Whatever happened to wwe's plans of giving teh us title to rey? Guess they decided against it.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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Whatever happened to wwe's plans of giving teh us title to rey? Guess they decided against it.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Well. Speaking of the WWE. I live in Minnesota. and I'm going to the WWE Supershow! That is, WWE RAW live, and WWE Smackdown live will be televised in the target center on the same night by the UPN and USA network. The intermission between changing the stage set up will take long of course, they gotta change the ropes for color, and change the whole stage cause smackdown is so different, and raw has the new look to it, with the mirrors, instead of the square designed lighting bolts. It's gonna be so great! Plus, with the person I'm going with, we're gonna be in one of the first 10 rows! They always get good tickets, so maybe I'll try and make a sign, of course, they never let you portray other companies, or anything not related to family or wrestling itself, so I won't be able to make a sign that says newgrounds on it. Oh well. But. than again. I probably won't make a sign at all like always. Oh well, just remember that November 13th, Minneapolis, Minnesota, WWE comes here live at the target center, and I am going, cause I live in Minnesota!!!
At 10/7/05 12:28 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Whatever happened to wwe's plans of giving teh us title to rey? Guess they decided against it.
I don't remember hearing that. I do see Rey as possibly picking that title up though at some point, but right now he's going to be working on keeping Randy Orton busy once this Taker feud pisses out. It might not be a bad idea to stick a title into play, but I actually think an eventual Chris Benoit heel turn and some kind of "20 second challenge" may prove to be more beneficial in that it will help keep a very good performer active on the shows...of course, I don't want it to be dragged out ridicolously long like the "Kurt Angle Invitational" or the "White Boy Challenge" or some of the other decent ideas they've turned into annoying crap by letting it run too long.
At 10/7/05 12:29 AM, ViciousDave wrote: Well. Speaking of the WWE. I live in Minnesota. and I'm going to the WWE Supershow! That is, WWE RAW live, and WWE Smackdown live will be televised in the target center on the same night by the UPN and USA network. The intermission between changing the stage set up will take long of course, they gotta change the ropes for color, and change the whole stage cause smackdown is so different, and raw has the new look to it, with the mirrors, instead of the square designed lighting bolts. It's gonna be so great! Plus, with the person I'm going with, we're gonna be in one of the first 10 rows! They always get good tickets, so maybe I'll try and make a sign, of course, they never let you portray other companies, or anything not related to family or wrestling itself, so I won't be able to make a sign that says newgrounds on it. Oh well. But. than again. I probably won't make a sign at all like always. Oh well, just remember that November 13th, Minneapolis, Minnesota, WWE comes here live at the target center, and I am going, cause I live in Minnesota!!!
What if you made a Newgrounds WWE Club sign? It's WWE related, so it could count...
And if Rey Mysterio gets involved with Randy Orton, would they be a tag team, or rivals? Without titles on the line, getting a decent feud going would be tough.
And in light of HHH betraying Ric Flair, why do I get the terrible feeling that a member of the Dream Team is gonna get screwed?
I've seen signs that advertised websites before. Give us a shout-out if you can!
I don't know about the Benoit 20 seconds thing. It's funny at times but I wouldn't want it to be a segment, or worse yet, have the us title get those rules, like when they made the hardcore title 24/7. Plus, you just can't have great matches in 20 seconds or less.
Since WWE has a title history for all their belts, I wonder if they will ever make ones for ECW and WCW.. I'd like to see who has held the various belts.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 10/7/05 02:13 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Since WWE has a title history for all their belts, I wonder if they will ever make ones for ECW and WCW.. I'd like to see who has held the various belts.
I have title histories here for all the ECW belts that I printed off the internet, I think that's the best you'll see from WWE on the various titles, it's possible they may make some DVD's with a bent similar to "The Best of the Intercontinental Title" but I only see that really being from the ECW end of things. WWE bought WCW simply so that they wouldn't be around to compete with them anymore, ECW they have no problem making money from since ECW never tried to compete with them, and they got a lot of benefit from ECW (and with all the ripping off, it kept their asses in business, and I seriously will not debate this point anymore with anyone in here who hasn't watched footage from both companies and can actually give me a real debate), and they know that there's still a hungry audience left who want to relive the glory days of that product.
yeah, and as I pointed out once before, you hear all over the world chants for ECW, but no one chants for WCW. They meeesed up so bad in their dying days that no one wants it back.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 10/7/05 12:29 AM, ViciousDave wrote: I'll try and make a sign, of course, they never let you portray other companies, or anything not related to family or wrestling itself, so I won't be able to make a sign that says newgrounds on it. Oh well. But. than again. I probably won't make a sign at all like always. Oh well, just remember that November 13th, Minneapolis, Minnesota, WWE comes here live at the target center, and I am going, cause I live in Minnesota!!!
I remember seeing a "Lovejoy is a Legend" sign in he audience once. That saying is one that gets you £5 from Tim Lovejoy on soccer AM. Maybe you could have one with Fulp or something. r ncorporate Newgrounds into a phrase or saying to disguise it.
I still chant for WCW ! But maybe thats because I am lame. No wait a sec I always liked
WCW Nitro. NWO and all the boys were great. I enjoyed seeing Hogan playing a bad guy.
I loved Stinger.
I am excited that TNA is coming but I doubt very much that I will be able to watch it.
None the less I wait to see how it matches up against WWE if at all.
HAPPY EASTERHappy EASTERhappy easter
I saw that some people were curious why HHH beat the hell out of Flair. Don't forget that HHH has always been a heel and a bad ass. It was not surprised for me at all that he hammer Flair. But the bad news is that HHH will be busy with the Flair feud for a while. I just cannot wait to see someone come out and kick Cena's butt.
WWE to me sucked major ass and SD will suck some major ass this week and this whole thing will turn big at the survivor series. where it will be Raw vs SD. but since I don't care about that, tomorrow night is TNA again and I am happy as a clam. I read someone say that they didn't see no gimmicks and that made raw better since tna was gimmick free. dude that is the best reason to watch TNA, I am tried of shitty gimmicks in WWE that makes wwe predictable and half assed. TNA is real wrestling that makes people get up off their ass and cheer unlike wwe where people sit their and go "yeah I saw this alread, 4 years ago"
they do have some gimmicks, they just aren't as major or tv consuming
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 10/7/05 09:57 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: they do have some gimmicks, they just aren't as major or tv consuming
They have gimmicks, and they have characters, but they're an action based company. Focused on what happens in the ring, WWE is focused on doing soap opera and over the top storylines that then lead into a match. As I've often said, the Sports Entertainment philosophy seems be that the match serves the story, not the story serves the match as is standard wrestling philosophy.
A repeat of raw is on now. This is good if I miss it on monday I can watch it. It started at ten with the ironman match.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
At 10/7/05 10:06 PM, iscRulz wrote: A repeat of raw is on now. This is good if I miss it on monday I can watch it. It started at ten with the ironman match.
Actually, I think this is a one week deal, a condensed version of Homecoming.
LordKooler's Friday Night Smackdown review
1.Theodore Long segment
Theodore long is in the ring with "UPN network executive" Palmer cannon and announces the Smackdown match that never happend at the WWE RAW Homecoming show. Batista & Chris Benoit & Rey Mysterio vs Eddie guerrero & Christian & JBL. Then it cuts to a segment between Roddy piper & the Ortons.
2.Booker T vs Orlando Jordan
A good match, I wonder who won at the end. Probably Booker T.
3.Hardcore Holly vs Sylvan
Ken Kennedy, Who will wrestle Hardcore Holly at No mercy because Holly wants kennedy to shut up, Came out to do commentary. I thought Hardcore holly was going to wrestle Sylvan at No mercy. Sylvan won after Ken kennedy attacked Holly when the referee wasn't looking.
4.Legion of Doom vs William Regal & Paul Burchill
LOD come out with new manager Christy hemme and during the match, MNM came out and attacked Christy & LOD. Nitro & Mercury even gave Christy their finisher, Something that they couldn't do last week.
5.Eddie guerrero segment
This segment involved Eddie & Batista talking about about an incident that happend in last week's tag match against LOD where Eddie hit Batista with a steel chair.
6.Randy & "Cowboy" Bob orton vs Roddy piper
Roddy piper hasn't been seen on Smackdown since him & Sean o'haire feuded with Rikishi in 2003. Roddy piper won after the ortons got distracted by Undertaker. Then these guys bring out caskets with the ortons in the ring and then Undertaker comes out and attacks the ortons.
7.Bobby Lashley vs Jobber
Bobby lashley defeats the jobber while Simon dean was watching.
8.Batista & Chris benoit & Rey mysterio vs JBL & Eddie guerrero & Christian
Bastista's team won at the end.
so this guy is now the new owner of the dominator.. he does it well.
Man, those replicas of the ortons are so life like, it's creepy. In the face anyway.
Well since No Mercy is this sunday, let the predictions begin!
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Darn what the fuck no Smack Down on UPN today. I gotta watch clips now.
Yeah!!! No Mercy predictions!
JBL vs. Rey Mysterio - Rey Mysterio already beat him before, and there's really no reason for JBL to win.
Ken Kennedy vs. Hardcore Holly - HH has the best chances of winning than anyone else has so far, since he actually has a rivalry to fuel him. But KK has tremendous momentum on his side, and WWE is going to have a bigger name than HH end the big winning streak.
MNM v LOD in mixed tag - When Melina is LEGALLY involved in any match, she may not be good, but she's certainly a good luck charm. LOD are tough allies, though, so I'm going to bet against MNM here.
Fatal Fourway for the US Championship - Chris Benoit hasn't had the belt for long enough to give it up yet. He will win.
Bobby Lashley vs. Simon Dean - Why does Bobby need to be in a PPV so soon after his debut? And why does it have to be against Simon Dean? And why the fuck is Simon Dean challenging Bobby Lashley? And why do I need to state my prediction when we all know that Lashley is going to win?
Eddie v. Batista - This will be a DQ, because RAW will attack during No Mercy's main event in retaliation for Homecoming.
FUCK! There's always one event that I forget to mention.
Undertaker will win the Handicap Casket Match. He's got, like, magic or something. Casket match, yeah... Undertake's thing. If the Ortons win, then this feud isn't gonna end, so Undertaker has to win.
Ok so A.M. Raw is probably just the same as wwe experience
On to tna I hope to see this somoa joe guy the muscle buster is called mexican strech buster in SD PS2 games. Another finisher is Elix Skippers ( aka Primetime) call play of the day or sudden death but refering to the video game its emarld fusion.
Tna has gimmicks Sharkboy anyone?
At 10/7/05 10:30 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:At 10/7/05 10:06 PM, iscRulz wrote: A repeat of raw is on now. This is good if I miss it on monday I can watch it. It started at ten with the ironman match.Actually, I think this is a one week deal, a condensed version of Homecoming.
I see on the wwe.com the Encore thing.
At 10/7/05 11:53 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: so this guy is now the new owner of the dominator.. he does it well.
I hope he starts wrestling non-jobbers soon.
Man, those replicas of the ortons are so life like, it's creepy. In the face anyway.
They looked real to me could see cowboy Bob faic to well
Well since No Mercy is this sunday, let the predictions begin!
I havent done a ppv prediction since wm so I will start off with new scores.
No Mercy Predictions
Eddie vs. Batitsa. Batista because of hes still top babyface plus the randy feud in the future> I just wonder if eddie will have the fake face angle or go biserk and become top a top heel.
Undertaker vs. Ortons. Undertaker uh just a guess for me
Us championship. Benoit. I wish it was elimantion style. Booker and chriatian will probably fighting outside the ring and orlando will tap.
rey vs. jbl. Reyrey olevato. Jbl isnt getting any major pushes lately he will lose. The only thing I like about jbl is when he says I am a wreslting god. on two sd ago.
LOD vs MNM. LOD Christy will get a pinfall on Melina afeter the LOD finisher doomsday device Lolno but it would be funny.
Simon Dean vs. Lashley. Lashley to easy I just hope its not a total jobber squash style match.
Ken Kennedy vs. Hardocore. Mister Kennedy....Kennedy hes on a roll plus alambaslamma can take another lose. His finisher is just to cool not to use it and win.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
There are a few obvious matches huh?
Basicly no one really thinks Simon dean has a chance, nor will Benoit lose since it is way too early. Kennedy is on a winning streak and mosy likely won't lose either. Man, WWE neds to shake things up a bit huh? Thats most of the card right there.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Here are my No Mercy predictions:
Batista vs Eddie (DQ, RAW superstars will invade the ring.)
Rey def JBL (I want to see JBL's gloomy face when he loses.)
Lashley def Simon Dean. (It shouldn't be a NM match, everyone knows that Lashley is going to win.)
L.O.D def MNM (L.O.D will hold the belts a bit longer. Plus, Christy is likely to bring them luck.)
Randy Orton def The Undertaker (Both superstars are my favourites. It is a tough call. But I see a Randy Orton, Batista feud coming.)
Chris Benoit wins the fatal 4 way (Chris Benoit has not been the US champion long enough to lose it.)
By the way, Mr. Kennedy will defeat Hardcore Holly. Mr. Kennedy's finisher is so cool and I like his sense of humor.
Can someone in the Los Angeles Area that has Smack Down on UPN channel 13 tell me what time all the WWE shows on UPN start. Afterburn or Rewind whatever isn't on at the regular time anymore.
lol funnist wwe clip was JBL talking crap about Texas.
i found this one clip where jbl wa alking like a nazi
On the next Monday Raw, the main event of Taboo Tuesday will be announced. Do you know who will challenge Cena? My guess is Mr. Money In The Bank----Edge. He will use his "money" there. Everyone knows that Edge was screwed by HBK last year in Taboo Tuesday. This time, there will be nobody blocking Edge for taking his chance. In addition, Edge has held the brief case a bit too long. I seriously doubt that he will wait until WM22. By the way, Cena has been the champion for more than 6 months, it is the time for him to lose.
Alrighty then, No Mercy predictions. Ok kids, here are my predictions. Which, I think are everyone else's as well. Ah well. Here they go...
JBL vs. Rey Mysterio - Rey Mysterio, plain and simple.
Ken Kennedy vs. Hardcore Holly - <Ahem> "Mr. Kennedy!...Kennedy.."
MNM v LOD in mixed tag - LOD with Christy Hemme, no need to explain. WWE needs to please the crowd somehow.
Chris Benoit, Orlando Jordan, Booker T, and Christian in a Fatal Fourway for the US Championship - Well, Benoit hasnt been the champ for too long, so Benoit might win. Ah fuck it, Benoit is gonna win.
Bobby Lashley vs. Simon Dean - This match is pointless. Like how Lashley keeps beating the hell out of those jobbers. Lashley will win without much problem.
Undertaker vs. Randy and "Cowboy" Bob Orton in a handicap "Casket Match"- Taker, otherwise Orton wont move on to another guy to beat up.
Eddie v. Batista for the World Heavyweight Championship- Batista, either by pinfall or DQ. Honestly, I dont think RAW will interfere.
my cable works this week so I'm watching TNA now. And in a minute, I'll have Velocity on my comp. I guess there is an advantage to having the shows on wwe.com. I can watch them at the same time. Sweet!
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks