Thank you Avie for controlling this stuff about people flaming each other over the fact that Cena's the champ. Now, I think that Taker is truly the best superstar in the WWE. Sure, he sucked when he was the American Badass, but now he's the Deadman. I sure hope he comes back. I recently bought the Undertaker DVD. It's pretty damn good. For those who didn't buy it already, do so. It's worth the money.
Now, about Taboo Tuesday. Cena will probably lose, but we still dont know who he's up against. For the Tag Team match, I wouldnt mind Show and HBK going for the titles. The diva match, cheerleader outfits all the way. Damn, too bad Christy Hemme and Melina arent on RAW. But, back to business. A cage match is likely for Flair and Triple H. For the match with Eugene and one other legend against Conway, SUPERFLY!!! Hell yeah, Snuka all the way! Carlito might face Mankind or God forbid, Cactus Jack. My vote however, goes to Dude Love. Since we know that Stone Cold is going to have a street fight with that annoying Coach, I dont have to stress that out. Coach sucks, by the way. And for SD vs RAW, it'll be JBL(actually cool for a heel now, aint he?) and Rey Meysterio. Now, since every other match has been discussed, lets talk about the WWE triple threat match. Kane has my vote and I will be pissed off if he winds up going for the Tag Titles.
SD, unfortunately, I didnt see. Thank you, LordKooler, for the review. TNA wasnt all that bad. I mean, since Rhino's the champ, Jeff Jarrett cant come out and brag about bullshit. I wouldn't mind Team 3-D winning the Tag belts, though. And A.J. Styles, he's cool and simply "phenomenal". He should remain the X-Division champ. But, to conclude things, I would like to see Cena as the champ at least until Survivor Series. Maybe Taker will come back and they'll have an interpromotional match for the championship. Boy, would I love to see that. But I doubt that it'll happen. As for my fave GM, I dont have one. Until then, StevensA has spoken.