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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-23 22:01:55

Ok, tomorrow's RAW has a couple of matches announced so far.

Cena and Angle are going to fight each other to get pepped up for Taboo Tuesday's Triple Threat match.

The three superstars eligible to be voted into that third slot are going to have their own Triple Threat to advertise themselves to the fans and hopefully get their votes. I'll be rooting for the Big Show, as always. ^_^

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-23 22:27:14

Ok, since ryo chipped his two cents in, I guess it would only be right if I did the same thing. Well, TNA last night was ok. By the way, who's watching Bound for Glory? I wanna see Nash kick Double J's ass. Also, I believe someone said that they didnt know that that one guy was Road Dogg. Well, thats how I know him still. Well, to change the subject, does anyone really know what happened to the Ultimate Warrior? Well, I heard somewhere that he's dead, and other sources say otherwise, that he's doing something else.
Well, about the Taboo Tuesday event. Yes, its Smackdown vs. RAW! Yet, it isnt working right now. But it could at Survivor Series. Honestly, I think this could boost SD's ratings. But about the Triple Threat match. If Kane gets voted in, he should win. I wouldn't mind having him as champ. Now, everything else, I'll talk about later. This is StevensA, and thats my "two cents" of opinion.

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-23 22:55:04

I really hope that Kane can get in. Otherwise, the 18-men Royal Battle will be senseless. If Kane wins the belt from Cena, it will probably set up another Kane-Edge feud which will eventually make Edge the champ.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-23 23:02:52

At 10/23/05 10:07 AM, The_Jewish_Duck wrote: I want to see Batista and R.O in a Barbed Wire Steel Cage match in No Way Out, when it comes around. No interference by his father then. He keeps fucking the matches up.

Agreed, if Randy Orton wants to be the champion, he needs to get rid of his dad who will only fuck things up. More importantly, I prefer to see RO beating Batista by his own efforts.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-23 23:36:29

At 10/23/05 10:55 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: I really hope that Kane can get in. Otherwise, the 18-men Royal Battle will be senseless. If Kane wins the belt from Cena, it will probably set up another Kane-Edge feud which will eventually make Edge the champ.

That's a good prediction, but I think they're trying to work Big Show into the spotlight. So far he has a perfect one-on-one winning streak on RAW (would've been a perfect all-match streak if Hardy hadn't gotten pinned by Edge) and he's been getting a tad more media attention than the other 2 have lately. Also, although it may not be important, the banner on the site for the Triple Threat shows Big Show in the middle in front of the other 2 candidates. They could be trying to influence the crowd into voting for Big Show.

Ok, a little thing I thought up: CHOOSE YOUR CHAMPIONS!

Say who you'd like for the champions to be for each title on RAW and SD. Here are mine:

WWE Champ - Big Show
Intercontinental Champ - Ric Flair is fine.
Women's - Trish is good.
World Tag Team Champs - I'd like to see Val Venis and Viscera get these. Hah.

World Heavyweight - I like Batista. He should keep it.
U.S. Champ - Rey Mysterio.
Cruiserweight - The Juice is a cool guy, but I find Super Crazy to be more lovable.
WWE Tag Team Champs - Batista and Eddie. I would say the British guys Regal & Burchill, but they need to do better matches before I'd like them to hold the belts.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-24 00:20:52

You do not need to subscribe to anything, cornontheconn, the heat and velocity clips on wwe.com are free.

my prefered champs huh? lets see now.... It's hard for me to pick just one person, so i'll list more than one for a few of them.

WWE Champ: Edge, Carlito, Angel, RVD. RVD will hopefully be back in time for WM, or sometime after.
IC Champ: Tajiri
Tag Team: Geeze, such a lack to choose from here. um... as I look at the listed stars I see a total of 3 tag teams. 4 if you want to include Carlito and masters. The current champs, the hurricane and rosey and val and vis. Thing is I thik they have broken up, or will break up rosey and hurricane, as he (The Hurricane) unmasked and slugged rosey after he got his ass kicked by kurt. I don't know.. i guess the current champs get teh nod for this one. wow a simple question turned into an almost rant.
Womens Champ; Victoria. the Widow's peak is still a kickass move.

World Heavyweight Title: Batista, Randy Orton, Eddie, Benoit, Christian
U.S. Title: Christian, Stevie Richards, Rey, Psicosis
Tag Team Titles: Super Crazy/ Psicosis, Regal/Burchill
Cruiserweight title: Juventud is fine.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-24 01:26:38

I almost said Rey for Cruiserweight, but he's more deserving of a title more prestigious than the Cruiserweight title. He's already the all-time greatest Cruiserweight champion anyhow, if I'm not mistaken. He does have the record for the most Cruiserweight Championship reigns, doesn't he?

Yes, Hurricane and Rosey are split up. Hurricane's recent career is practically a tragedy. He and Rosey got beaten by Heart Throbs twice, by Cade and Murdoch twice, lost their belts, Hurricane lost to Murdoch in one-on-one action and get his head messed up real bad, and saw his partner get kicked to shit by Tyson Tomko. Then along comes Angle...

If he turns heel, he'll be a heel I can sympathize with.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-24 09:42:56

true. Thing is I like helms, he's one of those underrated wrestlers that people tend to overlook.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-24 14:00:52

At 10/23/05 08:11 PM, l_croft wrote: I dunno about you guys, but i really miss the big time wrestlers like Bill Goldberg and Brock Lesnar. Lesnar was a BAD ASS and a good one too.

Lesnar was great, because he was a pre Cena and Batista rolled into one. He fit well with the fans, and had muscles hanging off him like fencve posts. ;)

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-24 14:24:13

Sweat baby sweat, so put your hands down my pants lala

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-24 14:46:05

The champions I want them to be
WWE: Edge/Angle
IC: Masters (this kid should have a tittle, Ric Flair is getting too old.)
Women's: Victoria (Trish has been the champ for too long)
Tag team: the cowboys are ok
Word Heavyweight: Randy Orton (As my favourite wrestler, I want to see him pull up a clean victory against Batista.)
US: Rey (619 rocks)
Tag team: MNM
Crui.Weigt: Super Crazy (I like crazy stuffs)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-24 14:55:31

At 10/24/05 02:46 PM, I wrote:

The champions I want:
WWE: Angle
IC: Masters
Women's: Mickey james or whatever here name is, she needs one, she's more agressive then Trish when she needs to be. Question is, ho can she bear to beat her idol?
Word Heavyweight: Batista is ok with me.
US: Rey
Tag Team: Batista and Eddie.
Crui.Weigt: Pscious or however you spell his name. He's cool.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-24 22:52:32

oh god.. did anyone else hate that mcmahon/jr skit too?

seemes there is no more hurricane. I sure hope they do something with helms after his eventual fued with rosey is through.. in fact, i hope rosey goes on to other things too.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-24 23:14:53

OK, I voted for all the stipulations.

An unannounced match has been scheduled, though. Eugene and one legend of choice will go against Rob Conway. The three votable legends are Jimmy Snuka, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, and Kamala. I voted Duggan, he's in better shape than the other two.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-25 00:03:38

At 10/23/05 12:46 AM, LordKooler wrote: TNA never had a ppv named road wild. That was a WCW ppv. You must be talking about TNA's first monthly ppv in November 2004 Victory road, TNA's november ppv this year will be called Genesis. And TNA will have Turning Point this december.

Yeah the robot replied to me. I was watching turning point on dvd and the mostly monty brown saying genesis. but i knew road wild was wcw freud slip yeah.

At 10/23/05 08:11 PM, l_croft wrote:

:, but are all nice and great people when you see them out on the street. That's just my 2 cents.

Not Randy hes an ass thats why hes on SD.

At 10/23/05 11:36 PM, cornontheconn wrote: RAW

WWE Champ - Angle,Edge (not H or wiggerfuck cena)
Intercontinental Champ - Shelton, Kerwin, Carlito but Flair is fine
Women's - Victoria or Trish the only women left on raw that can wrestle haha.
World Tag Team Champs - hmm what teams are? I say cowboys


World Heavyweight - Randy, Eddie,Beniot, Christian
U.S. Champ - Benoit, Christian, Booker winning fairly
Cruiserweight - Any mexicools or london
WWE Tag Team Champs - LOD with heidenhawk, MNM, shane twins but in the future.

At 10/24/05 10:52 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: oh god.. did anyone else hate that mcmahon/jr skit too?


seemes there is no more hurricane. I sure hope they do something with helms after his eventual fued with rosey is through.. in fact, i hope rosey goes on to other things too.

The no emotion Helms looks better than jobber hurricane.

At 10/24/05 11:14 PM, cornontheconn wrote: OK, I voted for all the stipulations.

I voted Duggan, he's in better shape than the other two.

Me too.

Now the for raw
Well surpisly shawn michaels won but when he was gorilla pressed outside the ring and kane missed him. but the fans will vote fore him.
Stephines boobs were sagging pretty bad.
Yeah Jibbles shows up on raw. Huh so hes a face now ok that will lame.
The JR suregy mockery was distasteful and stung out. It could of be pulled one thing out then the head lol ha-ha hes got his head up his ass then turn into a porno
Angle and Cena match heres the plan Cena lose this match taboo tuesday he wins it

My voting--prediction of voters
Streetfight--streetfight (yeah a verbal debate will win)
Catcus jack--mankind
Christian--Rey and either matt or jbl
leatherlace--dont know lingerine

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-25 00:20:52

HBK is very likely to be the third man. most WWE fans are so retared that they just vote for the top face. With a win, HBK got more credits and there is no doubt that he will win the poll. But Angle is still very likely to win at Taboo Tuesday. He is undefeated against Cena after he came to RAW. More importantly, Cena has been the champ too long and he needs to lose for good.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-25 01:09:33

well with them saying on raw that kurt is undefeated against cena it really points to cena pinning kurt at taboo. The third guy in is just there to add to the suspense. i don't think cena will lose the title just yet, though i wish/hope he does.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-25 02:07:43


For those who weren't aware, Kevin Nash was not able to compete last night as he was hospitalized with chest pains, and his future in wrestling is in doubt. As a side note, I wish Nash all the best, I've been critical of his continuing to work though he's well past his prime, and I think his body is trying to tell him to get out, but I certainly don't wish the man any harm, or that his career should end due to health related problems. I hope it's nothing serious, and Big Kev mends very soon...then hopefully decides it's time to call it quits in the ring.

Anyway, the situation was settled with a 10 man gauntlet match which Rhyno won (after winning his prior Monster's Ball matchup) and defeated Jeff Jarrett to win the title. Paul E.'s prophecy of a few years ago that "In three years time, he'll be the biggest star in the business" may finally be coming true. Congratulations to the big man, and it's funny when you think about it, the last ECW Champion (a title born of defying and humiliating the NWA and it's title) is now the current NWA Champion. Wrestling truly is a screwy business, congrats to Rhino on his win, hopefully it'll be a nice long reign.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-25 06:29:56

He was always one of the better wrestlers there. Congrats to Teddy Long for bringing back those long dead companies, I'd forgotten how fun they were...

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-25 08:07:39

congratz to rhino for becoming the champ. best wishes to nash. I knew he was a old man and he needs to give it up. he is turning into another hogan. now as for raw last night. it was so boring that I fell asleep. see this is why TNA is good. hey avie you know any more TNA resluts from ound for glory?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-25 11:29:42

rhino is the new champ? awsome!

I thought Nash was going to do more acting anyway.. so maybe his time in the ring as a wrestler is over. If he wanted to be just an on screen character I don't think that would be out of the question.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-25 16:54:02

At 10/25/05 12:20 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: HBK is very likely to be the third man. most WWE fans are so retared that they just vote for the top face. With a win, HBK got more credits and there is no doubt that he will win the poll. But Angle is still very likely to win at Taboo Tuesday. He is undefeated against Cena after he came to RAW. More importantly, Cena has been the champ too long and he needs to lose for good.

I argee but sadly I believe cena will retain the title.

At 10/25/05 08:07 AM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: congratz to rhino for becoming the champ. best wishes to nash. I knew he was a old man and he needs to give it up. he is turning into another hogan.

Yes I was surpised rhino won after winning two matches. I hope for a long title reign then give it to monty brown. Nash needs to quit wrestling and pursue some other career most likely acting.

now as for raw last night. it was so boring that I fell asleep. see this is why TNA is good. hey avie you know any more TNA resluts from ound for glory?

The people I watch wrestling raw with say they dont like Tna, made me think maybe its not as good as we make it. We or others are under the influence of hey its new, innovate and alternative to wwe. But thats not me I have been watching tna since summer 04 missed fall then part of 05 until fsn cancelled it and now sinces its been on spike. Petey Williams won the utlimate X yeah. but the red X wouldn't stay on top of the ropes.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-25 17:34:36

well i voted on wwe.com.. knowing my luck none of what i wanted will happen.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-25 19:22:32

Well, here's my predictions...

Flair, last night on Monday Night RAW, practially begged the fans for a Steel Cage, and you know Flair's fans... Crazy zealots...

Eugene with Kamala, because he hasn't had a match in a while.

Coach and Austin in a verbal debate, since that is the only think Coach could possibly win. I don't know how it could happen, but trust me, it will. After Austin's firing, however, a third party may be injected (Can you SMELLLLL the prediction maybe*just barely a chance*) to save both their jobs.

HBK in the Triple Theart obviously, c'mon, he's a face...

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-25 19:40:06

Nobody's going to vote for the Verbal Debate. The crowd at Fresno already established that quite thoroughly, at Coach's expense.

I do feel, however, that WWE is going out of its way to influence the crowd into voting for whatever the company wants them to. In Stone Cold v Coach, they're giving three options, two of which are complete bullshit, so obviously the third will receive the most votes. With Ric Flair coming out and begging the crowd to vote Steel Cage, well, that's a more straightforward influence. I voted Submission, anyhow.

I'm not sure about the Triple Threat, though. HBK does seem like an obvious choice from the majority's view, but Kane just recently came back (with somewhat of a muffled bang), and they seemed to be pushing Big Show so hard before he lost the Triple Threat. You all know me, though, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for The Big Show.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-25 21:02:50

At 10/23/05 11:36 PM, cornontheconn wrote: Ok, a little thing I thought up: CHOOSE YOUR CHAMPIONS!

I'll list my champions.

WWE Champion: Kurt Angle, Edge, or Carlito.
Intercontinental Champion: Chris Masters.
World Tag Team Champions: I think that Cade & Murdoch will hold them a little longer.
Women's Champion: Victoria, Torrie Wilson, or Ashley.

World Heavyweight Champion: Randy Orton, Eddie Guerrero, or Chris Benoit.
US Champion: Rey Mysterio, Matt Hardy, or Christian.
WWE Tag Team Champions: Super Crazy & Psicosis
Cruiserweight Champion: I think that Juventud will hold the title a little longer.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-25 21:30:29

If you really look at it all three possible entries in the triple threat are faces.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-25 22:45:43

I feel bad for all you young kids out there who are stuck with the WWE. you weren't around in the hay day when the WWF was around and they had talent. now you are all feed bullshit wrestling. anyone who puts down TNA and says WWE is better is a retard and a brainwashed moron. you have been brainwashed by shitty storylines and wigger power!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-26 03:30:07

At 10/23/05 06:24 PM, cornontheconn wrote:
At 10/23/05 04:42 PM, The_Jewish_Duck wrote: Too true, too true. Who'd they rank highest?

It's a new weekly feature on the main site. Batista is #1 right now. Orton is 7 so I guess that's not all that low. Not sure if he'd be any higher up without daddy, either. He hasn't done anything exciting too recently.

Looks like Batista is number one and after that you will notice the rest of the top 5 are raw superstars.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-26 06:07:41

At 10/25/05 09:30 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: If you really look at it all three possible entries in the triple threat are faces.

Well I guess... Big Show has had some reccent, very kick ass crowd support, Michaels ALWAYS has. But what about Kane? Seems there's a bit of a mixed feeling for him. Some hate him, some are scared of him... But, Michaels really is the domminant face.

Austin should be Coach, and if Coach DOES beat Austin, I'd bet my house on it that he gets help on the inside. "And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so!".