly care, but either Trish or Victoria, since they're the divas who matter. I voted Lingerie, and Lingerie may get the vote.
On the topic of divas, all of the RAW ladies are in teams, making the women's division seem a lot smaller than it really is. I do not like that.
Moving on:
Eugene and Legend vs. Conway- Conway is the next Randy Orton, except gayer and with a catchier theme song. I'm going with him. Jimmy Snuka will most likely get the vote, though I think Duggan would be tougher for Conway to handle.
And that's it. Let's see how spot-on I am.
Yup, I forgot the Foley Carlito match. Dammit!
I predict Mankind's face will get voted in, and that Foley will beat Carlito. I really think it should be a Hardcore match, since that's Foley's specialty, but Carlito has a thing for losing to old people, it seems.
Well for those of us who want to see real wrestling. TNA is in 1 hour. You know I am going to take this chance to be an asshole. to those spammers who got band. they are true wiggers who love john cena and I know whne the ban is done they will come back and start posting "You can't see me" so I would like to take this time to say "You can't post here" yeah that is my new catch phrase. "You can't post here" and of course we all know why. I mean thank the sweet jebus that Avie is a mod/ wreslting fan. I mean I know I could get banned for rubbing salt in the wound but come on folks you all know this is good. 2 little 13 year olds who think they are cool cause they like cena spam here with one line messages about how raw is good or how cena is the best. You know I don't have a problem with the young ones cause I am sure some of you who have posted in here with me in the past are young but at least you make sense. you put thought into a post. I feel better now.
On a side note, anyone else get that feeling that Paul Haymen will be showing up soon? I mean avie is right. he is great and he does have the plans and ideas to make some good shit happen. I do have a deep gut feeling he will make his return soon.
Taker is done. the man is an old fuck who barley fights. he leaves for 3 months, comes back for 1 month long feud and then leaves again. you know I am glad that he is gone. he lost my respect when he started doing that biker/tough guy shit. when he did that the true legend of the undertaker died. and when they brought back the old time taker it was not the same. he is still a piece of shit. taker is done, hogan sucks ass, Austin is washed up. Cena is a faggot and a wigger and anyone who likes that talentless hack should cut off their genitals cause they are not a real man. now that I have said my piece enjoy TNA and keep this place spam and wigger free
(This message was brought to you by "No spam/wigger people here inc, a Divison of C.O.C.K entertainment. man talk about hard)
damn styles has a cool finish.
Sweet, I tuned in just in time. Man i hate closing at work, they alwasy make it os i miss shows.
Is it me or does 3 live crew just use stuff we've heard before? Man road dogg.. er whatever his name is now.. is saying almost the exact same thing he said in wwe. Oh well. whatever works for him.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
The biggest news of them all is of course that TNA will be on Thrusday at 9p.m on spike. it is like I said people. this is a trial to see if they can get a fan base going. and with a world title match and Ultimate X I will be wathcing
I still think that Cena will lose the belt to Angle at Taboo Tuesday. Like DuMa said, Cena's fan base is falling apart. Even if he barely keeps the belt by any chance, he will rest in peace at the Suvivor Series anyway. By the way, for the RAW-SD! tag team match, my bet is on Edge and Masters. As a potantial No.1 contender for the WWE tittle, Edge needs to be the top roster and build up momentum. Masters is also quite impressive as a rookie. So I believe that they can pull it away there.
At 10/29/05 11:44 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: damn styles has a cool finish.
Also know has the crash landing pin by crash holly. I hope you all can see primetime Elix Skippers Sudden Death move.
Is it me or does 3 live crew just use stuff we've heard before? Man road dogg.. er whatever his name is now.. is saying almost the exact same thing he said in wwe. Oh well. whatever works for him.
Yeah and if Duma whats to complian about cena wigger than BG James is the same thing. Konnan well is for the kids. The Truth should be the three time nwa champion some time.
At 10/29/05 11:52 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: The biggest news of them all is of course that TNA will be on Thrusday at 9p.m on spike. it is like I said people. this is a trial to see if they can get a fan base going. and with a world title match and Ultimate X I will be wathcing
That should be great. Rhino will win I hope Petey wins or Chris Sabin and eithers of them beat AJ sorry hes had the x-title a million times.
Sonjay Dutt> rey mysterio.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
LordKooler's TNA Impact review
1.Abyss vs Lance Hoyt
A good match to start off Impact. Abyss won at the end after the Black hole slam. After the match, The lights went out and Sabu appeared in the ring with Barbed wire on his right arm scaring Abyss. Expect the Abyss vs Sabu barbed wire match at Genesis to be one of the bloodiest matches in the history of TNA.
2.Christopher Daniels vs Jerrelle Clark
Before the match, Jeff Jarrett talked about his rematch against Rhino for the NWA World Heavyweight Title on TNA Impact's 2 hour special on Thursday. Christopher Daniels won at the end.
3.AJ Styles & Sonjay Dutt vs Alex Shelley & Roderick Strong
A good X Division tag team match. AJ Styles and Sonjay Dutt won at the end.
4.America's Most Wanted vs Ron Killings & BG James
A good tag team match. During the match, Scott D'Amore & Kip James came out and Kip James took Scott D'Amore's hockey stick and gave it to BG James. But that didn't help and AMW won at the end. Kip James will be the guest referee at the Team Canada vs 3Live Kru match at Genesis.
5.Team 3D segment
Team 3D talked about how Jeff Jarrett and America's Most Wanted humiliated them at the Team 3D mock funeral a few weeks ago. Then Team Canada come out to attack Team 3D but are saved by 3Live Kru, Then AMW & Jeff Jarrett help Team Canada attack Team 3D and 3Live Kru but then Rhino comes out and Team 3D give the 3D to everyone. At Genesis, There will be a six man tag team match with Team 3D & Rhino against AMW & Jeff Jarrett.
A little bit of moderator business, and then I'll move on to my usual talk about wrestling, and a bit of a poll:
The mod stuff: There seems to be some bits of concern about people coming in here and spamming, that is NOT going to happen. I come to this club every day, and I will ban anyone who is in here breaking rules and making shitty posts, I'll also be cleaning the crap out when and where I can. There is no room for people who just want to come in and post garbage like "John Cena rules!" and "WWE pwns/sucks/whatever" you make these sorts of posts, you're fucking gone. You flame people, and do so repeatedly, you're fucking gone. Ryo, first, last, only warning, you're done now flameing the kids I banned, if they come back, they're going to be right back out again, you do not need to flame them while they're on ban, and possibly reading this topic. It's only going to encourage them to come back and be even worse, and be even more a pain in my ass. So as of now, you're done talking about them, as is EVERYONE else.
The wrestling bits: Liked TNA tonight, and they are loading up the primetime show with three quality matches. This is absolutely a litmus test to see if TNA can build up an audience, and sustain it. Kudos to Spike for giving them the oppurtunity, now let's hope TNA can make the most of it.
As to Outlaw's question, the call up's come down to two things: 1) new talent is needed to replace aging stars, Vince is trying to get new acts over NOW, when he still has some proven draws to play off against them, before waiting for more of those guys to drop off and they'll be forced to ride the hell out of anything that's getting over (which is really what they're doing now. 2) Ratings are low, as are buyrates, merchandise isn't selling like they'd like it to, in short, all financial indicators are down. WWE needs fresh acts and faces to get that lost audience back, so they need to try new ideas, and new talents. The problem is that they're ideas aren't new, and the guys they're calling up are too green to really add anything to the gimmicks they're given other then to just read off the page, and use what meager skills they have. We're in a down period, no doubt, but it's not the end of the business as some of you are predicting, but if Vince can't turn things around, we could possibly see the death of having one very big "traveling" national wrestling company (as I don't believe TNA travels very far outside the Impact Zone).
For the Boogeyman, I don't think there is actually ANYONE who doubts the Undertaker is coming back. You don't have to be an internet mark to know that. When Taker finally leaves, it is going to be a fucking EVENT and it damn well should be, say what you will, but the man has been a good soldier for the company, and his longevity is very impressive. The Boogeyman may actually be one of those things where Vince has actually thought far enough ahead to cover his ass, and hedge his bets. Let me explain: As you all have picked up, I think this character is a "replacement" for Taker, he won't be back until Survivor Series, so in the meanwhile, they are free to build up, and see what The Boogeyman can do, and if he can get over. If he can't (and I imagine this is the case), then Taker can simply squash him in a quick match or two, and then he's back to OVW or wherever to get better, and be repackaged. If he CAN get over (and I just don't see how, this guys promos are goofy, and I don't think his wrestling will be any better) then he can be used in a feud with Taker, and gotten over by pulling a few wins over the Dead Man. So basically, Vince has a proposition where his loss (if there is one) is pretty minimal theoretically, just another failed idea like Mordecai, and he'll still have the original Man from The Dark Side to draw him some money and nostalgia pops.
Is that it? I think that's it.
that does seem to make sense in this case. Still a little stupid, but hey..
There is no doubt in my mind that Taker will be back. Whenever he does decide to retire it will be a big thing. I think he still has a few years left. He's certianly not out of shape.
Having TNA on thursday is a smart move. This gets them more exposure, without having to worry about competing with WWE on the same night. plus for those who enjoyed having wrestling on thursday before SD moved can now have it back. How long does it run and from when to when?
The new matches for the weekend are up for Heat and Velocity. Koko B. Ware is featured on Heat taking on Conway to build up for Taboo and London takes on Kid Kash on Velocity just to name a few. I haven't watched them yet, so I'll have to let you know if they are any good or not.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks