Alright, Rhino's the new NWA champ! About Nash, best wishes to him. Anyways, Im not dissing TNA. They kick ass. And I was born in the WWF era. Yeah, that was talent back then. Now, they just use storylines and bad talent to get ratings. But as long as the audience cheers on the stuff everyone here doesnt like, its gonna keep coming. Maybe they should stop the Bischoff/Cena fued. Its boring and STUPID! Maybe Kane should win the WWE championship. Hell, as long as its not Big Show, HBK, or Angle. As much as I respect Angle's athletic ability, I dont see him as a champ in the future. Maybe if the crowd started cheering for him instead, he would.
But I thought about for a while and came up with this theory. When a new champ is declared. They at least have their title for a week or two. If the audience doesnt give good reactions or ticket sales drop, the geniuses writing the scripts make that the guy loses their title. Sure, they actually hit each other a few times, but its scripted to where a winner is determined before a match.
Well, at least thats how I see it. I dont know about anyone else, but I would like to see Cena finally get his ass whooped by Kane. Angle, maybe later. Right now, I wanna see Big Show and HBK go against Murdock and Cade for the Tag Titles, a submission match against Flair and HHH, cheerleader outfits for the Diva Battle Royale, and JBL and Rey Meysterio against Edge and Masters.Figures, they have to use two of the most hated guys on RAW to go against SmackDown. I believe that SD will beat RAW's sorry ass. Well, for the most part, RAW sucks. Without JR, they can kiss their #1 rated show status good-bye. Well, cant wait for SD(hope it gets better) and TNA, a new damn good show with great talent.