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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-30 01:19:30

At 10/30/05 01:47 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Having TNA on thursday is a smart move. This gets them more exposure, without having to worry about competing with WWE on the same night. plus for those who enjoyed having wrestling on thursday before SD moved can now have it back. How long does it run and from when to when?

It begins at 9 EST, and runs till 11 EST. This is a one week deal, but I'm sure if it does well, Spike will perhaps find a permanent two hour slot for them. They have been going up in the ratings ever so slightly each week.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-30 08:49:09

I really hope taker is done. I mean come on folks does anyone still like him? yes in the past the late 80's early 90's he was the shit. but these days he is a joke. The wwe is going down. it is like avie said all of their buyrates and tikets are selling less and less and the main reason is because people are finally getting the message that it is bullshit topay some uber large amount to see half assed wrestling and mostly talking.
Like I said in the past TNA is in the trail run period. so far they have been doing good and with this thrusdays prime time event they will arract a big number.
I give the WWE 3 years to come up with something otherwise they will be going close to brankrupt. cause I just like the others out their are sick and tired of bullshit watered down wretsling.
Oh yes and to that guy who said "Oh BG james is liek Cena" let me break it down for you. Bg james aka road dogg and Koanna were both doing those bits long before cena was around. so cena ripped them off and is a poor version of stone cold and he is a super wigger cause he made a rap album.
Very soon TNA will be at the top unless vince wants to be an asshole and buy them out. but he may not have the money with all the shit hesi losing from putting on a shitty show. Well I for one am looking forward to ultimate X. I never seen it so it but it does look fantastic. and just on a side note if they get huge numbers on thrusday then they will change it from 60 minutes to 2 hours on saturday. cause people want it and more time means more good action.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-30 13:47:42

Know when I think things might turn around for the wwe? When vince finally retires. Think about it, granted some of the writers seem like total morons for what they come up with, but then you have real creative genious talent like Heymen and plenty others who's ideas get shot down. Vince has the final say on all gimmicks that end up on tv and are tried out in house shows. Not only that but he forces his own ideas ahead of others. So even if the writers and staff really don't like the idea, by God if vince wants it on tv, then tv is where it will show up. Once Vince has stepped down there is a chance that things may inprove, depending on whoever he leaves in charge runs things.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-30 14:03:19

I'm not sure Paul E. is EVER going to get a say in what the company does creatively, I think Paul's best bet is to keep collecting his checks, recover from the financial losses of ECW, and hope that someone like TNA can not only become a viable competitor, but would be interested in his services (I'm sure they would since they've really been trying to present the sort of style ECW had). Paul E. is a creative genius, but a poor business man, TNA would be a great fit for him because all he would have to do is be creative, with no worries about running a promotion besides.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-30 15:12:13

Mmm...if avie is right about the Boogeyman, Taker stuff, their feud can be promising. :) But once it happens, I am afraid that the Boogeyman is going to lose his underwear by the end as it is pretty unrealistic for me if SD! allows a new comer to jump on legends like Taker. As a new comer, if you get burnt (buried) early, you are done. It is getting clear that SD! is using the Boogey man as a shadow of The Undertakerwhich will probably end up with sacrafice the Boogeyman by the end. By the way, once again, I am not happy about the Top 25 rankings. But at least they put Angle in front of Cena this time, that's a good sign. It is also quite obvious that Bob Orton is actually pulling Randy back. I really hope that Randy can eventually get rid of his tiresome dad and get things going. (PS: H and Edge are also way too underrated in the poll.)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-30 19:12:51

Thank you Avie for controlling this stuff about people flaming each other over the fact that Cena's the champ. Now, I think that Taker is truly the best superstar in the WWE. Sure, he sucked when he was the American Badass, but now he's the Deadman. I sure hope he comes back. I recently bought the Undertaker DVD. It's pretty damn good. For those who didn't buy it already, do so. It's worth the money.

Now, about Taboo Tuesday. Cena will probably lose, but we still dont know who he's up against. For the Tag Team match, I wouldnt mind Show and HBK going for the titles. The diva match, cheerleader outfits all the way. Damn, too bad Christy Hemme and Melina arent on RAW. But, back to business. A cage match is likely for Flair and Triple H. For the match with Eugene and one other legend against Conway, SUPERFLY!!! Hell yeah, Snuka all the way! Carlito might face Mankind or God forbid, Cactus Jack. My vote however, goes to Dude Love. Since we know that Stone Cold is going to have a street fight with that annoying Coach, I dont have to stress that out. Coach sucks, by the way. And for SD vs RAW, it'll be JBL(actually cool for a heel now, aint he?) and Rey Meysterio. Now, since every other match has been discussed, lets talk about the WWE triple threat match. Kane has my vote and I will be pissed off if he winds up going for the Tag Titles.

SD, unfortunately, I didnt see. Thank you, LordKooler, for the review. TNA wasnt all that bad. I mean, since Rhino's the champ, Jeff Jarrett cant come out and brag about bullshit. I wouldn't mind Team 3-D winning the Tag belts, though. And A.J. Styles, he's cool and simply "phenomenal". He should remain the X-Division champ. But, to conclude things, I would like to see Cena as the champ at least until Survivor Series. Maybe Taker will come back and they'll have an interpromotional match for the championship. Boy, would I love to see that. But I doubt that it'll happen. As for my fave GM, I dont have one. Until then, StevensA has spoken.

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-30 23:42:52

I still don't like JBL, and it's very likely that most wont vote for him anyway. Still there is a good shot that he'll be in it... And whats with the sudden push of holly? It's so weird.. he's been a lower card guy for so long, yet the crowd cheers like mad for him.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-30 23:46:16

I would seriously love to know why so many people out their love Cena so much. I mean what draws you humps to him? what is so great about a super wigger who has no talent?
Number two. yes the undertaker was great back in the 80's and early 90's but these days he sucks ass. he is a cheap watered verson of what he was back then. I mean really folks why is it that you all still love the WWE so much? I mean it is not the same like in the old days that avie and me remember. mainly because they banned alot of moves and most of theguys are such pussies that they can't take a good hit so they BS and talk to much. you know Imean talk to me 10 years ago when the WWF was around and they had talent and stories that were so good you would go insane waiting 1 week for it to come back on tv.
it is like I said before TNA will be at the top of the mountain real soon. it will take time and some money but they will get their and then you will all jump on and say "oh yeah TNA is the best" while I have been saying it since they first showed up on spike. that one night was better then the past 5 years of WWE. cause it wasn't BS mic time and watered down crap. it was true wrestling.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-30 23:55:39

At 10/30/05 11:42 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I still don't like JBL, and it's very likely that most wont vote for him anyway. Still there is a good shot that he'll be in it... And whats with the sudden push of holly? It's so weird.. he's been a lower card guy for so long, yet the crowd cheers like mad for him.

That's the problem. Most WWE fans are so retarded that they vote the top face every time. Too bad, both Matt Hardy and Holly are not even the top rosters on SD! and they have so little influence. If any of them gets voted in, it will ruin the match as SD!'s tag team will be nothing but Edge and Master's cake.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-31 03:13:41

At 10/30/05 11:55 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: That's the problem. Most WWE fans are so retarded that they vote the top face every time. Too bad, both Matt Hardy and Holly are not even the top rosters on SD! and they have so little influence. If any of them gets voted in, it will ruin the match as SD!'s tag team will be nothing but Edge and Master's cake.

I actually wouldn't count Hardy out since he has a very strong internet fan base, as has been proven, and was the reason WWE brought him back in. So there's still a good chance he'll be voted in (not to mention that WWE made these polls so crappy that as long as fans of any one wrestler continously clear they're cookies, they can vote in these polls as many times as they want). But a lot of these matches don't leave much to speculate, H and Flair will be in the cage I'd say, we know Austin/Coach will be a street fight, Shawn Michaels will be the third man in the triple threat. The only things I can speculate on are the SD vs. RAW tag match, and the Carlitto/Foley match (it's appearing that perhaps the Dude's fanbase may be coming out to pull an upset on good old Cactus if you guys are any indication).

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-31 09:53:18

All I can say for teh Dude is that it will probably be the last time we may ever see that persona. Think about it, somewhere down the line we will most likely see Cactus Jack again, and having mankind show up isn't too hard to see either. But Dude Love has been gone since 1998 (I think) so as far as those go, the dude has been gone the longest.

Happy Halloween everybody!

Knowing WWE, we may see some strange stuff tonight, as well as some predicatable ones.. Now this is just a wild guess but I can fully see them making a diva costume contest or something for tonight.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-31 14:42:22

for anyone who has not heard. Chritain just quit the WWE. my guess is he was tired of being a joke so he told them to go fuck themselves and he is now maybe on his way to TNA

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-31 17:43:57

Dammit, I was gonna post that just now! And for all we know, Christian may consider just acting. I dunno, we'll see.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-31 18:01:54

he was good at one point but hey I guess he got tired of being a somewhat joke wrestler so he said fuck it and he quit

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-31 18:06:25

At 10/30/05 01:47 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:
There is no doubt in my mind that Taker will be back. Whenever he does decide to retire it will be a big thing. I think he still has a few years left. He's certianly not out of shape.

This happened to him before by Kane.

Having TNA on thursday is a smart move. This gets them more exposure, without having to worry about competing with WWE on the same night. plus for those who enjoyed having wrestling on thursday before SD moved can now have it back. How long does it run and from when to when?

Well I'm in Canada and in Canada Smackdown is on Thursday so thats not a good thing.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-31 20:46:06

So, having Cena vs. HBK is a smart move, I think. It'll either pit the crowd against Cena to get more people to appreciate him losing the belt, or if they had done this last week, pit them against HBK to even out the votes. Not the latter this week, though, since the votes are pretty much done being cast.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-31 21:14:33

christian quit? Damnit!!!!! He is an awsome wrestler.. wtf is wrong with wwe to let talent like that go to waste?! If this is all true then it will just be a matter of time before he shows up on TNA.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-31 22:07:21

sorry for the double post but:

Holy Crap! Vader and Golddust?! I don't really care about dust but man it's been so freakin long since I've seen vader. Have they been signed? Man I didn't see this coming.

lol vader fell when he jumped off the ring apron. It's been so long, but is he fatter now?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-31 22:35:50

WWE.com, in conjunction with The Academy of Wrestling Arts & Sciences, ranks the Top 25 Superstars in wrestling each week with POWER 25. The rankings are based on victories, quality of opponents, momentum and overall in-ring dominance, as well as intangibles

1. Bastista
2. Kurt Angle
3. John Cena
4. Shawn Michaels
5. Eddie Guerrero
6. Booker T
7. Rey Mysterio
8. Ric Flair
9. Chris Benoit
10. Big Show
11. Randy Orton
12. Edge
13. MNM
14. JBL
15. Kane
16. Triple H
17. Carlito
18. Chris Masters
19. Ken Kennedy
20. Rob Conway
21. Christian
22. Lashley
23. Matt Hardy
24. Juventud
25. S. Banjamin

Watch Out Next Week for the Next POWER 25

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-31 23:08:31

Uh-oh. Is HBK turning heel again? He attacked Cena after the match...

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-31 23:38:00

At 10/31/05 10:07 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: sorry for the double post but:

Holy Crap! Vader and Golddust?! I don't really care about dust but man it's been so freakin long since I've seen vader. Have they been signed? Man I didn't see this coming.

Nice too see them nonetheless

lol vader fell when he jumped off the ring apron. It's been so long, but is he fatter now?

They tried cutting I away I felt bad for him He is fucking fat along with golddust.

Man Raw totally sucked each match was taboo tuesday contestant squashing a jobber.

I heard Chirstian wanted to quit or something so they are letting his character die off.

I think the best part of the nigt was lawler wearing the burger king mask.

At 10/31/05 11:08 PM, cornontheconn wrote: Uh-oh. Is HBK turning heel again? He attacked Cena after the match...

Awesome the match sucked just armdrags and headlocks. The Yeah YOU CNAT SEE ME FU ON ANGEL sweet chin music. But damnit Cena is going to win.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-31 23:50:39

Oh, another thing for you guys to look out for. Big Show and Kane seemed to be competing for who could lay the biggest ass-whooping on the Heart Throbs. They're a deadly tag team, but neither of them forgot Kane's chair shot to Big Show. And after the little competition they had tonight, I was afraid that Kane would attack Big Show right there. Could this be the beginnings of a Big Show - Kane feud?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-01 00:49:48

The combination of Kane and Big Show is deadly. However, I believe that the cowboys are going to pull out an upset tomorrow. The cowboys have not been the champs for long enough and should not lose the belts at Taboo Tuesday. In addition, I doubt that Kane and Big Show will cooperate well after Kane hit Show with the steel chair.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-01 00:52:48

At 10/31/05 02:42 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: for anyone who has not heard. Chritain just quit the WWE. my guess is he was tired of being a joke so he told them to go fuck themselves and he is now maybe on his way to TNA

Sorry for the doubt post. But poor Christian...he promised to be the champion when he was drafted.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-01 00:55:45

Christian quit because his contract expires today, and he did not like the terms of his new deal. It's been reported for a while now Christian was unhappy with how he was being used, as he was getting pushed to the cusp of the main events, and then back down the card. With the popularity he was generating, I can't blame him, hopefully he hasn't been soured on the industry, and will come up with a new name (WWE owns Christian) and will debut for TNA soon.

Now, gather round children, as I tell you the REAL reason Steve Austin won't be at Taboo Tuesday:

The plan was for Coach to go over Austin after interference from Mark Henry. Austin hated the idea, made it very clear he didn't like it, or want to do it. But WWE remained adamant, so many felt he would not work the show, and now he isn't.

Torrie Wilson was also released today, apparently the "writing was on the wall" for some time after Billy Kidman's release. Like I always say, don't do Playboy if you want to keep your job bitches!

Christian WILL work Taboo Tuesday however if he is voted into the match, that's class right there.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-01 01:01:47

aw hell.. that means mark henry is coming back too...

it really is a shame about christian too. I don't blame teh guy, in fact, i blame wwe for being stupid. i had already voted for christian.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-01 01:19:17

Whoo, talk about too many things going wrong for WWE all at once.

Good luck to Christian in future endeavors, I like his acting better than his wrestling, although he isn't such a bad wrestler, either.

What was the plan for the Austin / JR / Coachman storyline after Taboo Tuesday, assuming that isn't the end of it?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-01 02:03:24

At 11/1/05 12:49 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: The combination of Kane and Big Show is deadly. However, I believe that the cowboys are going to pull out an upset tomorrow. The cowboys have not been the champs for long enough and should not lose the belts at Taboo Tuesday. In addition, I doubt that Kane and Big Show will cooperate well after Kane hit Show with the steel chair.

I believe the cowboys will pull one off with the sweet and sour. I wish I could watch the wwe.com exclusive but comp is retareded.

At 11/1/05 12:55 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Christian quit because his contract expires today, with a new name (WWE owns Christian) and will debut for TNA soon.

I dont like when ex-wwe stars go to TNA with the same name and gimmick sure theres exceptions but the worst was d-lo brown.

Now, gather round children, as I tell you the REAL reason Steve Austin won't be at Taboo Tuesday:

Ok dad I was wondering about the story.

so thats why.

Like I always say, don't do Playboy if you want to keep your job bitches!

I dont get this part they pushed the hell out of Christy for her playboy shoot. Oh my Playboy center fold christy hemme wow- announcers. Anyways Torrie sucked in the ring and Was past her time. Its Melinas turn.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-01 02:24:25

At 11/1/05 02:03 AM, iscRulz wrote:
I dont get this part they pushed the hell out of Christy for her playboy shoot.

Yeah, but every single girl who's done Playboy in WWE has been fired, or quit the company, have you noticed this trend? That's what I was talking about.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-01 06:26:20

Ok kids it is story time. Now I am sure you are all wondering WHAT THE FUCK is wwe doing with this whole SD vs raw thing. for those of you who don't know or didn't already know. SD will win tonight. why? Wellit is simple. SD sucks ass in the ratings, suck so much that they had to move it to a night where no good tv is on. they are making seem like SDis the better show so that more people will tune in to SD. as for the austin suff. look he has his run and it was good. the man knows when something is good or not. Mark henry? come on they could have picked someone alot better to cheap shot asutin. like hogan maybe. he was taling smack. let him make the first move.
Raw last night was ok but this whole SD and raw together for some ratings thing has to stop. although it was cool to see vader again. Well that is my two cents on last nights show. my only hope and prayer is that cena will lose tonight and if that happens I would everyone in here in CAPS to write 1 line that shows your joy and the rest in regular text. it will be a uber celebration whne wigger boy falls off the top