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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-13 20:04:13

So now we all know why JR got "fired" it seems that JR has ass problems and needs surgery. see this is why I hate the WWE, why not just say "JR is taking a leave of absence since he needs personal time for medical reasons" why do this stupid He got fired cause of stone cold shit? we all know that after he is all better, within a month or 2 he will be back saying "what a slobberknocker"
i don't think I am giving the bWo too much credit avie. I really think they could have been great. it is not like we have anything of intrest of fun in the WWE, unless you call wigger boy intresting. I really think they could have done so much in the WWE. trios like that bring a little more to the table then 1 guy, and the comedy aspect just makes it a better show.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-13 20:18:34

At 10/13/05 08:04 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: So now we all know why JR got "fired" it seems that JR has ass problems and needs surgery. see this is why I hate the WWE, why not just say "JR is taking a leave of absence since he needs personal time for medical reasons" why do this stupid He got fired cause of stone cold shit? we all know that after he is all better, within a month or 2 he will be back saying "what a slobberknocker"

PWInsider has checked and sources in the company have definitively said the two are unrelated. JR was going to be removed even if he didn't need the colon surgery, this is just going to remove him from whatever new duties they were going to give him.

i don't think I am giving the bWo too much credit avie. I really think they could have been great. it is not like we have anything of intrest of fun in the WWE, unless you call wigger boy intresting. I really think they could have done so much in the WWE. trios like that bring a little more to the table then 1 guy, and the comedy aspect just makes it a better show.

I agree they would have been great in their role, and if not plastered all over TV like they do with a lot of their gimmicks that draw interest. I have the utmost respect for those three men, but what I was commenting on was that you compared them to a very successful group Ryo, and I think the comparison isn't justified, that's saying a lot of the bWo, which is fun, talented guys working in it, but end of the day? A parody gimmick with comedic overtones. They couldn't be what DX was to the company, or as top to bottom successful as DX, but I agree they certainly could have added some fun to a show almost devoid of anything fun and interesting like SD! is right now.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-13 20:42:34

Egh well it is not like it matters now folks. The bWo is gone. I guess wwe just tossed them to the way side so they can sit in a circle jerk till their contracts run out so they can go to TNA.
as for JR, you know that is bullshit. I mean come on, he is the voice of wrestling. when you think wrestling, you think JR. cause he knows all their is to know. So now it will be coach and the king. I mean this is just going to be another cole and TAZZ, two people who have no bond that makes a good broadcast team and seriosuly, they could have let JR go in a much better way. I mean that was wrong. They could have let him walked to the ring and say his goodbyes and walk out like a man. instead they shit all over him and give him a swift kick in the ass. See this is just another example of the WWE ruining shit. Sure JR was old, but you don't need to be young and good looking to call a wrestling match.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-14 00:30:55

I don't think his looks have much to do with it as any wwe faithful has gotten used to and doesn't mind or notice that sort of thing. what we care about is his broadcasting abilities which are just as good now as they ever have been.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-14 11:12:21

I hope we get a decent SD tonight. It still feels weird to have it on a friday.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-14 14:18:13

At 10/14/05 11:12 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I hope we get a decent SD tonight. It still feels weird to have it on a friday.

SD will suck. I mean dude it is even worse then RAW. and Raw sucks ass anyway so what do you think? be happy that TNA is tomorrow

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-14 16:12:57

At 10/14/05 11:12 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I hope we get a decent SD tonight. It still feels weird to have it on a friday.

SD! tonight will suck ass. We all know that OJ will tap out against Benoit which will make him a pathetic loser. The Undertaker disappeared in the casket which hinted that the Orton, Taker feud had NOT been over. (OMG, why can't they just stop the feud? We need Randy Orton to wrestle Batista.) In addition, the Batista, Eddie Guererro feud has to continue since Eddie is still with his mask. We all know that Batista will not lose his belt until Orton becomes the challenger. I really hate it when I can predict the results before watching SD!. >:(

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-14 20:18:32

Hey, I'm sorry if this is really old news, and may have already been mentioned, but I felt that for the people who would be interested regardless, today I just learned that the movie industry plans to make a movie about Owen Hart's life and tragic death. And this is not an A&E special, this will be an actual movie.

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-14 22:07:33

I think I would see that, if it was done well and tastefully.

I ended up missing sd... damn.. well at least tna is tomarrow.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-14 22:17:08

At 10/14/05 10:07 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I think I would see that, if it was done well and tastefully.

It's a possibility that they could make this into a really good movie without dropping the ball, but on to other news, while I was checking out the movie details about the Owen Hart story, I came across this. It has a lot of good detail on most of wrestlers from the past, as well as the people that you don't see anymore.

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-14 22:32:33

At 10/13/05 07:08 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Here's a link to a forum for giving WWE feedback on their shows, they say they listen, so it's worth a shot for everyone who would like to send them something and be able to say "at least I tried to improve the product": http://help-forms.wwe.com/contact_show.php

I sent them a nice comment.

At 10/14/05 10:17 PM, Mast3rMind wrote: this. It has a lot of good detail on most of wrestlers from the past, as well as the people that you don't see anymore.

1 out 6 Von Erich sons is alive wow thats sad. I think one of them was the texas tornado.

Sd was great the 8 man tag was cool and mexicools turned face I guess those new people suck ripping off the AMW death sentence who probaly ripped of another tag team hardy boyz leg drop I think. Randy and eddie match an other good one. Bogeyman promo was great very sucessful but teddy ruined it. oh and the fatal 4 yet agian a good match up.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-14 23:04:28

LordKooler's Friday Night Smackdown review
1.Randy orton segment
Randy & his father Bob orton Jr come out and talk about their match against Undertaker at No Mercy and then randy says that he watns a shot at the World heavyweight title.Then Eddie guerrero comes out and challenges Orton to a match. Then World heavyweight champion Batista comes out and says something to both Orton & Guerrero.
2.Chris benoit vs Orlando jordan
Orlando jordan said that if he lost this match, He would leave WWE. Chris benoit won the match after the Sharpshooter. Now that Orlando's on hiatus, Will he go to RAW? Or will he return to Smackdown with a new gimmick?
3.LOD & The Mexicools vs MNM & William Regal & Paul Burchill
The Mexicools debuted as heels, But now they've turned Face. And their leader Juventud won the Cruiserweight championship at No Mercy. But Juvented is in the match. Super Crazy & Psicosis got involved. LOD & The Mexicools won at the end. But then The Shane twins make their Smackdown debut by attacking all the tag teams in the ring. The Shane twins are a sucsessful tag team from the indy curcuit. They even wrestled in TNA in 2002 as the Wrestlecrap induction the Johnsons.
4.Peep Show
On this week's edition of the Peep show, Stacy keibler talks about an arcticle in Star magazine about Jennifer aniston stealing Stacy's boyfriend. Then jillian hall comes out and stacy slaps her.
5.Christian vs JBL vs Booker T vs Rey mysterio
Booker T won at the end to get a shot at Chris benoit's US title.
6.Ken Kennedy segment
Ken Kennedy talks about why no wrestler wrestled him on today's Smackdown. He said they were scared.
7.Bobby Lashley vs Nunzio
Lashley crushed Nunzio.
8.Eddie guerrero vs Randy orton
I don't remember who won.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-14 23:17:26

after the way they buried orlando, it's no wonder they are putting him on hiatis. maybe this is like a wwe trade of sorts. Since Matt is going to be on next weeks Sd, maybe orlando will show up on raw.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-14 23:23:23

At 10/14/05 11:04 PM, LordKooler wrote: Orlando jordan said that if he lost this match, He would leave WWE. Chris benoit won the match after the Sharpshooter. Now that Orlando's on hiatus, Will he go to RAW? Or will he return to Smackdown with a new gimmick?

You know, a lot of things that the WWE are doing are things that somewhat mimic the past, like that match of Orlando Jordan was to lose to the match he would quit, much like when Marc Mero said to Gillberg back on the really old Saturday Night Shotgun, he said that if he couldn't beat him he would quit, as for the burning of the casket, I believe it was a match at a Royale Rumble where that originated, the first time it was Kane and Bearer supposedly burning him alive, now it's Orton and Orton, I find it funny on how some the past events are making there way up to the surface again...

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-14 23:51:07

It is really ugly for me to see the WWE guys make Eddie Guererro a fake face and give him tittle shots all the time. Why cannot they start the Randy, Batista series? >:( Grrrr!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-15 00:12:26

Orlando said he'd quit if he tapped out to the Crippler Crossface

Michael Cole said that during the matc i think twice

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-15 01:08:10

After what happened in tonight's Fatal Fourway, it looks as though Rey is going to get involved with the US Championship after all. The start of a Rey-Booker feud, perhaps?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-15 01:47:33

At 10/14/05 12:30 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I don't think his looks have much to do with it as any wwe faithful has gotten used to and doesn't mind or notice that sort of thing. what we care about is his broadcasting abilities which are just as good now as they ever have been.

But WWE dosen't value that, they are removing him specifically because they wan't young fresh faces.

As to what Mast3r was saying, frankly, it's just that uncreative can't think of anything better to do then recycle the recent past and hope that it gets them ratings. Which it won't since the fans want something new (or at least something old presented in a new way) and copying the past exactly as it happened, but with new players is simply not going to cut it.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-15 11:17:06

which is one of the big reasons WCW went donwhill.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-15 15:26:39

Duel to the fact that RAW and SD! have been very crappy lately, I am going to stop watching wresting until they give Randy Orton/Angle(Edge) tittle shots.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-15 15:35:45

At 10/15/05 03:26 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Duel to the fact that RAW and SD! have been very crappy lately, I am going to stop watching wresting until they give Randy Orton/Angle(Edge) tittle shots.

See you around Wrestlemania then, try TNA in the meantime though, it's on tonight at 11 P.M. EDT, on Spike TV...or were you one of the folks who can't get Spike? I never remembered everybody who has that problem.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-15 15:38:00

At 10/15/05 03:26 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Duel to the fact that RAW and SD! have been very crappy lately, I am going to stop watching wresting until they give Randy Orton/Angle(Edge) tittle shots.

It's going to be a long time before any of that happens, unless they plan to shift their "creative" gears a little.

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-15 16:36:01

Did anyone notice that on SD they are going to have midget wrestling? See this proves that the WWE is retarded. they would pass up godo wrestling to have short people go at it. They call it the "Junior" division. I mean this is not only a insult but a stupid idea. I swaer if anyone says this is a good idea, you should be shot. Thank the jebus we have TNA.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-15 17:02:10

At 10/15/05 04:36 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: Did anyone notice that on SD they are going to have midget wrestling? See this proves that the WWE is retarded. they would pass up godo wrestling to have short people go at it. They call it the "Junior" division. I mean this is not only a insult but a stupid idea. I swaer if anyone says this is a good idea, you should be shot. Thank the jebus we have TNA.

I can't watch TNA sadly, no cable, but anyways back to what you were saying, back about 10 years ago, before every Pay Per View they would have something called the Free For All event, and almost at all of them they would have mini-versions of popular wrestlers wrestling each other. Midget wrestling was very popular back then the WWF, but only at those times, and none other. I really can't say that it's a bad or a good idea, on the fact that it will bring in more some newer viewers as a possibility.

I mean, just awhile ago I overheard some kids talking about wrestling that were somewhere along the ages of 10 or 12 or so, and they were talking about how great it was, how great Cena and Batista is. Which brings me to this result on everything thus far, everything that we've grown accustomed too in the past, eventually changes into something that we'll eventually detest, but for the people coming into the things that we've grown to somewhat dislike, others will find it to be very interesting. That's just my final judgment on it.

But yeah, as far as I can see for the moment, the recycling of old material used is kind've bring forth a downfall that I couldn'tve imagined. Who knows though? Creativity could find it's place again in the WWE...

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-15 17:34:32

the reason why 10-12 year olds think Cena is cool is cause he appels to that wigger inside all of them. Imean people here in this club know that cena is a hack and when is fan base drops he will fall from the top of the mountain. so sad that the youth is into that phony asswipe

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-15 21:18:10

At 10/15/05 04:36 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: Did anyone notice that on SD they are going to have midget wrestling? See this proves that the WWE is retarded. they would pass up godo wrestling to have short people go at it. They call it the "Junior" division. I mean this is not only a insult but a stupid idea. I swaer if anyone says this is a good idea, you should be shot. Thank the jebus we have TNA.

I know some people would laugh at the midgets wrestling I would but it would so corny none of the moves like bombs drivers suplexs and buster would hurt because there isnt any height to get gravity.
Yes tna is on damnit they better have Samoa Joe and sharkboy.

Hey aviews I meant to post this before but I remembered Matt Bentleys previous name w/o looking at websites. Micheal Shane since wwe had Shane trademarked from the Shane twins.

I guess Kooler is our TNA Impact review robot now I dont see me doing my reviews like I did in the passed if two people are going to post on the samething.

At 10/15/05 07:41 PM, FlamingDeath911 wrote:
At 4/14/03 01:23 PM, -Frank- wrote: this is the wrestling club! Talk about anything that has to do with wrestling (preferably the wwe).

I residentevilfan shall be member #1

rofl@replying to first post

Can i join plz I have been watching wrestling sience 2000 right about near when The Rock and Hogan were fighting. And I know little bit of stuff from the 80's and 90's so sience 2000 I have been watching sience then. :)

Yes you can join a gut named outlaw will mark you down in the list and give you a number (You dont have to do anything with it)

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-15 22:34:58

At 10/15/05 03:38 PM, Mast3rMind wrote:
At 10/15/05 03:26 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Duel to the fact that RAW and SD! have been very crappy lately, I am going to stop watching wresting until they give Randy Orton/Angle(Edge) tittle shots.
It's going to be a long time before any of that happens, unless they plan to shift their "creative" gears a little.

Why do you think that they will not give Randy his shot until WM22? By the way, I seriously doubt that Batista can keep the belt for 1 year. In addition, we all know that the Batista, Eddie feud will not go anywhere. Eddie is just not the type of guy to finish off Batista.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-15 22:41:53

Just a thought I had. I really don't see why that LordKooler dude keeps posting reviews. I mean I doubt anyone cares and truth be told if we miss anything we can always go to WWE.com or TNAWrestling.com
I know he throws his views but what the hell do I care. well TNA is in 20 minutes which means it is almost time for good wrestling

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-16 00:43:48

LordKooler's TNA Impact review
1."The Alpha Male" Monty Brown vs Mikey Batts & Jerrelle Clark
Brown crushed both Batts & Clark and after the match, Brown said that nobody will stand in his way in his quest to become NWA World heavyweight champion. But then Lance Hoyt comes out and challenges Monty brown to a match at Bound for Glory.
2.David Young vs Matt Bentley
Matt Bentley won this match but then Petey williams comes out and gives Bentley the Canadian destroyer and attemps to use it on Bentley's manager Traci. But then Chris Sabin comes out and prevents Williams from using the Canadian destroyer on Traci.
3.Team 3D mock funeral
Jeff Jarrett & America's most wanted hold a mock funeral for Team 3D. If Brother Ray and Devon saw this, They would get angry and I think they will get involved in AMW's Tag team championship match against The Naturals next week. And I still think that there will be a Team 3D vs America's most wanted match at Bound for Glory.
4.Sabu vs Rhino
Two former ECW wrestlers that will get involved in the second Monster's ball match at Bound for Glory along with Abyss & Jeff Hardy duke it out in this match. Rhino won after giving Sabu the Gore! after Sabu was distracted by Abyss. Then all wrestlers involved in the Monster's ball match fight each other until security seperates them.
5.Christopher Daniels' Iron man challenge
Christopher daniels' first opponent is Shark Boy, Who he defeats easily. Then his second opponent is Sonjay Dutt, Who spent several weeks in his home country India along with Shark Boy & Siamond Diamond to promote the debut of TNA Impact on ESPN Star sports India. Christopher Daniels' fight with Sonjay Dutt was the longest and best match in the Iron man challenge. Christopher Daniels' third and final opponent is AJ Styles, The man Christopher Daniels will wrestle for the X Division title at Bound for glory in an Iron man match. Time runs out during Daniels' fight with Styles and Daniels fails to win the Iron man challenge.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-10-16 01:06:28

Yes! Shark Boy was in action! I thought he'd be smaller. Too bad he wasn't in action for very long. But he was pretty funny for the time he was in.

I liked seeing the Mock Funeral thing for the insight into the characters, but I thought it went a little too long for how silly the whole thing was.